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14-year-old Texas boy arrested for bringing homemade clock

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  • Originally posted by Sam View Post
    And this is the "briefcase" that the kid was using ... it's a pencil box.

    No foolin, Sherlock!

    (that was a snark )
    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


    • Originally posted by Sea of red View Post
      For you, this is about politics; those nasty left-wing commies that you can't stand.
      Who, exactly, would be "those nasty left-wing commies" that I can't stand?

      You've been bringing up past happening that are totally unrelated to this and hoping like hell, that maybe some story will come along that confirms your unfounded beliefs.
      What in the world are you talking about? What "past stories" have I been bringing up? Perhaps in your haste to spew forth venom, you have me confused with Rogue who is, indeed, bringing up past happenings?

      All you've got is an opinion that unfortunately for you, is not backed up in facts.

      It's a shame. You're normally a calm guy away from this political stuff. But the moment you perceive a story that you feel puts you up against liberal people, you go into this fully loaded assault, without taking the time to listen to your opponents.
      Why don't take a deep breath, review the posting history here, and figure out what the heck you're talking about.
      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


      • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
        What are you talking about? I'm sincerely confused. Why can't I say that a kid knowingly created a device to look like a bomb, but did not intend malice!!? To say that I can't say that is the craziest thing I've ever heard.
        Then I guess you haven't been around very long if my statement is the craziest thing you've ever heard. Fact is, you made an accusation with absolutely no evidence to back it up. You projected your teenage activities on to him, as if every kid matures as you did - and that's not the case. Some kids don't have those issues, and it never crosses their mind to pull some kind of a dangerous prank. Secondly, if the kid knew he was making a hoax bomb, then that qualifies as malice, Adrift. It would change the entire dynamic of the story but I think because you realize you've got absolutely nothing to offer to support that idea, so you're now backing down from the obvious insinuation you made.

        You never in your life played with a toy gun? Never played spy?
        Yes, and exactly how does that relate to a hoax bomb in anyway? You're simply grasping at straws.

        Your and Sam's position on this topic just defies my comprehension. I simply don't understand why you both don't get this.
        Is that the best you've got at this point, that I'm being illogical because I don't find your assertions all that convincing? You made the accusation, Adrift, and it was a pretty serious one. You can't just throw out your opinion and expect that people won't challenge you to defend it with something more than "when I was kid!" analogies, that hold zero relevancy to the issue. So stop trying to turn this around like I'm being unreasonable, when you're the one that throw the idea out their to begin with. And don't try to back peddle on the insinuation you made - it makes you look disingenuous.


        • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
          The "picture" is of the device AFTER THE FACT. There is no way to know what it actually looked like at the time, or if it was in the same state.
          Well, I mean, he actually admitted that it could look suspicious and that he went out of his way to make it look not so suspicious. He says so at the 1:26 minute of this video (don't know if this was already mentioned). I mean, again, he knew what it looked like.

          I did a search of this thread, and didn't see anything about Mark Cuban's telephone call with him where he pointed out that Ahmed was being fed what to say by his sister on Bill Maher's show (Bill was being his typical over the top anti-religion, anti-Muslim nutter, so ignore him). So thought that was interesting to point out if you hadn't seen it.


          • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
            I did a search of this thread, and didn't see anything about Mark Cuban's telephone call with him where he pointed out that Ahmed was being fed what to say by his sister on Bill Maher's show (Bill was being his typical over the top anti-religion, anti-Muslim nutter, so ignore him). So thought that was interesting to point out if you hadn't seen it.
            I'm not understanding part of this. (and, yeah, I see you edited the first part that I didn't understand ) Mark Cuban called Ahmed? Who was it that was saying that Ahmed was being fed what to say....
            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • The kid said in that video that he used a cable to close the case because a locked case would look suspicious, not that he thought the contents of the case looked suspicious.
              "I wonder about the trees. / Why do we wish to bear / Forever the noise of these / More than another noise / Robert Frost, "The Sound of Trees"


              • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                Who, exactly, would be "those nasty left-wing commies" that I can't stand?
                Pretty much everybody on this forum that doesn't share your conservative views. It's what makes talking to you so unpleasant in this section of the forum; you turn into the very thing you say you can't stand.

                What in the world are you talking about? What "past stories" have I been bringing up? Perhaps in your haste to spew forth venom, you have me confused with Rogue who is, indeed, bringing up past happenings?
                Is this a joke? Some of us don't have that short of a memory.

                Do you have anything outside of conservative psychological projection and talking points to offer? You've done everything you've accused the opposition of doing, and you don't even seem to be aware of it. I'd contend that from the moment you read the story you didn't want to believe it, and you didn't want to even consider the notion that perhaps this kid experienced prejudice - as that would be giving the liberals ammunition about Islamophobia concerns. That's what this all really about.

                Why don't take a deep breath, review the posting history here, and figure out what the heck you're talking about.
                You done? I think you've show us all how reasonable you're going to be for the rest of this conversation.


                • Originally posted by Sea of red View Post
                  Pretty much everybody on this forum that doesn't share your conservative views.
                  That's a flat out lie.

                  It's what makes talking to you so unpleasant in this section of the forum; you turn into the very thing you say you can't stand.
                  So don't talk to me!
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • Originally posted by Sea of red View Post
                    You projected your teenage activities on to him, as if every kid matures as you did - and that's not the case. Some kids don't have those issues, and it never crosses their mind to pull some kind of a dangerous prank.
                    Remind me never to bring up an anecdotal ever again on this forum.

                    Secondly, if the kid knew he was making a hoax bomb, then that qualifies as malice, Adrift. It would change the entire dynamic of the story but I think because you realize you've got absolutely nothing to offer to support that idea, so you're now backing down from the obvious insinuation you made.
                    Whatever insinuation you think I was making, I was not making. I know what I meant, and I said what I meant. Please, stop pretending you can read my mind. You can't, and you haven't. I have to admit that I'm actually a bit put out that you would think that I've insinuated anything other than what I've actually said. Does it strike you that I'm the type of person who won't speak my mind about what I'm actually thinking on this forum? Have I ever given you reason to think that? I thought that you and I sorta had a decent rapport, so I have to say, I don't know where this is coming from.

                    Yes, and exactly how does that relate to a hoax bomb in anyway? You're simply grasping at straws.
                    That's not grasping at straws my friend. I'm attempting to relate to the mind of a 14 year old. You played with toy guns, you know how cool it was to handle things like ninja stars, handcuffs, and knives. Is that really so far out to think that a kid could also be into creating and showing off a fake bomb?

                    Is that the best you've got at this point, that I'm being illogical because I don't find your assertions all that convincing? You made the accusation, Adrift, and it was a pretty serious one. You can't just throw out your opinion and expect that people won't challenge you to defend it with something more than "when I was kid!" analogies, that hold zero relevancy to the issue. So stop trying to turn this around like I'm being unreasonable, when you're the one that throw the idea out their to begin with. And don't try to back peddle on the insinuation you made - it makes you look disingenuous.
                    You're acting like I'm the only one who thought this. Obviously I'm not, or else this wouldn't have been the issue that it is. Perhaps we'll never know the full truth, but to deny that there exists even the plausibility that he intended to build something that resembled a bomb is, again, mind-boggling. I have no political affiliation. I have absolutely nothing to gain or to lose with my introductory post to this thread. The suggestion that I can't offer analogies of my own stupidity as a teen, the suggestion that I'm the only kid who did crazy things as a teen, is whackamole to me. I can't be the only one who did crazy things cause I thought they were cool when I was his age. You and others in this thread may have been saints as kids, but I guarantee you that doing nutty things as a teen is not anything special to me.


                    • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                      I don't know if you've ever noticed, Sam, but clocks have their displays on the OUTSIDE where it makes sense, cause it makes them look... well... like a CLOCK. It's dumb to build a "clock" and put the display on the INSIDE where the user is exposed to the electrical current and components. That's just dumb.

                      I believe I have said that "hoax bomb" is a LEGAL term, and I don't think that's what the kid was intending. He was building what, in effect, was a "hollywood bomb", or "movie bomb".

                      Oh, for crying out loud, Sam, stop being such a drama queen. Snark, indeed!

                      I gave my honest opinion, and you turn it into "snark". Grow up.

                      I'm basing my opinion on the OVERALL incident, not pretending that the cops and school officials are a bunch of liars or idiots.

                      I have referred to it NUMEROUS times as a "pencil box" or "pencil case", Sam. That kinda proves you're not even reading what I say. As soon as somebody else pointed out the size of the case related to the electrical plug (a great observation) I saw where it was referred to as a "pencil box", and have been referring to it as such.

                      From LAST NIGHT....

                      Glad you finally caught up with that. (that was a snark )


                      • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                        I'm not understanding part of this. (and, yeah, I see you edited the first part that I didn't understand ) Mark Cuban called Ahmed? Who was it that was saying that Ahmed was being fed what to say....
                        Mark Cuban said that Ahmed's sister was feeding him what to say in a telephone conversation he had with Ahmed. Can't link to the video cause it has cussing in it.


                        • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                          Mark Cuban said that Ahmed's sister was feeding him what to say in a telephone conversation he had with Ahmed. Can't link to the video cause it has cussing in it.
                          Yeah, I found it. Thanks.
                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • Originally posted by Sea of red View Post
                            Yeah, I'm an old fart. Sue me.
                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                              Remind me never to bring up an anecdotal ever again on this forum.
                              There's a time and place for them; this wasn't one of them.

                              Whatever insinuation you think I was making, I was not making. I know what I meant, and I said what I meant. Please, stop pretending you can read my mind. You can't, and you haven't. I have to admit that I'm actually a bit put out that you would think that I've insinuated anything other than what I've actually said. Does it strike you that I'm the type of person who won't speak my mind about what I'm actually thinking on this forum? Have I ever given you reason to think that? I thought that you and I sorta had a decent rapport, so I have to say, I don't know where this is coming from.
                              We're cool, Adrift. That said, I do see you as back peddling from your original statements, and not wanting to own up to what you said. I've never really seen you just say something so heavy and then pretend that it wasn't heavy, and that everybody else is simple blinded by perception. Sam and I are not idiots, we don't just throw out accusations unless we feel that something really warrants it. I'm not trying to pull a LPOT on you, but I do feel you've been careless with your statements, to the point that I had to say something.

                              That's not grasping at straws my friend. I'm attempting to relate to the mind of a 14 year old. You played with toy guns, you know how cool it was to handle things like ninja stars, handcuffs, and knives. Is that really so far out to think that a kid could also be into creating and showing off a fake bomb?
                              So what? Do you think this kid is completely stupid and didn't know that he could get in serious trouble for this? I'm sure he's been brought up to know the perceptions of Arabic people in this country, and was fully aware of the danger he would present himself. But based on his demeanor, attitude, and intellect, I think it's not a stretch to say he'd be smart enough to not be that foolish.

                              This along with the fact that you have absolutely nothing, other than your own childhood experiences to base this assertion - I think it's fair to call it unfounded.

                              You're acting like I'm the only one who thought this. Obviously I'm not, or else this wouldn't have been the issue that it is. Perhaps we'll never know the full truth, but to deny that there exists even the plausibility that he intended to build something that resembled a bomb is, again, mind-boggling. I have no political affiliation. I have absolutely nothing to gain or to lose with my introductory post to this thread. The suggestion that I can't offer analogies of my own stupidity as a teen, the suggestion that I'm the only kid who did crazy things as a teen, is whackamole to me. I can't be the only one who did crazy things cause I thought they were cool when I was his age. You and others in this thread may have been saints as kids, but I guarantee you that doing nutty things as a teen is not anything special to me.
                              The fact that ignorance of a true bombs contents is common is not a compelling argument that this kid had an intention of it appearing as one. You'll have to base it off of something better than that.

                              And I was no saint as a teenager, not that I claimed to be.


                              • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                                Mark Cuban said that Ahmed's sister was feeding him what to say in a telephone conversation he had with Ahmed. Can't link to the video cause it has cussing in it.
                                They are probably worried that he could say something that would damage their case in a lawsuit.


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