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Is This Racist?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Leonhard View Post
    Left-wing black-seperatists, with a penchant for socialism and later communism? A leader that later ran off to Cuba. A couple of note worthy and name-taining violence cases. A movement that was largely spent by the seventies? I'm quite aware they have a spotted history Sparko. But that doesn't mean the beginning wasn't good. The later ties to Nation of Islam, and a complete veering off into Communism is what taints it in my eyes.

    The Black Panthers were needed at the time they came on the scene. Mostly in response to such things white people murdering up to a hundred and fifty black people and destroying an entire village in Florida. People could kill black people, and all-white juries let them go, even if they went on trial. So a movement of self-defense for black people makes perfect sense.

    God made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal, as the saying goes.

    There are a lot of failed movements out there Sparko. Take the Objectivist movement founded by Ayn Rand, a person who many evangelical Christians consider a personal inspiration - they turned into an authoritarian cult, quite unlike Rand's own philosophy.

    If I'm to take pro-gun right people seriously, I'll do so when they celebrate this picture here. I mean if gun-rights are good, and guns as a means of self-defense is great, and guns protect the people from tyrannical governments, and open-carry is a good thing, then there should be nothing wrong about this.

    the black panthers were always a militant racist group. The black equivalent of the KKK. They were never heros, Leonhard.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sparko View Post
      the black panthers were always a militant racist group. The black equivalent of the KKK. They were never heros, Leonhard.
      They're three orders of magnitude short of the KKK's famous kill count Sparko. While the KKK did their killings in hiding, making an actual estimation of their kill count difficult, it numbers up into the four thousands, at least.

      One of the greatest tragedies of that, being that many police officers taking part in lynchings were in fact members of the KKK. Something I think is part of the explanation for the distrust of the black community towards police officers in the US.
      Last edited by Leonhard; 11-06-2018, 01:15 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Leonhard View Post
        They're three orders of magnitude short of the KKK's famous kill count Sparko. While the KKK did their killings in hiding, making an actual estimation of their kill count difficult, it numbers up into the four thousands, at least.

        One of the greatest tragedies of that, being that many police officers taking part in lynchings were in fact members of the KKK. Something I think is part of the explanation for the distrust of the black community towards police officers in the US.
        So now you are using body counts as a measuring stick?

        Both groups are racist/terrorist groups. And the new black panthers are even worse than the original group. Complete thugs. The original black panther party even rejects them.


        New Black Panther Party


        • #19
          Originally posted by Leonhard View Post
          They're three orders of magnitude short of the KKK's famous kill count Sparko. While the KKK did their killings in hiding, making an actual estimation of their kill count difficult, it numbers up into the four thousands, at least.

          One of the greatest tragedies of that, being that many police officers taking part in lynchings were in fact members of the KKK. Something I think is part of the explanation for the distrust of the black community towards police officers in the US.
          Not just sheriffs but city councilmen, county commissioners, mayors, numerous members in state legislatures and maybe even a governorship or two. There was even an ex-KKK higher up in the highest levels of the U.S. Senate until 2010.

          I'm always still in trouble again

          "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
          "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
          "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sparko View Post
            So now you are using body counts as a measuring stick?
            No, its you who are claiming that they're just as bad as each other. That claim just doesn't square with reality. The Black Panthers have a spotty history, I see some noble beginnings, some bad leaders, and a moment that turned weirder as time went on.

            And the new black panthers are even worse than the original group.
            I know very little about the new black panthers. I'll trust you if you say they're a lot worse than the original group, which I said was largely spent by the seventies.


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