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Why Is It Only Leftists...

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  • Why Is It Only Leftists...

    ..that do this?

    Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...

  • #2
    Oh come on seer, you can troll better than that. The right-wingers do the same stuff. Its just that you don't hear about it.

    Either you're living in a media bubble, you're play-acting stupid, or you're straight up lying.

    *Edit: Decided to remove a lot of examples as they can all be found by looking up 'Alt-Right' 'Protests', 'Doxing', 'Gamergate doxing', 'Doxing liberals', 'Professor watchlist'.
    Last edited by Leonhard; 11-08-2018, 08:31 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by seer View Post
      ..that do this?
      It isn't, it's just that leftists violence is all you allow yourself to see.


      • #4


        • #5
          The media promotes the theme that masses of people are upset at the evil conservatives who are hindering the progress of the nation. The more such protests there are, the happier the media is. This is sort of a passive way of promoting more riots and black-hooded thuggery.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mikewhitney View Post
            The media promotes the theme that masses of people are upset at the evil conservatives who are hindering the progress of the nation. The more such protests there are, the happier the media is. This is sort of a passive way of promoting more riots and black-hooded thuggery.
            it gives them something to report on.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Leonhard View Post
              The right-wingers do the same stuff. Its just that you don't hear about it.
              Really? Show me conservatives that go to peoples homes and shout obscenities and threats...
              Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...



              • #8
                Originally posted by seer View Post
                Really? Show me conservatives that go to peoples homes and shout obscenities and threats...
                Here's a bunch of Trump supporters protesting right outside Maxine Waters home. Threatening her with impeachment.

                Pro-life protesters have done that a lot, and it wouldn't surprise me at all that it continues today. Its part of what soured me on that movement. They handed out folders with the personal addresses of doctors, typically a picture of the doctor and crosshairs on it.

                Ever since Tiller's shooting pro-life groups have been trying hard to pretend this doesn't happen. And have at least severed ties with pro-life activist groups who actively prayed for the death, and the coming of 'some hand of judgement from God' to visit these doctors. One of those groups led by a Christian who's name I won't repeat, ran a website called the Nuremberg files which was effectively a doxxing site, meant to expose abortion doctors, number their killings so they could be brought to trial one day. Thankfully a court decision recognised that website as an unconstitutional threat, and it was taken down.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Leonhard View Post
                  Here's a bunch of Trump supporters protesting right outside Maxine Waters home. Threatening her with impeachment.

                  Pro-life protesters have done that a lot, and it wouldn't surprise me at all that it continues today. Its part of what soured me on that movement. They handed out folders with the personal addresses of doctors, typically a picture of the doctor and crosshairs on it.

                  Ever since Tiller's shooting pro-life groups have been trying hard to pretend this doesn't happen. And have at least severed ties with pro-life activist groups who actively prayed for the death, and the coming of 'some hand of judgement from God' to visit these doctors. One of those groups led by a Christian who's name I won't repeat, ran a website called the Nuremberg files which was effectively a doxxing site, meant to expose abortion doctors, number their killings so they could be brought to trial one day. Thankfully a court decision recognised that website as an unconstitutional threat, and it was taken down.

                  OK watching that, it wasn't protestors in front of her house, it was her political opponent Omar Navarro grandstanding in front of her house for the press during a campaign. Try again.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by seer View Post
                    ..that do this?
                    It actually was his house, and they cracked his front door. His wife called 911.
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                    I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                      OK watching that, it wasn't protestors in front of her house, it was her political opponent Omar Navarro grandstanding in front of her house for the press during a campaign. Try again.
                      They also wore different kinds of clothes, it was a different time of day. I'm sure they had different things to eat, their accent were different, and they had a band. If you want to find differences you always can. You're just special pleading because it doesn't suit your point.

                      It was a protest in front of her house. It was people uninvited, spending time there calling for her impeachment. Something that was denounced in another thread, almost universally by people here. But once its conservatives, you find all the excuses you can. Color me unimpressed

                      But hey watch the pro-lifers, if you want something of a different tone. I'm suuuuure they all voted for Bill Clinton back then. Hundreds of abortion doctors homes were picketed like that.

                      I once asked Darth Xena, what good protests like that would do (that was back when I was an atheist - concerned violence might come of it).

                      I'll never forget her response "Does it matter?"

                      Then Tiller was shot the next year.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
                        It actually was his house, and they cracked his front door. His wife called 911.
                        That's news to me, and definitely horrible. I'll put this up as worse than the Maxine Waters protest. But they're still both something I'd reject.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Leonhard View Post
                          They also wore different kinds of clothes, it was a different time of day. I'm sure they had different things to eat, their accent were different, and they had a band. If you want to find differences you always can. You're just special pleading because it doesn't suit your point.

                          It was a protest in front of her house. It was people uninvited, spending time there calling for her impeachment. Something that was denounced in another thread, almost universally by people here. But once its conservatives, you find all the excuses you can. Color me unimpressed

                          But hey watch the pro-lifers, if you want something of a different tone. I'm suuuuure they all voted for Bill Clinton back then. Hundreds of abortion doctors homes were picketed like that.

                          I once asked Darth Xena, what good protests like that would do (that was back when I was an atheist - concerned violence might come of it).

                          I'll never forget her response "Does it matter?"

                          Then Tiller was shot the next year.
                          I don't think they should be protesting at the abortion doctor's home. But it was different at Water's. She encouraged citizens to harass people at their homes or restaurants, etc. This was nothing of the sort. It was a publicity stunt by her own opponent to show off how rich she was compared to her constituents. They were not harassing her. this was in front of the press, with him pontificating to the cameras.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                            I don't think they should be protesting at the abortion doctor's home.
                            But it happened, happens, end of story. It encouraged violence and a couple of acts of terrorism. One even just a few years ago, with a guy charging a pro-lifer charging a clinic with an M-16. Thankfully Pro-Life communities. Most of them at least. Have changed tactics, and they no longer chase ambulances, they no longer protest and picket homes, or publish and spread addresses and personal details on doctors.

                            At least those who do are now clearly a fringe movement with little support from anyone.

                            They know each act of pro-life violence is a victory for the pro-abortion movement. Which is what I wish these numbskulls in seer's video knew.

                            As for Antifa's antics here its gross, and dull and not something I support Sparko. I think protests have places and times. And in particular property damage is something I find to be uncivilised.
                            Last edited by Leonhard; 11-08-2018, 03:30 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by seer View Post
                              Really? Show me conservatives that go to peoples homes and shout obscenities and threats...
                              One right wing nut case does something, so that means that all conservatives are as bad as the mobs of liberal rioters,
                              Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


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