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Biden escalates war...

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  • #61
    Originally posted by JimL View Post
    Then perhaps you should define what you mean by the "current state of the country" which you imply to be bad and attribute to Biden
    I do think the current state of the country is bad but it's not all due to Biden.

    Biden selling off strategic oil reserves (which the Dems refused to allow Trump to refill when cheap) because he's low in the polls is beyond despicable.

    Well, regardless, the present system of maintaining ethical accountability isn't working and the right wing justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and even Roberts are abusing their power with the acceptance of Bribes/gifts, sweet business deals ect. And nothing is being done about it. They are left to police themselves so to speak, and they are failing to do so.
    If you want to argue it happens on the left as well, perhaps it does, but it's an apples to oranges comparison and the point remains, when people lose trust in in the highest court in the land, then they've lost trust in tha justice system period.
    I enjoy how you say "but if it happened on the left it's different". That certainly comes off as bad faith. One of the hallmarks of the left (and not just in the US) is judicial activism and "legislating from the bench". When Dems call for expanding the court because they can't pass legislation, that erodes trust in the courts. When Schumer openly threatens SCOTUS justices, that causes people to "lose trust". When US attorneys slow walk charging the President's son, that erodes trust. The FBI has a history of being untrustworthy.

    ETA: you still have yet to condemn the WaPo for calling Republicans rats.
    P1) If , then I win.


    C) I win.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Diogenes View Post

      I do think the current state of the country is bad but it's not all due to Biden.
      Well, once again then I will ask, what exactly are you talking about. What do you mean to say, without saying it? And yes, it seems you were trying to attribute it to Biden as exemplified by the rather silly comment below.

      Biden selling off strategic oil reserves (which the Dems refused to allow Trump to refill when cheap) because he's low in the polls is beyond despicable.
      Many Presidents have sold off the SOR's in times of emergency such as in the 70's when it wss first established and which is what it is there for.
      Trump on the other hand wanted to sell it off in order to pay off some of the huge national debt that he added 8 trillion dollars to which is not what it's there for.

      I enjoy how you say "but if it happened on the left it's different"
      I'd be glad to compare the two if you want to go there.

      That certainly comes off as bad faith. One of the hallmarks of the left (and not just in the US) is judicial activism and "legislating from the. bench"

      ​​​​Subjective opinion minus details. The same could be argued about the right, as well as it being corrupted and influenced with bribes/gifts from wealthy friends.
      When Dems call for expanding the court because they can't pass legislation, that erodes trust in the courts.
      That in response to Republicans blocking Obama from appointing the now atty gen Garland as a Supreme Court Judge. And there is no law as to the numerical make-up of the Supreme Court, its been changed before.

      When Schumer openly threatens SCOTUS justices, that causes people to "lose trust".
      That's a lot of bull, and you know it. Schumer wasn't threatening the judge even though that's the lie the right fed you. You know better than that.

      When US attorneys slow walk charging the President's son, that erodes trust. The FBI has a history of being untrustworthy.
      You mean the Trump appointed prosecutor who realized it to be a political hack job that would otherwise have been dealt with like any other similar case and settled a long time ago.

      ETA: you still have yet to condemn the WaPo for calling Republicans rats.
      I have no idea what you're talking about there, but why would I condemn it. The republican party is full of rats including the top rat in Donald (the rat) Trump.


      • #63
        Originally posted by JimL View Post

        Well, once again then I will ask, what exactly are you talking about. What do you mean to say, without saying it? And yes, it seems you were trying to attribute it to Biden as exemplified by the rather silly comment below.
        Again, not to Biden exclusively.

        Many Presidents have sold off the SOR's in times of emergency such as in the 70's when it wss first established and which is what it is there for.
        Trump on the other hand wanted to sell it off in order to pay off some of the huge national debt that he added 8 trillion dollars to which is not what it's there for.
        Actually Trump wanted to restock it while oil prices were low. And the times it was released mostly for disasters, not because of a president's polling.

        I'd be glad to compare the two if you want to go there.
        You've already stated "it's different" so it's useless to do so.

        ​​​​Subjective opinion minus details. The same could be argued about the right, as well as it being corrupted and influenced with bribes/gifts from wealthy friends.
        You're obviously not familiar with the differences in judicial philosophies.

        That in response to Republicans blocking Obama from appointing the now atty gen Garland as a Supreme Court Judge.
        Senator Biden is on record for saying that SCOTUS picks should wait until after an election and Harry Reid is on record saying the Senate isn't obliged to hold hearing on a nominee. McConnell was just playing by Democrat rules.

        And there is no law as to the numerical make-up of the Supreme Court, it's been changed before.
        At no point did I say otherwise but the court packing scheme is just as obvious now as it was under FDR. If it was a Republican trying to expand the Court, you'd cry foul.

        That's a lot of bull, and you know it. Schumer wasn't threatening the judge even though that's the lie the right fed you. You know better than that.
        He's on video doing so.

        You mean the Trump appointed prosecutor who realized it to be a political hack job that would otherwise have been dealt with like any other similar case and settled a long time ago.

        More like Trump-rubbered stamp following customs of US attorney nominees.

        I have no idea what you're talking about there, but why would I condemn it. The republican party is full of rats including the top rat in Donald (the rat) Trump.
        So when the WaPo uses Nazi-esque language, it's okay. I did "Nazi" it coming that you would use Nazi-esque language.

        Last edited by Diogenes; 06-07-2024, 10:47 PM.
        P1) If , then I win.


        C) I win.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Diogenes View Post

          I do think the current state of the country is bad but it's not all due to Biden.
          Agreed. OMB was spending money pretty freely during the pandemic, but old Joe came along and said "hold my ice cream cone."

          I'm always still in trouble again

          "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
          "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
          "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


          • #65
            Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
            Agreed. OMB was spending money pretty freely during the pandemic, but old Joe came along and said "hold my ice cream cone."
            Old Joe had a pandemic driven economic disaster to deal with, while Trump added 6 trillion to the debt before even being hit with the pandemic.


            • #66
              Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
              Agreed. OMB was spending money pretty freely during the pandemic, but old Joe came along and said "hold my ice cream cone."
              I doubt any D or R POTUS candidate has a clue about being fiscally responsible (well, Rand did in 2016). Too many are career politicos without a clue how to balance budget.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Diogenes View Post

                Again, not to Biden exclusively.
                Obviously you choose not to answer the question posed. Got it!

                Actually Trump wanted to restock it while oil prices were low. And the times it was released mostly for disasters, not because of a president's polling.
                Trump wanted to sell off the reserves to help pay off the trillions he added to the national debt.

                You've already stated "it's different" so it's useless to do so.
                What I said is that it's an apples to oranges difference. Justice Thomas for instance has taken some 4 million in bribes/gifts without reporting them and so has Alito, Gorsuch and even Chief Justice Roberts whose wifes business dealings are questionable.

                You're obviously not familiar with the differences in judicial philosophies.
                Both false and irrelevant to the point.

                Senator Biden is on record for saying that SCOTUS picks should wait until after an election and Harry Reid is on record saying the Senate isn't obliged to hold hearing on a nominee. McConnell was just playing by Democrat rules.
                Nonsense. Obama had a year left in his term when McConnell block the appointment of Garland. And republicans were blocking the democrats appointments of lower court judicial nominees prior to Reid.

                At no point did I say otherwise but the court packing scheme is just as obvious now as it was under FDR. If it was a Republican trying to expand the Court, you'd cry foul.
                It's hilarious that you say this unaware of the fact that packing the courts is exactly what republicans have done.

                He's on video doing so

                Yes, and you are here on tweb purposefully repeating the bs and misrepresenting his meaning. You know better

                More like Trump-rubbered stamp following customs of US attorney nominees.
                You guys come up with the most lame excuses when you want to. Trump appointed.

                So when the WaPo uses Nazi-esque language, it's okay. I did "Nazi" it coming that you would use Nazi-esque language.
                WAPO isn't the President of the U.S.


                See above.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by JimL View Post
                  ....Justice Thomas for instance has taken some 4 million in bribes/gifts without reporting them and so has Alito, Gorsuch and even Chief Justice Roberts whose wifes business dealings are questionable......
                  A) The plural of wife is wives, plus there should be an apostrophe making wives possessive*.
                  2) Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR, But Media FREAKS Over Clarence Thomas’s $100K.

                  Left-wing activists and Democrats seeking to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court have repeatedly attacked Justice Clarence Thomas over allegations that he received $4 million in gifts over the past 33 years on the bench. However, these activists are ignoring the lucrative secret incomes being raked by the more liberal wing of the court, including its newest and most progressive member, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

                  As revealed in recent financial disclosures, U.S. Supreme Court justices reported a collective $1.5 million in book income last year. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was the highest earner from book advances, receiving $893,750 for her forthcoming memoir. That marks a nearly $1 million earning in a single year, compared to Justice Thomas, who has been under unrelenting pressure for $4 million in alternative earnings over a period of 33 years—or just over $100,000 per year.

                  *wives generally try to be possessive anyway.

                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by JimL View Post

                    Obviously you choose not to answer the question posed. Got it!
                    It requires more time than I have atm.

                    Trump wanted to sell off the reserves to help pay off the trillions he added to the national debt.
                    DOE Acts on President Trump's Order to Purchase Oil for the SPR: Releases RFP Announcing Crude Oil Purchase to Test the Market


                    Biden sold off nearly 50% of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Is that a problem?


                    What I said is that it's an apples to oranges difference. Justice Thomas for instance has taken some 4 million in bribes/gifts without reporting them and so has Alito, Gorsuch and even Chief Justice Roberts whose wifes business dealings are questionable.
                    Most in Congress have "questionable" business dealings. Unless there's a quid pro quo, it's not a bribe.

                    Both false and irrelevant to the point.
                    Quite true and quite relevant to the point. At this point you're just saying "grass is blue" to be contrarian or you're just ignorant.

                    Nonsense. Obama had a year left in his term when McConnell block the appointment of Garland. And republicans were blocking the democrats appointments of lower court judicial nominees prior to Reid.

                    It's hilarious that you say this unaware of the fact that packing the courts is exactly what republicans have done.
                    "Packing the court" refer to explaining the number of judges to create the availability to nominate judge, not filling vacancies.

                    Yes, and you are here on tweb purposefully repeating the bs and misrepresenting his meaning. You know better

                    You're the spin doctor.

                    You guys come up with the most lame excuses when you want to. Trump appointed.
                    Yes, he was nominated by Democrats and he was appointed with a rubber stamp.

                    WAPO isn't the President of the U.S.

                    So to you, WaPo echoing the Nazis is okay? Not surprising.
                    P1) If , then I win.


                    C) I win.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Ronson View Post

                      I doubt any D or R POTUS candidate has a clue about being fiscally responsible (well, Rand did in 2016). Too many are career politicos without a clue how to balance budget.
                      Reminds me of a local politician years ago who tried to a puff himself up as just an average guy by saying, "I have debt, I often have trouble making ends meet, so I understand exactly what you all are going through." My wife and I immediately decided not to vote for him, because the last thing we wanted was another politician who didn't know how to manage finances.
                      Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                      But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                      Than a fool in the eyes of God

                      From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post

                        Reminds me of a local politician years ago who tried to a puff himself up as just an average guy by saying, "I have debt, I often have trouble making ends meet, so I understand exactly what you all are going through." My wife and I immediately decided not to vote for him, because the last thing we wanted was another politician who didn't know how to manage finances.
                        EGGzackly --- I would FAR rather somebody have "challenges" but "we figure it out and manage to spend less than we bring in".
                        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

                          A) The plural of wife is wives, plus there should be an apostrophe making wives possessive*.

                          An obvious typo. Roberts, as far as I know, is not a polygamist.

                          Left-wing activists and Democrats seeking to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court have repeatedly attacked Justice Clarence Thomas over allegations that he received $4 million in gifts over the past 33 years on the bench. However, these activists are ignoring the lucrative secret incomes being raked by the more liberal wing of the court, including its newest and most progressive member, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

                          As revealed in recent financial disclosures, U.S. Supreme Court justices reported a collective $1.5 million in book income last year. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was the highest earner from book advances, receiving $893,750 for her forthcoming memoir. That marks a nearly $1 million earning in a single year, compared to Justice Thomas, who has been under unrelenting pressure for $4 million in alternative earnings over a period of 33 years—or just over $100,000 per year.

                          *wives generally try to be possessive anyway.
                          Obviously the added s was a typo. Roberts only has one wife to my knowledge.
                          And justice Jackson and Sotomayor making money on their own book sales is hardly equivalent to Thomas and Alito accepting millions in gifts/bribes from wealthy businessman, or Gorsuch's cushy real estate deals from the same with business before the court. Shirley you're not serious? LOL!!!


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by JimL View Post
                            An obvious typo.....
                            Jim, you are notorious for your inability to distinguish plurals from possessives, though I have been very patiently trying to mentor you on these.

                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

                              Jim, you are notorious for your inability to distinguish plurals from possessives, though I have been very patiently trying to mentor you on these.

                              In Jim's defense, the typos are meh. HA is the resident pedant and no one should be trying to make her redundant as she does such a wonderful job.
                              P1) If , then I win.


                              C) I win.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Diogenes View Post
                                In Jim's defense, the typos are meh.
                                I'm simply trying to help the boy.

                                HA is the resident pedant and no one should be trying to make her redundant as she does such a wonderful job.
                                But she doesn't love Jim like I love Jim.

                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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