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Coronavirus Outbreak...

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  • The same mistake of PCR testing today was made in about 2006 concerning the false outbreak of Whooping Cough. We only know we are detecting something coronavirus but are using it in a way that does not typically point to someone having covid-19.

    This is an 2007 article in NY Times. It may require a login to view in full. (I just included the first half of it.)

    Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t
    Dr. Brooke Herndon of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, shown at left this month, was told last spring that she appeared to have whooping cough.
    Dr. Brooke Herndon of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, shown at left this month, was told last spring that she appeared to have whooping cough.Credit...Jon Gilbert Fox for The New York Times

    By Gina Kolata

    Jan. 22, 2007

    Dr. Brooke Herndon, an internist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, could not stop coughing. For two weeks starting in mid-April last year, she coughed, seemingly nonstop, followed by another week when she coughed sporadically, annoying, she said, everyone who worked with her.

    Before long, Dr. Kathryn Kirkland, an infectious disease specialist at Dartmouth, had a chilling thought: Could she be seeing the start of a whooping cough epidemic? By late April, other health care workers at the hospital were coughing, and severe, intractable coughing is a whooping cough hallmark. And if it was whooping cough, the epidemic had to be contained immediately because the disease could be deadly to babies in the hospital and could lead to pneumonia in the frail and vulnerable adult patients there.

    It was the start of a bizarre episode at the medical center: the story of the epidemic that wasn’t.

    For months, nearly everyone involved thought the medical center had had a huge whooping cough outbreak, with extensive ramifications. Nearly 1,000 health care workers at the hospital in Lebanon, N.H., were given a preliminary test and furloughed from work until their results were in; 142 people, including Dr. Herndon, were told they appeared to have the disease; and thousands were given antibiotics and a vaccine for protection. Hospital beds were taken out of commission, including some in intensive care.

    Then, about eight months later, health care workers were dumbfounded to receive an e-mail message from the hospital administration informing them that the whole thing was a false alarm.

    Not a single case of whooping cough was confirmed with the definitive test, growing the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis, in the laboratory. Instead, it appears the health care workers probably were afflicted with ordinary respiratory diseases like the common cold.

    Now, as they look back on the episode, epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists say the problem was that they placed too much faith in a quick and highly sensitive molecular test that led them astray.

    Infectious disease experts say such tests are coming into increasing use and may be the only way to get a quick answer in diagnosing diseases like whooping cough, Legionnaire’s, bird flu, tuberculosis and SARS, and deciding whether an epidemic is under way.

    There are no national data on pseudo-epidemics caused by an overreliance on such molecular tests, said Dr. Trish M. Perl, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins and past president of the Society of Health Care Epidemiologists of America. But, she said, pseudo-epidemics happen all the time. The Dartmouth case may have been one the largest, but it was by no means an exception, she said.
    . . .

    © Copyright Original Source

    Let's make the same mistake over and over again.


    • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post

      Except that in places with high mask and social distancing compliance, we're seeing a resurgence of the China flu. So... if masks work, then why aren't they working?

      Here are the results of many places that required masks to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

      Sorry if everything is too big.

      Source: [FONT=Calibri[/FONT]]
      Remember when the CDC credited masks for bringing down "cases" in Arizona?

      When they say ridiculous things like this, they give the green light to people who want to blame their neighbors for rises in cases. "Why, since we know masks work, the rise in cases must be because of you stupid anti-science people who refuse to wear them!"

      Even though mask compliance is as high as ever, these "pro-science" people just know it can't be, because they just know masks at the very least go a long way toward solving the problem.

      Well, anyway, how about we check out Arizona's curve now?

      Well, how about that.

      Could it be that masks didn't bring the curve down after all? That these curves seem to do more or less the same thing no matter what?

      Right now one blue state after another that supposedly "followed the science," is seeing a rise in "cases." And all their people can do is blame their neighbors. Because, don't you know, the "science" works! So if the "science" isn't working, that means someone somewhere must not be sciencing.

      Let's check in with "pro-science" Rhode Island. Are masks keeping "cases" down there?

      Well, how about that.

      I guess by an odd coincidence, people in Arizona and Rhode Island must have chosen the same moment to stop sciencing!

      Or, virus gonna virus.

      Red-state Utah is in a similar situation. People are screaming at their neighbors to wear masks. And as you can see, that has had a clear and unmistakeable effect:

      Thanks to Ian Miller for the charts.

      On a related note, I hope to have the video of my remarks to those 100 state legislators up within 24 hours. This is the most important of all my videos on the subject.

      Finally: in case you don't know already, I moved the Tom Woods Show Elite off Facebook.

      I resisted for a long time, but the situation had grown intolerable. Their preposterous "fact check" of my "COVID Cult" video really took the cake.

      © Copyright Original Source


      • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post

        Here are the results of many places that required masks to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

        Sorry if everything is too big.

        Source: [FONT=Calibri[/FONT]]
        Remember when the CDC credited masks for bringing down "cases" in Arizona?

        When they say ridiculous things like this, they give the green light to people who want to blame their neighbors for rises in cases. "Why, since we know masks work, the rise in cases must be because of you stupid anti-science people who refuse to wear them!"

        Even though mask compliance is as high as ever, these "pro-science" people just know it can't be, because they just know masks at the very least go a long way toward solving the problem.

        Well, anyway, how about we check out Arizona's curve now?

        Well, how about that.

        Could it be that masks didn't bring the curve down after all? That these curves seem to do more or less the same thing no matter what?

        Right now one blue state after another that supposedly "followed the science," is seeing a rise in "cases." And all their people can do is blame their neighbors. Because, don't you know, the "science" works! So if the "science" isn't working, that means someone somewhere must not be sciencing.

        Let's check in with "pro-science" Rhode Island. Are masks keeping "cases" down there?

        Well, how about that.

        I guess by an odd coincidence, people in Arizona and Rhode Island must have chosen the same moment to stop sciencing!

        Or, virus gonna virus.

        Red-state Utah is in a similar situation. People are screaming at their neighbors to wear masks. And as you can see, that has had a clear and unmistakeable effect:

        Thanks to Ian Miller for the charts.

        On a related note, I hope to have the video of my remarks to those 100 state legislators up within 24 hours. This is the most important of all my videos on the subject.

        Finally: in case you don't know already, I moved the Tom Woods Show Elite off Facebook.

        I resisted for a long time, but the situation had grown intolerable. Their preposterous "fact check" of my "COVID Cult" video really took the cake.

        © Copyright Original Source

        These graphs demonstrate the fact that the pandemic is real. It is not the mandates for masks that are the issue. What is very real nationwide is the wide spread failure to use masks, and social distancing is not being followed in the public. Church Services, large family gatherings political gatherings (Trump lead the super spreading), parties, weddings have been documented by tracking is sources of spreading of the COVID-19. CDC is not silent.

        You continue your dishonest, unethical use of data to justify your grim reaper agenda.
        Last edited by shunyadragon; 11-25-2020, 06:18 AM.


        • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post

          These graphs demonstrate the fact that the pandemic is real. It is not the mandates for masks that are the issue. What is very real nationwide is the wide spread failure to use masks, and social distancing is not being followed in the public. Church Services, large family gatherings political gatherings (Trump lead the super spreading), parties, weddings have been documented by tracking is sources of spreading of the COVID-19. CDC is not silent.

          You continue your dishonest, unethical use of data to justify your grim reaper agenda.
          You should review the whole discussion before trying to post anything anymore. You have forgotten that the number of "cases" is a useless number. These case numbers represent positive tests typically from a PCR analysis -- which does not show if people are infectious are not. it just means that they may have had enough of a fragment of related RNA to multiple out to a detectable amount (after replications). Sorry that this is so confusing for you. The media just repeats the scary stuff enough until people think that case numbers are a real concern. Really, this shows, if anything meaningful, that the virus has reached herd immunity and that most people are not affected by it. Even if there were a continuing sickness happening from this, the world has diseases that affect some people. Those with special concerns should be informed about boosting their immune system and may wish to quarantine themselves. (And if some people want to be guinea pigs for a new experimental vaccine technology, I guess they can risk their lives and health on that gamble.) The "solutions" to the coronavirus are becoming too detrimental to the whole population and must be stopped.


          • The other important thing is that the Hydroxychloroquine+Zinc would have stopped 85% of these if people were to get quick treatment upon noticing symptoms. And the actual coronavirus-only deaths are reportedly 19% (instead of the 6% CDC reported earlier) of the covid-assigned deaths (in the US). Italy did a similar correction of their numbers much earlier.

            You like to pigeon-hole my concern for humanity into some capitalist effort to create riches for a few people. My concern is that people may live and live free -- so they can live righteously.


            • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post
              The other important thing is that the Hydroxychloroquine+Zinc would have stopped 85% of these if people were to get quick treatment upon noticing symptoms. And the actual coronavirus-only deaths are reportedly 19% (instead of the 6% CDC reported earlier) of the covid-assigned deaths (in the US). Italy did a similar correction of their numbers much earlier.
              Absolutely no scientific evidence this is the case. There is no evidence that i is a preventative treatment for getting COVID-19.

              You like to pigeon-hole my concern for humanity into some capitalist effort to create riches for a few people. My concern is that people may live and live free -- so they can live righteously.
              Dis not respond to my post as usual.


              • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post

                Absolutely no scientific evidence this is the case. There is no evidence that i is a preventative treatment for getting COVID-19.

                Dis not respond to my post as usual.
                you never provide anything that needs an answer except for the instruction that you provide data.

                You sound like the abuser that keeps telling his wife that she needed punishment because she didn't do enough to please him.

                We have to tell people to step out of this abusive relationship. People are just being programmed to live in fear. When people are in fear, they do not think rationally.


                • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post

                  you never provide anything that needs an answer except for the instruction that you provide data.

                  You sound like the abuser that keeps telling his wife that she needed punishment because she didn't do enough to please him.

                  We have to tell people to step out of this abusive relationship. People are just being programmed to live in fear. When people are in fear, they do not think rationally.
                  Absolutely no scientific evidence this is the case. There is no evidence that i is a preventative treatment for getting COVID-19.

                  Did not respond to my post as usual.


                  • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post

                    You should review the whole discussion before trying to post anything anymore. You have forgotten that the number of "cases" is a useless number. These case numbers represent positive tests typically from a PCR analysis -- which does not show if people are infectious are not. it just means that they may have had enough of a fragment of related RNA to multiple out to a detectable amount (after replications). Sorry that this is so confusing for you. The media just repeats the scary stuff enough until people think that case numbers are a real concern. Really, this shows, if anything meaningful, that the virus has reached herd immunity and that most people are not affected by it. Even if there were a continuing sickness happening from this, the world has diseases that affect some people. Those with special concerns should be informed about boosting their immune system and may wish to quarantine themselves. (And if some people want to be guinea pigs for a new experimental vaccine technology, I guess they can risk their lives and health on that gamble.) The "solutions" to the coronavirus are becoming too detrimental to the whole population and must be stopped.
                    Mike, here's the number currently hospitalized due to COVID as of today. It's far higher than previous peaks and on a practically vertical slope before either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Deaths is heading exactly the same way except it lags hospitalizations of course. We just hit 2000 deaths today for the first time since May.

                    The best solution would be that people socially distance (preferably with masks), not crowd onto airplanes and then congregate indoors with their loved ones of advanced age. Yet Thanksgiving travel this year is almost on par with prior years. In two weeks let's take another look at these graphs. We're going to be up to one 9/11 per day very soon.

                    IOW clearly the Republicans deserve four more years for navigating us through this challenging time.



                    • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                      Clueless liberals trying to figure out why Italy is having a resurgence of the China flu despite doing everything "right".

                      Just one month ago, Italy was the shining example of how masks and aggressive testing work to stave off a second COVID wave. Why have things gone so terribly wrong?


                      What's particularly troubling about the return of COVID in Italy is that the country has done everything experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci have been advising. Face masks in public places have been compulsory for months, social distancing is strongly enforced, nightclubs have never reopened, and sporting arenas are at less than a third of capacity. Children who are back at school are regularly tested and strictly social-distanced, and yet, the second wave seems completely unstoppable.

                      It is the people not observing the measures of wearing masks and social distancing that causes the spread of COVID-19, and not government regulations in and of themselves.


                      • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post

                        If masks work, then why aren't they working?
                        . . . because many people do not wear masks nor social distance.


                        • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post

                          . . . because many people do not wear masks nor social distance.
                          there's the approach taken by the abuser who blames the wife.


                          • Originally posted by LiconaFan97 View Post

                            Mike, here's the number currently hospitalized due to COVID as of today. It's far higher than previous peaks and on a practically vertical slope before either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Deaths is heading exactly the same way except it lags hospitalizations of course. We just hit 2000 deaths today for the first time since May.

                            The best solution would be that people socially distance (preferably with masks), not crowd onto airplanes and then congregate indoors with their loved ones of advanced age. Yet Thanksgiving travel this year is almost on par with prior years. In two weeks let's take another look at these graphs. We're going to be up to one 9/11 per day very soon.

                            IOW clearly the Republicans deserve four more years for navigating us through this challenging time.


                            I misread your data. The data on deaths toward December seems to be a projected number... it looks really weird.

                            Here's the chart of CDC collected numbers

                            US Covid-ascribed deaths Up to Nov 25.png
                            We know that US Testing has sky rocketed but the deaths don't follow that curve. The increases are following some of the flu curves that we see in the northern states as Winter approaches.

                            We cannot live our lives in fear of the novel coronavirus. The fear will kill you.

                            Right now our children are getting a perverted view of life and will be scarred for life if we don't permit life to go on normally. Is that your big hope?
                            Last edited by mikewhitney; 11-25-2020, 09:54 PM.


                            • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post

                              there's the approach taken by the abuser who blames the wife.
                              Not a meaningful response as usual, you on the other hand would give her COVID-19.

                              You still have failed the dishonest, unethical use of misinformation on possible cures, data and graphs to justify your agenda, Your on a roll with this dangerous foolishness.


                              • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post

                                I misread your data. The data on deaths toward December seems to be a projected number... it looks really weird.

                                Here's the chart of CDC collected numbers

                                US Covid-ascribed deaths Up to Nov 25.png
                                We know that US Testing has sky rocketed but the deaths don't follow that curve. The increases are following some of the flu curves that we see in the northern states as Winter approaches.

                                We cannot live our lives in fear of the novel coronavirus. The fear will kill you.

                                Right now our children are getting a perverted view of life and will be scarred for life if we don't permit life to go on normally. Is that your big hope?
                                Of course, testing does not follow the fatality rate, because they are increasing testing, which has not direct relationship to the fatality rate. Deal honestly with the hospitalization and fatality rate of COVID-19 in the USA and the world, which is the real issue, instead of you are playing dishonest dodge ball.

                                You are perverted beyond belief.


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