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Coronavirus Outbreak...

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  • Thanks. You probably are right on this.


    • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post
      The thing we have to remember is that if someone is confident in the vaccination process he/she should not have to worry about people who are unvaccinated. Only the unvaccinated should have to worry.
      You keep making simply false statements. This is another one. No vaccination is perfect - being vaccinated does not mean it is impossible for you to get the disease. It makes it much less likely.

      Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post
      But even then, chickenpox is better to encounter as a child since this creates resistance to shingles later on.
      This is blatantly - and dangerously - false. You can only get shingles if you've had chickenpox. What you start is the exact opposite to the facts.
      America - too good to let the conservatives drag it back to 1950.


      • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post

        Needs clarification, because the claim be Trump and others is they exaggerate the fatality figures, because they get paid more. First the hospitals do not get paid more regardless of how people die, ie COVID-19 or flu. Actually the longer people take to recover and get well keeps the hospitals full and they get more money.
        I'm seeing conflicting stories on this. The large majority claim hospitals do get paid more for Covid deaths, but quickly affirm there is no evidence they are intentionally "upcoding."

        Not true.


        White House coronavirus task force adviser Dr. Scott Atlas defends President Donald Trump's decision on wearing masks during his political rallies.

        © Copyright Original Source

        The video interview is revealing.
        That video is almost unwatchable. It spends more time pausing to buffer than actually playing. As of about two minutes in, nothing he said is contrary to what I claimed. I have probably seen and heard him say at least a dozen times that masking is appropriate when it is not possible to social distance, especially indoors, but that he does not favor "mandates."
        Geislerminian Antinomian Kenotic Charispneumaticostal Gender Mutualist-Egalitarian.

        Beige Federalist.

        Nationalist Christian.

        "Everybody is somebody's heretic."

        Social Justice is usually the opposite of actual justice.

        Proud member of the this space left blank community.

        Would-be Grand Vizier of the Padishah Maxi-Super-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-MAGA King Trumpius Rex.

        Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

        Justice for Matthew Perna!

        Arrest Ray Epps and his Fed bosses!


        • Originally posted by NorrinRadd View Post

          I'm seeing conflicting stories on this. The large majority claim hospitals do get paid more for Covid deaths, but quickly affirm there is no evidence they are intentionally "upcoding."
          Problem here for many of the duplicitous dishonest claims, ah . . . rumors, of the pandemic as with many fear related conspiracy theories. Simply no basis in fact.

          'Large majority claim' is as bad as 'some say' without nay reliable references.

          That video is almost unwatchable. It spends more time pausing to buffer than actually playing.
          Works fine on my computer. You need an upgrade.

          As of about two minutes in, nothing he said is contrary to what I claimed. I have probably seen and heard him say at least a dozen times that masking is appropriate when it is not possible to social distance, especially indoors, but that he does not favor "mandates."
          There are several references of Dr. Atlas supporting Trumps anti-science agenda concerning the pandemic. Upgrade your computer.


          (CNN)Twitter has removed a tweet from White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Scott Atlas that sought to undermine the importance of face masks because it was in violation of the platform's Covid-19 Misleading Information Policy, a spokesman for the company confirmed on Sunday.

          Atlas wrote in a tweet posted Saturday, "Masks work? NO" followed by a series of misrepresentations about the science behind the effectiveness of masks in combating the pandemic.
          The tweet, which comes as coronavirus cases spike across the US, also linked to an article in the American Institute for Economic Research that argues against the effectiveness of masks, among other things.
          According to Twitter, the policy Atlas violated prohibits sharing false or misleading content related to Covid-19 that could lead to harm.

          © Copyright Original Source

          Also Dr. Atlas appeared in Russian Media Kremlin backed RT further reducing his credibility:


          • Originally posted by firstfloor View Post

            I hear that the virus antibodies are detectable for only three months. Not so good for a let’s all get infected strategy.
            Let us then say that it sounds like you think we are in for perpetual China Virus.

            Perhaps we should quit worrying whether we will get it, but how many times we get it? In ten years someone might say they are Q8, they've gotten the corona eight times.

            There is no "plan" for that. Not even your Covid-19, Joe with his plan can fix it. If anything will fix it is will be medical science. And every medical scientist will scratch and claw to be the first, no matter who is President.

            Maybe a vaccine will help, maybe we are in for not a dark winter, but a dark existence.

            One thing is clear, Joes dark visions won't help his election chance, it's like electing Glum the Lilliputian as your President.


            • Originally posted by Maranatha View Post

              Let us then say that it sounds like you think we are in for perpetual China Virus.

              Perhaps we should quit worrying whether we will get it, but how many times we get it? In ten years someone might say they are Q8, they've gotten the corona eight times.

              There is no "plan" for that. Not even your Covid-19, Joe with his plan can fix it. If anything will fix it is will be medical science. And every medical scientist will scratch and claw to be the first, no matter who is President.

              Maybe a vaccine will help, maybe we are in for not a dark winter, but a dark existence.

              One thing is clear, Joes dark visions won't help his election chance, it's like electing Glum the Lilliputian as your President.
              It's hard to tell at this point whether we will beat it, or have to learn to live with it. Either way, it would be better to face facts than to receive false hope from the prevaricator in chief.


              • Originally posted by Stoic View Post

                It's hard to tell at this point whether we will beat it, or have to learn to live with it. Either way, it would be better to face facts than to receive false hope from the prevaricator in chief.
                I would go with the learning to live with it theory. And I'll go with the can-do hope over the dark-gloom fear. We all are gonna die of somthin.


                • Originally posted by Stoic View Post

                  It's hard to tell at this point whether we will beat it, or have to learn to live with it. Either way, it would be better to face facts than to receive false hope from the prevaricator in chief.
                  I will go with to a degree we will have to live with it, how long?, and I vote for medical technology in treating the viruses, likely all viruses, and not vaccines. Vaccines are a stop gap method as in flus.


                  • Originally posted by Maranatha View Post
                    I would go with the learning to live with it theory. And I'll go with the can-do hope over the dark-gloom fear. We all are gonna die of somthin.
                    If there are steps that we can take to make living with it a little easier, then it would be better to know that than to just be told "ignore it and it will go away".


                    • Source:

                      Trump adviser doubles down on baseless Trump claim doctors are profiting off coronavirus deaths

                      Jason Miller referred to “independent things pointing to that.”

                      A senior adviser to President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign doubled down Sunday on baseless allegations leveled by the president that U.S. doctors are inflating coronavirus deaths for profit as the country sees record levels of new infections.

                      “I don't think he was attacking anybody. He was talking about how most Americans want to safely and securely re-open the country,” Jason Miller said on ABC’s “This Week” when shown video of Trump’s claims from a campaign rally Friday.

                      “Jason, we all just saw it. He talked about doctors inflating Covid deaths for money,” host George Stephanopoulos interjected.
                      But Miller did not back down from the claim, arguing he wouldn’t “get into the billing aspects of which there have been many reports,” declining to provide specific evidence but pointing to unnamed “independent things pointing to that” and pivoting back to his talking points.

                      At a rally in the state of Michigan on Friday, the president told attendees that “our doctors get more money if someone dies from Covid,” and so “when in doubt choose Covid.”

                      “Our doctors are smart people, so what they do is say, ‘I’m sorry but, you know, everybody dies of Covid,’” he continued, asserting that each coronavirus death was worth “like $2,000 more” without providing proof of his claim.

                      The comment drew swift blowback from Democratic nominee Joe Biden, as well as various medical groups.

                      The head of the American Medical Association on Friday denounced attacks on the motivations of health care workers during the pandemic as “malicious, outrageous and comply misguided,” without mentioning Trump by name.

                      Trump's comment came on the same day that the U.S. set a new record for daily coronavirus cases with more than 99,000 new cases reported. Across the country, more than a dozen states are now experiencing record levels of hospitalization and deaths are also beginning to rise.

                      Biden ripped Trump for his suggestion on Friday, telling the president to "do his job" rather than attack medical professionals.

                      © Copyright Original Source

                      Unnamed sources and no documentation appears to the Trump 'modus operandi.'


                      • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
                        I will go with to a degree we will have to live with it, how long?, and I vote for medical technology in treating the viruses, likely all viruses, and not vaccines. Vaccines are a stop gap method as in flus.
                        On the one hand, we have our previous history of trying to develop vaccines for coronaviruses, which doesn't look good. On the other hand, technology has advanced tremendously, and drug manufacturers (admittedly biased) seem to be very optimistic. Whether or not we get a vaccine that works, I am confident that treatments will improve, and a smaller percentage of people will die or be incapacitated.

                        And as long as a significant percentage of the voting public is susceptible to being harmed by it, I expect that plenty of resources will be devoted to improving things.


                        • Originally posted by Stoic View Post

                          If there are steps that we can take to make living with it a little easier, then it would be better to know that than to just be told "ignore it and it will go away".
                          Your dreams of no response immediately fails. It's like your didn't see the national council, the daily briefings from the CDC, the FDA, and the great and marvelous Fauci, all the scientists researching, big pharma vaccination work, and manufacturing for protective equipment.

                          You're just living in your tweb troll universe, listening to other goofball narratives.
                          Last edited by Maranatha; 11-01-2020, 02:35 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Maranatha View Post

                            Your dreams of no response immediately fails. It's like your didn't see the national council, the daily briefings from the CDC, the FDA, and the great and marvelous Fauci, all the scientists researching, big pharma vaccination work, and manufacturing for protective equipment.

                            You're just living in your tweb troll universe, listening to other goofball narratives.
                            I saw Trump pushing the experts aside so that a political message could dominate.

                            As for protective equipment, Trump was much more into making a political statement about what was being done, than actually doing enough.



                            • Originally posted by Stoic View Post

                              I saw Trump pushing the experts aside so that a political message could dominate.

                              As for protective equipment, Trump was much more into making a political statement about what was being done, than actually doing enough.

                              Well I'm sure you believe Joe will do better, maybe he will save you. The constant whining by the left is just noise.


                              • Originally posted by Maranatha View Post
                                Well I'm sure you believe Joe will do better, maybe he will save you. The constant whining by the left is just noise.
                                No, I'm on record elsewhere as saying that Joe isn't likely to do much better than Trump would, because so much damage will have already been done.

                                I don't want Trump out mainly because of this catastrophe, but because of potential future catastrophes.


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