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Texas rural Conservative racism - Calvin Beckett in the movie American Violet.

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  • Originally posted by square_peg View Post
    I wouldn't mind a third party explaining to me how engaging in debate for so many pages equates to "automatically dismissing people." Or how I could possibly have made my position any clearer. Or what part of my responses could possibly be considered arrogant or disrespectful.
    Your position is quite clear, your majesty, you're right and I'm wrong and nothing can ever change that. Oh and what part of your response are arrogant and disrespectful? How about making up words to stuff down my throat, such as this:

    I would VERY MUCH like to believe that race isn't a factor in anything nowadays. But given what I've seen, heard and personally experienced, I simply can't believe that. What my readings and personal experiences lead me to conclude against my wishes is that racial injustice and bias are unfortunately still VERY real (though they're not found everywhere), and ignoring them is NOT how to solve the country's issues. So please, STOP WITH THESE INFURIATINGLY LIBELOUS ACCUSATIONS ABOUT MY CHARACTER. Stop these stupid insults like "race-baiter," because I'm absolutely NOT trying to start any controversy of race. And stop with the nauseatingly snide remarks and sarcastic insults, and please, substitute that for actually properly characterizing and engaging with my arguments.
    I want you to quote exactly where I said any of the above or admit you can't and just attacked a giant pile of burning straw. Where did I say there is NO racism and NO biasness anywhere in society? I don't recall saying that, so quote where I said that or admit you can't and just made it all up. That is just one example, of many, trying to play the grammar police on another thread was yet another example of your arrogance and disrespect, in action. Like I said, you earned this attitude with your own post. Don't like it, change your attitude.
    "The man from the yacht thought he was the first to find England; I thought I was the first to find Europe. I did try to found a heresy of my own; and when I had put the last touches to it, I discovered that it was orthodoxy."
    GK Chesterton; Orthodoxy


    • Originally posted by square_peg View Post
      I was fm93.

      Drat. My guess was Epoetker.
      ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


      • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
        Drat. My guess was Epoetker.
        Whoa. He is a bit off, but not that far off.
        Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


        • Originally posted by square_peg View Post
          I wouldn't mind a third party explaining to me how engaging in debate for so many pages equates to "automatically dismissing people." Or how I could possibly have made my position any clearer. Or what part of my responses could possibly be considered arrogant or disrespectful.
          Racism is a real problem in the US. For a while it looked like it was getting better, but not since the Obama election. Yes racism is a problem, but the solution is not to shotgun claims of racism like some of our professional race-baiters are doing. What you are doing does not help, it hurts race relations.
          Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


          • Originally posted by Jedidiah View Post
            Racism is a real problem in the US. For a while it looked like it was getting better, but not since the Obama election. Yes racism is a problem, but the solution is not to shotgun claims of racism like some of our professional race-baiters are doing. What you are doing does not help, it hurts race relations.
            In this thread, I was trying to explain, among other things, why many members of the black community distrust the police. How can explaining why one side feels a certain way hurt race relations? Understanding is generally what helps relations, is it not? To even start thinking about how to fix race relations, we have to first understand why each side believes whatever it is that they believe. Lilpixieofterror has generally been ignoring this, as well as seemingly ignoring the fact that racial inequality exists. For instance, it is a fact that employers are more likely to discriminate against people with black or Hispanic sounding names than people with white sounding names. I've repeatedly clarified that it technically doesn't matter WHY employers do this. They may not consciously be prejudiced against minorities at all. Even if it's ultimately due to "lack of familiarity," the fact remains that because the people with such "unfamiliar" names are of a different race, discrimination IS occurring in a manner that predominantly affects black and Hispanic people. Hence, racial inequality exists, even if the discriminators aren't personally racist. It is not "race-baiting" to talk about this, but merely pointing out a sociological fact that must be addressed.
            Last edited by fm93; 10-10-2014, 11:01 PM.
            Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.--Isaiah 1:17

            I don't think that all forms o[f] slavery are inherently immoral.--seer


            • Originally posted by square_peg View Post
              In this thread, I was trying to explain, among other things, why many members of the black community distrust the police]How can explaining why one side feels a certain way hurt race relations? Understanding is generally what helps relations, is it not?
              Yes it does and I find much of the problem sits with you race baiters and your consistent attention to the race of a person. The only other people I know that obsessively talk about and target race, as you seem to, are those who are racist. Anyway, the major problem you make here, is you assume your conclusion is true, which is that racism is a major problem today. A conclusion you support with poor logic, assertions, sloppy thinking, and partial 'facts' that you think agree with you. Shoot, you seem to fall, head over heels, with the idea that the general population was more likely to shoot blacks in a video game, but you ignored the fact that when the same test was applied to cops; no racial biasness was found, blowing a giant hole in your theory. You quickly threw that study under the bus because it didn't agree with your conclusion. This is the sloppy thinking I am talking about. You're in such a rush to reach the conclusion you already have decided is true, you skipped over a bunch of stuff in between on your mad dash to your preconceived conclusion. Want me to take you more seriously, stop with all of this poor logic and start showing that you can think beyond the conclusion

              To even start thinking about how to fix race relations, we have to first understand why each side believes whatever it is that they believe.
              That is so much a fantasy world, I don't know where to begin. How about this, how much news coverage exist for when a black guy gets shot by a white person? Oh, it makes news for weeks. Now if the reverse happens, where are the news stories? If a black guy shoots another black guy, why is that not covered in the media? Have you ever thought that much of the problem is you race baiters keep obsessing over race and wanting to hang people before the facts even get out? Again, this is the sloppy thinking I'm talking about. You're in such a rush to jump to conclusions you want to hear, that you skip steps along the way and fail to see other possible answers beyond the answers you've already selected to hear.

              Lilpixieofterror has generally been ignoring this, as well as seemingly ignoring the fact that racial inequality exists. For instance, it is a fact that employers are more likely to discriminate against people with black or Hispanic sounding names than people with white sounding names. I've repeatedly clarified that it technically doesn't matter WHY employers do this. They may not consciously be prejudiced against minorities at all. Even if it's ultimately due to "lack of familiarity," the fact remains that because the people with such "unfamiliar" names are of a different race, discrimination IS occurring in a manner that predominantly affects black and Hispanic people. Hence, racial inequality exists, even if the discriminators aren't personally racist. It is not "race-baiting" to talk about this, but merely pointing out a sociological fact that must be addressed.
              Yep, more of your fantasy world seems to be working quite well. I've already refuted this and you just ignore it because you don't care about the truth. You've already have determined that racism is a huge problem and you don't let the fact stop you. You scream about racism about familiarity, but I wasn't aware that having an unfamiliar name automatically makes you a minority. Whose the racist now? I've met plenty of white people with odd sounding or odd spelled names that might even sound like 'black names'. I could also introduce you to white people with Latino sounding names too (you are aware that the name Jose is Spanish and Portuguese in origin, right). Take a look at this guy, how 'Latino' does he look? Yep, your obsession with race seems to cloud your thinking abilities. Sorry, I wasn't aware that was some sort of unwritten rule that an unfamiliar name makes you a minority. I'll try to remember that assertion next time I deal with you, while you scream 'RACIST!' at the top of your lungs next time. Ok? Sorry, despite all your spittle and assertions to the contrary, there is no evidence to support your conclusions, at all. Don't let the facts stop you, race baiters never do. So the bottom line is that yeah, it is race baiting, you are in such a rush to reach the conclusion you want to be true, you skip tons of stuff in between and just ignore other possible answers on your rush to scream 'racist!' at the top of your lungs.
              "The man from the yacht thought he was the first to find England; I thought I was the first to find Europe. I did try to found a heresy of my own; and when I had put the last touches to it, I discovered that it was orthodoxy."
              GK Chesterton; Orthodoxy


              • Originally posted by square_peg View Post
                I was fm93.
                I remember your name, but not much more.


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