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Gary & Rhinestone's Thread on Burial and Resurrection of Christ

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  • Originally posted by DesertBerean View Post
    Nope. You have NOT eliminated the empty tomb. He is risen.
    So says the one supernatural claim that you have investigated and chosen to believe---without having thoroughly investigated the many thousands of other supernatural claims that exist on our planet.

    You have chosen one supernatural belief system while refusing to investigate all other possible supernatural belief systems---no different from me, except I have chosen to ignore ALL supernatural belief systems, including YOURS.
    Last edited by Gary; 07-10-2016, 10:48 PM.


    • So I hope that everyone now agrees: There are just too many supernatural claims to thoroughly investigate them all. Therefore, we are justified in ignoring ALL supernatural claims until sufficient evidence accumulates to suggest any one claim's veracity. I would suggest that we lay persons/non-experts ignore all supernatural claims involving alleged historical events until such a claim is listed as a probable historical fact in the majority of public university world history textbooks by professional historians.
      Last edited by Gary; 07-11-2016, 12:26 PM.


      • Originally posted by Gary View Post
        Says the man who went to a western university and graduate program. Why didn't you obtain your schooling with a witch doctor in the jungles? Silly, silly, silly. You obtained your education in a western university because you believe in the veracity of western science and reason EXCEPT when it comes to your superstitions---then you want to appeal to the sage knowledge of the uneducated and superstitious of the non-western world.
        Tell me Gary, how many universities are attached to non-Western thought?


        • Originally posted by Gary View Post
          So I hope that everyone now agrees: There are just too many supernatural claims to thoroughly investigate them all. Therefore, we are justified in ignoring ALL supernatural claims until sufficient evidence accumulates to suggest any one claim's veracity. I would suggest that we lay persons/non-experts ignore all supernatural claims involving alleged historical events until such a claim is listed as a probable historical fact in the majority of public university world history textbooks by professional historians.
          No. No Christian worth his/her salt is going to agree to that. I don't know about other faiths or belief systems, but certainly not a follower of Christ.
          Watch your links!


          • Originally posted by psstein View Post
            Tell me Gary, how many universities are attached to non-Western thought?
            He does sound a tad prejudiced, doesn't he.
            Watch your links!


            • Originally posted by psstein View Post
              Tell me Gary, how many universities are attached to non-Western thought?
              How many universities/post-graduate schools have you attended that do not follow Western methodologies? Have you gone to Tibet to study with the priests there? Have you studied indigenous medical therapies involving voodoo in Haiti or Africa? Have you studied indigenous therapies and philosophies from native peoples in the Americas and Asia? Please list the names of each and every non-western institution in which you have studied.
              Last edited by Gary; 07-11-2016, 02:03 PM.


              • Originally posted by DesertBerean View Post
                He does sound a tad prejudiced, doesn't he.

                How thoroughly did you investigate Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all other major world religions before you decided that Christianity holds the one and only Truth?


                • Originally posted by Gary View Post
                  How many universities/post-graduate schools have you attended that do not follow Western methodologies? Have you gone to Tibet to study with the priests there? Have you studied indigenous medical therapies involving voodoo in Haiti or Africa? Have you studied indigenous therapies and philosophies from native peoples in the Americas and Asia?
                  I think the key is, have you? I mean, for a guy who pushes non-standard Eastern type medicials, you're awfully prejudiced.
                  Watch your links!


                  • Originally posted by Gary View Post

                    How thoroughly did you investigate Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all other major world religions before you decided that Christianity holds the one and only Truth?
                    I have read comparative studies of major religions and the only God whose existence is essential to my salvation is Jesus.
                    Watch your links!


                    • Here's the thing, folks. People like Stein will howl about my appeal to western expert consensus EXCEPT when it comes to all other areas of their life outside of their religious superstitions.

                      If Stein has a plumbing issue at his house or business, does he call the local voodoo specialist to expel the evil spirits plugging up his sewage pipes? No. He calls a "western" plumber.

                      Appealing to western experts, whose expertise is based on the Scientific Method, in all other areas of your life, but shunning their opinion regarding your superstitions is silly. Bottom line: The experts in the field (historians) do not consider the Resurrection of Jesus as a probable historical event. That is why they do not include it in public university history books.


                      • Originally posted by Gary View Post
                        Here's the thing, folks. People like Stein will howl about my appeal to western expert consensus EXCEPT when it comes to all other areas of their life outside of their religious superstitions.

                        If Stein has a plumbing issue at his house or business, does he call the local voodoo specialist to expel the evil spirits plugging up his sewage pipes? No. He calls a "western" plumber.

                        Appealing to western experts, whose expertise is based on the Scientific Method, in all other areas of your life, but shunning their opinion regarding your superstitions is silly. Bottom line: The experts in the field (historians) do not consider the Resurrection of Jesus as a probable historical event. That is why they do not include it in public university history books.
                        lol. what? Is it your opinion that plumbing is radically different in the East than it is in the West? Also, Voodoo originates in West Africa, not exactly the East. Were you under the impression that West Africans, Brazilians, and Caribbeans call up their local voodoo practitioner rather than a plumber when their sink backs up? What are you even talking about? You certainly have some weird notions about non-Americans.


                        • Originally posted by Gary View Post
                          Here's the thing, folks. People like Stein will howl about my appeal to western expert consensus EXCEPT when it comes to all other areas of their life outside of their religious superstitions.

                          If Stein has a plumbing issue at his house or business, does he call the local voodoo specialist to expel the evil spirits plugging up his sewage pipes? No. He calls a "western" plumber.

                          Appealing to western experts, whose expertise is based on the Scientific Method, in all other areas of your life, but shunning their opinion regarding your superstitions is silly. Bottom line: The experts in the field (historians) do not consider the Resurrection of Jesus as a probable historical event. That is why they do not include it in public university history books.
                          Once again , as I believe someone or several somebodies pointed out before, historical documents are NOT SUBJECT TO THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD outside of obvious dating processes! The scientific method requires repeated tests to validate the data and you CANT DO THAT TO HISTORICAL matters! Until we figure out how to make our DeLorean work, anyway!
                          Watch your links!


                          • Originally posted by DesertBerean View Post
                            The scientific method requires repeated tests to validate the data and you CANT DO THAT TO HISTORICAL matters!
                            You mean to tell me all those historical re-enactments I keep reading about in the Internet are not performed in order to test the validity of historical claims?
                            Last edited by JonathanL; 07-11-2016, 03:05 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                              You mean to tell me all those historical re-enactments I keep reading about in the Internet are not meant performed in order to test the validity of historical claims?
                              Only if you believe the Internet is always true.
                              Watch your links!


                              • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                                You mean to tell me all those historical re-enactments I keep reading about in the Internet are not meant performed in order to test the validity of historical claims?
                                In some cases re-enactments have proved valuable. A few years ago there was a show on PBS which revealed how a re-enactment demonstrated that the widely accepted route that a military advance took during an American Civil War battle is highly unlikely. Alternate routes were then examined and one contained numerous artifacts consistent with such a maneuver was found.

                                I'm always still in trouble again

                                "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
                                "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
                                "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


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