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Trump Administration Whistleblower Cover-Up

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  • Originally posted by firstfloor View Post
    Trumpcast has the latest.
    I have two concerns here.

    First, it's Slate, something I'll read occasionally, but won't cite, on the basic principle that I prefer to stick with outlets that do actual investigative reporting. And second, because the name of the podcast essentially announces a menu of red meat for anti-Trump hyperpartisans. I wouldn't have paid this any attention at all were it not for the description in the Google podcasts link, (which is missing from the Slate link I looked up to provide here.)

    Urgent Concern: This Unambiguously Constitutes an Impeachable Offense

    Yes, if, if, if ... this is as serious as it gets for the president, but those who are willing to wait should note we're certain to see a transcript of this call soon enough, and quite possibly even an audio recording.


    • The short version is that the Ukrainian government has reason to believe that US laws were broken by members of the Obama administration and the Democrat party, but their efforts to pass the information to US officials was repeatedly rebuffed, first by the US embassy in Kiev, and then by Federal prosecutors in New York. Then Rudy Giuliani caught wind of it and started his own investigation, but when the Ukrainian government told the media he was planning to visit the country, Giuliani backed away, fearing that his involvement would appear political. The Ukrainian government, fearing they had damaged US relations, reached out to the US State Department who in turn requested Giuliani's continued involvement. And now Trump, at Ukraine's request, has given his official blessing to the investigation.

      So I was wrong about it being a nothing-burger. It's just not the something-burger the liberal media said it was. To be fair, President Trump did warn them not to get their hopes up.
      Last edited by Mountain Man; 09-21-2019, 08:31 AM.
      Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
      But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
      Than a fool in the eyes of God

      From "Fools Gold" by Petra


      • Originally posted by Juvenal View Post
        The Lawfare blog is highly credible.
        In fact, they're not...

        Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
        But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
        Than a fool in the eyes of God

        From "Fools Gold" by Petra


        • Originally posted by JimL View Post
          Well, that's not Clinton's doing....
          ...cause she never does anything bad.
          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


          • This Trump tweet is worth checking out...


            The "whistle-blower" story seems to have shot Joe and Hunter Biden to the top of the headlines. Was this Trump's plan all along?
            Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
            But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
            Than a fool in the eyes of God

            From "Fools Gold" by Petra


            • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
              You mean the way Biden extorted the Ukrainian government to drop an investigation against his son's company?
              First off Biden was VP and didn't have the authority to do what you suggested he did for the reason you think he did. Second you have no evidence that was the case. The Obama administration gave their reason for the threat of withholding the aid and it had nothing to do with Bidens son, it had to do with the rampant corruption taking place to which this Prosecutor General in question was a big part. Besides that, even if your accussation was true, it doesn't rise to the level of what Trump is accused of, and we don't even know if that is the claim being made by the whistleblower. The complaint apparently involves a series of events, not only the extortion of an allied government to dig up dirt on a political rival.

              Now why don't you prove the accusation the Obama threatened to withhold aid in order to save Bidens son from prosecution?
              Last edited by JimL; 09-21-2019, 10:01 AM.


              • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                First off Biden was VP and didn't have the authority to do what you suggested he did for the reason you think he did....
                So, he was just as nutty as a fruitcake back then?
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                  So, he was just as nutty as a fruitcake back then?
                  An irrelevant ad hominim attack doesn't help your case.


                  • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                    An irrelevant ad hominim attack doesn't help your case.
                    Jimmy, honey, you don't know an ad hominem from an ad velorem or an add homonym! Heck, you can't even SPELL ad hominem, you goofus! --- all you're doing here is parroting Charles.

                    Don't be a Charles!
                    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                    • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                      The Conservative Treehouse is a hyperpartisan source, and as such, their condemnations can only be relied upon to identify sources which are not similarly hyperpartisan. In this instance, its bizarre accusations provide only the limited utility of highlighting fringe conspiracy theories.

                      In this instance, in particular, rather than reading about Lawfare from a debased source, I believe you would be better served by reading Lawfare itself.

                      Intelligence Oversight
                      What the Latest Reports Say About the Whistleblower Complaint
                      Robert S. Litt
                      Fri, Sep 20, 2019, 4:17 PM
                      If the speculation is accurate, the actions by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence may have a firmer legal foundation than has so far been apparent.

                      Bio sketch:
                      Robert Litt formerly served as the General Counsel to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration.

                      Which sounds more compelling to you, and indeed more supportive of your position, a defense of the ODNI withholding from the prior GC under Obama, or a hyperpartisan screed telling you not to pay attention to him?


                      • Originally posted by JimLamebrain View Post
                        First off Biden was VP and didn't have the authority to do what you suggested he did for the reason you think he did. Second you have no evidence that was the case. The Obama administration gave their reason for the threat of withholding the aid and it had nothing to do with Bidens son, it had to do with the rampant corruption taking place to which this Prosecutor General in question was a big part. Besides that, even if your accussation was true, it doesn't rise to the level of what Trump is accused of, and we don't even know if that is the claim being made by the whistleblower. The complaint apparently involves a series of events, not only the extortion of an allied government to dig up dirt on a political rival.

                        Now why don't you prove the accusation the Obama threatened to withhold aid in order to save Bidens son from prosecution?

                        It's also reported that out of that $166,000 a month, nearly a third of it, a staggering $50,000 a MONTH, went into the pockets of Hunter Biden!


                        And now we learn that the Ukrainian government was troubled enough by Biden's conduct that they repeatedly appealed to the US to investigate the matter only to be stonewalled by those opposed to Trump. Now it seems the story has finally become too big to ignore thanks to this "whistleblower".
                        Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                        But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                        Than a fool in the eyes of God

                        From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                        • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                          Jimmy, honey, you don't know an ad hominem from an ad velorem or an add homonym! Heck, you can't even SPELL ad hominem, you goofus! --- all you're doing here is parroting Charles.

                          Don't be a Charles!
                          Spelling errors aside, he's used the phrase correctly here, making your attack something of an own goal, creacher. Doubling down, let me suggest your ad hominem attacks on your opponents are continuous, and just as continuously provide evidence that your position has no better support to rely upon.

                          It is my firm opinion that you mean well, an opinion supported by compelling evidence, and because of this, I hold on to my faith that this is not who you wish to be, whereas a more objective observer might assume you, as a "man of God," are intent upon driving all of your political opponents away from your faith.

                          It certainly works that way for me.


                          • Originally posted by Juvenal View Post
                            The Conservative Treehouse is a hyperpartisan source, and as such, their condemnations can only be relied upon to identify sources which are not similarly hyperpartisan. In this instance, its bizarre accusations provide only the limited utility of highlighting fringe conspiracy theories.

                            In this instance, in particular, rather than reading about Lawfare from a debased source, I believe you would be better served by reading Lawfare itself.

                            Intelligence Oversight
                            What the Latest Reports Say About the Whistleblower Complaint
                            Robert S. Litt
                            Fri, Sep 20, 2019, 4:17 PM
                            If the speculation is accurate, the actions by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence may have a firmer legal foundation than has so far been apparent.

                            Bio sketch:
                            Robert Litt formerly served as the General Counsel to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration.

                            Which sounds more compelling to you, and indeed more supportive of your position, a defense of the ODNI withholding from the prior GC under Obama, or a hyperpartisan screed telling you not to pay attention to him?
                            The IG determines whether the complaint is of urgent concern or not, not the DNI, and once the IG passes the complaint along to the DNI he is to pass it along to Congress with any comments he chooses to add within 7 days. It is illogical on its face to turn over the complaint to the person being charged in order to figure out whether Congess should see it or not. That's how Congressional oversight is avoided and dictators are born.


                            • Originally posted by Juvenal View Post
                              Spelling errors aside, he's used the phrase correctly here, making your attack something of an own goal, creacher. Doubling down, let me suggest your ad hominem attacks on your opponents are continuous, and just as continuously provide evidence that your position has no better support to rely upon.

                              It is my firm opinion that you mean well, an opinion supported by compelling evidence, and because of this, I hold on to my faith that this is not who you wish to be, whereas a more objective observer might assume you, as a "man of God," are intent upon driving all of your political opponents away from your faith.

                              It certainly works that way for me.
                              Jimmy is not here simply to be "a political opponent". He's here to mock and attack Christians and Christianity, and always manages to do so in such ignorant ways, on top of which, he's constantly distorting the truth about others' political positions. He's, IMOHBAO, a dishonest .

                              HOWEVER, I respect your opinion and will try to take it to heart.
                              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                              • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post

                                It's also reported that out of that $166,000 a month, nearly a third of it, a staggering $50,000 a MONTH, went into the pockets of Hunter Biden!


                                And now we learn that the Ukrainian government was troubled enough by Biden's conduct that they repeatedly appealed to the US to investigate the matter only to be stonewalled by those opposed to Trump. Now it seems the story has finally become too big to ignore thanks to this "whistleblower".
                                The company, (Burisma), to which Hunter Biden was a board member was being investigated, not Hunter Biden himself, and there is no evidence that Hunter Biden was guilty of anything or that he was personally being investigated. It is also reported that the investigation into Burisma itself was shelved before Biden even made the threat on behalf of the Obama administration to withhold the financial aid. Problem is, you got nothing, MM, but more obfuscation from the Trump mob.


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