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Interpretation the Trinity is polytheistic

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  • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post

    How on earth did you come to that conclusion???

    There's absolutely no way to logically come to that conclusion based on what I've written in this thread so far.
    Well it seems as though you want to have your cake and eat it to. Your argument is that God suffered and died on the cross for us and that he was then self resurrected, while at the same time arguing that God never dies. If God was dead, how did he resurrect himself?


    • Originally posted by JimL View Post
      Well it seems as though you want to have your cake and eat it to. Your argument is that God suffered and died on the cross for us and that he was then self resurrected, while at the same time arguing that God never dies. If God was dead, how did he resurrect himself?
      I answered the point about God being able to die in post #146. Go back and read that.


      • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
        Scripture Verse: John 5:26 ESV

        For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself.

        © Copyright Original Source

        Furthermore, 1 Tim 6:16 is speaking about being eternal and indestructible. Even if the Son died physically on the cross He did not die in the way 1 Tim 6:16 means, which would be a complete annihilation of the spirit. 1 Tim 6:16 has nothing to do with physical death, but is speaking of ceasing to exist altogether, which it is impossible for God to do.
        Logically speaking, the son would either have to be eternal and one with the father, and therefore have life in himself, or the father granted the son also to have life in himself. Which is it?


        • Originally posted by JimL View Post
          Logically speaking, the son would either have to be eternal and one with the father, and therefore have life in himself, or the father granted the son also to have life in himself. Which is it?
          The Son is eternal and one with the Father on account of being begotten of the Father in eternity. That is how the Father grants the Son to have life in Himself.


          • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
            The Son is eternal and one with the Father on account of being begotten of the Father in eternity. That is how the Father grants the Son to have life in Himself.
            How is one begotten in eternity. What is meant by begotten here?


            • Originally posted by JimL View Post
              How is one begotten in eternity. What is meant by begotten here?
              It means the source, or origin of the Son's existence lies in the Father. This is not a temporal action however, it simply means that without the Father existing, neither could the Son exist.


              • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                It means the source, or origin of the Son's existence lies in the Father. This is not a temporal action however, it simply means that without the Father existing, neither could the Son exist.
                So, the person YHWH is the source of the person Jesus, even though the person Jesus is as eternal as the person YHWH? Can you make sense of that?


                • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                  It does not, because 1 Tim 6:16 has nothing to do with physical death.
                  Saying "1 Tim 6:16 has nothing to do with physical death" is wrong because 1 Timothy 6:16 says specifically "God ALONE possesses IMMORTALITY" and immortality means "the quality of being able to live or last for ever"



                  • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
                    Scripture Verse: John 5:26 ESV

                    For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself.

                    © Copyright Original Source

                    Furthermore, 1 Tim 6:16 is speaking about being eternal and indestructible. Even if the Son died physically on the cross He did not die in the way 1 Tim 6:16 means, which would be a complete annihilation of the spirit. 1 Tim 6:16 has nothing to do with physical death, but is speaking of ceasing to exist altogether, which it is impossible for God to do.
                    May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me."

                    John 10:29 says "My Father is greater than ALL" and therefore the Father is greater ALL including the Holy Spirit.


                    • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post

                      1) More accurately, God dies a human death. It's not that only half of God dies, but rather that there is a physical death that Jesus underwent as a person. His entire person, human and divine endured separation from His body. His divine part not dying refers to the fact that His divine nature did not cease existing, or stop functioning, as a result of this separation. So the God-man Jesus did die a physical death.

                      2) Every man is sinful (with one notable exception), but it's not an essential part of being human, so I would say, sort of? At least you got the sinful man not being able to die for the sins of humanity right.

                      3) Incorrect. Sinless God became a sinless man to bear our sins. As I noted above, sinfulness is not an essential part of being human. It's more like a defect, or a corruption that we are all born with, with the exception of Jesus, Who was miraculously conceived and did not fall under the curse of sin.

                      So the Son took on human nature and lived a sinless life as an example for us to follow, and died physically on the cross, human and divine nature alike, to atone for our sins. So Jesus offered himself up completely, enduring the death and shame of the cross to atone for our sins

                      4)Well, maybe if you didn't draw such far-fetched and groundless conclusions from what I wrote you might not be so confused.
                      4) Well, maybe ...if Christianity was more simple and clear, I would not be drawing far-fetched conclusions and be confused!!??

                      points 1, 2 and 3---rephrasing with particular note to the underlined points in the above explanation...

                      a) sinful humanity is useless for incarnation
                      b) God has to create a sinless creature in order to incarnate (God-man)
                      c) Incarnation is necessary in order to de-Incarnate (spiritual death)
                      d) De-incarnation is necessary to forgive sins. (most important part in this whole process)

                      so...the formula is...sinless creature + incarnation/de-incarnation = forgiveness.

                      This makes Jesus unnecessary---as there are plenty of sinless creatures on earth---any animal can do. Just incarnate into one---then de-incarnate and there you go---all sins are forgiven!!

                      Such logic would make Hinduism the most forgiving religion in the world as it has God hopping around incarnating into, and de-incarnating out of, a variety of creatures....all of them sinless..

                      at this point---a Christian might argue that Jesus is very necessary, that God had to create "sinless" Jesus in order to incarnate and de-incarnate...because it is Jesus who suffered on the cross and the above formula of forgiveness requires a cross/torture for it to be valid. (without a cross/torture = no forgiveness)
                      so...sinless creature+incarnation+torture & cross +de--incarnation = forgiveness as per God's will.

                      ...but this logic brings up an even more disturbing point...
                      According to Christianity itself---This whole process/formula is in accord with God's will and is a message that Jesus (the God-man) himself taught.
                      and...according to Christianity---it is the Jews and Romans that obeyed God's will and followed his instructions....NOT the Christians who watched from the sidelines without even lifting a stone to throw at Jesus!!! In fact, Christians are the ones who blatantly disregarded and/or actively disobeyed God's will.
                      God specially creates a "sinless" creature to get the whole process of forgiveness started---and the very people to whom he gives the message/formula are too chicken to do it. They have others do the dirty deed then have the gall to claim the benefits of God's forgiveness!!! That is indeed Bold!


                      • A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and siam and same hakeem demonstrate exactly that by intentionally ignoring the consistent Bible records of the words, sayings and deeds of Christ, twisting His mission and teachings into
                        Originally posted by siam View Post
                        4) Well, maybe ...if Christianity was more simple and clear, I would not be drawing far-fetched conclusions and be confused!!??

                        points 1, 2 and 3---rephrasing with particular note to the underlined points in the above explanation...

                        a) sinful humanity is useless for incarnation
                        b) God has to create a sinless creature in order to incarnate (God-man)
                        c) Incarnation is necessary in order to de-Incarnate (spiritual death)
                        d) De-incarnation is necessary to forgive sins. (most important part in this whole process)

                        so...the formula is...sinless creature + incarnation/de-incarnation = forgiveness.

                        This makes Jesus unnecessary---as there are plenty of sinless creatures on earth---any animal can do. Just incarnate into one---then de-incarnate and there you go---all sins are forgiven!!

                        Such logic would make Hinduism the most forgiving religion in the world as it has God hopping around incarnating into, and de-incarnating out of, a variety of creatures....all of them sinless..

                        at this point---a Christian might argue that Jesus is very necessary, that God had to create "sinless" Jesus in order to incarnate and de-incarnate...because it is Jesus who suffered on the cross and the above formula of forgiveness requires a cross/torture for it to be valid. (without a cross/torture = no forgiveness)
                        so...sinless creature+incarnation+torture & cross +de--incarnation = forgiveness as per God's will.

                        ...but this logic brings up an even more disturbing point...
                        According to Christianity itself---This whole process/formula is in accord with God's will and is a message that Jesus (the God-man) himself taught.
                        and...according to Christianity---it is the Jews and Romans that obeyed God's will and followed his instructions....NOT the Christians who watched from the sidelines without even lifting a stone to throw at Jesus!!! In fact, Christians are the ones who blatantly disregarded and/or actively disobeyed God's will.
                        God specially creates a "sinless" creature to get the whole process of forgiveness started---and the very people to whom he gives the message/formula are too chicken to do it. They have others do the dirty deed then have the gall to claim the benefits of God's forgiveness!!! That is indeed Bold!


                        • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                          So, the person YHWH is the source of the person Jesus, even though the person Jesus is as eternal as the person YHWH? Can you make sense of that?
                          Yes, the Sons existence being dependent on the Father doesn't require a temporal relation.


                          • Originally posted by siam View Post
                            4) Well, maybe ...if Christianity was more simple and clear, I would not be drawing far-fetched conclusions and be confused!!??
                            I think the main problem is you keep strawmanning and making the weirdest conclusions even when you have absolutely no warrant for it.

                            Originally posted by siam View Post
                            points 1, 2 and 3---rephrasing with particular note to the underlined points in the above explanation...

                            a) sinful humanity is useless for incarnation
                            b) God has to create a sinless creature in order to incarnate (God-man)
                            c) Incarnation is necessary in order to de-Incarnate (spiritual death)
                            Spiritual death is not "de-incarnation". Jesus still remained human even after His death on the cross.

                            Originally posted by siam View Post
                            d) De-incarnation is necessary to forgive sins. (most important part in this whole process)

                            so...the formula is...sinless creature + incarnation/de-incarnation = forgiveness.

                            This makes Jesus unnecessary---as there are plenty of sinless creatures on earth---any animal can do. Just incarnate into one---then de-incarnate and there you go---all sins are forgiven!!
                            No, the "formula" is a sinless human. I already pointed out that Jesus had to become like us in post #131. "Any animal" can most certainly not do.

                            Originally posted by siam View Post
                            Such logic would make Hinduism the most forgiving religion in the world as it has God hopping around incarnating into, and de-incarnating out of, a variety of creatures....all of them sinless..
                            In that case it's a good thing I've never used such logic.

                            Originally posted by siam View Post
                            at this point---a Christian might argue that Jesus is very necessary, that God had to create "sinless" Jesus in order to incarnate and de-incarnate...because it is Jesus who suffered on the cross and the above formula of forgiveness requires a cross/torture for it to be valid. (without a cross/torture = no forgiveness)
                            so...sinless creature+incarnation+torture & cross +de--incarnation = forgiveness as per God's will.

                            No, they might argue that you're still strawmanning and continuing to draw completely unwarranted conclusions.

                            Originally posted by siam View Post
                            ...but this logic brings up an even more disturbing point...
                            According to Christianity itself---This whole process/formula is in accord with God's will and is a message that Jesus (the God-man) himself taught.
                            and...according to Christianity---it is the Jews and Romans that obeyed God's will and followed his instructions....NOT the Christians who watched from the sidelines without even lifting a stone to throw at Jesus!!! In fact, Christians are the ones who blatantly disregarded and/or actively disobeyed God's will.
                            God specially creates a "sinless" creature to get the whole process of forgiveness started---and the very people to whom he gives the message/formula are too chicken to do it. They have others do the dirty deed then have the gall to claim the benefits of God's forgiveness!!! That is indeed Bold!
                            According to Christianity it was Jesus Himself who willingly gave up Himself to be crucified, and willingly gave up His own life. And even though the result was the forgiveness of the world, that doesn't mean the people who sentenced Jesus to be executed and carried it out weren't committing a grave sin.

                            And you're wrong about having others do the dirty deeds. It was our sins that made it necessary for Christ to incarnate and going to the cross, the issue of who nailed Him to that cross is a minor irrelevancy compared to that fact.


                            • Originally posted by siam View Post
                              c) Incarnation is necessary in order to de-Incarnate (spiritual death)
                              Just realized I didn't address this point fully. What you call "de-incarnation" is not spiritual death. Just to make it sure, the biblical definition of spiritual death is separation from God, which Jesus never experienced as far as I'm aware.

                              The way I've been using "spiritual death" in this thread though, is not the biblical definition, instead I've been using it to denote complete destruction of the spirit. In any case, neither definition fits the situation in this case, since I've constantly argued that Jesus died physically on the cross, not spiritually.


                              • Originally posted by Dan Zebiri View Post
                                A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and siam and same hakeem demonstrate exactly that by intentionally ignoring the consistent Bible records of the words, sayings and deeds of Christ, twisting His mission and teachings into
                                Yeah, I've noticed that.

                                Siam, I recall in another thread you mentioned you haven't even read the NT completely, only bits and pieces. Why are you here discussing doctrines of Christianity when you can't even take the time to familiarize yourself with the writings on which Christian doctrine are based? If it was only a case of mild curiosity I would understand, but you're constantly arguing against Christianity and coming up with the weirdest misrepresentations based on your limited and misunderstood knowledge.

                                You said if Christianity was more simple and clear maybe you wouldn't be so confused. I think you have it backwards. Maybe if you actually took the time necessary to familiarize yourself with the writings from which Christianity derives it's doctrines you wouldn't be so confused all the time.


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