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Alexei Navalny: Trump refuses to condemn Russia over poisoning

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  • #61
    Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
    I have, in fact read my link,
    Good. Hence: lie.
    and I do, in fact, see very clear evasion and excusing of Putins acts in Trump's responses. I dont know if your problem understanding that is decption or ignorance or extreme naivite, but unlike you, I won't accuse you of lying without real proof of you willfully attempting to decieve and will assume for now it is some combination of ignorance, naivite, or perhaps some other non purposed self deception.
    He gave a perfectly acceptable answer to the question. That you don't like it does not magically make it 'evasion and excusing of Putin's acts', especially as it still has not been proven to be Putin.


    • #62
      Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
      Simple evasion, coupled to at best a half truth. We do, in fact, to a very high confidence, know what happened. And he has access to some of the best intelligence in the world, so he does indeed know that. He just chooses to ignore and/or conceal it.
      Nope, just a careful answer to a media person asking a question. And if he'd spoken out and immediately condemned Putin, y'all would be bitching that he was acting without evidence and trying to harm relations, etc..


      • #63
        Originally posted by Gondwanaland View Post
        Nope, just a careful answer to a media person asking a question. And if he'd spoken out and immediately condemned Putin, y'all would be bitching that he was acting without evidence and trying to harm relations, etc..
        Trump knows that almost certainly Putin (or at least some Russian high-ups) were responsible for the poisoning. The Sergei Skripal poisoning in Britain was waved off by Russian media as a frame up. They can't use that excuse again here.

        But does publicly condemning Russia advance the ball in any meaningful way? Russia would probably expel some US diplomats, and then the US would follow suit, maybe close some Russian consulates. Tit for tat, nothing gained.

        The best strategy is to watch Russia closely but don't tip your hand. Condemning them tips our hand.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Ronson View Post
          Germany is a leech country.
          Spoken like a true converted Trumpster.
          It wants the U.S. to fund its defense for them while it seeks out cheap energy
          We are not funding their defense, they are our allies on the front line of our defense. What do you think we are in Germany for, just for Germany?

          while it seeks out cheap energy - from the very same enemy it wants defense from![/I]
          Again Ronson, the US and Germany are allies in defense of democracy.

          It would have its own cheap energy if it wasn't pursuing this stupid green deal, so it just delegates the pollution to Russia and buys their energy.
          Yeah, unlike Trump, and you, those dumb bleeping Germans care about the future of the planet. Can you imagine that?

          It makes no sense at all, unless Merkel is in Putin's pocket, just like Obama "the gutless wonder" was.
          Well it doesn't make sense to people who couldn't care less about the environment. And Obama, gutless? What's that about? Oh I see, it's your way of defending Putins ally in the White House, right?


          • #65
            Originally posted by Gondwanaland View Post
            Good. Hence: lie.

            He gave a perfectly acceptable answer to the question. That you don't like it does not magically make it 'evasion and excusing of Putin's acts', especially as it still has not been proven to be Putin.
            If it isn't Putin who would it be? So far only the Russian government is known to use novichok, and its hard to imagine anyone else who would want to hurt this man.

            Are you imagining renegade groups within the KGB perhaps?


            • #66
              Originally posted by JimL View Post
              Spoken like a true converted Trumpster.
              I've wanted to pull out of NATO long before I was aware of Trump. You know, most people don't agree with Trump because of "conversion." It's because they already held those views and then Trump came along and vocalized them. That's why Lefties are so confused and can't understand that what's going on really isn't about Trump.

              We are not funding their defense, they are our allies on the front line of our defense. What do you think we are in Germany for, just for Germany?
              Russia is never, ever going to invade Germany. It wouldn't have done so as the Soviet Union (when it actually could have) and isn't even capable of it now - assuming it even wanted to! The idea is a joke. If Germany wants to fret about a Russian invasion then let it spend money on that defense. It has nothing to do with the U.S.

              Again Ronson, the US and Germany are allies in defense of democracy.
              Germany is a freeloader.

              Yeah, unlike Trump, and you, those dumb bleeping Germans care about the future of the planet. Can you imagine that?
              Oh sure they do. That's why they have shifted pollution to Russia and then buy Russian energy that is byproduct of that pollution. How do you spell hypocrisy?

              Well it doesn't make sense to people who couldn't care less about the environment. And Obama, gutless? What's that about? Oh I see, it's your way of defending Putins ally in the White House, right?
              Obama was all threats and no action - except when he was sowing chaos during regime-change efforts in backwater countries (at the behest of restless generals). Trump, at least, has thrown some punches in Russia's direction. But Leftists are too blind to see them. CNN and NYT haven't reported on them.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                Thank you for the improved wording. Dumpster Trumper!


                • #68
                  Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
                  Thank you for the improved wording. Dumpster Trumper!
                  It's right up your ally, so....
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by firstfloor View Post
                    The fascists and criminals are winning:

                    The West stands for nothing; no help will come from this direction.
                    She may have torn up her own passport to prevent attempts to remove her from the country, we hear.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by firstfloor View Post
                      She may have torn up her own passport to prevent attempts to remove her from the country, we hear.
                      That never worked for me.
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Ronson View Post
                        Trump knows that almost certainly Putin (or at least some Russian high-ups) were responsible for the poisoning. The Sergei Skripal poisoning in Britain was waved off by Russian media as a frame up. They can't use that excuse again here.

                        But does publicly condemning Russia advance the ball in any meaningful way? Russia would probably expel some US diplomats, and then the US would follow suit, maybe close some Russian consulates. Tit for tat, nothing gained.

                        The best strategy is to watch Russia closely but don't tip your hand. Condemning them tips our hand.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Leonhard View Post
                          If it isn't Putin who would it be? So far only the Russian government is known to use novichok, and its hard to imagine anyone else who would want to hurt this man.

                          Are you imagining renegade groups within the KGB perhaps?
                          Certainly not beyond the realm of possibility. Russia isn't known for having a very stable set of intelligence agencies. Each has their own agenda.

                          And Russia isn't the only one that has novichok. Iran and a number of NATO countries do as well.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Gondwanaland View Post
                            Certainly not beyond the realm of possibility. Russia isn't known for having a very stable set of intelligence agencies. Each has their own agenda.

                            And Russia isn't the only one that has novichok. Iran and a number of NATO countries do as well.
                            After the break up of the Soviet Union, it's anybody's guess as to who has this stuff.
                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Gondwanaland View Post
                              The US has no room to speak after Obama assassinated a US citizen and an underaged US citizen in another country.
                              Details please.

                              And you're living in the past. Russia is a pale ghost of what it once was. The threat to the US is China.
                              Russia is indeed restoring it's military, and nuclear power, and taking half of Ukraine and asserting it's influence in the world. In, fact when Trump betrayed the Kurds and allowed the Turkish and the Russians moved to have greater influence in the Middle East.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
                                Details please.
                                Were you sleeping through the Obama era?



                                Russia is indeed restoring it's military, and nuclear power, and taking half of Ukraine and asserting it's influence in the world.
                                And its influence is a shadow of its former self. China is the threat.

                                In, fact when Trump betrayed the Kurds and allowed the Turkish and the Russians moved to have greater influence in the Middle East.
                                The Kurds were hiding behind us to make terrorist attacks. I have little sympathy. We had no business being there, withdrawal was the right choice.


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