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  • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
    Technically, it was a nasty post to me that he deleted - the gratuitous blasphemy was listed as the reason for deleting the nasty post.

    And, yes, this is pretty much arguing moderation, and needs to stop.

    Funny. I didn't even see the post. I only saw the blasphemy.

    Securely anchored to the Rock amid every storm of trial, testing or tribulation.


    • Originally posted by mossrose View Post
      Funny. I didn't even see the post. I only saw the blasphemy.
      I'll send you the screenshot.

      ETA: Oooops - can't include screenshot in PM --- hold whatcha got!
      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


      • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
        Wow, got a cite for that? Cause my best friend is at MD Anderson right now, and I'll be there tomorrow, and they're doing just fine.

        More combative nonsense.
        I'm asking you to make clear your position. Whether it's because of me or because of you I'm often left unclear on what your specific position is on things. Such as this question of whether you agree that most of the 130k deaths could have been avoided. So please make your position clear.

        Perhaps you disagree that 130k dead is "a bad thing"?
        You're willfully equivocating on the meaning of "bad things happen" here. One might call that "playing games."

        That's because you're a very unhappy combative gloom-and-doom type person.
        And I would say I am "reality based." I'm doomy and gloomy about the current state of the world but extremely optimistic for its future.

        You'll please excuse me if I don't buy that steaming load of horsie poo.
        If you were to look at my earlier posts you'd find exactly what I describe. If I were just a trouble maker why did it take you so long to come to that conclusion about me?

        There you go again - pushing the blasphemy thing.
        Am I not allowed to express my view that Jesus was a real man but one who was later built up to be something he wasn't? Is even *that* so offensive?

        I think you're nuttier than a fruit cake and twice as undesirable.
        And I think you're just disappointed that I figured out what all of you "on the right" want on this board and I no longer serve your purpose.


        • Originally posted by mossrose View Post
          Then why did you delete it?
          The issue was with my deletion message.

          And then why, after you found out we could see deleted posts, did you post 10 more little nasty things and delete them?
          Because I was curious what would happen if I deleted several posts in a thread. Normally only 10 posts are displayed per page and I was wondering if it would have an effect on that. You'll pardon me for wanting to share the awesome Regime of Terror with the world in those posts.

          Oh, and by the way, you are seemingly arguing moderation in this thread. If you have a beef, take it to the Padded Room or send a pm to somebody.
          I won't mention it again then. I'll kindly ask CP to do likewise.


          • A tweet from one Texas Doctor at one hospital --- yeah, that's representative of every hospital in Texas.

            I'm asking you to make clear your position. Whether it's because of me.....
            I think, because you're such an angry combative person, you see everybody else's posts in the absolute most uncharitable manner possible.
            Bad things happen in life - often, over which we have no real control.

            You're willfully equivocating on the meaning of "bad things happen" here.
            No, you appear to be incapable of understanding -- Covid deaths are "bad things". Sad.

            One might call that "playing games."
            Well, YOU certainly do, because.....

            And I would say I am "reality based." I'm doomy and gloomy about the current state of the world but extremely optimistic for its future.
            Naw - you're a doomer-and-gloomer through and through.

            And I think you're just disappointed that I figured out what all of you "on the right" want on this board and I no longer serve your purpose.
            OK, ya got me laughing again. You're a hoot!
            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
              A tweet from one Texas Doctor at one hospital --- yeah, that's representative of every hospital in Texas.
              Whistling past the graveyard.

              I think, because you're such an angry combative person, you see everybody else's posts in the absolute most uncharitable manner possible.
              Bad things happen in life - often, over which we have no real control.
              Have you read the kind of trash that MM / LPoE / "Sparko" et al. post? I worked hard to take what they wrong (edit: keeping this typo) in the *best* possible light.

              Regardless, we now have a couple of "right wingers" weighing in that these deaths were *not* avoidable. And you won't give your opinion so I'm just going to put you in that pile until you correct me. How totally unmoored from reality does one have to be to believe that? I can't reconstruct what sort of logic could possibly lead one to that conclusion.

              No, you appear to be incapable of understanding -- Covid deaths are "bad things". Sad.
              It's not your first instance of the fallacy of equivocation and it probably won't be the last.

              Naw - you're a doomer-and-gloomer through and through.
              You're welcome to your opinion but you're going to fail to convince me of this.

              OK, ya got me laughing again. You're a hoot!


              • I kinda wondered how this thread got derailed into another Covid thread....

                Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                130k dead, soon to be 200k. 10s of millions of jobs lost. 100s of thousands with lifelong health effects. Literal Nazis opening gathering in the streets. A president who is the closest match to the Antichrist that we've ever had. Pigs assaulting protesters gratuitously and on camera.

                Am I really not allowed to feel anger, hostility, and bitterness towards those who think it's just dandy?
                I admit, however, I missed this one....

                Pigs assaulting protesters gratuitously and on camera
                When you get on a roll, you REALLY roll, and expose your true nuttiness!!!!
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • Originally posted by cow poke View Post
                  i kinda wondered how this thread got derailed into another covid thread....

                  I admit, however, i missed this one....

                  When you get on a roll, you really roll, and expose your true nuttiness!!!!

                  (If I just post 'HTH' it gets lower cased automatically. Weird!)


                  • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                    perhaps you should start a thread on "Pigs assaulting protesters gratuitously and on camera".

                    Yes, if you use ALL CAPS in a post, they get "decapitated" It's to keep somebody from posting a purely "screaming" rant.
                    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                    • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                      ....But to answer your question, yes, most of my posts were reasonable attempts at even handed communication as an attempt to bridge the gap with people who hold beliefs very differently from my own. It was only reluctantly that I started to realize that that was impossible with most who post on here (though MM / LPoE gets the prize for helping me in that direction the most)......
                      Here's what often happens....

                      Somebody shows up with all kinds of bitterness and resentment, and hostility, and can manage a few "polite" or civil posts.
                      When push comes to shove, however, their true nature is revealed, often with a vengeance.
                      Then, they blame other people for their lack of civility.
                      You're not the first to do this, and certainly not the best.

                      It's like the old "what do you get when you squeeze a lemon?" --- the answer is "you get what's inside".

                      In your case, I believe that to be anger, hostility, bitterness, resentment.....

                      MM and LPoE didn't do this to you -- they just helped expose the real you.

                      They squeezed you, and look what came out.
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                        Here's what often happens....

                        Somebody shows up with all kinds of bitterness and resentment, and hostility, and can manage a few "polite" or civil posts.
                        When push comes to shove, however, their true nature is revealed, often with a vengeance.
                        Then, they blame other people for their lack of civility.
                        You're not the first to do this, and certainly not the best.

                        It's like the old "what do you get when you squeeze a lemon?" --- the answer is "you get what's inside".

                        In your case, I believe that to be anger, hostility, bitterness, resentment.....

                        MM and LPoE didn't do this to you -- they just helped expose the real you.

                        They squeezed you, and look what came out.
                        CP, that's just not what happened. I am more than happy to have reasonable discussions with reasonable people. But people who call NYT / WaPo / WSJ reporting "fake news" are not reasonable people. People who think Bill Gates is plotting against us are not reasonable people. People who don't see how badly the government has mismanaged COVID45 are not reasonable people. People who post the kind of trash MM posts are not reasonable people. People who see nothing wrong with Russian propaganda on American airwaves are not reasonable people. People who don't understand the vital function that whisteblowers serve are not reasonable people. People who don't see a problem with squeezing a vulnerable ally for help cheating in an election are not reasonable people.

                        I am simply not equipped to deal with such lunacy at what you might call a "reasonable level" because I simply don't comprehend it and can't comprehend it despite my best efforts. If that is a failing on my part then ok, I failed.


                        • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                          CP, that's just not what happened. I am more than happy to have reasonable discussions with reasonable people. But people who call NYT / WaPo / WSJ reporting "fake news" are not reasonable people. People who think Bill Gates is plotting against us are not reasonable people. People who don't see how badly the government has mismanaged COVID45 are not reasonable people. People who post the kind of trash MM posts are not reasonable people. People who see nothing wrong with Russian propaganda on American airwaves are not reasonable people. People who don't understand the vital function that whisteblowers serve are not reasonable people. People who don't see a problem with squeezing a vulnerable ally for help cheating in an election are not reasonable people.


                          • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                            CP, that's just not what happened. I am more than happy to have reasonable discussions with reasonable people.
                            I appreciate that. I do. But you tend to rush to lumping all "opponents" together in the same category with your worst enemies.

                            ETA: Oh... and my dear Mother now in Heaven used to say "Be kind to your enemies -- YOU MADE THEM".

                            But people who call NYT / WaPo / WSJ reporting "fake news" are not reasonable people. People who think Bill Gates is plotting against us are not reasonable people. People who don't see how badly the government has mismanaged COVID45 are not reasonable people. People who post the kind of trash MM posts are not reasonable people. People who see nothing wrong with Russian propaganda on American airwaves are not reasonable people. People who don't understand the vital function that whisteblowers serve are not reasonable people. People who don't see a problem with squeezing a vulnerable ally for help cheating in an election are not reasonable people.
                            This is a discussion board, where debate happens, and things often get heated. They express opinions, and so do you. Quite honestly, I think some of your 'opinions' and statements are worthy of Aunt Betty down in the basement.

                            I am simply not equipped to deal with such lunacy at what you might call a "reasonable level" because I simply don't comprehend it and can't comprehend it despite my best efforts. If that is a failing on my part then ok, I failed.
                            Then, perhaps this medium is not good for you, and you need to be elsewhere?

                            I get along fine with anybody who even TRIES to be civil. I don't tolerate people who are constantly accusing others of dishonesty (you and JimL excel at that) without just cause. I think that's dishonest in and of itself, and quite cowardly, besides.

                            Every once in a while, I have to remind certain posters that I'm not their enemy - I just get lumped in with whoever hurt their feelings recently.

                            I DO think, however, that when we're "squeezed", we show the "true us".
                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • Originally posted by Ronson View Post
                              Yes. The "right wingers" on this board are by and large fools who were taken in by a charlatan.

                              blood money.jpg


                              • Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                                Yes. The "right wingers" on this board are by and large fools who were taken in by a charlatan.

                                Ummmm....... you're taken in by this latest "Russian Hoax" --- remember... "with medium confidence" and "falling short of near certainty". In other words - 'back to the drawing board'.

                                But you've swallowed this hook, line and sinker.
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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