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Mayor Pete Attacks Trump's Faith...

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  • Originally posted by Cow Poke
    A) I will actually TELL you I'm a Christian - Buttigieg doesn't appear to be so forthcoming
    2) I actually belong to a Church that clearly acknowledges the Bible as the Word of God, God as Creator, Jesus as Savior, Salvation by Grace...
    C) When I tell you I'm a PRACTICING Christian, I can actually list my practices
    4) I have never made a conscious decision as a practicing Christian to live a life in direct violation of God's Word

    So, when I tell you I'm a Christian, it's not because I belong to a particular Church - it's because I know Christ as my Savior, and try to follow Him and His teachings.

    At this point, Jimmy, you're just proving what a profoundly ignorant ass you are.
    Sorry, stated that incorrectly. When you tell us you believe in god and that you are a member of a christian church, we shouldn't assume that what you mean by that is that you are a christian?


    • Originally posted by JimL View Post
      Sorry, stated that incorrectly. When you tell us you believe in god and that you are a member of a christian church, we shouldn't assume that what you mean by that is that you are a christian?
      Ah, I see your backtracking on your jackassery!!!!

      A) I will actually TELL you I'm a Christian - Buttigieg doesn't appear to be so forthcoming - he's much more focused on his homosexuality and his extremist pro-abortion views

      2) I actually belong to a Church that clearly acknowledges the Bible as the Word of God, God as Creator, Jesus as Savior, Salvation by Grace... Buttigieg doesn't even appear to claim to belong to the Episcopal Church - his words were actually "I found myself going to services at Christ Church, which happened to be across from my college, Pembroke, at Oxford and found in that very simple liturgy a way to begin to organize my spirituality. So that by the time I came back to the US I felt like I was more-or-less Anglican". You see that bolded part, Jimmy? And his Church, where he's "more-or-less Anglican" can't even declare that Christ is Lord.

      C) When I tell you I'm a PRACTICING Christian, I can actually list my practices - Buttigieg doesn't.

      4) I have never made a conscious decision as a practicing Christian to live a life in direct violation of God's Word - Buttigieg has and does.

      So, when I tell you I'm a Christian, it's not because I belong to a particular Church - it's because I know Christ as my Savior, and try to follow Him and His teachings - Buttigieg appears to make no such claim.

      At this point, Jimmy, you're just proving what a profoundly ignorant ass you are.
      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


      • Originally posted by JimL View Post
        Buttigieg claims to be Episcopalian, and he credits god for his sexual orientation. That is a person who believes in god, a creator, and who is a member of a christian church. give it up, CP.
        It's possible you have a legitimate point here. The other long post you made a brief response to alleges that Buttigieg is an Episcopalian. I have yet to see, from his mouth that he actually is - only that he became fascinated by an Episcopalian church near him. Is he still going there? Did he actually join the church? I don't know. What we're looking for here is proof - from Buttigieg's mouth - that he is a practicing Christian (yes, "practicing Episcopalian" would meet that).
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        I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


        • Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
          It's possible you have a legitimate point here. The other long post you made a brief response to alleges that Buttigieg is an Episcopalian. I have yet to see, from his mouth that he actually is - only that he became fascinated by an Episcopalian church near him. Is he still going there? Did he actually join the church? I don't know. What we're looking for here is proof - from Buttigieg's mouth - that he is a practicing Christian (yes, "practicing Episcopalian" would meet that).
          Even though "Episcopalian" doesn't seem to mean a whole lot these days with regards to what Christians actually believe, and that would be a really low bar, I'll go along with this challenge.

          Somebody needs to produce evidence that Pete Buttigieg claims to be a practicing Christian, and "practicing Episcopalian" will be acceptable for that purpose.
          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


          • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
            Sure - but when a person never claims to be a Christian in the first place, and chooses a lifestyle that places themselves in direct violation of the teachings of the Bible...
            That's your opinion. Buttigieg disagrees. He belongs to a denomination that consecrated a gay man as as a bishop, Gene Robinson. So you are judging him by your own standards not the standards of the Episcopal Church.


            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
              The desperation with which you, an anti-Christian drama queen, attempt to paint a practicing homosexual as a "practicing Christian" is amusing.


              • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                That's your opinion. Buttigieg disagrees.
                Prove it.

                He belongs to a denomination that consecrated a gay man as as a bishop, Gene Robinson.
                You don't actually know that he joined the Episcopal Church at all, Tassy.

                So you are judging him by your own standards not the standards of the Episcopal Church.
                You really are a slippery one. Are you SURE you're not a used car salesman?
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                  You haven't managed to "paint" a rebuttal...merely resort to your usual tiresome epithets.
                  This is the kind of crap you post when you "got nothing".

                  Tassy, honey, YOU are the one who declared over and over and over that HE claimed he was a practicing Christian. All I'm doing is asking you to back it up with FACT instead of drama queen bluster!

                  Here, let's look at some of your own claims.... First all that unsubstantiated crap about how Buttigieg interprets scripture....
                  Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                  his interpretation.
                  Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                  My argument was that the interpretation of scripture varies e.g. the likes of Buttigieg, as a practicing Christian, interprets scripture in such a way that homosexuality is OK with a loving God.
                  Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                  The likes of Mayor Pete seem to sincerely believe they are good Christians and obviously disagree with your interpretation of these texts. Always a problem when one interpretation of scriptural beliefs contradicts another interpretation of scriptural beliefs.

                  Then your unsubstantiated claim that Buttigieg claims he's a Christian...

                  Then you're doubling down on claiming that he interprets scripture differently, when there's no proof of that whatsoever.

                  Then you claim you don't care if he's a "practicing Christian", and, again you make the unsubstantiated statement that he claims he is...

                  And again....

                  Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                  but he does, and this is the argument in the face of Evangelical objections that he is not.
                  And on and on.... Back to Buttigieg supposedly claiming he's a "practicing Christian".

                  And there is one your many lies -- I have NOT claimed he's not a "practicing Christian" -- I'm simply asking you to back up your claims.

                  Then you try to back away from your original claims...

                  And more backtracking...

                  Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                  he does.
                  Your claim that you provided examples is an outright lie. And your accusation that I'm dishonest is absolutely without basis.

                  Here's a HUGE difference between me and you, Tassman. When I point out your dishonesty, I back it up with proof. Then you get your royal panties in a twist and accuse me of dishonesty with NO proof.

                  You have claimed over and over that Buttigieg claims to be a practicing Christian.

                  It shouldn't be too much to ask you to back up your claim, or admit you've been making it up all along.

                  OPB drastically lowered the bar for you.... all you need to do now is prove that Buttigieg claims to be a Practicing Episcopalian.

                  Ball's in your court. Full press kabuki dance fully expected, along with some more false statements, false accusations, emotional tripe..... But no proof.
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                    Sorry, stated that incorrectly. When you tell us you believe in god and that you are a member of a christian church, we shouldn't assume that what you mean by that is that you are a christian?
                    In his efforts to show his disrespect for both God and Christians, JimL seems to completely throw the rules of proper capitalization out the window.

                    Here's some information for you JimL: When you refer specifically to the Christian god and you're not referring to what kind of being He is, but rather to the person of God, you capitalize the G, because then it functions more like a name, or title, rather than as a reference to the nature of His being.

                    Also, being grumpy about the fact that Christian and Christianity is supposed to be capitalized while atheist and atheism is not is not a valid reason to not capitalize the two former terms.


                    • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                      In his efforts to show his disrespect for both God and Christians, JimL seems to completely throw the rules of proper capitalization out the window.

                      Here's some information for you JimL: When you refer specifically to the Christian god and you're not referring to what kind of being He is, but rather to the person of God, you capitalize the G, because then it functions more like a name, or title, rather than as a reference to the nature of His being.

                      Also, being grumpy about the fact that Christian and Christianity is supposed to be capitalized while atheist and atheism is not is not a valid reason to not capitalize the two former terms.
                      That's always been a puzzle to me, that people would refuse to capitalize a proper noun to show contempt. In JimL's case, however, I think it's either laziness or illiteracy, because he also routinely does not capitalize American.

                      And, before you start on ME, bluehair, MY problem, as you can see, is, and always has been, commas.
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                        That's always been a puzzle to me, that people would refuse to capitalize a proper noun to show contempt. In JimL's case, however, I think it's either laziness or illiteracy, because he also routinely does not capitalize American.

                        And, before you start on ME, bluehair, MY problem, as you can see, is, and always has been, commas.

                        Sometimes I can interject a comma in the text, even if it's not grammatically/syntactically (not sure which term is the right one to use here) correct, because I want to make the reader stop and pause for a split second, and not because I'm using them to separate main and dependent clauses.


                        • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post

                          Sometimes I can interject a comma in the text, even if it's not grammatically/syntactically (not sure which term is the right one to use here) correct, because I want to make the reader stop and pause for a split second, and not because I'm using them to separate main and dependent clauses.

                          And I like to point out that there is NO comma in our Pledge of Allegiance between "one nation" and "under God" for that same (or opposite, I guess) reason!

                          "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                            Prove it.
                            You don't actually know that he joined the Episcopal Church at all, Tassy.
                            You really are a slippery one. Are you SURE you're not a used car salesman?
                            I'l leave honor that to you, given the extraordinary rant of your #988 above. Oh, the cleverness of you.


                            • Yes, he totally ignores the Bible and invents his own convenient theology.

                              You're forgetting what you've been claiming all along?

                              What ese do you want, a written affidavit?
                              A simple quote from Buttigieg would do fine.

                              I'l leave honor that to you,
                              leave honor that to me?

                              given the extraordinary rant of your #988 above.
                              Extraordinary rant? Is that what it's called in DramaQueenLand when somebody uses your own words to prove you wrong?

                              Here, let's make it simple....

                              Here are YOUR claims, and before you try to pull one of your jackass false accusations that I'm being dishonest, I've picked the relevant parts of your quotes, but used the actual quote function for anybody to check out I'm telling the truth.

                              YOUR claims....

                              OPB lowers the bar, and ALL he's asking is...
                              Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
                              ...What we're looking for here is proof - from Buttigieg's mouth - that he is a practicing Christian (yes, "practicing Episcopalian" would meet that).

                              And you resort to your anti-Christian bigotry in making this idiot claim...

                              In what universe is it "nit-picking" to ask you to actually back up your own claims?

                              Prediction -- more Tassmanian dramaqueenery on the way....
                              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                              • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                                Yes, he totally ignores the Bible and invents his own convenient theology.
                                This is what you choose to believe in your usual judgmental way; he obviously doesn't think so. But then, you always manage to attribute the most negative possible motives to others?

                                You're forgetting what you've been claiming all along?
                                A simple quote from Buttigieg would do fine.
                                To prove what? Buttigieg has clearly stated that for 10 years the Episcopal Church in South Bend has been his . And that:



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