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  • The next word after Miracle in almost all dictionaries is Mirage.


    • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
      The next word after Miracle in almost all dictionaries is Mirage.
      Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...


      • Originally posted by seer View Post
        Teen who fell in icy pond makes 'miraculous' recovery


        • Originally posted by firstfloor View Post
          Of course, there is always the possibility that the media are playing with your emotions in order to get you to buy more breakfast cereal. They don’t publish stories in this format (the advertisers wouldn’t like it):

          Despite strenuous efforts over many months to summon the Holy Sprit, a 7 year old girl died today after a prolonged illness. At the end, the young girl’s mother recalled saying “Dear God, please send your Holy Spirit to save my daughter.” And they hadn't been getting a pulse at that time, then all of a sudden I heard them saying, “I’m sorry, there’s nothing else we can do.”

          Doctors said that if the Holy Spirit had come when called, they would have been able to save the child. Doctor Sutterer said that probably the girl or the girl’s mother must have been praying to the wrong God or attending the wrong church.
          Say what you want FF, you have two medical doctors quoted calling this a miracle. They were there you were not. They have expertize in the medical field you do not.
          Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...


          • Originally posted by seer View Post
            Say what you want FF, you have two medical doctors quoted calling this a miracle. They were there you were not. They have expertize in the medical field you do not.
            There have been many other near death occurrences of people, particularly children, exposed to extreme cold. Are you aware of this? The possibility cannot be excluded that this occurrence does not have a natural explanation.


            • Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
              the fact that you just focused on that, ignored the rest of his post, and even admitted that's all you got from it is evidence you're not truly here to interact but rather just to try to plow through the weakest points you can.
              If you say so.

              When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land. - Bishop Desmond Tutu


              • Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
                Max's mention of the hospital worker's employment was not a good argument IMO, but it was just a throwaway line in a much longer post; he even admitted he was just speculating there. It was not at all the main part of his post. Norm, the fact that you just focused on that, ignored the rest of his post, and even admitted that's all you got from it is evidence you're not truly here to interact but rather just to try to plow through the weakest points you can.
                ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


                • Originally posted by NormATive View Post
                  It's not me that has the problem. Your particular faith has the worst possible response to it.

                  Thanks. She was a good woman taken from life way too early.


                  How about starting a thread on why Christianity has "...the worst possible response..." to the PoE?

                  I'd like to see your explanation, and what you think is a better response.
                  ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


                  • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
                    How about starting a thread on why Christianity has "...the worst possible response..." to the PoE?
                    No thanks. That horse has been beaten to death.

                    Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
                    I'd like to see your explanation, and what you think is a better response.
                    Stuff happens. Care for one another in the best way you know how. That's it.

                    When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land. - Bishop Desmond Tutu


                    • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                      This is special pleading, there’s no double standard.

                      So you agree that Enjolras can base a general skepticism against miracles on things like human fallibility, confirmation bias, wanting to fit in, and yet not apply that same general skepticism of human nature to claims in areas that he feels comfortable with?

                      Good for you.

                      Originally posted by Tassman
                      What is the evidence, other than their say-so that a miracle occurred?
                      Address the hypothetical please. The question is not 'Is it irrational for othersto believe?'.

                      Originally posted by Tassman
                      There is no credible evidence to support rational belief in God that I'm aware of. Please explain.
                      1. You have a number of fallacious approaches to considering evidence and argumentation. You prefer to avoid addressing actual arguments and evidence, resorting to disqualifying the because of who makes them.

                      2. You seemingly have a dislike of Christianity that goes beyond 'I just don't think it's true'. You're biased against Christianity and you don't take that enough into account in your evaluation of evidence for it.

                      3. You insist on using 'escape-hatch' words like "credible", "substantiated", "verifiable", these words either have enough flexibility in their meaning that you can always say that your criteria hasn't been met; or they are subjective enough that you can easily move the goalposts to avoid accepting something as evidence.

                      4. You're probably not as smart or as rational as you think you are. Pretty much no-one is (myself included), so don't get upset.
                      ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


                      • Originally posted by NormATive View Post
                        No thanks. That horse has been beaten to death.

                        All puff and no substance, huh?

                        Originally posted by Normative
                        Stuff happens. Care for one another in the best way you know how. That's it.

                        So, there is no PoE, then. Why did you get so upset about your mother, if Christianity's answer is to a problem that doesn't even exist?
                        ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


                        • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
                          So you agree that Enjolras can base a general skepticism against miracles on things like human fallibility, confirmation bias, wanting to fit in, and yet not apply that same general skepticism of human nature to claims in areas that he feels comfortable with?

                          Good for you.
                          You misrepresent my position. One should apply skepticism equally to all areas of understanding, with extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence.


                          • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
                            All puff and no substance, huh?

                            So, there is no PoE, then. Why did you get so upset about your mother, if Christianity's answer is to a problem that doesn't even exist?
                            You don't seem to understand. Theodicies are only necessary when there is a theos involved.


                            • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
                              So, there is no PoE, then. Why did you get so upset about your mother, if Christianity's answer is to a problem that doesn't even exist?
                              This post reminded me of that CS Lewis quote from Mere Christianity,

                              Source: C.S. Lewis

                              My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I com*paring this universe with when I called it unjust? If the whole show was bad and senseless from A to Z, so to speak, why did I, who was supposed to be part of the show, find myself in such violent reaction against it? A man feels wet when he falls into water, because man is not a water animal: A fish would not feel wet. Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too—for the argument depended on saying that the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my private fancies. Thus in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist—in other words, that the whole of reality was senseless—I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality—namely my idea of justice—was full of sense. Consequently atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: Just as, if there were no light in the uni*verse and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.

                              © Copyright Original Source


                              • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
                                There have been many other near death occurrences of people, particularly children, exposed to extreme cold. Are you aware of this? The possibility cannot be excluded that this occurrence does not have a natural explanation.
                                Except, you do not know the exact conditions of this particular event. I'm sure the two medical doctors involved understand the possibilities you mentioned yet they had no problem calling this event miraculous. To quote "a bonafide miracle."
                                Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...



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