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Maybe they both should resign

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  • #46
    First he says:

    Originally posted by Ignorant Roy View Post
    I actually read posts before responding to them.
    Then he says:

    Originally posted by Ignorant Roy View Post
    I frequently stop reading posts at the point where it becomes clear the rest is probably not [worth] reading.
    Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
    But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
    Than a fool in the eyes of God

    From "Fools Gold" by Petra


    • #47
      Originally posted by Ronson View Post

      If Trump says something false, IT'S A LIE!!!
      If Biden says something false, it's just a few false claims and not very blatant.

      I suggests you obectively analyze their overall character as well as "exactly" what they say and how they say it when passing judgement.
      Because, that's exactly what we're doing here, we're judging the moral character of the two men. Everybody knows, or surely ought to know from public knowledge alone, which of the two men has the reputation as an absolute moral reprobate and which is not.
      Biden from what I recall had a few, if you want to call them purposeful lies, which in Biden's case it's not so cut and dry. Like his statement that the Border Patrol Union supported him ( which of course everyone called him out on) but they conveniently leave out the fact that Biden immediately corrected himself saying that they supported "HIS POSITION" as opposed to "Trump's position" meaning on the immigration bill.
      I do believe there may have been one or two more Biden lies, not sure but I know that there weren't that many of them, particularly compared with those blatantly told by the Ex-President, Trump.
      TRump lied some 30 times in that debate, to nearly every question he answered he lied, and the great majority of those lies were outright, made up in the spur of the moment, blatant, huge purposeful lies. So, you and the other Trump supporters here surely are well aware of that, you're well aware of the differing moral characters of each of the two men.

      And yes, I know, you can't admit to that. You have long ago been bamboozled and once that happens its difficult to overcome, and you will just continue to seek out, wherever and whatever little shred of evidence which allows you to hold on by your fingertips if need be to the bamboozled beliefs that Trump is not the evil moral reprobate and wannabe dictator that we on the other side of the argument have been trying to get through to you.

      There are two ways to be fooled, the one is to believe the lie, and the other is to know the truth, but still believe the lie. At this point, most every Trumpster, at least everyone of them who follows the politics as do you, fit into the latter category. That's your choice, if you choose to continue to play the fool.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Sparko View Post
        What lies did Trump tell? Hyperbole like "greatest economy ever" are not lies.
        See the Politifact link I am posting below
        Originally posted by CivilDiscourse View Post
        You wouldn't find me shedding tears for a Trump resignation, but it's simply not realistic.
        Oh, I know Trump will never drop out. All the people of power and wealth that are currently protecting him will drop him the second he is of no value to them. Then he'd spend the rest of his natural life in prison or bankrupt. He doesn't have a choice but to run.

        Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
        Curiously, you're not the first liberal...
        When a liberal shows up, let me know.
        I've seen who has tried to reduce President Trump's objectively strong debate performance down to nothing more than randomly complaining about migrants. You must have gotten your marching orders from the same source.
        What could possibly be seen as strong in anything he did at the debate? Can you show me an example where Trump answered a question, not going into irrelevancies nor using a canned rally quip?

        Originally posted by Ronson View Post
        Since he lies every time he opens his mouth, and it was open for 90 minutes on Thursday, I suppose you wouldn't mind pointing out a couple of these lies.
        I'll help:

        Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
        One of the "fact checks" I read gave a "pants of on fire" rating to OMB's claim that a million people with criminal records have entered the country illegally and based that on the government statistic that they only intercepted something like 103,000 people who are like that.

        One obvious problem with that.

        For years it has been universally accepted that the feds intercept roughly 10% of both illegal immigrants and illegal drugs that come into America.
        I'd like to see a cite for this statistic.
        Whether that calculation is correct (critics say that we intercept considerably less) is not the issue, but what it means is that if we caught 103,000 and that represents a tenth, then we had roughly 1,030,000 illegal immigrants crossing into the country who have criminal records. And if critics are correct about our intercepting a smaller percentage then that means the number is even larger than the estimate of 1,030,000.

        IOW, OMB was correct.
        This must be in reference to the Politifact post the other day. I couldn't find your response to that. This article here:

        1.03M is not "millions" coming in "from prisons, jails, and mental institutions." If the statement at issue was merely, "an unknown large number of immigrants with prior convictions are entering the country", that would not be a lie. But Trump places the number at millions and that they are being dumped into the US from foreign incarceration facilities. If you listened to any of his rallies you'd recognize this supposition he asserts a lot. There's simply no evidence that this is true, so we should presume that Trump lied unless he produces evidence of the claim.
        The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law. -- Justice Sotomayor, dissent in Trump v. United States


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