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North Carolina Bathroom Bill

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  • Originally posted by Psychic Missile View Post
    Your first two sources present uncontested facts, so unless you think they support the arguments "there is a high suicide rate for gay and trans people not connected to nonacceptance and a large percentage of post-HRT/SRS trans people have regret" and can quote relevant portions I will ignore them.
    If they are uncontested, then they are accepted as true. derp.

    The Guardian article is about an Arif study that simply found that studies concerning SRS don't meet that organization's standards. The title appears to be clickbait.
    Your third source looks to be somebody's personal website.

    It appears you do not have any sources. This seems to confirm my suspicion that your position is rooted solely in personal bias.
    LOL, yeah just keep the blinders on. Hand wave away any inconvenient sources. My points stand, your objections are transparently self-denial.


    • Originally posted by Psychic Missile View Post
      Your first two sources present uncontested facts, so unless you think they support the arguments "there is a high suicide rate for gay and trans people not connected to nonacceptance and a large percentage of post-HRT/SRS trans people have regret" and can quote relevant portions I will ignore them.

      The Guardian article is about an Arif study that simply found that studies concerning SRS don't meet that organization's standards. The title appears to be clickbait.

      Your third source looks to be somebody's personal website.

      It appears you do not have any sources. This seems to confirm my suspicion that your position is rooted solely in personal bias.
      I read the first two sources. You literally added to the argument. Can you not accept that suicide is higher in the gay and trans population? The first two did a study on the gay and trans population. Factors that contribute to suicide rate include: Drug and Alcohol abuse, Mental illness (which is in fat a bit higher in those that identify as homosexual or transexual) and past trauma.
      A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
      George Bernard Shaw


      • Originally posted by Bill the Cat View Post
        Non-conforming behavior... you know, the same behaviors that are being used to artificially differentiate biological sex and gender.

        No I am not.

        Behaviors, here in this study it is meditation, alter white matter. So it was YOU that is wrong. Neuroplasticity shows the brain is shaped by experiences, which casts major doubt on the brain studies that claim the brain composition causes transgender or homosexual behaviors.

        So, just as long as the mental illness doesn't result in harm, it's ok to be mentally ill?

        It isn't contrast to plastic surgery or BIDD. There's only 2 things that can be added or removed for people who want to change their plumbing.
        I've mentioned this before, but psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz is doing some really interesting work in neuroplasticity as well, especially as it relates to those suffering from OCD. Check out his book You Are Not Your Brain, where he and Rebecca Gladding report cases of patients able to retrain their brain to help in areas like anger management, depression, habitual behaviors, even stroke victims who've been able to reclaim something like 90% of their motor skills by remapping the synapses to the functioning side of the brain. Really amazing stuff. I can't help but wonder if in 50 years from now we'll look back at gender reassignment surgery as something barbaric and brutal like hydrotherapy and lobotomy. Unfortunately, though, sexual reassignment is so mired in LGBT politics, and a sort of myopic and hedonistic "do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else" societal mentality that I doubt psychologically healthy alternatives will ever catch on. The days are growing darker.


        • I probably shouldn't be surprised by how much the Republicans have dropped the ball on this one. They ought to be casting themselves as the defender of women's rights here against men who want to invade their privacy when they're in the bathroom. I mean, no matter how liberal they may be, just how many women truly want to be followed into a restroom by a man even if that man is wearing a skirt? Especially at night. Or when there is nobody else in there. Or if the only one else in there is their young daughter.

          I'm always still in trouble again

          "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
          "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
          "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


          • Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
            I probably shouldn't be surprised by how much the Republicans have dropped the ball on this one. They ought to be casting themselves as the defender of women's rights here against men who want to invade their privacy when they're in the bathroom. I mean, no matter how liberal they may be, just how many women truly want to be followed into a restroom by a man even if that man is wearing a skirt? Especially at night. Or when there is nobody else in there. Or if the only one else in there is their young daughter.
            This is purely anecdotal and so won't count for much, but from what I've seen the only people arguing in favor of this seem to be predominately men.


            • Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
              I probably shouldn't be surprised by how much the Republicans have dropped the ball on this one. They ought to be casting themselves as the defender of women's rights here against men who want to invade their privacy when they're in the bathroom. I mean, no matter how liberal they may be, just how many women truly want to be followed into a restroom by a man even if that man is wearing a skirt? Especially at night. Or when there is nobody else in there. Or if the only one else in there is their young daughter.
              I was in a meeting yesterday, and a guy from New Jersey made a comment that the NC law was a "solution with no reported problem". How can people be so ignorant as to not know about the dozens of cases that have happened??
              That's what
              - She

              Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
              - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

              I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
              - Stephen R. Donaldson


              • Originally posted by Zymologist View Post
                This is purely anecdotal and so won't count for much, but from what I've seen the only people arguing in favor of this seem to be predominately men.
                That has been my take on it as well.

                So, if that is indeed the case, you have a bunch of men telling women what to do in the bathroom.

                I'm always still in trouble again

                "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
                "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
                "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


                • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                  I've mentioned this before, but psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz is doing some really interesting work in neuroplasticity as well, especially as it relates to those suffering from OCD. Check out his book You Are Not Your Brain, where he and Rebecca Gladding report cases of patients able to retrain their brain to help in areas like anger management, depression, habitual behaviors, even stroke victims who've been able to reclaim something like 90% of their motor skills by remapping the synapses to the functioning side of the brain. Really amazing stuff. I can't help but wonder if in 50 years from now we'll look back at gender reassignment surgery as something barbaric and brutal like hydrotherapy and lobotomy. Unfortunately, though, sexual reassignment is so mired in LGBT politics, and a sort of myopic and hedonistic "do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else" societal mentality that I doubt psychologically healthy alternatives will ever catch on. The days are growing darker.
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • THIS is what it is all about...

                    That's what
                    - She

                    Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
                    - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

                    I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
                    - Stephen R. Donaldson


                    • Ugh, all this talk is making me go take a leak.
                      Watch your links!


                      • Originally posted by Yttrium View Post
                        In my mind, the logical thing would be to switch entirely to single occupant bathrooms..
                        That would go over real well in stadiums!
                        Watch your links!


                        • Armed guards in every bathroom would solve all the problems.
                          Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


                          • Originally posted by Jedidiah View Post
                            Armed guards in every bathroom would solve all the problems.
                            Would the armed guards have to work in the same sex bathroom as their birth certificate?

                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • Originally posted by Jedidiah View Post
                              Armed guards in every bathroom would solve all the problems.
                              Depends which gender they are.


                              • Odd, there wasn't a problem with bathrooms until someone decided they're feelings were hurt. Well what about the rights of PTSD victims? Why are the rights of those who have been abused any less at stake than those who "feel" like they are a different gender? I mean quite frankly just because someone wants 30k in plastic surgery... suddenly they matter more than a real threat which is actually inviting men into the women's bathrooms and yes suddenly making it "ok" and giving perverts an opening to be more discreet? BTW Bill thank you for pointing out that article. Abuse is a very real threat and it is an actual vulnerability. transgenderism? ehhhh sorry, just use your own bathroom....
                                A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
                                George Bernard Shaw


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