

Christianity 201 Guidelines

orthodox Christians only.

Discussion on matters of general mainstream evangelical Christian theology that do not fit within Theology 201. Have some spiritual gifts ceased today? Is the KJV the only viable translation for the church today? In what sense are the books of the bible inspired and what are those books? Church government? Modern day prophets and apostles?

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Additionally and rarely, there may be some topics or lines of discussion that within the Moderator's discretion fall so outside the bounds of mainstream orthodox doctrine (in general Christian circles or in the TheologyWeb community) or that deny certain core values that are the Christian convictions of forum leadership that may be more appropriately placed within Unorthodox Theology 201. NO personal offense should be taken by such discretionary decision for none is intended. While inerrancy is NOT considered a requirement for posting in this section, a general respect for the Bible text and a respect for the inerrantist position of others is requested.

The Tweb rules apply here like they do everywhere at Tweb, if you haven't read them, now would be a good time.

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Modern tech and spreading the word

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  • Modern tech and spreading the word

    Technology allows us many avenues to evangelize. We have two youtubers here in the form of mr holding and mr peters. Print and Radio brought us not only easily available bibles but classics like "Pilgrims progress" and "The Screwtape letters".
    Still I think even with all this there are quite a few problems.

    1. Juvenilization.
    2. Underutilization

    I was wondering if you guys had any thoughts on tge subject.

  • #2
    We consider theologyweb a ministry. And we have had a few conversions.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sparko View Post
      We consider theologyweb a ministry. And we have had a few conversions.
      That is cool. Praise the Lord.


      • #4
        I know 2-3 really good preachers who in older days, would not be widely known at all, but in this era they post all their sermons on Youtube, and have developed a following. The internet is like the re-invention of the printing press.


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