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Socialism derail

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  • Originally posted by jordanriver View Post
    OK, you don't want politicians to have total power.

    wait, you don't want the people to have power either:

    you really don't care much for your fellow Americans do you, They are idiots to you.

    Direct Democracy to you means us monkeys taking over, .....rise of the apes.
    No Dummy, democracy means the people vote to decide what they do and do not want. Aren't you glad you GET to decide your lifestyle and your beliefs and made choices about what you did and did not do in life? Or are you some has been who regrets what you did not pursue and that's your real problem....Sorry dude, everyone screws up and doesn't pursue something or forgets to do something and we all wish we had or had not. Oh well, you live and learn but your own failures are your own.
    A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
    George Bernard Shaw


    • Originally posted by Catholicity View Post
      He made his choices based on what he wanted and preferred in life. The rest is his and my business as to why he chose and really likes being a career postman now isn't it unless he wants to tell you where he started in college, what his degree was and where he ended up and why. But for all his many talents (music is just one of them) He's a terrific postman and he likes the work. Another relative whose also an extremely talented musician, is a computer engineer by day and a musician every once in a while. I have another blood relative who is a musician and is a pastor in another state. I personally am a musician, but I chose to be a stay at home mom after a stint as a nurse tech (different from a nurse, a lower position) and a cleaning lady. And you aren't pulling the strings. You are not deciding who does what we all made our own choices. Maybe we are happy, you can't decide that. Thank God you can't decide that. I'm glad you can't. I'd rather you didn't.
      how could I pull the strings, I am not a teacher or analyst.

      I was just asking , wondering if it was because of the possibility he was forced to be a mailman because of money (because we live in a world where money decides whether you live or die)
      To say that crony capitalism is not true/free market capitalism, is like saying a grand slam is not true baseball, or like saying scoring a touchdown is not true American football ...Stefan Mykhaylo D


      • Originally posted by Catholicity View Post
        No Dummy, democracy means the people vote to decide what they do and do not want. Aren't you glad you GET to decide your lifestyle and your beliefs and made choices about what you did and did not do in life? Or are you some has been who regrets what you did not pursue and that's your real problem....Sorry dude, everyone screws up and doesn't pursue something or forgets to do something and we all wish we had or had not. Oh well, you live and learn but your own failures are your own.
        I like cleaning.

        I was raised like a farm kid, but instead of farm, it was restaurants. Supposedly, in our family, restaurant is in our blood.
        ...but when I knew I needed to learn more than just what my father had taught me, and he knew a lot, a real Chef and loving it, but I needed to see what other restaurants had. So I worked in as many as possible, learned a lot. But all that happened was I got really burned out. When cooking, I felt compelled to keep my area spotless. For some reason, I was unable to reason that the purpose of a restaurant is not to be a museum, but to produce meals and probably make a mess.

        I got to where I hated it , when getting my kitchen looking magazine picture perfect, some customer had the audacity to order a meal. go figure, I guess I was nuts in that category.

        Being the dummy you say I am, it took a while, but finally occurred to me, maybe I ought to get a job where cleaning actually is the goal.

        I don't know why I am compelled to clean, probably a brain defect or something.
        I have found myself scraping scuff marks off shiny floors at the supermarket or Walmart when I am just shopping , because they detracted from an otherwise shiny floor.
        To say that crony capitalism is not true/free market capitalism, is like saying a grand slam is not true baseball, or like saying scoring a touchdown is not true American football ...Stefan Mykhaylo D


        • Originally posted by jordanriver View Post

          watching cartoons is work. right?

          I want a job testing my bed to make sure it is good for sleeping. I can write reviews on it and everything. And I think I should be paid the same as some stupid factory owner, or rocket scientist. That's fair, right? Not anyone can just test out MY bed. I am an expert at it.


          • Originally posted by jordanriver View Post
            Calm yourself, brother.

            And that's just a profoundly asinine statement. Some people are legitimately incapable of working, some fake being incapable of working, and some just don't care. Is somebody going to be standing over the "workers" to make your statement true? To MAKE them work?

            You really haven't thought this through.
            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
              Calm yourself, brother.

              And that's just a profoundly asinine statement. Some people are legitimately incapable of working, some fake being incapable of working, and some just don't care. Is somebody going to be standing over the "workers" to make your statement true? To MAKE them work?

              You really haven't thought this through.
              yeah but once we have replicators and transporters like Star Trek, and we have free fusion energy and everyone loves one another, then we can all be rich and do anything we want without money and nobody will be jealous because they all have their own fusion reactor and replicator and can go anywhere they want with their transporter.


              • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                Calm yourself, brother.

                And that's just a profoundly asinine statement. Some people are legitimately incapable of working, some fake being incapable of working, and some just don't care. Is somebody going to be standing over the "workers" to make your statement true? To MAKE them work?

                You really haven't thought this through.
                I know there are legitimate handicapped , bedridden

                and I know some fake it, they went to the local psychological services, flunked the simple math tests, and got a rubber stamp from a stranger

                Everybody in his neighborhood knows he is one of the healthier humans around, just lazy. But of course, local neighbors are not strangers.

                I don't know which post, but I have posted before that local communities would be the ones who decide who really cannot work.

                .....i'll tell you what really galled me, and my fellow restaurant workers, (couple decades ago), people here think I resent rich who have more than me, but what workers really resent is people who get out of work. About the beginning of each month, when the lazy fake disability group get their government checks,
                we restaurant workers who worked our butts off every day, had one of our hardest days, because that's when the fakers spent their easy money , coming to eat. I know , overall they had less material stuff than us, 28 days out of a month we were better off than them, but still we hated serving these lazybones.

                who stands over the workers. Well that's what I do for a living now. This is the system we live in, but I think it would be better if the crew ELECTED their crew leader.
                To say that crony capitalism is not true/free market capitalism, is like saying a grand slam is not true baseball, or like saying scoring a touchdown is not true American football ...Stefan Mykhaylo D


                • Originally posted by jordanriver View Post
                  I like cleaning.

                  I was raised like a farm kid, but instead of farm, it was restaurants. Supposedly, in our family, restaurant is in our blood.
                  ...but when I knew I needed to learn more than just what my father had taught me, and he knew a lot, a real Chef and loving it, but I needed to see what other restaurants had. So I worked in as many as possible, learned a lot. But all that happened was I got really burned out. When cooking, I felt compelled to keep my area spotless. For some reason, I was unable to reason that the purpose of a restaurant is not to be a museum, but to produce meals and probably make a mess.

                  I got to where I hated it , when getting my kitchen looking magazine picture perfect, some customer had the audacity to order a meal. go figure, I guess I was nuts in that category.

                  Being the dummy you say I am, it took a while, but finally occurred to me, maybe I ought to get a job where cleaning actually is the goal.

                  I don't know why I am compelled to clean, probably a brain defect or something.
                  I have found myself scraping scuff marks off shiny floors at the supermarket or Walmart when I am just shopping , because they detracted from an otherwise shiny floor.
                  And it either a) never occured to you to start your own business or get a partner to help you start your own business. That's not everyone else's fault. Besides there is good money to be made in janitorial work, i just depends on what and where you do it. My cousin's husband used his Janitor work to pay his own way through school while he was married, raising a child. If you wanted better money as a Janitor, there is better money to be made you just have to figure out how to play your cards right. I can make really good money cleaning, but I don't have the joints to do it right now and I'd have to play my hand right, that's the great thing about capitalism. I CAN start a small business, I just have to know exactly what I am doing and have the capacity to do it. You can't sit around and demand that someone pay you a certain amount for being a walmart Janitor. Go apply at a Hospital that has more money. Go work for the public school Heck make a friend who is great at business then start a company with a small business loan as a contractor. And do your cleaning thing. But you can't make the same as someone like Zuckerburg who created facebook then got some great sponsorship by whining. My friend who started her own cleaning company is quite successful. Zuckerberg successful? no but she makes enough to pay her hirees 15/hour per job. That's nothing to sneeze at. So yeah you sound like a whiny Dummy. (someone who hasn't thought a plan through who carries resentment for what they wish they did) FYI, you are never to old to quit whining and better yourself in our capitalist society.
                  A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
                  George Bernard Shaw


                  • everybody works (always exceptions to the rule, why do I have to say something that used to be in category: 'that goes without saying' , I guess common sense is gone)

                    There's always, (is that safe to say, "always", do I have to be careful and no longer say always but instead say, "almost most of the time") exceptions to the rule.


                    Almost most of the time, EVERYBODY WORKS.

                    not everybody is born with the same talent.

                    ACTS 4:31-35
                    31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.
                    32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.
                    33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.
                    34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,
                    35 And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.

                    that was just for their local community,

                    but it sounded like a good idea to copy:

                    "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" Karl Marx in his 'Critique of the Gotha Programme' 1875/1891

                    maybe not everybody can work, but a lot more people who used to be cast aside as useless , have now been allowed to make a useful contribution to society:

                    To say that crony capitalism is not true/free market capitalism, is like saying a grand slam is not true baseball, or like saying scoring a touchdown is not true American football ...Stefan Mykhaylo D


                    • Originally posted by jordanriver View Post
                      I know there are legitimate handicapped , bedridden
                      Ok, so they're not "working".

                      and I know some fake it, they went to the local psychological services, flunked the simple math tests, and got a rubber stamp from a stranger
                      Or they just flat out lied. And they're not "working".

                      Everybody in his neighborhood knows he is one of the healthier humans around, just lazy. But of course, local neighbors are not strangers.
                      Ummmm.... now we're adding a "big brother" component? People know, so they're supposed to rat him out? Or maybe they'll just follow his example.

                      I don't know which post, but I have posted before that local communities would be the ones who decide who really cannot work.
                      I got news for you, friend - this is no longer "Ozzie and Harriet" land - how many people actually know their neighbors?

                      .....i'll tell you what really galled me, and my fellow restaurant workers, (couple decades ago), people here think I resent rich who have more than me, but what workers really resent is people who get out of work. About the beginning of each month, when the lazy fake disability group get their government checks,
                      we restaurant workers who worked our butts off every day, had one of our hardest days, because that's when the fakers spent their easy money , coming to eat. I know , overall they had less material stuff than us, 28 days out of a month we were better off than them, but still we hated serving these lazybones.
                      Then your proposed system will absolutely drive you nuts, cause you'll get a lot more of what galls you.

                      who stands over the workers. Well that's what I do for a living now. This is the system we live in, but I think it would be better if the crew ELECTED their crew leader.
                      Yeah, that works really well.... Hey, Charlie, if we elect you, will you promise not to drive us too hard?

                      You really REALLY haven't thought this through.
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • Originally posted by jordanriver View Post
                        everybody works (always exceptions to the rule, why do I have to say something that used to be in category: 'that goes without saying' , I guess common sense is gone)
                        So, your oft repeated claim that "everybody works" is bogus. Nonsense. Dumb, even. Not common sense.
                        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                        • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                          So, your oft repeated claim that "everybody works" is bogus. Nonsense. Dumb, even. Not common sense.
                          ok, this is useful, thank you, Ill have to remember to change that to 'every able bodied person' works.
                          To say that crony capitalism is not true/free market capitalism, is like saying a grand slam is not true baseball, or like saying scoring a touchdown is not true American football ...Stefan Mykhaylo D


                          • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                            Ok, so they're not "working".

                            Or they just flat out lied. And they're not "working".

                            Ummmm.... now we're adding a "big brother" component? People know, so they're supposed to rat him out? Or maybe they'll just follow his example.

                            I got news for you, friend - this is no longer "Ozzie and Harriet" land - how many people actually know their neighbors?

                            Then your proposed system will absolutely drive you nuts, cause you'll get a lot more of what galls you.

                            Yeah, that works really well.... Hey, Charlie, if we elect you, will you promise not to drive us too hard?

                            You really REALLY haven't thought this through.
                            then they can go back to capitalism if cooperation fails to get any work done. Then they really will have the day off every day.
                            To say that crony capitalism is not true/free market capitalism, is like saying a grand slam is not true baseball, or like saying scoring a touchdown is not true American football ...Stefan Mykhaylo D


                            • Originally posted by jordanriver View Post
                              then they can go back to capitalism if cooperation fails to get any work done.
                              Only in a dream world would your system work.

                              Then they really will have the day off every day.
                              Go to work!
                              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                              • Originally posted by jordanriver View Post
                                ok, this is useful, thank you, Ill have to remember to change that to 'every able bodied person' works.
                                No, actually, you'll have to change that to "every able bodied person who doesn't fake being disabled, or otherwise just doesn't want to work - works".
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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