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Mayor Pete Attacks Trump's Faith...

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  • Originally posted by Chrawnus View Post
    Don't thumb your nose at CP or he'll kick your butt.

    1Cor 15:34 Come to your senses as you ought and stop sinning; for I say to your shame, there are some who know not God.
    Scripture before Tradition:
    but that won't prevent others from
    taking it upon themselves to deprive you
    of the right to call yourself Christian.



    • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
      So you are saying your entire argument so far in this thread was a ruse and doesn't matter at all because you don't even care or believe what you said?
      but he does, and this is the argument in the face of Evangelical objections that he is not.


      • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
        No, it does NOT define who we are - that's just jackass stupid. If you allow it to, it can.
        There is good reason to believe that sexual orientation defines who you are if you are part of a despised minority such as homosexuals.

        If he weren't a homosexual, you'd be condemning his "faith", because you're an anti-Christian bigot. Unless, of course, you don't really consider him a Christian.
        your bigotry in denying that Buttigieg is Christian despite his own firm belief that he is, and which belief is supported by his long connection and involvement with his local Episcopalian church.

        What a load of crap! That's what you've been arguing about, Tassy! Can't you keep your argument's straight?
        You have yet to show ANYWHERE that Buttigieg has made the claim that he's a "practicing Christian".
        You're so screwed up in the head you can't even keep your stories straight.


        • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
          Me too.

          I think that alone might preclude him from being elected.
          Eh, Weiner and Boehner got elected.
          Geislerminian Antinomian Kenotic Charispneumaticostal Gender Mutualist-Egalitarian.

          Beige Federalist.

          Nationalist Christian.

          "Everybody is somebody's heretic."

          Social Justice is usually the opposite of actual justice.

          Proud member of the this space left blank community.

          Would-be Grand Vizier of the Padishah Maxi-Super-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-MAGA King Trumpius Rex.

          Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

          Justice for Matthew Perna!

          Arrest Ray Epps and his Fed bosses!


          • Originally posted by Tassman View Post

            What I’m condemning is your bigotry in denying that Buttigieg is Christian despite his own firm belief that he is, and which belief is supported by his long connection and involvement with his local Episcopalian church.
            If someone chooses a god that isn't associated with the Bible and chooses to pretend that the said god is the god of the Bible, there's little to be done about it. However, when someone criticises the god of the Bible on the basis of what that non-Biblical god approves, there is a problem. People pretended that the god who approved slavery (by your own admission) was the god of the Bible. To Christians of that time and now - those actions were unchristian. People who (even now) pretend that those people were Christians will of course pretend that people who violate Biblical principles in other ways are Christians.
            1Cor 15:34 Come to your senses as you ought and stop sinning; for I say to your shame, there are some who know not God.
            Scripture before Tradition:
            but that won't prevent others from
            taking it upon themselves to deprive you
            of the right to call yourself Christian.



            • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
              Poor Sparko, you never quite get it do you.

              I don’t care whether or not Buttigieg is a “practicing Christian” but he does, and this is the argument in the face of Evangelical objections that he is not.
              Tassman, why don't you take a couple days off to figure out what your argument really is, besides "I hate Christians". You've been all over the map, and you're sounding a bit deranged.
              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


              • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                What I’m condemning is your bigotry in denying that Buttigieg is Christian despite his own firm belief that he is, and which belief is supported by his long connection and involvement with his local Episcopalian church.
                I have asked you repeatedly for any proof that Buttigieg actually CLAIMS to be a "practicing Christian" - you have provided none.
                You have also failed to provide any proof concerning his "long connection" to "his local Episcopalian Church, liberal though it may be. He appears to have attended there - you have no evidence whatsoever that he's an active participating member now.

                So, you just keep repeating - as you so often do when you're wrong -

                What I’ve been arguing about is Buttigieg’s belief that he is a “practicing Christian” in the face of your Evangelical-based objections that he is not.
                Even while claiming that's NOT your argument. And, I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop promulgating this lie --- I have NOT been denying that he's a "practicing Christian" - I've been skeptical, and simply asking you to back up your claim. You seem incapable of doing that.

                "Buttigieg is the first openly gay presidential candidate”.
                And there it is.... that's the ONLY thing you care about. But that makes him more qualified, exactly how, than any other candidate?
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • I would call Tassman an anti-religious bigot, but that would be giving him too much credit. So I will call him a littleot.


                  • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                    I would call Tassman an anti-religious bigot, but that would be giving him too much credit. So I will call him a littleot.


                    • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                      I would call Tassman an anti-religious bigot, but that would be giving him too much credit. So I will call him a littleot.
                      I don't think you can call him anti-religious, because he's a high priest of the religion of the culture of death.
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                        I have asked you repeatedly for any proof that Buttigieg actually CLAIMS to be a "practicing Christian" - you have provided none.
                        You have also failed to provide any proof concerning his "long connection" to "his local Episcopalian Church, liberal though it may be. He appears to have attended there - you have no evidence whatsoever that he's an active participating member now.
                        he does.

                        He says he is a Christian and that his faith has had a strong influence in his life: for about 10 years it's been my faith home


                        How is this not a claim to be a "practicing Christian"?


                        • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                          That is simply not true, I’ve provided several examples.
                          You provided your opinion, and some very shady "evidence".

                          It's dishonest that you pretend I haven’t, but no surprise there..
                          Oh, stop the drama, your majesty - you and your idiot "pro-life is misnamed because they don't care...." You are so full of crap.

                          Buttigieg claims to be a “practicing Christian”...maybe not as an Evangelical understands that term but as he does.
                          What does he practice? He appears not to even attend church, has no regard for the Bible, doubts that prayer is worth anybody's time.... What kind of Christian is that?

                          He says he is a Christian and that his faith has had a strong influence in his life: "I found myself going to services at Christ Church, which happened to be across from my college, Pembroke, at Oxford and found in that very simple liturgy a way to begin to organize my spirituality. So that by the time I came back to the US I felt like I was more-or-less Anglican".

                          You've obviously never learned anything about verb tenses. Everything in the past, then "I felt like I was more-or-less Anglican"? Really? That's your definition of "practicing Christian? And YOU are the one saying he said "strong influence" -- he didn't say that.

                          “When I got back to South Bend and was looking for a church home, I found in (the Episcopal Cathedral of) St. James this faith community that really takes seriously that it's urban, that it's part of a city. And just very quickly felt drawn to that community. And now for about 10 years it's been my faith home”.
                          Yes, I posted that WAY before you started using it to turn Buttigieg into a "practicing Christian" simply because he was "drawn to a community".

                          How is this not a claim to be a "practicing Christian"?
                          He has no regard for the Bible.
                          He blows off any kind of prayer life.
                          He's pro-abortion pretty much without limit.
                          He doesn't appear to be actually attending Church.
                          He totally ignores scripture, only picking and choosing the sections he likes.
                          He talks WAY more about his sexual preference than he does about his faith.
                          He's a "model Christian" for the atheists, the abortionists, the homocentric crowd...

                          He appears to be using his 'faith' as a political scheme to advance his own career.

                          How bout this --- how bout we agree he's a Tassmanian "Christian"!

                          "More or less Anglican"
                          Last edited by Cow Poke; 05-23-2019, 07:23 AM.
                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • Tass, it's really been amusing how hard you're working to turn Buttigieg into a "practicing Christian".

                            You begin by claiming he "interprets scripture differently" than we do - yet you have no evidence for that whatsoever. He never claims to 'interpret' that scripture at all.
                            You then work to deny that you ever made such a claim, while it's there in black and white numerous times.
                            You move from "practicing Christian" to his very OWN definition of "practicing Christian", which you define yourself.

                            You do your word-hyping - putting words in Buttigieg's mouth he never said, like claiming that he said his "faith has had a strong influence in his life" when the actual quote you cite is much less affirming. Your actual quote was "I found myself going to services at Christ Church, which happened to be across from my college, Pembroke, at Oxford and found in that very simple liturgy a way to begin to organize my spirituality. So that by the time I came back to the US I felt like I was more-or-less Anglican"

                            He "found himself going to services"? Yeah, that's really strong faith!
                            "which happened to be across from my college" He worked hard to seek out the right church.
                            "very simple liturgy a way to begin to organize my spirituality"? Just began to? Never quite got there?
                            "I felt like I was more-or-less Anglican"? What a powerful ringing endorsement of the Church!

                            And from all that, you manage to contort it into a conclusion that "faith has had a strong influence in his life" - words he never actually said?

                            Tass - the ONLY reason you're going to bat for Buttigieg is because he's a practicing homosexual who, even though he claims he'd never question somebody else's faith, is in fact attacking Pence's faith.

                            You hate Pence and what he stands for, so you and your anti-Christian bigot associates found a homosexual who is attacking Pence's faith, and you're doing everything possible to dress up Buttigieg as the "real Christian".

                            That, sir, is what this is all about.
                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                              Tass, it's really been amusing how hard you're working to turn Buttigieg into a "practicing Christian".

                              You begin by claiming he "interprets scripture differently" than we do - yet you have no evidence for that whatsoever. He never claims to 'interpret' that scripture at all.
                              You then work to deny that you ever made such a claim, while it's there in black and white numerous times.
                              You move from "practicing Christian" to his very OWN definition of "practicing Christian", which you define yourself.

                              You do your word-hyping - putting words in Buttigieg's mouth he never said, like claiming that he said his "faith has had a strong influence in his life" when the actual quote you cite is much less affirming. Your actual quote was "I found myself going to services at Christ Church, which happened to be across from my college, Pembroke, at Oxford and found in that very simple liturgy a way to begin to organize my spirituality. So that by the time I came back to the US I felt like I was more-or-less Anglican"

                              He "found himself going to services"? Yeah, that's really strong faith!
                              "which happened to be across from my college" He worked hard to seek out the right church.
                              "very simple liturgy a way to begin to organize my spirituality"? Just began to? Never quite got there?
                              "I felt like I was more-or-less Anglican"? What a powerful ringing endorsement of the Church!

                              And from all that, you manage to contort it into a conclusion that "faith has had a strong influence in his life" - words he never actually said?

                              Tass - the ONLY reason you're going to bat for Buttigieg is because he's a practicing homosexual who, even though he claims he'd never question somebody else's faith, is in fact attacking Pence's faith.

                              You hate Pence and what he stands for, so you and your anti-Christian bigot associates found a homosexual who is attacking Pence's faith, and you're doing everything possible to dress up Buttigieg as the "real Christian".

                              That, sir, is what this is all about.
                              There are many christians who believe differently about the teachings as elicited in the bible, but so long as they believe in Jesus as god and savior, they are christians, CP.


                              • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                                There are many christians who believe differently about the teachings as elicited in the bible, but so long as they believe in Jesus as god and savior, they are christians, CP.
                                You kinda sorta left out the word "practicing" Christians - that has been Tassman's main claim (except, of course, when he dishonestly tries to deny it was).

                                And I'd hardly trust you to be the subject matter expert on something you so frequently mock, and in such an ignorant and illiterate manner.
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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