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Russian Bounty on U.S. military in Afghanistan.

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  • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
    It's not written on paper, darlin.


    • Secretary Pompeo was invited to testify on the Russian bounty allegations to the House Foreign Affairs Committee tomorrow. He declined.


      • The same pattern emerges, doesn't it?

        Left-leaning poster raises news report of some bad thing that Trump has done. Is outraged that a President could do/say/think/allow such a thing.

        Other poster enquires as to whether the report is completely accurate.

        Back and forth ensues over details of news report, how credible it is.

        Other poster is not particularly outraged, because they don't find the report very credible.

        Left-leaning poster is even more outraged that other poster is not outraged. (Having entirely skipped the part where they actually establish the facts of what Trump reportedly said/did/allowed/thought)

        Other poster maintains their 'wait and see' position. LL poster gets more outraged, begins personal attacks 'Why are you not outraged, like meeeee!!!'

        Increase in hysteria and accusation by LL poster.

        Rinse and repeat.
        ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


        • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
          The same pattern emerges, doesn't it?

          Left-leaning poster raises news report of some bad thing that Trump has done. Is outraged that a President could do/say/think/allow such a thing.

          Other poster enquires as to whether the report is completely accurate.

          Back and forth ensues over details of news report, how credible it is.

          Other poster is not particularly outraged, because they don't find the report very credible.

          Left-leaning poster is even more outraged that other poster is not outraged. (Having entirely skipped the part where they actually establish the facts of what Trump reportedly said/did/allowed/thought)

          Other poster maintains their 'wait and see' position. LL poster gets more outraged, begins personal attacks 'Why are you not outraged, like meeeee!!!'

          Increase in hysteria and accusation by LL poster.

          Rinse and repeat.
          Why don't you point out which of these facts you think are in dispute?

          1) On or before Feb 27th intel was made available to Trump that Russia was offering bounties to the Taliban.
          2) After February 27th Trump publicy asked Russia back into the G7, something they very, very much want
          3) ~2 weeks ago the existence of the bounty intel was made available to the public
          4) In the past 2 weeks Trump has offered no public statement against Russia, nor even promised to get the bottom of this matter


          • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
            Why don't you point out which of these facts you think are in dispute?

            1) On or before Feb 27th intel was made available to Trump that Russia was offering bounties to the Taliban.
            2) After February 27th Trump publicy asked Russia back into the G7, something they very, very much want
            3) ~2 weeks ago the existence of the bounty intel was made available to the public
            4) In the past 2 weeks Trump has offered no public statement against Russia, nor even promised to get the bottom of this matter
            The part that the initial report was completely uncorroborated and still remains so is the key.

            Are we to react to every single unsubstantiated rumor?

            If Trump had responded to this in the manner you are now demanding you would have then started a thread about how Trump is going to get us into WWIII because he responds to every rumor without waiting for verification.

            I'm always still in trouble again

            "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
            "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
            "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


            • Liberals: "This is terrible! Trump is going to start World War 3!"

              Also liberals: "This is terrible! Trump isn't starting World War 3 fast enough!"
              Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
              But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
              Than a fool in the eyes of God

              From "Fools Gold" by Petra


              • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
                The same pattern emerges, doesn't it?

                Left-leaning poster raises news report of some bad thing that Trump has done. Is outraged that a President could do/say/think/allow such a thing.

                Other poster enquires as to whether the report is completely accurate.

                Back and forth ensues over details of news report, how credible it is.

                Other poster is not particularly outraged, because they don't find the report very credible.

                Left-leaning poster is even more outraged that other poster is not outraged. (Having entirely skipped the part where they actually establish the facts of what Trump reportedly said/did/allowed/thought)

                Other poster maintains their 'wait and see' position. LL poster gets more outraged, begins personal attacks 'Why are you not outraged, like meeeee!!!'

                Increase in hysteria and accusation by LL poster.

                Rinse and repeat.
                You forgot the little "You're not a patriot" tirade if you're not as emotionally unbalanced as me.
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                  Why don't you point out which of these facts you think are in dispute?

                  1) On or before Feb 27th intel was made available to Trump that Russia was offering bounties to the Taliban.
                  2) After February 27th Trump publicy asked Russia back into the G7, something they very, very much want
                  3) ~2 weeks ago the existence of the bounty intel was made available to the public
                  4) In the past 2 weeks Trump has offered no public statement against Russia, nor even promised to get the bottom of this matter
                  It's pretty much been done to death already in this thread.

                  (1) 'intel' is not the same as 'proven facts which nobody doubts'. It wasn't credible enough to be pushed to the top of things Trump was directly briefed on, as many sources already cited have said. There's nothing solid there that Trump should certainly have taken action on.


                  (3) Yeah, and that's a worry. Looks like people playing politics rather than caring about doing things the correct way.

                  (4) Because there's nothing there to get to the bottom of, most likely.

                  Also you seem quite naive, or gullible, or (most likely) you want Trump to be a bad President, which means you overlook the sketchiness of the evidence, because it points to Trump being bad.

                  (a) 'Intel' doesn't mean 'a completely reliable report'. Some intel is no more than suggestions or rumours, and the experts concerned didn't think enough of this to ensure the President knew about it and acted on it. IF Trump launched a military attack - revenge - on Russian troops based on something as weak as this, the press and people like you would be screaming for his head.

                  (b) Presidents shouldn't just take public and direct action in response to every possible provocation. That's how stupid wars start. Countries play realpolitick. That may mean not responding immediately / directly at times.

                  (c) How do you know Trump hasn't done anything at all? Is he meant to call a press conference and announce beforehand everything America is doing? "OK, Russia, that's it! I'm going to sink one of your subs for this..." You're assuming nothing has been done. Making a response public would likely lead to a counter-response and an escalation that could turn very nasty. Doing something low-key and deniable shows your opponent you aren't to be messed with, AND allows them a graceful retreat while saving face.
                  ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


                  • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
                    (c) How do you know Trump hasn't done anything at all? Is he meant to call a press conference and announce beforehand everything America is doing? "OK, Russia, that's it! I'm going to sink one of your subs for this..." You're assuming nothing has been done. Making a response public would likely lead to a counter-response and an escalation that could turn very nasty. Doing something low-key and deniable shows your opponent you aren't to be messed with, AND allows them a graceful retreat while saving face.
                    EGGzackly. THAT!
                    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                    • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                      Unfortunately "Sparko" has asked me not to discuss it.
                      wow. You are truly a jackass, aren't you? You can't seem to help yourself in your attacks. Do you really hate me and this site this much? Why are you still here?


                      • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                        wow. You are truly a jackass, aren't you? You can't seem to help yourself in your attacks. Do you really hate me and this site this much? Why are you still here?
                        As I have stated repeatedly, at this point I'm just here for the spectacle. In the coming months I will get to witness an apocalyptic shattering of cognitive dissonance which is something I've never been able to see firsthand before.

                        I don't hate anyone who truly loves this country (that I can think of at least).


                        • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                          As I have stated repeatedly, at this point I'm just here for the spectacle. In the coming months I will get to witness an apocalyptic shattering of cognitive dissonance which is something I've never been able to see firsthand before.
                          You're sounding more and more like JimL --- only a much angrier and more bitter version.

                          I don't hate anyone who truly loves this country (that I can think of at least).
                          Kinda like "No True Scotsman" on crack.

                          ETA: To JimL's credit, I don't recall him every pitching a wall-eyed fit over somebody "not being a Patriot" simply for not being outraged about the same things over which he is outraged.
                          Last edited by Cow Poke; 07-09-2020, 10:20 AM.
                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                            As I have stated repeatedly, at this point I'm just here for the spectacle. In the coming months I will get to witness an apocalyptic shattering of cognitive dissonance which is something I've never been able to see firsthand before.

                            I don't hate anyone who truly loves this country (that I can think of at least).
                            Then please stop acting like a jackass and attacking me and the other staff and trying to imply we have some agenda ("truth about you guys"). I told you the reason for our rule that you can't talk about what I said not to talk about was to protect our members and staff, which includes YOU. That isn't an agenda. You keep trying to work your way around our directives and making snide remarks about them. I am done with it. I would have just sent this in a PM but then you would just have made another snide remark about that later. Just stop.


                            • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
                              It's pretty much been done to death already in this thread.

                              (1) 'intel' is not the same as 'proven facts which nobody doubts'. It wasn't credible enough to be pushed to the top of things Trump was directly briefed on, as many sources already cited have said. There's nothing solid there that Trump should certainly have taken action on.
                              No kidding. but it was solid enough to

                              1) worry the military
                              2) inform our allies

                              So you think we should give countries something they really want without checking that they aren't stabbing us in the back first?

                              (4) Because there's nothing there to get to the bottom of, most likely.
                              "most likely"

                              I disagree with that statement (as do many "named sources") but it doesn't matter. The CiC's duty is to protect the troops for every possible threat and it is his duty to make this clear to the military whenever the situation calls.

                              Also you seem quite naive, or gullible, or (most likely) you want Trump to be a bad President, which means you overlook the sketchiness of the evidence, because it points to Trump being bad.
                              Prove the statement that I *want* Trump to be a bad president or retract this.

                              (a) 'Intel' doesn't mean 'a completely reliable report'. Some intel is no more than suggestions or rumours, and the experts concerned didn't think enough of this to ensure the President knew about it and acted on it. IF Trump launched a military attack - revenge - on Russian troops based on something as weak as this, the press and people like you would be screaming for his head.
                              Yes and we know this intel was of "medium confidence" meaning it was plausible and credible. *NEXT*

                              (b) Presidents shouldn't just take public and direct action in response to every possible provocation. That's how stupid wars start. Countries play realpolitick. That may mean not responding immediately / directly at times.
                              There are three aspects here

                              1) Trump sought to richly reward Russia with a invite back into the G7. It is unconscionable to do that while there was credible and plausible intelligence that they were involved in a murder for hire scheme against our troops. Do I really have to explain this to an adult?
                              2) Being fully transparent with Congress to demonstrate the weakness of the intel would significantly help to reassure us all that threats like this are taken seriously.
                              3) Giving a press conference in which the president assures the public that he will get to the bottom of this and deliver "swift justice" if this intel is found to be credible (Trump instead went golfing for two days after this broke).

                              (c) How do you know Trump hasn't done anything at all? Is he meant to call a press conference and announce beforehand everything America is doing? "OK, Russia, that's it! I'm going to sink one of your subs for this..." You're assuming nothing has been done. Making a response public would likely lead to a counter-response and an escalation that could turn very nasty. Doing something low-key and deniable shows your opponent you aren't to be messed with, AND allows them a graceful retreat while saving face.
                              It costs nothing to give a press conference to reassure the public and it costs nothing to be completely forthright with Congress (Pompeo declined to appear before the House FRC today).

                              I'm not necessarily asking for a military response. I'm asking that the president show he is taking this matter seriously. He has shown to be doing anything but that. Just like a traitor would. And you all are sanctifying that behavior. Just like traitors would.
                              Last edited by DivineOb; 07-09-2020, 10:30 AM.


                              • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                                I'm not necessarily asking for a military response. I'm asking that the president show he is taking this matter seriously. He has shown to be doing anything but that. Just like a traitor would. And you all are sanctifying that behavior. Just like traitors would.
                                And, there ya have it .... angry little man has spoken!
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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