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  • #61
    Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post

    Rather, they were strongly encouraged by the CDC and "experts" like Fauci the Fraud and Brick-headed Birx to exaggerate the numbers, even going so far as to pay hospitals for every reported China flu case -- note the word "reported". This led to nonsense like a guy falling off a ladder and breaking his neck being officially declared a China flu fatality because he might have had the sniffles the day he died. And that was far from being an isolated incident. Not to mention that the FDA aggressively discouraged certain remedies that had been proven effective but that weren't putting Big Pharma money into their pockets which resulted in countless unnecessary deaths in people that could have been cured. These were decisions made by a few people at the top, so no conspiracy necessary, but the impact of those decisions were dramatic.
    And when my own daughter, a Hospice Nurse, was already telling me about strange cases like this prior to finding out about the "back story", it really resonated. And she noted that it was certain doctors who were pushing much harder than others, and it didn't take long to realize there was one particular doctor who was pretty adamant that the 'cause of death' be reported properly, and not tainted by some political agenda.
    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


    • #62
      Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post

      I'm resetting this reply, though I imagine you'll have caught the original.

      When you write something like the above, I have no reason at all to assume you have even the slightest actual concern for my welfare.
      I didn't see what you 'reset', but Jim...

      I pointed out that what you saw as me despising you was never in my posts, that you were seeing something that wasn't there, and you took that as me not having any concern for your welfare. You did exactly what I just finished pointing out to you: reading something in my posts that wasn't there.

      I give up. Believe what you want about me.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

        And when my own daughter, a Hospice Nurse, was already telling me about strange cases like this prior to finding out about the "back story", it really resonated. And she noted that it was certain doctors who were pushing much harder than others, and it didn't take long to realize there was one particular doctor who was pretty adamant that the 'cause of death' be reported properly, and not tainted by some political agenda.
        For the sarcastically impaired the following is said in jest

        But Ox claims there's no evidence. If he claims there's no evidence, by golly there's no evidence, so your daughter is likely delusional, or she's a rightwing, Trump loving, Fauci hating, anti-science conspiracy theorist like most conservatives.


        • #64
          Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
          Glad to hear it ...

          amazing that you are so quick to blame and disparriage those defending against the attack
          I'm calling you on this blatantly false accusation.
          There was absolutely no "quick to blame" about it, as this whole thing was quickly developing, then a lot of the initial reporting was shown to be blatantly false over a period of time.
          Example - the Capitol Police Office who was reportedly bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. FALSE. And even after "they" knew it was false, "they" continued to repeat this outright lie.
          Your heroes, Jim - "they" - outright LIED about this during their 'prosecution'.
          Those are called facts, Jim. Calm, unemotional, demonstrable facts.

          and so quick to excuse those organizing it a carrying it out ...
          Yet another absolutely blatantly false accusation.
          I have in NO WAY excused those organizing it or carrying it out.
          I have very CLEARLY denounced what happened, and very CLEARLY declared that anybody who committed a crime on that day should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

          Now, these two BLATANT false accusations you made - I could easily call "lies", but that would require that you actually were aware of the facts and were responding in purposeful deception.
          I do not believe that to be the case.

          Experience has shown it's silly for me to suggest you apologize.
          But, perhaps, you could consider dialing down the hostility.

          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


          • #65
            Originally posted by seanD View Post

            For the sarcastically impaired the following is said in jest

            But Ox claims there's no evidence. If he claims there's no evidence, by golly there's no evidence, so your daughter is likely delusional, or she's a rightwing, Trump loving, Fauci hating, anti-science conspiracy theorist like most conservatives.

            Yeah, it's really sad.
            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post


              I'm calling you on this blatantly false accusation.
              There was absolutely no "quick to blame" about it, as this whole thing was quickly developing, then a lot of the initial reporting was shown to be blatantly false over a period of time.
              Example - the Capitol Police Office who was reportedly bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. FALSE. And even after "they" knew it was false, "they" continued to repeat this outright lie.
              Your heroes, Jim - "they" - outright LIED about this during their 'prosecution'.
              Those are called facts, Jim. Calm, unemotional, demonstrable facts.

              Yet another absolutely blatantly false accusation.
              I have in NO WAY excused those organizing it or carrying it out.
              I have very CLEARLY denounced what happened, and very CLEARLY declared that anybody who committed a crime on that day should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

              Now, these two BLATANT false accusations you made - I could easily call "lies", but that would require that you actually were aware of the facts and were responding in purposeful deception.
              I do not believe that to be the case.

              Experience has shown it's silly for me to suggest you apologize.
              Project much?

              But, perhaps, you could consider dialing down the hostility.
              Hard dial lower than 0.
              My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

              If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

              This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


              • #67
                Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
                Project much?
                It's been shown that one of the most favorite tactics of liberals is to accuse others of what they, themselves, are doing.
                (hate, paranoia, projection...)

                Hard dial lower than 0.

                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Sparko View Post

                  I didn't see what you 'reset', but Jim...

                  I pointed out that what you saw as me despising you was never in my posts, that you were seeing something that wasn't there, and you took that as me not having any concern for your welfare. You did exactly what I just finished pointing out to you: reading something in my posts that wasn't there.

                  I give up. Believe what you want about me.
                  I can only 'believe' what you give evidence for me to believe Sparko. At this point I've been 'lucied' enough I have no intention of giving any of you the chance to do it again. I have friends in the real world. I'm here to discuss ideas and that is it.
                  My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

                  If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

                  This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post

                    I can only 'believe' what you give evidence for me to believe Sparko. At this point I've been 'lucied' enough I have no intention of giving any of you the chance to do it again. I have friends in the real world. I'm here to discuss ideas and that is it.
                    Right above this post you told CP that he was imagining any hostility on your part towards him and yet when I tell you something similar you won't believe it. Go figure.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

                      I know for a fact that there were numerous cases here where Causes of Deaths were assigned to Covid, which clearly were not. Again, I realize that's only anecdotal, and only in my area, but these persons (doctors and nurses) were actually part of the legitimate medical community.
                      It's becoming apparent as time goes by that it's happened all over in Canada. And early on my husband spoke to his nurse cousin in Salt Lake City and it was happening there. The hospital was paid more if the death was listed as covid. I'm sure it's happened over and over everywhere, but of course the Koolaid drinkers can't be bothered to even think that such a thing could be the case.

                      Securely anchored to the Rock amid every storm of trial, testing or tribulation.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by seanD View Post

                        For the sarcastically impaired the following is said in jest

                        But Ox claims there's no evidence. If he claims there's no evidence, by golly there's no evidence, so your daughter is likely delusional, or she's a rightwing, Trump loving, Fauci hating, anti-science conspiracy theorist like most conservatives.

                        hmm, you act as if CP presented that as a contrary argument and I summarily dismissed it. Perhaps that was CP's goal in posting it as he did. i have no idea. But no, I was not asked about that, nor given the opportunity to respond to it
                        My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

                        If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

                        This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
                          Project much?
                          Gonna take another run at this....

                          I took the time to very carefully and thoughtfully write up my post, even timing out several times and having to come back...
                          I was careful to be factual, trying hard not saying anything inflammatory, but I had to be honest.

                          Sparko has been very gracious to you, but you lash out at him, as well.
                          You tend to seem to think that we are all your enemies, and you treat all of us, at times, like you would treat the worst of us.
                          (I'm assuming that might be me)

                          So, I'm going to be more blunt.

                          I have written several other posts were I sat down and tried to reason with you, appeal to you, try to reach you.
                          You either totally ignore them, or lash back with some snark or dumb angry comment.

                          FRIENDS do this, Jim. They are honest. I have been nothing but honest with you.
                          Your "buddies" on this forum will blow smoke up your skirt, amen you, applaud you, but, as I have said, if you were EVER to explain their need to repent and accept Christ Savior, they stab you in the back in a hearbeat.

                          You can turn on the charm and kiss the butts of those who are here to do battle, and be "nice Christian Jim" to them.
                          Seems like an effort to gain their approval or something.

                          Sometimes you can be perfectly calm and even cordial.
                          Other times, you seem to be a ticking bomb ready to go off any time anybody says you can perceive as a personal attack.
                          It's like walking on eggshells trying to communicate with you.

                          You see anger where there is none, hate where there is none, and you often snit or snark at the oddest times.
                          I'm blunt - to the point of appearing to be "an big ol' meanie".

                          You mentioned Glenn.
                          He was still reading posts long after he stopped responding.
                          He saw many of your posts, and your conduct and attitude.
                          I do know that he intended to reach out to you, but he was going through periods of "feeling OK" and "feeling like hell".

                          I'll not comment on what he said about you, but I will say that he and I had spent enough time that he knew my personality, and he "got it" that I come across differently on Tweb than I do in real life.
                          I have a very dry sense of humor, I kid a lot, I love sarcasm, but without the facial expression, tone of voice, etc, I can see where that can come across here as way different than real life.

                          I have redoubled my efforts to answer you respectfully every chance I get, but sometimes, you really leave no room for that.

                          You can post as "nice Christian Jim", calm and reasonable and even enjoyable.
                          Then you turn around and do this "false accusing of the brother" thing, and just about convince me you're lost as a goose.
                          Yeah, I know, that means I'm hateful, projecting, angry, blah blah blah....

                          I think - and this is my honest opinion - that the reason you get so angry when we try to reason with you is because you know deep in your heart we're right.
                          The more I try to reach out to you in the calmest most sincere way I know --- those are the posts over which you seem to get the angriest.

                          There are at least two "Jims" here. You APPEAR to switch back and forth between them frequently.

                          I'm not out to get you, Jim.
                          I don't hate you.
                          I can tell Sparko doesn't hate you.
                          The "enemies of the Cross" here --- you really think they love and respect you?
                          Are they the ones you wish to be your real friends?

                          Feel free to see this as a vicious attack on your person, Jim - that's what I've come to expect.
                          But what I hope for -- what I PRAY for -- is that you can come to the point where you wake up and see what you're doing.

                          I truly think that part of this is your all-consuming hatred of Trump.
                          Yeah, I know, you will claim you don't hate him, and it's just what he's done.
                          You'll go all through the J6 thing all over again.
                          And Satan will use that in you to lash out at those who honestly care about you, but are really really tired of the crap.

                          I typed this --- walked away --- read it.... edited it.... walked away again.....
                          Knowing this may well cause you to explode and hit back hard, but I'm willing to risk that.

                          Again, what I PRAY for, is that you will consider the possibility that this JUST MIGHT be an actual friend (or one who's trying very hard to be) doing his best to appeal to reason.

                          Regardless, I will still try my best to respond respectfully (in my own loveable "big ol' meanie" way) to your posts, but I'm really really tied of walking on egg shells around you.

                          What I would SUGGEST is --- maybe actually think about this a bit before you respond with one of your standard smartass comebacks, accusing me of "projection".

                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Sparko View Post

                            Right above this post you told CP that he was imagining any hostility on your part towards him and yet when I tell you something similar you won't believe it. Go figure.
                            It's just the game CP plays.
                            My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

                            If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

                            This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post

                              hmm, you act as if CP presented that as a contrary argument and I summarily dismissed it. Perhaps that was CP's goal in posting it as he did. i have no idea. But no, I was not asked about that, nor given the opportunity to respond to it
                              You've been shown evidence in the past because we've had these same discussions about covid numbers multiple times in the past. Also, I'm pretty sure CP has posted this about his daughter more than once. But you just keep acting like evidence has never been presented. To me, that's just a dishonest person, but not the least bit surprising to me.

                              ETA: In fact, here's a time CP posted that story and you even responded to it:

                              Last edited by seanD; 12-23-2022, 01:46 PM.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

                                Gonna take another run at this....

                                I took the time to very carefully and thoughtfully write up my post, even timing out several times and having to come back...
                                I was careful to be factual, trying hard not saying anything inflammatory, but I had to be honest.

                                Sparko has been very gracious to you, but you lash out at him, as well.
                                You tend to seem to think that we are all your enemies, and you treat all of us, at times, like you would treat the worst of us.
                                (I'm assuming that might be me)

                                So, I'm going to be more blunt.

                                I have written several other posts were I sat down and tried to reason with you, appeal to you, try to reach you.
                                You either totally ignore them, or lash back with some snark or dumb angry comment.

                                FRIENDS do this, Jim. They are honest. I have been nothing but honest with you.
                                Your "buddies" on this forum will blow smoke up your skirt, amen you, applaud you, but, as I have said, if you were EVER to explain their need to repent and accept Christ Savior, they stab you in the back in a hearbeat.

                                You can turn on the charm and kiss the butts of those who are here to do battle, and be "nice Christian Jim" to them.
                                Seems like an effort to gain their approval or something.

                                Sometimes you can be perfectly calm and even cordial.
                                Other times, you seem to be a ticking bomb ready to go off any time anybody says you can perceive as a personal attack.
                                It's like walking on eggshells trying to communicate with you.

                                You see anger where there is none, hate where there is none, and you often snit or snark at the oddest times.
                                I'm blunt - to the point of appearing to be "an big ol' meanie".

                                You mentioned Glenn.
                                He was still reading posts long after he stopped responding.
                                He saw many of your posts, and your conduct and attitude.
                                I do know that he intended to reach out to you, but he was going through periods of "feeling OK" and "feeling like hell".

                                I'll not comment on what he said about you, but I will say that he and I had spent enough time that he knew my personality, and he "got it" that I come across differently on Tweb than I do in real life.
                                I have a very dry sense of humor, I kid a lot, I love sarcasm, but without the facial expression, tone of voice, etc, I can see where that can come across here as way different than real life.

                                I have redoubled my efforts to answer you respectfully every chance I get, but sometimes, you really leave no room for that.

                                You can post as "nice Christian Jim", calm and reasonable and even enjoyable.
                                Then you turn around and do this "false accusing of the brother" thing, and just about convince me you're lost as a goose.
                                Yeah, I know, that means I'm hateful, projecting, angry, blah blah blah....

                                I think - and this is my honest opinion - that the reason you get so angry when we try to reason with you is because you know deep in your heart we're right.
                                The more I try to reach out to you in the calmest most sincere way I know --- those are the posts over which you seem to get the angriest.

                                There are at least two "Jims" here. You APPEAR to switch back and forth between them frequently.

                                I'm not out to get you, Jim.
                                I don't hate you.
                                I can tell Sparko doesn't hate you.
                                The "enemies of the Cross" here --- you really think they love and respect you?
                                Are they the ones you wish to be your real friends?

                                Feel free to see this as a vicious attack on your person, Jim - that's what I've come to expect.
                                But what I hope for -- what I PRAY for -- is that you can come to the point where you wake up and see what you're doing.

                                I truly think that part of this is your all-consuming hatred of Trump.
                                Yeah, I know, you will claim you don't hate him, and it's just what he's done.
                                You'll go all through the J6 thing all over again.
                                And Satan will use that in you to lash out at those who honestly care about you, but are really really tired of the crap.

                                I typed this --- walked away --- read it.... edited it.... walked away again.....
                                Knowing this may well cause you to explode and hit back hard, but I'm willing to risk that.

                                Again, what I PRAY for, is that you will consider the possibility that this JUST MIGHT be an actual friend (or one who's trying very hard to be) doing his best to appeal to reason.

                                Regardless, I will still try my best to respond respectfully (in my own loveable "big ol' meanie" way) to your posts, but I'm really really tied of walking on egg shells around you.

                                What I would SUGGEST is --- maybe actually think about this a bit before you respond with one of your standard smartass comebacks, accusing me of "projection".

                                CP, I wish I could believe there is some ounce of goodwill in this post. But I just don't. Anything I say to you you'll just turn against me, including this. I don't really understand the game you want to play, except that you always in the end gather your friends and start dressing me down until i get angry, and then you chastise me for getting angry and then after that. pretend my anger had no cause.

                                So basically, I'm just not playing.
                                My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

                                If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

                                This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


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