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Interpretation the Trinity is polytheistic

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  • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post
    I'm not sure why all your studies have missed so many facts to lead you to so many less informed questions. You are right that the Jews would not worship a Messiah that were a mere man. So, Jesus had to be recognized as deity.
    I recommend you read the first two commandments. You are retrojecting a much Christian theological construct on to pious first century Palestinian Jews.

    Do you know anything about the Ebionites?
    "It ain't necessarily so
    The things that you're liable
    To read in the Bible
    It ain't necessarily so

    Sportin' Life
    Porgy & Bess, DuBose Heyward, George & Ira Gershwin


    • Originally posted by Christian3 View Post
      Have you noticed that Hypatia_Alexandria rarely if at all backs up her opinions with Scriptures?
      Scripture is not a reliable evidence based historical source.
      "It ain't necessarily so
      The things that you're liable
      To read in the Bible
      It ain't necessarily so

      Sportin' Life
      Porgy & Bess, DuBose Heyward, George & Ira Gershwin


      • And that is just your bias and preconceived notion that colors all your assertions with your subjective prejudices rather than actual objective facts, H.A.

        Remember that bias & prejudices cuts BOTH ways, yours included!

        Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
        Scripture is not a reliable evidence based historical source.


        • Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
          The concept that he was God incarnate is a much later theological construct. You are retrojecting fourth century Hellenistic beliefs back to the early years of the first century and attributing such beliefs to a group of observant Jews for whom such concepts would be both completely abhorrent and in violation of the first two commandments.

          Jesus and his followers were pious and observant Jews. They did not worship anthropomorphic gods.

          It is in the writings of Paul that are to be found concepts that would eventually
          "It is in the writings of Paul that are to be found concepts that would eventually lead to the theological development of Jesus' divinity.'

          Cite the Scriptures.


          • Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
            I recommend you read the first two commandments. You are retrojecting a much Christian theological construct on to pious first century Palestinian Jews.

            Do you know anything about the Ebionites?
            I see you like to inject humor. The NT writings were made with the awareness of the Decalogue and the Shema. To claim anything else seems rather contrived.

            The Christian construct is from the Jewish writings.

            The Ebionite beginnings are somewhat predictable in the later chapters in Acts and in Hebrews. These folks had a lot of pressure on them to conform to the general religious trends in Judea. The situation can be assessed either that the Ebionites were all the Jewish followers of the "real" Christ or that their viewpoint fell to the wayside because it was not the correct understanding. If, as Gamaliel is noted as saying, this continuing Messianic movement is of God, then God's hand preserves the truth over against groups like the Ebionites.


            • Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
              Scripture is not a reliable evidence based historical source.
              So you don't believe Scriptures are the history of an event.

              Are you an atheist?


              • Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                Judaism had, and still has, one ineffable invisible deity. Jesus was a pious and observant Jew. In the writings of Paul are to be found concepts that would eventually lead to the theological development of Jesus' divinity.
                The theological development on Jesus' divinity from Paul is mainly clarificational in nature. Paul ascribes full divinity to Jesus, and equality with the Father. As the kenotic hymn in Philippians makes clear, Paul, and the people from which he borrowed the hymn from, believed Jesus submission to the Father was a temporary, and self-imposed affair.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                All of the above, with maybe the exception of image, depending on what you mean by the term.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                Stories of gods descending and impregnating mortal women who went on to give birth to demi-gods or heroes are frequently found in Graeco-Roman mythology
                Not relevant. Mary becoming pregnant through the power of a disembodied Holy Spirit is not analoguous to anthropomorphic gods descending and fathering children by having sexual relations with mortal women.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                and Roman Emperors were deified after their deaths.
                According to Christian theology and the scriptures, Jesus did not become divine after His death, He already existed eternally as God from the very beginning.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                The apotheosis of human beings was therefore hardly unknown.
                What we have in the NT is not an example of apotheosis and so this is completely irrelevant.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                The Ancient Egyptian chthonic deity Osiris provided the classic pattern of the savior god. His initiates believing that he had once died and risen again and that by ritual assimilation with him, they too could attain immortal life. The cult of Isis and Osiris was well-known in the Graeco-Roman world with the second century CE writer Apuleius most probably an initiate.
                The parallels that have been drawn between Jesus death and resurrection and the so-called "dying and rising gods" of the ancient near east have been seriously overblown by atheists on the internet. Superficial similarities, and that's all we have between the story of Jesus' death and resurrection and these aforementioned stories of dying and rising gods, do not establish dependence and borrowing.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                non Hellenistic Jew
                By a non-Hellenistic Jew I mean a Jew who had been largely untouched and uninfluenced by Hellenistic thought and culture. In the extent they existed it would have been in rural areas where people rarely travelled to and experienced life in the city.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                This is not entirely correct. Of course the entire region of the ancient near east was Hellenised by Alexander and indeed without the influence of Hellenistic ideas the religion of Christianity would never have developed. However, in my opinion you have made a blanket statement about the entire region with regards to the extent of Hellenism and the degree to which, by the first century, it had permeated Jewish culture.
                Citing a footnote from Skarsaune in his book In the Shadow of the Temple, p.75 where he himself quotes Shaye J.D. Cohen we read:

                Source: Skarsaune, 2002, p.75, footnote 20

                The same point is made vigorously in Shaye J. D. Cohen's recent comprehensive history of Judaism in our period, Maccabees to MishnahB.C.E

                © Copyright Original Source

                Anti-"pagan" sentiments among Jews did not mean they were free from, or succeeded in avoiding being influenced by Hellenistic thought.

                Assuming by "small towns and villages in Galilee and Judaea you mean a village like Bethsaida, presumably to quite a considerable extent. Again, citing Skarsaune:

                Source: Skarsaune, 2002, pp.40-42

                Perhaps the most impressive evidence for the extent to which Judaism and Hellenism were exposed to each other during the crucial centuries around the birth of Christ comes from the study of the languages used in Israel. A Greek visitor would have had no problem being understood in the streets and shops of Jerusalem. . . .

                . . . This [koine greek] is the language employed by several Jewish authors of that time and by the authors of the New Testament. It is the language of the educated elite in all provinces of Alexander's empire, and even became the preferred language of the cultural upper class in Rome itself. Even more remarkable, perhaps, is that Greek gained a certain foothold as a spoken and written language in Israel among the native Jewish population. It did not replace Hebrew or Aramaic, but seems to have been used in addition to these two languages.

                Archaelogy provides some telling illustrations. Many inscriptions have been found on ossuaries, dating roughly from the 200 years prior to A.D

                © Copyright Original Source

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                In the first two centuries of the religion the nature of the Christ varied enormously. Irenaeus writes of the Trinity but what did Irenaeus understand by that? Did he envisage a single Godhead with three persons sharing the substance [ousia] but with three distinct[beings] hypostases? Most probably not.
                Irenaeus might not have used the terminology of later orthodoxy, but nothing he writes is in opposition to later orthodox thought.

                Orthodoxy is only a meaningful term if you already believe that the scriptures on which this orthodoxy is to be based are actually true. Of course, from your perspective, not being a believer, none of the various beliefs and groups that professed adherence to the Christian scriptures, both OT and NT, could be considered "orthodox" in any meaningful sort of way. If there existed a "right opinion" it would be the right opinion regardless of what authority it had.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                This point is just plain nonsense, and relies completely on your mistaken assumption that "orthodoxy" is in some way tied up with having the authority to punish someone for professing beliefs that are in variance with establised belief. The fact that the emperor had the political power to punish those who professed beliefs that differed from what was established as orthodox during the various councils of Christendom does not mean that the emperor was the one who determined which beliefs were orthodox, and which were not. It was the bishops who convened to these councils that came that came to an agreement (excluding a few dissenting voices) on which beliefs were to be considered orthodox, the emperor simply recognized the judgement of the bishops that had convened on the matter.

                I don't need to post any rebuttals. I'm not objecting to what you wrote in that specific part of your post, I'm simply stating that it's irrelevant to the discussion.

                Originally posted by Hypatia_Alexandria View Post
                I did not write that Constantinople created orthodoxy. It affirmed it by Imperial edict with the threat of severe legal penalties for those who dissented.
                And again, this is largely irrelevant to the question of whether orthodoxy existed or not. The issue of authority to demand adherence to a particular belief is largely unconnected from the question of whether that particular belief is orthodox/true or not.


                • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                  Not relevant. Mary becoming pregnant through the power of a disembodied Holy Spirit is not analoguous to anthropomorphic gods descending and fathering children by having sexual relations with mortal women.
                  why not?
                  the end result of either process is a God in human form?

                  sex is bad/sin in Christianity?
                  its not a sin in either Judaism or in Hellenistic cultures right?


                  • Originally posted by siam View Post
                    why not?
                    the end result of either process is a God in human form?
                    Not exactly. On the one hand you have the demigods of greek and roman mythology who are half-god, half-mortal and who had a definite beginning in time. On the other hand you have Jesus, who existed eternally as the divine Word of God, who came down to earth and took on human nature.

                    Originally posted by siam View Post
                    sex is bad/sin in Christianity?
                    its not a sin in either Judaism or in Hellenistic cultures right?
                    Even Islam knows that the idea that God would have sex with mortals (or just in general) is a ridiculous idea. Please stop being daft and asking stupid questions.


                    • Came across this while looking into another topic....
                      but---it does seem that the Emperors did exert authority on theology.....

                      "... On the recommendation of Eudoxius, Eunomius was appointed bishop of Cyzicus in 360.[3] Here his free utterance of extreme Arian views led to popular complaints, including those from a number of contemporary writers such as Andronicianus. Eudoxius was compelled, by command of the emperor, Constantius II, to depose Eunomius from the bishopric within a year of his elevation to it."

                      "In 383, the emperor Theodosius, who had demanded a declaration of faith from all party leaders, punished Eunomius for continuing to teach his distinctive doctrines, by banishing him to Halmyris in Scythia Minor."

                      Their theological views were---
                      The teaching of the Anomoean school, led by Aetius and Eunomius, starting from the conception of God as Creator, argued that between the Creator and created there could be no essential, but at best only a moral, resemblance. "As the Unbegotten, God is an absolutely simple being; an act of generation would involve a contradiction of His essence by introducing duality into the Godhead." .....etc.

                      so...even as late as the 4th century, there were many views on Christian theology....with Arianism and its variations the biggest competitor?


                      • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                        Not exactly. On the one hand you have the demigods of greek and roman mythology who are half-god, half-mortal and who had a definite beginning in time. On the other hand you have Jesus, who existed eternally as the divine Word of God, who came down to earth and took on human nature.

                        Even Islam knows that the idea that God would have sex with mortals (or just in general) is a ridiculous idea. Please stop being daft and asking stupid questions.
                        Took on human nature = demigod/God in human form.
                        demigod-half human half God---Christian formula---fully God, fully human ---either way, the ratio is the same.

                        No---from the Islamic perspective Both ideas---God "begetting" and God incarnating are equally ridiculous


                        • Originally posted by siam View Post
                          sex is bad/sin in Christianity?
                          its not a sin in either Judaism or in Hellenistic cultures right?
                          What I meant to ask was ---some Christian ideas might be traced to Hellenization or Judaic (influences) but if a concept of "sex is bad/sin" exists in Christianity, what would be its historic precedent culture/theology...if any?


                          • Originally posted by siam View Post
                            Took on human nature = demigod/God in human form.
                            demigod-half human half God---Christian formula---fully God, fully human ---either way, the ratio is the same.
                            This is an incredibly naive and simplistic way to look at it. In the first place, it's not even the same kind of divinity that is being compared. In the case of Christianity we have a theistic God with all that entails (omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, morally perfect etc...) taking on human nature while still retaining full divinity in the theistic meaning of the word, while in the case of pagan mythology we have a completely different sort of anthropomorphic gods siring offspring with the help of mortals and producing half-divine, half-human hybrids.

                            Originally posted by siam View Post
                            No---from the Islamic perspective Both ideas---God "begetting" and God incarnating are equally ridiculous
                            That seems to me to be a flaw in the Islamic perspective, more than anything else.


                            • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                              This is an incredibly naive and simplistic way to look at it. In the first place, it's not even the same kind of divinity that is being compared. In the case of Christianity we have a theistic God with all that entails (omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, morally perfect etc...) taking on human nature while still retaining full divinity in the theistic meaning of the word, while in the case of pagan mythology we have a completely different sort of anthropomorphic gods siring offspring with the help of mortals and producing half-divine, half-human hybrids.

                              That seems to me to be a flaw in the Islamic perspective, more than anything else.
                              Ok---you may be right that they are conceptually different...but they are functionally the same are they not? The God-Man concept is "hybridity" in function since it is God in human form.

                              What is a flaw or not in one paradigm/worldview should not be determined by the assumptions that make up another paradigm/worldview. For example, to judge Christian "truths" by the standards of the sacred texts of the Buddhists (sutras) may not be an appropriate method. If you need to discern if a doctrine or presumption is flawed, it might be better to discuss it within the paradigm itself. Logic and reason might be good tools to use for such an exercise. (that is, if we are discussing the Islamic presumptions and paradigm)


                              • Originally posted by Christian3 View Post
                                So you don't believe Scriptures are the history of an event.
                                The Bible is not a reliable historical source because it does not meet the standard criteria of source reliability used by historians, namely 'historical critical methodology'.


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