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The Nag Hammadi

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  • #16
    Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
    See my link to Eusebius in post #4 above.
    Thanks, Pig.
    I am Punkinhead.

    "I have missed you, Oh Grand High Priestess of the Order of the Stirring Pot"

    ~ Cow Poke aka CP aka Creacher aka ke7ejx's apprentice....


    • #17
      Originally posted by ke7ejx View Post
      I'm glad we had this conversation because it made me dig through my pile of books a bit. Marvin Meyer, a scholar of Gnosticism from Chapman University mentioned this about the Gospel of Judas in his book The Gnostic Discoveries:
      Is that a direct quote from Meyer? Not sure what he's on about, if so. There's not one "Nag Hammadi Codex" - there's a Nag Hammadi Codex I, Codex II, and so on - but he's clearly referencing the Codex Tchacos, which was found decades later in a different Egyptian location. I can understand why there might be some volume out there with "Nag Hammadi Library" in the title that includes the Gospel of Judas for the sake of surveying more Gnostic literature; but, strictly speaking, there's no sense in which it's accurate to describe it as part of the "Nag Hammadi Library," which is a discrete collection of codices recovered at that specific place in a specific sealed jar, containing a variety of documents of varying degrees of Gnostic content (the specifics of which will, of course, be debated by scholars 'til the cows come home and fall through the hell-portal in the yard.
      "The Jesus Christ who saves sinners is the same Christ who beckons his followers to serious use of their minds for serious explorations of the world." - Mark Noll

      "It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading." - John Wesley

      "Wherever men are still theological, there is still some chance of their being logical." - G. K. Chesterton


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