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Associated Press Hysteria Over White Supremacists

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  • Associated Press Hysteria Over White Supremacists

    The Associated Press is in the midst of a meltdown over the 'threat' of white supremacists (all, what, couple thousand of them?) on social media, with conspiracy theories of coded messages, pushing a Biden Homeland Security warning that there will be all sorts of White Supremacist attacks this summer (one wonders where the Homeland Security was the Summer of 2020 with BLM.....).

    One really interesting part I thought some of our Christian posters might find particularly concerning: they declare that among those coded messages and hashtags, using a cross emoji in social media profiles is somehow a secret signal that someone is a white supremacist.

    The social media posts are of a distinct type. They hint darkly that the CIA or the FBI are behind mass shootings. They traffic in racist, sexist and homophobic tropes. They revel in the prospect of a “white boy summer.”

    White nationalists and supremacists, on accounts often run by young men, are building thriving, macho communities across social media platforms like Instagram, Telegram and TikTok, evading detection with coded hashtags and innuendo.

    Their snarky memes and trendy videos are riling up thousands of followers on divisive issues including abortion, guns, immigration and LGBTQ rights. The Department of Homeland Security warned Tuesday that such skewed framing of the subjects could drive extremists to violently attack public places across the U.S. in the coming months.

    These type of threats and racist ideology have become so commonplace on social media that it’s nearly impossible for law enforcement to separate internet ramblings from dangerous, potentially violent people, Michael German, who infiltrated white supremacy groups as an FBI agent, told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.

    “It seems intuitive that effective social media monitoring might provide clues to help law enforcement prevent attacks,” German said. “After all, the white supremacist attackers in Buffalo, Pittsburgh and El Paso all gained access to materials online and expressed their hateful, violent intentions on social media.”

    But, he continued, “so many false alarms drown out threats.”

    DHS and the FBI are also working with state and local agencies to raise awareness about the increased threat around the U.S. in the coming months.

    The heightened concern comes just weeks after a white 18-year-old entered a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, with the goal of killing as many Black patrons as possible. He gunned down 10.

    That shooter claims to have been introduced to neo-Nazi websites and a livestream of the 2019 Christchurch, New Zealand mosque shootings on the anonymous, online messaging board 4Chan. In 2018, the white man who gunned down 11 at a Pittsburgh synagogue shared his antisemitic rants on Gab, a site that attracts extremists. The year before, a 21-year-old white man who killed 23 people at a Walmart in the largely Hispanic city of El Paso, Texas, shared his anti-immigrant hate on the messaging board 8Chan.

    References to hate-filled ideologies are more elusive across mainstream platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Telegram. To avoid detection from artificial intelligence-powered moderation, users don’t use obvious terms like “white genocide” or “white power” in conversation.

    They signal their beliefs in other ways: a Christian cross emoji in their profile or words like “anglo” or “pilled,” a term embraced by far-right chatrooms, in usernames. Most recently, some of these accounts have borrowed the pop song “White Boy Summer” to cheer on the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on Roe v. Wade, according to an analysis by Zignal Labs, a social media intelligence firm.

    Facebook and Instagram owner Meta banned praise and support for white nationalist and separatists movements in 2019 on company platforms, but the social media shift to subtlety makes it difficult to moderate the posts. Meta says it has more than 350 experts, with backgrounds from national security to radicalization research, dedicated to ridding the site of such hateful speech.

    “We know these groups are determined to find new ways to try to evade our policies, and that’s why we invest in people and technology and work with outside experts to constantly update and improve our enforcement efforts,” David Tessler, the head of dangerous organizations and individuals policy for Meta, said in a statement.

    A closer look reveals hundreds of posts steeped in sexist, antisemitic, racist and homophobic content.

    In one Instagram post identified by The Associated Press, an account called White Primacy appeared to post a photo of a billboard that describes a common way Jewish people were exterminated during the Holocaust.

    “We’re just 75 years since the gas chambers. So no, a billboard calling out bigotry against Jews isn’t an overreaction,” the pictured billboard said.

    The caption of the post, however, denied gas chambers were used at all. The post’s comments were even worse: “If what they said really happened, we’d be in such a better place,” one user commented. “We’re going to finish what they started someday,” another wrote.

    The account, which had more than 4,000 followers, was immediately removed Tuesday, after the AP asked Meta about it. Meta has banned posts that deny the Holocaust on its platform since 2020.

    U.S. extremists are mimicking the social media strategy used by the Islamic State group, which turned to subtle language and images across Telegram, Facebook and YouTube a decade ago to evade the industry-wide crackdown of the terrorist group’s online presence, said Mia Bloom, a communications professor at Georgia State University.

    “They’re trying to recruit,” said Bloom, who has researched social media use for both Islamic State terrorists and far-right extremists. “We’re starting to see some of the same patterns with ISIS and the far-right. The coded speech, the ways to evade AI. The groups were appealing to a younger and younger crowd.”

    For example, on Instagram, one of the most popular apps for teens and young adults, white supremacists amplify each other’s content daily and point their followers to new accounts.

    In recent weeks, a cluster of those accounts has turned its sights on Pride Month, with some calling for gay marriage to be “re-criminalized” and others using the #Pride or rainbow flag emoji to post homophobic memes.

    Law enforcement agencies are already monitoring an active threat from a young Arizona man who says on his Telegram accounts that he is “leading the war” against retail giant Target for its Pride Month merchandise and children’s clothing line and has promised to “hunt LGBT supporters” at the stores. In videos posted to his Telegram and YouTube accounts, sometimes filmed at Target stores, he encourages others to go the stores as well.

    Target said in a statement that it is working with local and national law enforcement agencies who are investigating the videos.

    As society becomes more accepting of LGBTQ rights, the issue may be especially triggering for young men who have held traditional beliefs around relationships and marriage, Bloom said.

    “That might explain the vulnerability to radical belief systems: A lot of the beliefs that they grew up with, that they held rather firmly, are being shaken,” she said. “That’s where it becomes an opportunity for these groups: They’re lashing out and they’re picking on things that are very different.”

  • #2
    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gondwanaland View Post
      The Associated Press is in the midst of a meltdown over the 'threat' of white supremacists (all, what, couple thousand of them?) on social media, with conspiracy theories of coded messages, pushing a Biden Homeland Security warning that there will be all sorts of White Supremacist attacks this summer (one wonders where the Homeland Security was the Summer of 2020 with BLM.....).

      One really interesting part I thought some of our Christian posters might find particularly concerning: they declare that among those coded messages and hashtags, using a cross emoji in social media profiles is somehow a secret signal that someone is a white supremacist.
      Who let out the secrets?

      This one means "your dog got out"

      This one means "stay frosty"


      • #4
        I complained to AP about this "news" article, complete with loaded language and assumptions abound. Whenever I see sloppy, partisan hyperbolic "news" stories, I will always write to the editor. They never answer but it feels much better afterward. Oh, and I use a pseudonym and a VPN when I do, so as not to have AP forward my complaint and real ID to the feds for harassment.

        I seem to remember the FBI announcing riots and violence at polling places across the country in 2020, in "every major city" (IIRC). And the end result was ...... nothing. These are the people in charge.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Maranatha View Post

          Who let out the secrets?

          This one means "your dog got out"

          This one means "stay frosty"

          The last I heard, the feds were watching for the keyword "boogaloo", which is a white supremacist call-to-arms (or some such nonsense). I always suspected Ringo was a supremacist


          • #6
            No shock whatsoever. None.

            It looks like FBI and DHS are going to be the arm of evil moving forward. DHS is just chock full of pure irony.


            • #7
              Someday, one of those guys is going to meet an actual, card carrying, white supremacist - and die on the spot of a massive coronary.

              The guy will probably be a skinny little geek that doesn't have anyone to hang out with - but think of the street cred from scaring a lunatic reporter literally to death.
              "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

              "Forgiveness is the way of love." Gary Chapman

              My Personal Blog

              My Novella blog (Current Novella Begins on 7/25/14)

              Quill Sword


              • #8
                So apparently I'm going to need a nice little graphic of a Cross and a thumb-and-forefinger "Ok" sign to have with me wherever I go online and IRL.
                Geislerminian Antinomian Kenotic Charispneumaticostal Gender Mutualist-Egalitarian.

                Beige Federalist.

                Nationalist Christian.

                "Everybody is somebody's heretic."

                Social Justice is usually the opposite of actual justice.

                Proud member of the this space left blank community.

                Would-be Grand Vizier of the Padishah Maxi-Super-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-MAGA King Trumpius Rex.

                Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

                Justice for Matthew Perna!

                Arrest Ray Epps and his Fed bosses!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ronson View Post

                  The last I heard, the feds were watching for the keyword "boogaloo", which is a white supremacist call-to-arms (or some such nonsense). I always suspected Ringo was a supremacist
                  The Electric Boogaloo is gonna get you, and make you break dance.

                  The FBI is just a liberal clown show now, slumin around horrible eighties movies.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Teallaura View Post
                    Someday, one of those guys is going to meet an actual, card carrying, white supremacist - and die on the spot of a massive coronary.

                    The guy will probably be a skinny little geek that doesn't have anyone to hang out with - but think of the street cred from scaring a lunatic reporter literally to death.
                    I think a lot of them are people who have internalized all of the anti-white, anti-male rhetoric and have just embraced what they've been told they are.


                    • #11
                      Such articles are just a broad brush method of lumping all conservatives together as some nebulous "racist" enemy in order to neutralize them. That way whenever a conservative dares poke their head up, they have an excuse to attack them.

                      Can you imagine the outrage if conservatives tried to equate all liberals with Antifa?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                        Such articles are just a broad brush method of lumping all conservatives together as some nebulous "racist" enemy in order to neutralize them. That way whenever a conservative dares poke their head up, they have an excuse to attack them.

                        Can you imagine the outrage if conservatives tried to equate all liberals with Antifa?
                        Yeah, something like: "how dare you vile conservatives try to claim the glory that is the Anti-Fascist fascist movement... er, wait..."
                        "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

                        "Forgiveness is the way of love." Gary Chapman

                        My Personal Blog

                        My Novella blog (Current Novella Begins on 7/25/14)

                        Quill Sword


                        • #13
                          The term Boogalo was frequently discussed last summer (or maybe 2020), and yes, it was a movie reference. It was a code word to talk about a coming race war. I hadn't heard it in a long time until just now.
                          "I am not angered that the Moral Majority boys campaign against abortion. I am angry when the same men who say, "Save OUR children" bellow "Build more and bigger bombers." That's right! Blast the children in other nations into eternity, or limbless misery as they lay crippled from "OUR" bombers! This does not jell." - Leonard Ravenhill


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