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Favorite Podcasts!!!

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  • Favorite Podcasts!!!

    Is anyone else here a Podcast listener? If so, what are some of your favorites, and what are you listening to now?

    Here's some of the Podcasts that I listen to regularly on my phone while driving around or working out.

    I'll start with some great history podcasts:

    1. Saga Thing - This is a podcast about the Icelandic Sagas. A super enjoyable show by two scholars of medieval literature who banter about the Norse Sagas and Eddas. lots of vikings, and ancient Norse mythology, and medieval Christianity. One of my recent favorites! Still active.

    2. The History of Rome - This is the podcast that spawned a hundred "History of..." copycats. Its the history of Rome from the early kingdom to its fall in the early middle ages. Done by a well read nonprofessional, but with impeccable research. Its one of the top, if not the top, historical podcast. This podcast has since been concluded, but is still a great place to start if you're interested in the topic.

    3. History of Byzantium - The unofficial official continuation of the History of Rome podcast that explores the history of Rome in the East. This podcast was created by another amateur podcaster, but keeps the same spirit as the original History of Rome podcast. Extremely well read, and informative, and is still active.

    4. Dan Carlin's - Hardcore History - Man this podcast is good. Its done by a professional journalist who has a passion for all things historical. It skips around history highlighting different eras, but in epic scale. The podcasts are thoroughly researched, and cover a range of topics including the Viking age, WWI, Genghis Khan, etc. Carlin is extremely passionate, and puts you right there in the midst of the action. Never a boring episode. The episodes range in length from 40 minutes to, more recently, 3 or more hours. Can't recommend enough. Still active.

    5. Communio Sanctorum: The History of the Christian Church - Influenced by the History of Rome podcast, this podcast by Pastor Lance Ralston, pastor of Calvary Chapel of Oxnard (Ventura County, California) delves into the history of, well, the Christian church. I love this podcast. Very well researched. He puts a lot of work into it, and you can tell. He tries to be as historically objective as possible while discussing the subject, but sometimes can't help but be a pastor from time to time. I talked to him a bit about working on objectivity so that more people could get more out of it, and feel he really took that to heart when he relaunched the podcast by redoing the earlier episodes. Very occasionally he'll get into a side subject about his heart on a certain topic, but reminds the listener that this is his personal take one whatever. Anyways, I can't recommend this podcast enough. Still active.

    6. The History of China - Another great amateur podcast that probably started thanks to the History of Rome podcast. This podcast is, again, very well researched, and is very interesting, but, for me personally, it can be a bit of a struggle to get through. I blame that mostly on the fact that all of the names seem to blend together for me. This podcast can be a bit dry, but mostly because it sticks to the ruling class. Occasionally it dips into things like Chinese mythology and religion, but not enough for my tastes. Still active.

    7. The History of Iran - This is a podcast by a scholar of the "late antique Near East, mostly interested in the Sasanian and Byzantine empires and the early Islamic period". Its still getting on its feet, and there are occasional delays between episodes because he tends to move around a lot. The podcaster is very interesting to listen to, but because he's still new to this, it can be a little hard to follow. There's a sense with this podcast that he isn't sure if he wants to get super academic, or talk to a more general audience. I have hope that it'll get better over time. Still active.

    8. NT Podcast - This is the podcast of professor Mark Goodacre. Very informative. Always fun to listen to. The podcasts are short, maybe 10-15 minutes or so, but packed with interesting content about the New Testament and early church. Sporadically updated.

    9. Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean - This is a podcast by the Canadian scholar Philip Harland. I never noticed how often Canadians say "aboot" before listening to this podcast. Its again, very well researched, very informative, but is a bit more sophisticated than the average audience is probably used to. He has a very secular historical view of the religions of the ancient Mediterranean with a focus on 1st through 3rd century Christianity, but touches upon ancient Jewish, Zoroastrian, and Roman Pagan beliefs. The podcast can be sort of dry because he's mostly taping his college lectures with interspersed podcast commentary. I don't always agree with the presentation of the material since he does lean rather moderate/skeptical, but its good stuff all the same. Still active.

    10. The Septuagint Sessions

  • #2
    I don't listen to a lot, but I'm going through The Tolkien Professor podcasts and some Open Yale courses which I treat as podcasts.


    • #3
      Those are some outstanding recommendations, Adrift! I'll need to check them out.

      I listen to a lot of pop culture podcasts right now.

      1. War Rocket Ajax- Reviews of new comics, and interviews with writers and artists from two of the writers from Comics Alliance. Also random tangents on pro wrestling, video games, old movies... They're also currently ranking every comic storyline they can get their hands on into a stupidly long list.

      2. Movie Fighters- The same two guys as above watch bad movies on Netflix and then spend an hour moaning about them, but also breaking down just what makes them so bad. Warning, both contain a bit of language.

      3. The NoSleep Podcast- Professional quality narrations of original horror stories written by listeners.

      4. Midnight Cassette- Same premise, but the audio is designed to sound like an old cassette. Also sometimes reads stories by Poe, Lovecraft, and other greats.

      5. Talkin Toons- Rob Paulsen, the voice of Pinky/Yakko Warner/15,000 other things interviews people from all over the landscape of Western animation.

      6. The Arkham Sessions- Clinical Psychologist Andrea Latamendi analyzes Batman and his supporting cast.

      7. Musings from the High Desert- I don't listen to as many Orthodox Podcasts as I used to, but I really enjoy this one in particular by a well-read priest in New Mexico and his wife about different different aspects of theology and modern life.
      Last edited by Kelp(p); 11-19-2014, 09:46 PM.
      O Gladsome Light of the Holy Glory of the Immortal Father, Heavenly, Holy, Blessed Jesus Christ! Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and behold the light of evening, we praise God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For meet it is at all times to worship Thee with voices of praise. O Son of God and Giver of Life, therefore all the world doth glorify Thee.

      A neat video of dead languages!


      • #4
        Great stuff guys! I was heavily into the Tolkien stuff when I was in high school back in the early 90s. Read a lot of Chrisopher Tolkien's editing of his father's material. That should be an interesting podcast to check out. I've briefly checked out some of the Yale open courses, but never dived too much into them.

        I was a hardcore Marvel comics collector back in the early/mid 90s as well, but got bored with the soap opera aspect of the mainstream comics after awhile. Still, I'm interested in the goings on of some of my favorite characters (primarily Spider-Man, though I'm disappointed in some of the editorial directions by Joe Quesada). I should check out War Rocket Ajax.

        Also, I'm a hardcore cult film buff. Anything horror, sci-fi, fantasy, surrealist or weird is my thing, but I like pretty much anything (except Musicals, I can't stand Musicals). I tried getting into "How Did This Get Made", but couldn't. They covered films that I had absolutely no desire to check out (like the Tyler Perry Madea films). I have a Netflix account, so maybe Movie Fighters will be more my speed. And Midnight Cassette sound terrific. I love old radio shows. For awhile I was into a couple history radio shows like Twilight Histories, which takes you through history as though you were a time traveler, with great sound effects and everything, but eventually I dropped it because I just didn't know how reliable the actual history was. I should probably pick that one up again, cause it really was pretty good.


        • #5
          If you like old radio, you should check this site out, though it's not technically a podcast. Twilight Zone/Outer Limits type fiction show from the 40s, that has since gone into public domain. Welcome to Night Vale is a lot of fun too if you don't mind the main character occasionally swooning over another man.

          And yeah, after One More Day (and Sins Past, though that one is a little easier to ignore imo) it's hard for me to get into Spidey, too.
          O Gladsome Light of the Holy Glory of the Immortal Father, Heavenly, Holy, Blessed Jesus Christ! Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and behold the light of evening, we praise God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For meet it is at all times to worship Thee with voices of praise. O Son of God and Giver of Life, therefore all the world doth glorify Thee.

          A neat video of dead languages!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kelp(p) View Post
            If you like old radio, you should check this site out, though it's not technically a podcast. Twilight Zone/Outer Limits type fiction show from the 40s, that has since gone into public domain. Welcome to Night Vale is a lot of fun too if you don't mind the main character occasionally swooning over another man.
            Oh, that's so cool. You know what's funny, there's this Christian radio show called Unshackled, and its hokey as all get out, but I love listening to it, because they still do the old radio programs. I LOVE that stuff! Love Twilight Zone and Outer Limits. Totally my thing.

            And yeah, after One More Day (and Sins Past, though that one is a little easier to ignore imo) it's hard for me to get into Spidey, too.
            Yeah, I'm convinced Marvel love Spider-Man, but HATES Peter Parker. They got rid of his wife (cause they didn't know how to write a married super hero (should have taken hints from the indie comic Saga)), then rewrote Gwen Stacy's storyline so that she cheated on him. Then killed him and had his arch-nemesis possess his body, and before all that, tried to get rid of him altogether with the Ben Riley storyline. Drives me nuts, and that's why I can't read mainstream comics anymore. LOL.


            • #7
              Yeah, totally. I'm so tired of the current DC (rip off aaaaaaaaaaall of the arms) and Marvel offerings. I'm sticking to old stuff and indie comics right now (I've almost completed my collection of Denny O'Neil 86-92 Question comics). I do want to check out Saga at some point. I've also got the first trade of Ryan North's The Midas Flesh on order for December.

              I must sound like such a hipster lol.
              Last edited by Kelp(p); 11-19-2014, 11:49 PM.
              O Gladsome Light of the Holy Glory of the Immortal Father, Heavenly, Holy, Blessed Jesus Christ! Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and behold the light of evening, we praise God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For meet it is at all times to worship Thee with voices of praise. O Son of God and Giver of Life, therefore all the world doth glorify Thee.

              A neat video of dead languages!


              • #8
                I forgot all about Unshackled. Hokey as hell, but quaint.


                • #9
                  Grace To You -- John MacArthur's radio ministry of his sermon snippets.
                  Last edited by The Melody Maker; 11-20-2014, 10:19 PM. Reason: Clarification
                  ~ Russell ("MelMak")

                  "[Sing] and [make] melody in your heart to the Lord." -- Ephesians 5:19b

                  Fight spam!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by The Melody Maker View Post
                    What's it all about? Music? Sermons? A combination?


                    • #11
                      Okay, Podcasts part 2.

                      This is probably going to be less relevant to most folks, but I have pretty eclectic tastes, so maybe something will appeal someone here.

                      1. Bilgemunky Pirate Radio - This one's just for Sparko. A whole podcast full of a mix of old sea shanties and modern music devoted to all things pirate. They also had a naughty spin off podcast show that was filled with lots of stuff you didn't want the kids to hear. It was pretty funny though, and had a feeling of legit pirate talk. Unfortunately the show called it quits this year, and so is no longer active.

                      2. The Bored-Again Christian - This is a wonderful Christian rock podcast, but you're not going to find anything in the way of CCM or anything you'll hear on your standard Christian rock station here. This stationed is tailored towards a more indie and alternative rock sound, and the music on the show is not necessarily by Christian bands, so you're just as likely to hear something from They Might be Giants, or Tom Waits as you are someone like Sufjan Stevens or Danielson, but all of the songs are thematically about spirituality and faith. There's also some tongue-in-cheek, self-conscious ribbing between songs, so if you're easily offended, this might not be the show for you. Unfortunately the DJ hasn't updated the show since 2012, so this is no longer active.

                      3. The Eternal Now with Andy Ortmann - This is a broadcast out of WFMU in NJ. WFMU is a free format radio station that plays pretty much whatever the DJs finds interesting that day, but shows typically have general themes. The theme of this show is just anything...weird. Its a mix of experimental, noise, obscure, bizarro music. There's stuff on this show that falls into the Noise music genre, which is basically what it sounds like. Noise isn't really my cup of tea (even though I have acquaintances who create it), but between the super-experimental stuff is some genuinely interesting weird and wacky music that I can groove to. Still active.

                      4. Mashup & Remix Archive - Ever wondered what The Eurythmics Here Comes the Rain Again would sound like if it was mixed with The Doors Riders on the Storm? No? Well you probably don't know what you're missing then. This station presents some of the best music mashups currently out there. Some of them work, some of them don't, but if you ever wondered what The Beatles vs. Motley Crue, Lil John vs. Public Enemey vs. Survivor, or Daft Punk vs Everything But The Girl sounded like, this is where to go. Still active.

                      5. RadioNowhere Radio Nowhere is actually a variety of shows. All of them great. All of them eclectic. For instance, there's the Doggone History of Country Music show that plays a terrific mix of old and modern Western, Folk, and Americana music (you won't find any normal country-pop on this station); And there's Filmic, which is a show that is nothing but great film score music. You'll find Danny Elfman, Ennio Morricone, Goblin, John Williams, Hans Zimmer, and the like here. You'll also find a number of great alternative, post-punk, and indie shows on this podcast. Still active.

                      6. Maximum Rocknroll Radio - This is the podcast of the radio show by the same name, which is also the name of the old fanzine by the same name. This is nothing but old school and hardcore punk rock. If you're looking for pop-punk like Green Day (or whoever the pop flavor of the day is), you're not going to find it here. Still active.

                      7. Liz Berg - This is another WFMU show. Another eclectic mix of the weird and wonderful, but with less of the super experimental noise stuff you hear on The Eternal Now. A typical show will have a mix of folk, sound collages, post-punk, disco, and just about anything odd, obscure, or weird you can think of. Still active (I think).

                      8. Jugtown - Just what it sounds like. Its pretty much hillbilly music with a mix of old country and western, folk, Americana, bluegrass, rockabilly, and sometimes even actual jug blowing.

                      9. Irish and Celtic Music Podcast - Just what it sounds like. Classic and modern takes on Celtic music. The DJ is also a musician, and has pretty decent taste. Its not as good, in my opinion, as The Thistle & Shamrock on NPR, but still pretty darn good.

                      10. Coverville - This is a fun show that's nothing but bands covering the music of other bands. Mostly rock based, but the mix of rock is pretty widespread. There's covers of the Rolling Stones, Kinks, Led Zepplin, Katy Perry, Lenny Kravitz, The Sisters of Mercy, Sheena Easton.... you name it, its probably been covered. Most of the cover musicians are also well known musician, so its not unusual to hear like, I don't know Alice Cooper covering Alice in Chains...or something like that. Anyways, its a lot of covers.

                      Okay, well I'll continue the music podcast list tomorrow. So stay tuned!


                      • #12
                        Podcasts part 3

                        Music podcasts continued...

                        11. Aural Apocalypse - This podcast bills itself as A Soundtrack for the Final Days, and that sounds about right. This is pretty dark stuff, and includes genres like Neofolk, Noise, Martial Industrial/Military Pop, Post-Industrial, Dark Ambient, Military March, etc. I like this stuff, but its not for everyone, and probably shouldn't be for everyone. A lot of bands in these genres are associated with Nordic Neo-Paganism (Heathenry) and occultism, but there are also a (growing) number of bands associated with Christianity as well. These genres are also sometimes controversial because of their use of, and interest in, fascist imagery and themes. Most bands don't show any interest in this subject matter at all, but there are enough that do that I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it. The reason for this interest is sometimes tied to historical curiosity, sometimes as shock theater, and occasionally because of the actual neo-fascist leanings of some artists.

                        12. Eclectic Bliss - Another podcast spinning modern indie and alternative music.

                        13. The Ledge - A podcast spinning punk, post-punk, indie, alternative, new wave, garage rock, etc.

                        14. Danger Radio Podcast - Yet another podcast spinning Old School Punk, Post-punk, Indie/Alternative, and the like. If you couldn't tell by now, this is the type of music I really like.

                        15. Meyer Auditorium Concert Series - Each show has a theme that mostly focuses on traditional, classical, and jazz world music. So its not uncommon to hear Persian classical music one week, Vietnamese folk music the next, and Indian lute music the week after that. There used to be a FANTASTIC podcast out of Utah called Radio Cosmopolis, that was focused on world music old and new (afrobeat, turkish garage rock, vietnamese doowop, classical indian sitar and tabla, etc.), but that shows been canceled, and so the Meyer Auditorium Concert Series is probably the closest I'm going to get for now.

                        16. d|sonoras - This is, I believe, a Portuguese podcast that focuses on Goth, Darkwave, some Industrial and the like. Not for everyone, but totally my thing.

                        17. GaragePunk Pirate Radio - Ok, this one is not necessarily for Sparko. The pirate in Pirate Radio is referring back to the type of music you might hear on illegal radio broadcasts back in the mid to late 60s. This podcast is actually a network of shows focusing on garage rock of the 60s, 70s and today, and includes proto-punk, rockabilly, psychobilly (and other-billys), 60s surfer and spy music, tiki lounge music, rock, and rhythm and blues. Great stuff!

                        18. Norb Rozek's Podcast - Pretty sure this show is in the GaragePunk Pirate Radio network. Anyways, this podcast focuses on garage rock, proto-punk, and old school punk rock.

                        19. Thee Polyvinyl Craftsmen - Another one that I believe is in the GaragePunk Pirate Radio network. This podcast again focuses on punk (including proto and post punk), industrial, goth, new wave, alternative, psychedelic rock, garage rock, sometimes doom metal, just anything kinda weird and interesting.

                        20. Shout Bamalama! - This one I know is in the GaragePunk Pirate Radio network. It features 60s surf music, 60s and 70s garage rock, 50s and 60s doo-wop, early 60s R&B and soul music, some rockabilly and psychobilly, and bunch of other cool genres.

                        Okay, well that's it for this round. I think I have one more music podcast to bore you all with, and then I'm moving on to another type of podcast material. By the way, I listen to all of these podcasts. Maybe not all of them everyday, but they're all played eventually. I play the majority of the music podcasts at work, and my current coworkers are surprisingly cool with it. Most people who come into our part of the office look at me crazy and ask "what the heck are you listening to?", but the guys I work with all day are great about it. One of them even calls it Barnes and Nobles, or Borders bookstore music, because that's the only way he can contextualize music that he doesn't know from top 40 radio. That makes me a little sad, but I hope I'm expanding his horizons. He's now a fan of the Beatles, Hendrix, The Cure, and a bunch of modern indie bands thanks to what's playing all day, so I find that to be a bit of breakthrough.


                        • #13
                          Lol, you just made me feel really old. When I was growing up, my parents would only play the oldies station. I was shocked for a second to hear you say there's someone out there who doesn't consider the Beatles to be Top 40.
                          O Gladsome Light of the Holy Glory of the Immortal Father, Heavenly, Holy, Blessed Jesus Christ! Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and behold the light of evening, we praise God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For meet it is at all times to worship Thee with voices of praise. O Son of God and Giver of Life, therefore all the world doth glorify Thee.

                          A neat video of dead languages!


                          • #14
                            This is one I often returned to for comfort in the past. Fr. Thomas Hopko's series on The Names of Jesus in Scripture I don't recall hearing anything in it that would be offensive to non-Orthodox and it's a great remind of just how awesome our Lord is and how He permeates Scripture.
                            O Gladsome Light of the Holy Glory of the Immortal Father, Heavenly, Holy, Blessed Jesus Christ! Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and behold the light of evening, we praise God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For meet it is at all times to worship Thee with voices of praise. O Son of God and Giver of Life, therefore all the world doth glorify Thee.

                            A neat video of dead languages!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kelp(p) View Post
                              This is one I often returned to for comfort in the past. Fr. Thomas Hopko's series on The Names of Jesus in Scripture I don't recall hearing anything in it that would be offensive to non-Orthodox and it's a great remind of just how awesome our Lord is and how He permeates Scripture.
                              Awesome! Thank you Kelp. I've been looking for some good Orthodox podcasts (I'm always interested in a diversity of theological opinions and views). I'll be adding this one to my list today.


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