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God Will Give You Something to Say

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  • God Will Give You Something to Say

    Fantastic article written by John Piper. Take a few minutes to be blessed by it:

  • #2
    Originally posted by Scrawly View Post
    Fantastic article written by John Piper. Take a few minutes to be blessed by it:
    It never seems to occur to people that God might want you to say absolutely nothing at all.
    Actually YOU put Trump in the White House. He wouldn't have gotten 1% of the vote if it wasn't for the widespread spiritual and cultural devastation caused by progressive policies. There's no "this country" left with your immigration policies, your "allies" are worthless and even more suicidal than you are and democracy is a sick joke that I hope nobody ever thinks about repeating when the current order collapses. - Darth_Executor striking a conciliatory note in Civics 101


    • #3
      Originally posted by Meh Gerbil View Post
      It never seems to occur to people that God might want you to say absolutely nothing at all.
      Yeah I bet that's never, ever occurred to Piper


      • #4
        Originally posted by Meh Gerbil View Post
        It never seems to occur to people that God might want you to say absolutely nothing at all.
        Some of my most precious moments have been when I managed not to say anything.
        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


        • #5
          I have been in situations where I said nothing and let my enemies squabble. Still that won't stop me from giving a defense.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
            Some of my most precious moments have been when I managed not to say anything.
            That goes without saying.

            Even a fool, when he is silent, is considered wise. When he closes his lips, he is considered intelligent. (Proverbs 17:28)
            Last edited by Faber; 12-30-2016, 06:49 PM.
            When I Survey....


            • #7
              Originally posted by Faber View Post
              That goes without saying.

              Even a fool, when he is silent, is considered wise. When he closes his lips, he is considered intelligent. (Proverbs 17:28)
              STORY TIME!!!!

              The old rancher was going to town, and he was taking his grandson. As they got to the dry goods store, the rancher told the boy "you stay in the wagon, and don't say anything or people will find out you're a fool".

              Soon, the Sheriff was walking up the street, saw the boy sitting in the wagon, and said "Howdy son!" The boy didn't say anything. The Sheriff repeated "I said Howdy son!" The boy just sat there. The Sheriff asked, "Boy, can't you talk?" Nothing. The Sheriff pulled out a silver dollar and said, "Boy, if you'll just say howdy, I'll give you this shiny silver dollar". Nothing.

              The Sheriff walked off, saying, "Boy, you must be a fool!"

              When the rancher came out, the boy piped up, "Honest, Papa, I didn't say a word, but the Sheriff found out anyway!"
              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


              • #8
                "To be silent when we are impelled to utter words injurious to God or to our neighbour, is an act of virtue; but, to be silent in confessing our sins, is the ruin of the soul." St. Alphonsus de Ligouri


                • #9
                  OK, has anyone here actually read the article? lol.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scrawly View Post
                    OK, has anyone here actually read the article? lol.
                    There was an article?

                    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Scrawly View Post
                      OK, has anyone here actually read the article? lol.
                      I did.

                      I think that is the amount of "prophecy" I have been doing when debating.

                      I have often enough been arraigned by Protestants, Orthodox, Jews, and not least Atheists, and have nearly always had a reply.

                      It is real good fun, but doesn't mean I am a "prophet" as the word is usually understood, so, if anyone wonders why I have so good answers, have a look at Luke 12:11; not at the passages which specifically deal with prophecy.

                      Thanks, Sparko, for telling how I add the link here!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Meh Gerbil View Post
                        It never seems to occur to people that God might want you to say absolutely nothing at all.
                        It occurred to VERY many, that that would be what God wanted me to do ... me not being one of them!

                        Thanks, Sparko, for telling how I add the link here!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Meh Gerbil View Post
                          It never seems to occur to people that God might want you to say absolutely nothing at all.
                          My best example, I think, is when we had a young lady in our youth group who got pregnant. I was the youth minister. The Church pretty much shunned her, and it really bothered me, because it seemed like if ever there's a time when you need your Church, it's when you're in a condition like that.

                          One morning, I came into the Church early, and she was standing down by the nursery door, just staring in. I imagined she was contemplating what her life was about to become. I walked down the hall to her, but realized I had no idea what to say.

                          So I hugged her. And she hugged back, really hard, and just kept hanging onto me. I could feel her warm tears on my neck, and could feel her sobbing quietly. I don't know how long we stood there like that, but I remember neither of us ever said a word.

                          But I believe the Holy Spirit did.
                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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