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House Democrats Don't Know What to Make of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Dimbulb View Post
    With the minimal corrections I've supplied her point is both obvious, and correct.
    First of all, the fact that you have to try to make any sort of corrections at all to her comment proves our point and refutes yours.

    And secondly, your "minimal corrections" are still wrong. I repeat, less than 5% of working Americans have two jobs. I suppose you could quibble over the precise meaning of "many people", but the fact remains that people with more than one job are the exception and not the rule. Secondly, who is working in excess of 60-hours a week but still isn't making enough to put food on the table? On the contrary, it's high wage earners who are more likely to work longer hours.

    Source: How insane work hours became a mark of American privilege

    The jobs where people are most likely to work over 40 or 45 hours a week are highly-paid professional positions like lawyers, business management, engineering, and finance. Low-income service jobs in health care, office support, the food industry, and the like are where people are the least likely to work long hours.

    © Copyright Original Source

    Source: More hours at work now = more pay later

    © Copyright Original Source

    Originally posted by Dimbulb View Post
    Originally posted by Mountain Man
    Look, man, that's just a nutty, ignorant, hyperbolic statement no matter how you try to spin it.
    That's usually what I think when reading your posts.
    And yet you couldn't refute anything I said.
    Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
    But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
    Than a fool in the eyes of God

    From "Fools Gold" by Petra


    • #92
      If there are enough jobs out there for people to have two of them, then unemployment must be pretty low, right? A couple of years ago people couldn't get ONE job.


      • #93
        In other news...

        Source: MAGAnomic Report: Job Openings Still Growing 7+ Million Jobs Available�

        The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has updated the data for the number of jobs that are available in the U.S. economy. More than 7 million jobs are available for an estimated unemployed labor force (job seekers) of approximately 6 million.

        © Copyright Original Source

        Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
        But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
        Than a fool in the eyes of God

        From "Fools Gold" by Petra


        • #94
          Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
          In other news...

          Source: MAGAnomic Report: Job Openings Still Growing 7+ Million Jobs Available�

          The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has updated the data for the number of jobs that are available in the U.S. economy. More than 7 million jobs are available for an estimated unemployed labor force (job seekers) of approximately 6 million.

          © Copyright Original Source

          So everybody can have more than one!
          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


          • #95
            Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
            When there are more jobs available than there are people to fill them then people are far less likely to be stuck in a crappy job but have a good chance of finding a better one.
            That's not necessarily true. It entirely depends upon location, the requirements of the jobs and the proportion of good to bad jobs. It is totally possible that the majority of jobs in an area for your skill level are bad jobs.

            And again that has nothing whatsoever to do with the unemployment rate being, as she, claimed, being lower because people were working two jobs. Whether someone has one, two or even three jobs won't change the number. That is where both she and you are incredibly ignorant.
            Neither she nor I made that claim, so you are arguing a straw man. The preceding and succeeding sentences from that interview make that clear.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Psychic Missile View Post
              That's not necessarily true. It entirely depends upon location, the requirements of the jobs and the proportion of good to bad jobs. It is totally possible that the majority of jobs in an area for your skill level are bad jobs.
              Define, please, "bad jobs".
              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Psychic Missile View Post
                Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
                And again that has nothing whatsoever to do with the unemployment rate being, as she, claimed, being lower because people were working two jobs.
                Neither she nor I made that claim
                She LITERALLY said, "Well, unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs."


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                  She LITERALLY said, "Well, unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs."
                  And the only "context" that would excuse that would be "I'm about to say something really stupid that I don't actually mean".
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                    and? Lot's of people hate their jobs but they pay the bills, PM. If lots of people have jobs, the unemployment is low. Nobody is forcing anyone to work. They are grateful to have a job. If they want better jobs, get better education or training.
                    Bad jobs don't come from the bad job tree, they come from greedy corporations/employers. A major part of Ocasio-Cortez's platform is based on improving quality of life for workers. Also, necessities force people to work, and it's not easy to get an education or acquire training while working a bad job.


                    • Originally posted by Psychic Missile View Post
                      Bad jobs...
                      So, define "bad jobs". What, exactly, is a "bad job"?
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • Originally posted by Psychic Missile View Post
                        Bad jobs don't come from the bad job tree, they come from greedy corporations/employers. A major part of Ocasio-Cortez's platform is based on improving quality of life for workers. Also, necessities force people to work, and it's not easy to get an education or acquire training while working a bad job.
                        No PM, bad jobs come from being unsatisfied with taking a menial, grunt job that needs to be done and they were offered money to do and they took the job to pay the bills. Or with doing a boring drudgery type job like data entry.

                        Sure some jobs are because of bad bosses or bad working conditions. But nobody is forced to take those jobs. And they can always leave. Free country and all that.

                        But the fact that there ARE such jobs and people are taking two of them, means 1. It is better than having NO job. 2. They are not unemployed. 3. There are enough jobs to go around that people can actually GET 2 jobs where a while back they could not get even one.


                        • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                          No PM, bad jobs come from being unsatisfied with taking a menial, grunt job that needs to be done and they were offered money to do and they took the job to pay the bills. Or with doing a boring drudgery type job like data entry.

                          Sure some jobs are because of bad bosses or bad working conditions. But nobody is forced to take those jobs. And they can always leave. Free country and all that.

                          But the fact that there ARE such jobs and people are taking two of them, means 1. It is better than having NO job. 2. They are not unemployed. 3. There are enough jobs to go around that people can actually GET 2 jobs where a while back they could not get even one.
                          EGGzackly --- I worked a number of what I would consider "bad jobs", but it was entirely my choice. I have shoveled sand out of railroad boxcars, I have mopped the floor at the mall at night... I have done things that I would never want to do "for the rest of my life", but they were jobs that paid the bills while I looked for the job I WANTED to do.

                          Nobody "assigns" 'bad jobs' to people - and employers can't force people to accept these 'bad jobs'. But I run into people occasionally who are just too proud to stoop to doing a "bad job" in order to improve their lot in life and get ahead.

                          On the other hand, I've known people who have accepted a "good job", and done a terribly "bad job" at working it.
                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                            EGGzackly --- I worked a number of what I would consider "bad jobs", but it was entirely my choice. I have shoveled sand out of railroad boxcars, I have mopped the floor at the mall at night... I have done things that I would never want to do "for the rest of my life", but they were jobs that paid the bills while I looked for the job I WANTED to do.

                            Nobody "assigns" 'bad jobs' to people - and employers can't force people to accept these 'bad jobs'. But I run into people occasionally who are just too proud to stoop to doing a "bad job" in order to improve their lot in life and get ahead.

                            On the other hand, I've known people who have accepted a "good job", and done a terribly "bad job" at working it.
                            Yep. I, like most teens, worked at a fast food restaurant. Work was hard, pay was lousy, boss was a jerk. I did it to pay for school and an apartment. I also did odd jobs on the side to make more money. It was a "bad job" and I did it willingly to get what I wanted and pay for my lifestyle.

                            Other people take high paying jobs that they can't stand and hate. They would call those "bad jobs" too, even though they pay well. If everyone loved their jobs, it wouldn't be called "work" - but "fun"

                            I am lucky that I currently have a job that pays well and I like. I probably could get a higher paying job that I didn't like but I am more interested in being "happy" at work than "rich"


                            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                              Define, please, "bad jobs".
                              Some or all of the following: low pay for that area, no benefits, unstable employment, bad working culture/conditions/requirements, no work/life balance, little to no possibility of promotion.


                              • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                                No PM, bad jobs come from being unsatisfied with taking a menial, grunt job that needs to be done and they were offered money to do and they took the job to pay the bills. Or with doing a boring drudgery type job like data entry.

                                Sure some jobs are because of bad bosses or bad working conditions. But nobody is forced to take those jobs. And they can always leave. Free country and all that.

                                But the fact that there ARE such jobs and people are taking two of them, means 1. It is better than having NO job. 2. They are not unemployed. 3. There are enough jobs to go around that people can actually GET 2 jobs where a while back they could not get even one.
                                Add to that the fact that there are fewer unemployed people to accept those "bad jobs", so the employers are going to have to do something to "sweeten the pot" to get somebody to accept those "bad jobs".
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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