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And can you still support him?

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  • Someone needs to get on better meds.
    Geislerminian Antinomian Kenotic Charispneumaticostal Gender Mutualist-Egalitarian.

    Beige Federalist.

    Nationalist Christian.

    "Everybody is somebody's heretic."

    Social Justice is usually the opposite of actual justice.

    Proud member of the this space left blank community.

    Would-be Grand Vizier of the Padishah Maxi-Super-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-MAGA King Trumpius Rex.

    Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

    Justice for Matthew Perna!

    Arrest Ray Epps and his Fed bosses!


    • Originally posted by NorrinRadd View Post
      Someone needs to get on better meds.
      Someone needs to stop pillaging the earth and its natural beauty, to which most have lost access, to supplement their often pathetically sad little lives - wrapped in a plastic technocratic bubble of ever expanding waste.


      • Looks like another bad case of Trump derangement syndrome with a heavy dose of self-righteousness. It was pretty obvious from the first post.
        Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
        But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
        Than a fool in the eyes of God

        From "Fools Gold" by Petra


        • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
          Looks like another bad case of Trump derangement syndrome with a heavy dose of self-righteousness. It was pretty obvious from the first post.
          US derangement syndrome more likely, I find US society particularly egregious - irrespective of political stripe.


          • Originally posted by Zero View Post
            US derangement syndrome more likely, I find US society particularly egregious - irrespective of political stripe.
            Let's add "bigotry" to your list of dubious qualifications.
            Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
            But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
            Than a fool in the eyes of God

            From "Fools Gold" by Petra


            • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
              Let's add "bigotry" to your list of dubious qualifications.
              Pot calling kettle black? What are people that don't agree with Trump, deranged did you just say?

              Like I said, it doesn't matter that much anyway - judgement will come, when it does - we'll find out who goes where ;)


              • Originally posted by Zero View Post
                Pot calling kettle black? What are people that don't agree with Trump, deranged did you just say?
                Nope. One can disagree with the President (as I sometimes do) without being a sufferer of TDS.

                Originally posted by Zero View Post
                Like I said, it doesn't matter that much anyway - judgement will come, when it does - we'll find out who goes where ;)
                Like I said, I don't know on who's behalf you're making this threat. I think that wishing people to hell (which you did in a previous post) is a far greater evil than anything President Trump has done.
                Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                Than a fool in the eyes of God

                From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                  Nope. One can disagree with the President (as I sometimes do) without being a sufferer of TDS.
                  Good for you, I'm glad you can be critical.

                  Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                  Like I said, I don't know on who's behalf you're making this threat. I think that wishing people to hell (which you did in a previous post) is a far greater evil than anything President Trump has done.
                  As great an evil as what is happening in the world today? Perpetuated by greedy wasteful people, many of whom reside in the US? Many of whom ought to know better, but do it anyway? I don't think so, actually. That's the problem, you can be ignorant to the harm that is being done, and then get a free ticket by believing. I do not believe that it works this way. Be warned.

                  The world does not need to be pillaged and destroyed for people to live rich fulfilling lives. Here is part of short story by Dostoyevsky - I ruin if for you if you haven't read it, (this is the whole):

                  "And do you know what? Well, granted that it was only a dream, yet the sensation of the love of those innocent and beautiful people has remained with me for ever, and I feel as though their love is still flowing out to me from over there. I have seen them myself, have known them and been convinced; I loved them, I suffered for them afterwards. Oh, I understood at once even at the time that in many things I could not understand them at all; as an up-to-date Russian progressive and contemptible Petersburger, it struck me as inexplicable that, knowing so much, they had, for instance, no science like our. But I soon realised that their knowledge was gained and fostered by intuitions different from those of us on earth, and that their aspirations, too, were quite different. They desired nothing and were at peace; they did not aspire to knowledge of life as we aspire to understand it, because their lives were full. But their knowledge was higher and deeper than ours; for our science seeks to explain what life is, aspires to understand it in order to teach others how to love, while they without science knew how to live; and that I understood, but I could not understand their knowledge. They showed me their trees, and I could not understand the intense love with which they looked at them; it was as though they were talking with creatures like themselves. And perhaps I shall not be mistaken if I say that they conversed with them. Yes, they had found their language, and I am convinced that the trees understood them. They looked at all Nature like that--at the animals who lived in peace with them and did not attack them, but loved them, conquered by their love.

                  They pointed to the stars and told me something about them which I could not understand, but I am convinced that they were somehow in touch with the stars, not only in thought, but by some living channel. Oh, these people did not persist in trying to make me understand them, they loved me without that, but I knew that they would never understand me, and so I hardly spoke to them about our earth. I only kissed in their presence the earth on which they lived and mutely worshipped them themselves. And they saw that and let me worship them without being abashed at my adoration, for they themselves loved much. They were not unhappy on my account when at times I kissed their feet with tears, joyfully conscious of the love with which they would respond to mine. At times I asked myself with wonder how it was they were able never to offend a creature likeme, and never once to arouse a feeling of jealousy or envy in me? Often I wondered how it could be that, boastful and untruthful as I was, I never talked to them of what I knew--of which, of course, they had no notion--that I was never tempted to do so bya desire to astonish or even to benefit them.

                  They were as gay and sportive as children. They wandered about their lovely woods and copses, they sang their lovely songs; their fair was light--the fruits of their trees, the honey from their woods, and the milk of the animals who loved them. The work they did for food and raiment was brief and not labourious. They loved and begot children, but I never noticed in them the impulse of that cruel sensuality which overcomes almost every man on this earth, all andeach, and is the source of almost every sin of mankind on earth. They rejoiced at the arrival of children as new beings to share their happiness. There was no quarrelling, no jealousy among them, and they did not even know what the words meant. Their children were the children of all, for they all made up one family. There was scarcely any illness among them, though there was death; but their old people died peacefully, as though falling asleep, giving blessings and smiles to those who surrounded them to take their last farewell with bright and lovely smiles. I never saw grief or tears on those occasions, but only love, which reached the point of ecstasy, but a calm ecstasy, made perfect and contemplative. One might think that they were still in contact with the departed after death, and that their earthly union was not cut short by death. They scarcely understood me when I questioned them about immortality, but evidently they were so convinced of it without reasoning that it was not for them a question at all. They had no temples, but they had a real living and uninterrupted sense of oneness with the whole of the universe; they had no creed, but they had a certain knowledge that when their earthly joy had reached the limits of earthly nature, then there would come for them, for the living and for the dead, a still greater fullness of contact with the whole of the universe. They looked forward to that moment with joy, but without haste, not pining for it, but seeming to have a foretaste of it in their hearts, of which they talked to one another.

                  In the evening before going to sleep they liked singing in musical and harmonious chorus. In those songs they expressed all the sensations that the parting day had given them, sang its glories and took leave of it. Theysang the praises of nature, of the sea, of the woods. They liked making songs about one another, and praised each other like children; they were the simplest songs, but they sprang from their hearts and went to one's heart. And not only in their songs butin all their lives they seemed to do nothing but admire one another. It was like being in love with each other, but an all-embracing, universal feeling.

                  Some of their songs, solemn and rapturous, I scarcely understood at all. Though I understood the wordsI could never fathom their full significance. It remained, as it were, beyond the grasp of my mind, yet my heart unconsciously absorbed it more and more. I often told them that I had had a presentiment of it long before, that this joy and glory had come to me on our earth in the form of a yearning melancholy that at times approached insufferable sorrow; that I had had a foreknowledge of them all and of their glory in the dreams of my heart and the visions of my mind; that often on our earth I could not look at the setting sun without tears. . . that in my hatred for the men of our earth there was always a yearning anguish: why could I not hate them without loving them? why could I not help forgiving them? and in my love for them there was a yearning grief: why could I not love them without hating them? They listened to me, and I saw they could not conceive what I was saying, but I did not regret that I had spoken to them of it: I knew that they understood the intensity of my yearning anguish over those whom I had left. But when they looked at me with their sweet eyes full of love, when I felt that in their presence my heart, too, became as innocent and just as theirs, the feeling of the fullness of life took my breath away, and I worshipped them in silence."


                  • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                    Originally posted by Ignorant Roy
                    If you stopped doing that, I might stop pointing out that I'm being called ignorant by some-one who fell for a hoax article about Antarctica because he couldn't tell the difference between a desert and a glacier.
                    Jorge: Functional Complex Information is INFORMATION that is complex and functional.

                    MM: First of all, the Bible is a fixed document.
                    MM on covid-19: We're talking about an illness with a better than 99.9% rate of survival.

                    seer: I believe that so called 'compassion' [for starving Palestinian kids] maybe a cover for anti Semitism, ...


                    • Originally posted by Ignorant Roy View Post
                      So... no response to the fact that Mueller himself rejected your interpretation of campaign finance law and that the Trump Tower meeting was not illegal in and of itself?

                      Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                      But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                      Than a fool in the eyes of God

                      From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                      • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                        So... no response to the fact that Mueller himself rejected your interpretation of campaign finance law and that the Trump Tower meeting was not illegal in and of itself?

                        No response needed. No-one but you* would think Muller's interpretation of that statute would be remotely relevant to whether or not it had been cited on this forum.

                        *And possibly anyone else who thought government-provided healthcare is equivalent to enslaving doctors and nurses, but government-provided trials are not equivalent to enslaving judges and jurors.
                        Jorge: Functional Complex Information is INFORMATION that is complex and functional.

                        MM: First of all, the Bible is a fixed document.
                        MM on covid-19: We're talking about an illness with a better than 99.9% rate of survival.

                        seer: I believe that so called 'compassion' [for starving Palestinian kids] maybe a cover for anti Semitism, ...


                        • Originally posted by Ignorant Roy View Post
                          No response needed.
                          Right... I'll go ahead and take that as a grudging admission that you were wrong about that particular law.
                          Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                          But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                          Than a fool in the eyes of God

                          From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                          • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                            Right... I'll go ahead and take that as a grudging admission that you were wrong about that particular law.
                            Feel free to do anything you like rather than you were wrong about that law having been cited repeatedly on this forum. It won't bother me, and I doubt it'll fool anyone else either.
                            Jorge: Functional Complex Information is INFORMATION that is complex and functional.

                            MM: First of all, the Bible is a fixed document.
                            MM on covid-19: We're talking about an illness with a better than 99.9% rate of survival.

                            seer: I believe that so called 'compassion' [for starving Palestinian kids] maybe a cover for anti Semitism, ...


                            • Originally posted by Ignorant Roy View Post
                              Feel free to do anything you like rather than you were wrong about that law having been cited repeatedly on this forum. It won't bother me, and I doubt it'll fool anyone else either.
                              I see... so citing a law that the Trump campaign never actually violated is, in your world, a valid response to the question "What laws did the Trump campaign violate?" That makes perfect sense. No, really.

                              You may as well accuse Trump of jaywalking and tearing the tags off mattresses for all the relevance it has.

                              Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                              But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                              Than a fool in the eyes of God

                              From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                              • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                                I see... so citing a law that the Trump campaign never actually violated is, in your world, a valid response to the question "What laws did the Trump campaign violate?" That makes perfect sense. No, really.
                                Since you can't remember the statute being cited previously, it's no surprise that you can't remember what I was responding to either. It wasn't that.

                                It's also no surprise that rather than checking, you invented a falsehood that fitted in with your imaginary narrative.

                                Here's the actual context:
                                They listened to and then did not report a foreign agent advertising dirt on an opposition candidate, which is against the law...
                                Funny how nobody claiming that has been able to cite the actual legal statute that was violated.
                                It's been cited (and quoted) several times, including in direct response to you making the exact same claim previously.
                                You also wrote this:
                                And yet you still can't name a single law that Trump supposedly violated.
                                Clearly people had been able to cite the actual legal statute, and Jim did name a law that Trump's campaign supposedly violated.

                                You claimed that no-one was able to cite the legal statute or name the law that may have been violated. You were wrong. You will never admit it this; you almost never do, no matter how dumb your mistakes are.

                                So I'll just end this conversation with a note that I'm still being called ignorant by a blithering idiot who thinks skin cells don't respond to stimuli.
                                Jorge: Functional Complex Information is INFORMATION that is complex and functional.

                                MM: First of all, the Bible is a fixed document.
                                MM on covid-19: We're talking about an illness with a better than 99.9% rate of survival.

                                seer: I believe that so called 'compassion' [for starving Palestinian kids] maybe a cover for anti Semitism, ...


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