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Christians and Trump--two perspectives

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  • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

    So good so far....
    Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

    It's misleading.
    No,it isn't. People died as a result of the insurrection and it is misleading to say that it wasn't so bad.

    Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

    Do you believe abortion is immoral?
    This again? Yes, I believe that abortion is immoral. I also believe that more than one thing can be immoral at the same time. What does abortion have to do with the insurrection on January 6th? Do you think that abortion makes insurrection right? Do you believe that it is immoral to hang Mike Pence? As Christians we have to weigh all of the issues, not just one. Then we have to do the best we can.


    • Originally posted by Timothy View Post

      Five people died, Beverly
      Non sequitur. That has nothing to do with improperly classifying it as an insurrection.

      And, as Cow Poke pointed out, only one person died as a direct consequence of the riot, and she was killed by a trigger-happy desk jockey who was in no way in imminent danger.
      Veritas vos Liberabit<>< Learn Greek <>< Look here for an Orthodox Church in America<><Ancient Faith Radio
      I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


      • Originally posted by Timothy View Post
        You bet!

        No,it isn't.
        Yes, it is.

        People died as a result of the insurrection and it is misleading to say that it wasn't so bad.
        A) It wasn't an insurrection - it was a riot.
        2) I never said it "wasn't so bad" - it was horrendous.
        c) It is misleading to imply that people who died of natural causes (heart attack, etc) died "as a result of the insurrection riot". Even agrees.
        iv) The ONLY person who died that day as a direct result of the riot was an unarmed female Air Force verteran.

        This again? Yes, I believe that abortion is immoral.
        And the Democrats have opted to make that their #1 Campaign issue, along with their very enthusiastic support for LGBQT+++ and other issues.

        I also believe that more than one thing can be immoral at the same time. What does abortion have to do with the insurrection on January 6th?
        Ah, Timothy --- you disappoint me --- there is nothing in my post that implies that abortion has anything to do with the riot.
        It DOES, however, have to do with the entire focus of the Democratic Party in the upcoming election.

        Do you think that abortion makes insurrection right?

        Do you believe that it is immoral to hang Mike Pence?
        I missed that - I was under the impression he was still alive!

        As Christians we have to weigh all of the issues, not just one.
        So, it appears you are hyper-focused on this alleged "insurrection", and ignoring the overall platform of the Democratic Party.

        Then we have to do the best we can.
        I try.

        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


        • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

          I missed that - I was under the impression he was still alive!
          He is still alive. The question was "Do you believe that it is immoral to hang Mike Pence?" The insurrectionists never made to Mike Pence, but I believe the question is still open.


          • Originally posted by Timothy View Post
            He is still alive.
            Yeah, I know.

            The question was "Do you believe that it is immoral to hang Mike Pence?"
            Absolutely, but nobody did that.

            The insurrectionists

            never made to Mike Pence, but I believe the question is still open.

            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

              Why the word quibble? insurrectionists are also necessarily rioters. Rioters who storm the capital building are also insurrectionists. You say tomato, I say tomato.


              • Originally posted by Timothy View Post
                Why the word quibble? insurrectionists are also necessarily rioters. Rioters who storm the capital building are also insurrectionists. You say tomato, I say tomato.
                There simply was no insurrection, hence, no insurrectionists.

                This horse has been beaten so badly and for so long that pretty much all that remains is his shattered bones.

                You can have the last word.
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • Originally posted by Timothy View Post

                  Why the word quibble? insurrectionists are also necessarily rioters. Rioters who storm the capital building are also insurrectionists. You say tomato, I say tomato.
                  It's not a quibble, champ. Insurrectionists don't wander around, staying respectfully inside the guide ropes, taking selfies once they get inside. I understand you're attempting to manufacture outrage, here, but it looks faintly ridiculous.
                  Veritas vos Liberabit<>< Learn Greek <>< Look here for an Orthodox Church in America<><Ancient Faith Radio
                  I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


                  • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

                    There simply was no insurrection, hence, no insurrectionists.

                    This horse has been beaten so badly and for so long that pretty much all that remains is his shattered bones.

                    You can have the last word.
                    Whatever. Take another look, if you want to see.


                    • Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
                      It's not a quibble, champ. Insurrectionists don't wander around, staying respectfully inside the guide ropes, taking selfies once they get inside. I understand you're attempting to manufacture outrage, here, but it looks faintly ridiculous.
                      Yeah, that isn't what happened. Nice try though. I don't need to manufacture outrage. January 6th happened, and one side wants to minimize what happened. Whatever. Believe whatever you want. The facts don't care about your feelings, and all that. Have a nice day.




                        • Originally posted by Cerebrum123 View Post

                          I used to believe that, but not anymore. They are just two puppets controlled by the same person. They might appear to fight against each other, but the same force drives them both.
                          I have a friend who calls them the monoparty.
                          "For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings." Hosea 6:6

                          "Theology can be an intellectual entertainment." Metropolitan Anthony Bloom


                          • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

                            So it comes down to, in my opinion, work [or vote] like it depends on you, but pray like it depends on God.

                            (with far more emphasis on the latter)
                            I confess I am checking out of the political party. I've come to the conclusion that both are more drawn to maintaining their power than doing good for their city, county, state, or USA. Now if I could just pray more.
                            "For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings." Hosea 6:6

                            "Theology can be an intellectual entertainment." Metropolitan Anthony Bloom


                            • Originally posted by Thoughtful Monk View Post

                              I have a friend who calls them the monoparty.
                              I've usually heard of it being called the uniparty, but that also works.


                              • Originally posted by Cerebrum123 View Post

                                I've usually heard of it being called the uniparty, but that also works.
                                How bout the unipotty? Give it a New England flair.
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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