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Coronavirus Outbreak...

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  • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
    If you have not noticed the graph mikewhiney cited has nothing to do with what he claimed.
    It's where he got "40 deaths per day in November", but it appears he thought it was total deaths rather than deaths due to covid-19.


    • Clueless liberals trying to figure out why Italy is having a resurgence of the China flu despite doing everything "right".

      Just one month ago, Italy was the shining example of how masks and aggressive testing work to stave off a second COVID wave. Why have things gone so terribly wrong?


      What's particularly troubling about the return of COVID in Italy is that the country has done everything experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci have been advising. Face masks in public places have been compulsory for months, social distancing is strongly enforced, nightclubs have never reopened, and sporting arenas are at less than a third of capacity. Children who are back at school are regularly tested and strictly social-distanced, and yet, the second wave seems completely unstoppable.
      Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
      But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
      Than a fool in the eyes of God

      From "Fools Gold" by Petra


      • Originally posted by Chuckles View Post

        Do you think this post has aged well, Mountain Man?
        A legitimate and non-rhetorical question asked back in February when so much was unknown at the time?

        In a follow-up post around the same time, I said:

        Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
        We're really not getting any clear information about this. I've heard so many different things that it's hard to pin down the truth.
        So, yes, I think it has aged perfectly well.
        Last edited by Mountain Man; 11-24-2020, 10:40 AM.
        Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
        But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
        Than a fool in the eyes of God

        From "Fools Gold" by Petra


        • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
          Clueless liberals trying to figure out why Italy is having a resurgence of the China flu despite doing everything "right".

          Just one month ago, Italy was the shining example of how masks and aggressive testing work to stave off a second COVID wave. Why have things gone so terribly wrong?


          What's particularly troubling about the return of COVID in Italy is that the country has done everything experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci have been advising. Face masks in public places have been compulsory for months, social distancing is strongly enforced, nightclubs have never reopened, and sporting arenas are at less than a third of capacity. Children who are back at school are regularly tested and strictly social-distanced, and yet, the second wave seems completely unstoppable.

          And lauded South Korea is also struggling to contain it now...

          That's what
          - She

          Without a clear-cut definition of sin, morality becomes a mere argument over the best way to train animals
          - Manya the Holy Szin (The Quintara Marathon)

          I may not be as old as dirt, but me and dirt are starting to have an awful lot in common
          - Stephen R. Donaldson


          • Originally posted by Bill the Cat View Post

            And lauded South Korea is also struggling to contain it now...

            If masks work, then why aren't they working?
            Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
            But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
            Than a fool in the eyes of God

            From "Fools Gold" by Petra


            • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post

              North Dakota definitely has an elevated fatality rate for 2020, which roughly matches the COVID19 fatalities.

              As far as more populated state absolutely no. This is a national/world pandemic, and citing limited data on states that have low rates Indiana and misrepresenting it does not address the seriousness of the pandemic.

              For example:


              One death every minute: COVID-19 hospitalizations rising in Texas as Thanksgiving week begins

              In the Houston region, 1,392 people are hospitalized with COVID-19. That's the highest number since Aug. 25.

              HOUSTON — As Thanksgiving week begins, one person is dying of COVID-19 every minute in the United States. It's a sobering statistic fueled by increased hospitalizations, many of them in Texas.

              "Things are getting not only worse, they're getting scary in the western part of the state," said infectious disease expert Dr. Peter Hotez.

              In El Paso, the National Guard has been deployed to the morgue to help with a rising body count. Inmates are helping, too. Numbers are also dangerously high in Lubbock.

              RELATED: Texas inmates hired by El Paso morgue that is overwhelmed by COVID-19 deaths

              In the Houston region, 1,392 people hospitalized with COVID-19. That's the highest since August 25th.

              "This is getting really worrisome because we're seeing surges on ICU's, that's always the sign of really bad trouble," said Hotez.

              Gov. Greg Abbott says no new lockdowns are coming, but under the rules, if a region sees 15% of its hospitalizations are COVID patients for seven straight days, things like bars must close and restaurant capacity would drop back down to 50%.

              Right now the Houston region sits at 11.8%.

              "The numbers look terrible in Texas," said Hotez.

              Fifty million people are estimated to travel for Thanksgiving and that could worsen an already worsening pandemic. Hotez and the CDC are urging folks to stay home this year to keep those we love alive.

              "The idea is to not travel this Thanksgiving, so you can have dozens of Thanksgivings to come together," said Hotez.

              But folks aren't listening. The TSA screened more than 2 million travelers this weekend, the most since March. That means COVID-19 cases will undoubtedly climb even faster.

              "We're clearly already heading to 200,000 new cases a day which means three or four times that," said Hotez.

              If trends continue, experts say the deaths will follow. And with vaccines closer by the day, they're pleading with people to not be reckless and hold on a little longer.

              "Help is on the way, so it's just a matter of keeping everybody alive for the next three months," said Hotez.

              © Copyright Original Source

              I wish you would post actual data instead of headlines. The mainstream media always just post hype without showing what is happening. We have been through the exercise so many times where the mainstream media has not been accurate in their news or they hype up some narrow situation as if that represented the world. This article is not really news since we do not have details on deaths nor how the hospitalization curve has changed over time. (I'm surprised that you, in your interest in science, do not go into the data.) It is standard that more people get sicker in Fall and Winter. The thing people have to remember is to take Vitamin D3 and Zinc to boost their immune systems. It certainly would be nice if the media would remind people how to boost their immune systems.


              • Originally posted by Stoic View Post

                It's where he got "40 deaths per day in November", but it appears he thought it was total deaths rather than deaths due to covid-19.
                you guys are sort of lost. The thing i was confused by was that the site listed 264 covid deaths and showed a chart with a recent average of 40 deaths per day -- but it did not say this was deaths of people who were thought to have coronavirus. other than that. i was just posting the data -- not, as Shuny assumed, that i was highlighting a "hotspot." Shuny really had no contribution to the discussion on that data.


                • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post

                  If masks work, then why aren't they working?
                  It appears you don't understand what "masks work" means in this context. (I say "it appears" because I strongly suspect that you do understand, and are just trolling.)

                  It does not mean that wearing a mask makes it impossible for you to become infected, nor that it makes it impossible for you to infect someone else.

                  It means that wearing a mask makes it less likely that you will become infected, and less likely that you will infect someone else, and that if you do become infected or infect someone else, the disease is less likely to require hospitalization or be fatal.


                  • Originally posted by Stoic View Post
                    It means that wearing a mask makes it less likely that you will become infected, and less likely that you will infect someone else, and that if you do become infected or infect someone else, the disease is less likely to require hospitalization or be fatal.
                    Except that in places with high mask and social distancing compliance, we're seeing a resurgence of the China flu. So... if masks work, then why aren't they working?
                    Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                    But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                    Than a fool in the eyes of God

                    From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                    • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post

                      I wish you would post actual data instead of headlines. The mainstream media always just post hype without showing what is happening. We have been through the exercise so many times where the mainstream media has not been accurate in their news or they hype up some narrow situation as if that represented the world. This article is not really news since we do not have details on deaths nor how the hospitalization curve has changed over time. (I'm surprised that you, in your interest in science, do not go into the data.) It is standard that more people get sicker in Fall and Winter. The thing people have to remember is to take Vitamin D3 and Zinc to boost their immune systems. It certainly would be nice if the media would remind people how to boost their immune systems.
                      Well, the data you cite is selective, misleading and misrepresented, or down right dishonest. The figures cited in my references are accurate and not your phony manipulation for an agenda. I referred to a graph concerning North Dakota which you misrepresented that chowed an accurate representation of the COVID-19 fatalities and you failed to acknowledge making a false statement unsubstantiated: ". . . if this is the hot spot in nation it is a good sign since that means more populated states are way low." Neither the Dakotas nor Indiana are the hottest in the nation.

                      Stoic correctly corrected your misrepresentation of the data in post #4411..


                      • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post

                        Well, the data you cite is selective, misleading and misrepresented, or down right dishonest. The figures cited in my references are accurate and not your phony manipulation for an agenda. I referred to a graph concerning North Dakota which you misrepresented that chowed an accurate representation of the COVID-19 fatalities and you failed to acknowledge making a false statement unsubstantiated: ". . . if this is the hot spot in nation it is a good sign since that means more populated states are way low." Neither the Dakotas nor Indiana are the hottest in the nation.

                        Stoic correctly corrected your misrepresentation of the data in post #4411..
                        You are not sorting things out properly. That is too bad. The chart I was looking at was apparently showing all the States but highlighting certain selected ones. SD and ND were the highest on the chart. Go figure.

                        You would have to show something better than that chart to show that your slanderous remarks are correct. You have yet to show anything contrary to the data we have examined.


                        • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post

                          You are not sorting things out properly. That is too bad. The chart I was looking at was apparently showing all the States but highlighting certain selected ones. SD and ND were the highest on the chart. Go figure.

                          You would have to show something better than that chart to show that your slanderous remarks are correct. You have yet to show anything contrary to the data we have examined.
                          My remarks by the evidence of your misrepresntation and dishonest selective citations stand, and yes, you have been a COVID-19 pandemic denier from the beginning, and misrepresented the data.


                          • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post

                            My remarks by the evidence of your misrepresntation and dishonest selective citations stand, and yes, you have been a COVID-19 pandemic denier from the beginning, and misrepresented the data.
                            One day we may figure out what is happening in your brain ... until then ... peace brother.


                            • Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post

                              One day we may figure out what is happening in your brain ... until then ... peace brother.
                              All things will pass away as the real world pandemic takes its natural course regardless of your dishonest, unethical and misleading use of data to justify your agenda.


                              • Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post

                                All things will pass away as the real world pandemic takes its natural course regardless of your dishonest, unethical and misleading use of data to justify your agenda.
                                data? data? data? data? data? data?data? data? data?data? data? data?data? data? data?data? data? data?data? data? data?data? data? data?

                                Are you catching on yet?

                                You are distracting people from a useful conversation.


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