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Impeachment attempt #397...

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  • Impeachment attempt #397...


    A federal appeals court rejected President Donald Trump's attempt to throw out an emoluments lawsuit against him from DC and Maryland related to his ownership of the Trump International Hotel in Washington.

    The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 9-6 ruling, decided the emoluments case on Thursday morning against the President, keeping it alive in trial court and reopening the possibility state officials can access his business records.

    © Copyright Original Source

    What a joke...
    That's what
    - She

    Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
    - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

    I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
    - Stephen R. Donaldson

  • #2
    Shocking that there weren't all these impeachment attempts leveled against Obama. Is that because Obama didn't crime or because the Republicans suck at politics?


    • #3
      Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
      Shocking that there weren't all these impeachment attempts leveled against Obama. Is that because Obama didn't crime or because the Republicans suck at politics?
      Community Organizers typically don't do anything, so there were no vectors to level.
      That's what
      - She

      Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
      - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

      I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
      - Stephen R. Donaldson


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bill the Cat View Post
        Community Organizers typically don't do anything, so there were no vectors to level.
        He did server two terms and has been America's most admired man for the past 11 years. Don't you think the 'community organizer' label is a bit outdated?

        In any case, on the topic of the thread this is one of the cases where Trump is clearly on poor footing. The Constitution is explicit on this issue and he was doubtless warned before taking office. He didn't have to volunteer for the job if he didn't want it*!

        * Well, he did because Russia was going to call his debt ;)
        Last edited by DivineOb; 05-14-2020, 01:59 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DivineBoob View Post
          Shocking that there weren't all these impeachment attempts leveled against Obama. Is that because Obama didn't crime or because the Republicans suck at politics?
          Obama clearly did a lot of very questionable stuff, but Republicans are not nearly as aggressive or underhanded as Democrats when it comes to pursuing their political opponents. Trump is the first Republican in decades to really fight back.
          Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
          But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
          Than a fool in the eyes of God

          From "Fools Gold" by Petra


          • #6
            Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
            He did server two terms and has been America's most admired man for the past 11 years.
            Well, he tied with Trump last year, so...

            Don't you think the 'community organizer' label is a bit outdated?
            Nope. That's what he was before he got into politics. That's what an impeachment would have had to go on.

            In any case, on the topic of the thread this is one of the cases where Trump is clearly on poor footing.
            No he isn't. Not ONE President has ever been charged with violating the Emoluments Clause. The stretch of "rent paid" at a hotel is just political nonsense.

            The Constitution is explicit on this issue and he was doubtless warned before taking office.
            Because it isn't an emolument. The President must be acting in his OFFICIAL CAPACITY, and not one of a private business transaction, for it to be an emolument.

            He didn't have to volunteer for the job if he didn't want it*!

            * Well, he did because Russia was going to call his debt ;)
            Even Obumbles knew Trump had no illegal connection to Russia. That's why he orchestrated the whole ruse.
            That's what
            - She

            Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
            - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

            I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
            - Stephen R. Donaldson


            • #7
              Originally posted by Bill the Cat View Post
              Well, he tied with Trump last year, so...
              He actually got slightly more votes than Trump. See the third chart .

              Nope. That's what he was before he got into politics. That's what an impeachment would have had to go on.
              Makes no sense. Trump extorted UKR before he got into politics?

              No he isn't. Not ONE President has ever been charged with violating the Emoluments Clause. The stretch of "rent paid" at a hotel is just political nonsense.
              There's a reason for that. Prior presidents have taken the necessary steps with their assets to avoid violating the clause :).

              Because it isn't an emolument. The President must be acting in his OFFICIAL CAPACITY, and not one of a private business transaction, for it to be an emolument.
              So the judges who have ruled in this case are corrupt? On the take from Soros? Drinking on the job?

              Even Obumbles knew Trump had no illegal connection to Russia. That's why he orchestrated the whole ruse.
              Okey doke :).


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                Obama clearly did a lot of very questionable stuff, but Republicans are not nearly as aggressive or underhanded as Democrats when it comes to pursuing their political opponents. Trump is the first Republican in decades to really fight back.
                Okey Doke :)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                  It was declared a statistical tie, so...

                  Makes no sense. Trump extorted UKR before he got into politics?
                  No. And he didn't after. The House manufactured the extortion charge, and dropped it like a hot potato once their polling found out that wasn't a popular term.

                  There's a reason for that. Prior presidents have taken the necessary steps with their assets to avoid violating the clause :).
                  Actually, no they didn't. Jefferson sold tobacco to England while in office. He never relinquished his business control. George Washington did not seek or obtain congressional consent for foreign gifts. President Trump officially transferred management interests of the Trump Organization to the Trust in January 2017. On February 25, 2019, the Trump Organization announced it had donated nearly $200,000 to the U.S. Treasury in order not to retain profits from foreign governments using its properties.

                  So the judges who have ruled in this case are corrupt? On the take from Soros? Drinking on the job?
                  Politically motivated, as the dissents so aptly detail.
                  That's what
                  - She

                  Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
                  - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

                  I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
                  - Stephen R. Donaldson


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bill the Cat View Post
                    It was declared a statistical tie, so...
                    It's ok. There's always next year ;).

                    No. And he didn't after. The House manufactured the extortion charge, and dropped it like a hot potato once their polling found out that wasn't a popular term.
                    The point being your response makes no sense, regardless of whether you think UKR was warranted or not.

                    Actually, no they didn't. Jefferson sold tobacco to England while in office. He never relinquished his business control. George Washington did not seek or obtain congressional consent for foreign gifts. President Trump officially transferred management interests of the Trump Organization to the Trust in January 2017. On February 25, 2019, the Trump Organization announced it had donated nearly $200,000 to the U.S. Treasury in order not to retain profits from foreign governments using its properties.
                    I'm not going to get into discussing the presidencies from 200 years ago. Presidents in the modern era have taken appropriate steps. Trump didn't.

                    Politically motivated, as the dissents so aptly detail.
                    What page does the dissent start on? The CNN PDF viewer thing sucks.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                      Shocking that there weren't all these impeachment attempts leveled against Obama. Is that because Obama didn't crime or because the Republicans suck at politics?
                      Or it could be that Republicans didn't go all panicky when a democrat won the election and figured they would wait it out instead of spending 4 years trying to drum up phony charges to impeach a sitting president, rioting in the street, and have nervous breakdowns because Killary lost.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DivineOb View Post
                        It's ok. There's always next year ;).
                        Yup. I suspect Ol' Barry's image will also be a bit tarnished by then...

                        The point being your response makes no sense, regardless of whether you think UKR was warranted or not.
                        It makes perfect sense. They are going after Trump for everything, past and present. They expressly stated their intent to turn over every leaf and kick every rock to find anything to impeach him from the morning after the election results came in. Obama had done nothing in his past for witch hunts in which to impeach. Plus, Republicans aren't as big of sore losers

                        I'm not going to get into discussing the presidencies from 200 years ago. Presidents in the modern era have taken appropriate steps. Trump didn't.
                        It's in the Constitution. When do you think it was written??

                        What page does the dissent start on? The CNN PDF viewer thing sucks.
                        2/3 of the decision doc is dissent. I had to use Firefox, and even then, it took 2 minutes to load.
                        That's what
                        - She

                        Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
                        - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

                        I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
                        - Stephen R. Donaldson


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                          Or it could be that Republicans didn't go all panicky when a democrat won the election and figured they would wait it out instead of spending 4 years trying to drum up phony charges to impeach a sitting president, rioting in the street, and have nervous breakdowns because Killary lost.

                          Ok bro :).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                            Or it could be that Republicans didn't go all panicky when a democrat won the election and figured they would wait it out instead of spending 4 years trying to drum up phony charges to impeach a sitting president, rioting in the street, and have nervous breakdowns because Killary lost.

                            Or it could be that Obama unlike Trump, is a principled man, isn't a lifelong crook, that he gave up a lucrative career in law to be a community organizer and so the republicans couldn't come up with anything to impeach him over like they did to Clinton. I guess you forget about the whole republican freakout about Obama winning the election and birtherism, eh? The rest of your post is just hyperbolic nonsense.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JimL View Post
                              Or it could be that Obama unlike Trump, is a principled man, isn't a lifelong crook, that he gave up a lucrative career in law to be a community organizer and so the republicans couldn't come up with anything to impeach him over like they did to Clinton. I guess you forget about the whole republican freakout about Obama winning the election and birtherism, eh? The rest of your post is just hyperbolic nonsense.
                              That's what
                              - She

                              Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
                              - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

                              I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
                              - Stephen R. Donaldson


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