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Is Hillary Toast?

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  • Originally posted by Teallaura View Post
    Um, maybe I've gotten my threads mixed up but wasn't this one involved in the 'ugh, Breitbart' controversy? I had the impression the 'lol, Wiki' was payback for that one.
    I honestly don't know; I wasn't posting earlier in the thread. I just said something because I've seen the same thing come up so many times throughout this forum recently. (That and the countless accusations of the other person having Dunning-Kruger syndrome; both have become major pet peeves).
    "I am not angered that the Moral Majority boys campaign against abortion. I am angry when the same men who say, "Save OUR children" bellow "Build more and bigger bombers." That's right! Blast the children in other nations into eternity, or limbless misery as they lay crippled from "OUR" bombers! This does not jell." - Leonard Ravenhill


    • Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
      I honestly don't know; I wasn't posting earlier in the thread. I just said something because I've seen the same thing come up so many times throughout this forum recently. (That and the countless accusations of the other person having Dunning-Kruger syndrome; both have become major pet peeves).
      That's because you have Dunning-Kruger.

      For me it's the name calling and Godwin's idiotic 'law'.
      "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

      "Forgiveness is the way of love." Gary Chapman

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      • Y'all are just suffering from cognitive dissonance and [fill in name] Derangement Syndrome.

        I'm always still in trouble again

        "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
        "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
        "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


        • Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
          Y'all are just suffering from cognitive dissonance and [fill in name] Derangement Syndrome.

          Strawman! Ad hom! Bandwagon!

          *Inappropriate claim of fallacy being another...
          "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

          "Forgiveness is the way of love." Gary Chapman

          My Personal Blog

          My Novella blog (Current Novella Begins on 7/25/14)

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          • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
            Originally posted by JimL View Post
            Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
            Originally posted by JimL View Post
            I think that Bernie appeals to many republicans as well, which I know seems kind of weird, but it is true.
            Yeah, I'd love to see an actual citation for that. So far, I can only find liberal left wing websites giving anecdotal stories. So, how many is "many"?
            Well you'll just have to settle for my own personal citation.
            Ah, so just more spewing forth ignorance. I suspected as much.

            You could check your facts before insulting people. Otherwise, you look a bit ridiculous.

            I think they're reading the poll results a bit wrong, though. Though Sanders is doing relatively well amongst Vermont Republicans, the polling data (as I read it) suggests that he's slightly trailing Trump amongst the Vermont Republicans, if you ask the voter's who they would like to be President. In any event, the polling results support Jim's claim that Bernie Sanders appeals to many Republicans.
            Last edited by Jichard; 09-27-2015, 12:21 AM.
            "Instead, we argue, it is necessary to shift the debate from the subject under consideration, instead exposing to public scrutiny the tactics they [denialists] employ and identifying them publicly for what they are."


            • Um, you should take your own advice. Vermont isn't the worst possible example, but it's close. Jim did not caveat that it was in very blue states - he stated that Sanders appeals to 'many Republicans', and a single state, least of all one so strongly blue, is not representative of 'many Republicans'.
              "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

              "Forgiveness is the way of love." Gary Chapman

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              • Originally posted by Jichard View Post
                You could check your facts before insulting people.
                A) Facts checked.
                2) Your mother wears combat boots*.

                *just in case Jichard, like Mickiel, is too dumb to realize this is a phony insult, or Jichard's mom actually does wear combat boots, or this sends Jichard into a screaming rage whereby he threatens to come to Texas to "whoop my !#$!^!", this is, indeed, a phony insult, and CP does not in any way intend to disparage Jichard's mother, living, dead, or otherwise.
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • Originally posted by Teallaura View Post
                  Um, you should take your own advice. Vermont isn't the worst possible example, but it's close. Jim did not caveat that it was in very blue states - he stated that Sanders appeals to 'many Republicans', and a single state, least of all one so strongly blue, is not representative of 'many Republicans'.
                  One of the most liberal states in the union, has 'republicans' that like one of the most liberal people in the race. What a surprise.
                  "The man from the yacht thought he was the first to find England; I thought I was the first to find Europe. I did try to found a heresy of my own; and when I had put the last touches to it, I discovered that it was orthodoxy."
                  GK Chesterton; Orthodoxy


                  • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                    A) Facts checked.
                    2) Your mother wears combat boots*.

                    *just in case Jichard, like Mickiel, is too dumb to realize this is a phony insult, or Jichard's mom actually does wear combat boots, or this sends Jichard into a screaming rage whereby he threatens to come to Texas to "whoop my !#$!^!", this is, indeed, a phony insult, and CP does not in any way intend to disparage Jichard's mother, living, dead, or otherwise.
                    He doesn't understand satire, so you need to explain that to him.
                    "The man from the yacht thought he was the first to find England; I thought I was the first to find Europe. I did try to found a heresy of my own; and when I had put the last touches to it, I discovered that it was orthodoxy."
                    GK Chesterton; Orthodoxy


                    • Originally posted by lilpixieofterror View Post
                      One of the most liberal states in the union, has 'republicans' that like one of the most liberal people in the race. What a surprise.
                      So republicans in Vermont are not real republicans?


                      • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                        So republicans in Vermont are not real republicans?
                        Some use the term RINO but I think that it is more accurate to say that they are decidedly more liberal than your average Republican in the Midwest or South.

                        I'm always still in trouble again

                        "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
                        "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
                        "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


                        • No, pundits, Hillary Clinton isn't collapsing


                          • hillary-toaster.jpg
                            . . . the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; . . . -- Romans 1:16 KJV

                            . . . that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: . . . -- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV

                            Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: . . . -- 1 John 5:1 KJV


                            • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                              I think it's hilarious that he wants me to only cite sources that are more likely to be sympathetic to his liberal pea-brained point of view.

                              How about this: if I'm only allowed to cite left-wing news sources then Dimbulb should only be allowed to cite right-wing news sources. Deal?
                              I wonder how the Libtards here rate Alternet, MSNBC, Daily Kos, etc.?

                              Is Rachel Madcow their queen of truth?


                              • Originally posted by 37818 View Post
                                No, no. That's Hillary on toast.
                                "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

                                "Forgiveness is the way of love." Gary Chapman

                                My Personal Blog

                                My Novella blog (Current Novella Begins on 7/25/14)

                                Quill Sword


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