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Van Terror In Toronto...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sparko View Post
    While technically true, the police don't have to take unnecessary risks to take a dangerous criminal into custody. If they think he has a gun, and is trying to use it, they can and should use deadly force to stop him. Not only for their own protection but for the protection of anyone else in the vicinity. You make it sound like it is so easy to make these decisions. They have a split second to make them from usually dozens of feet away, and in usually poor circumstances with a lot of adrenaline flowing on both sides. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback.
    There was an outspoken anti-police activist who went through a police training simulator where he had to make split second decisions about whether or not deadly force was justified. He came out of the experience with a new appreciation and respect for the police officers who put their lives on the line for us every single day.

    But it sure is easy for sanctimonious prigs like Dimbulb to second guess and criticize from the comfort and safety of his computer chair.
    Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
    But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
    Than a fool in the eyes of God

    From "Fools Gold" by Petra


    • #17
      This thread isn't about guns. It's about vans.

      Are they banned yet?

      Securely anchored to the Rock amid every storm of trial, testing or tribulation.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
        There was an outspoken anti-police activist who went through a police training simulator where he had to make split second decisions about whether or not deadly force was justified. He came out of the experience with a new appreciation and respect for the police officers who put their lives on the line for us every single day.

        But it sure is easy for sanctimonious prigs like Dimbulb to second guess and criticize from the comfort and safety of his computer chair.
        They should just shoot to wound!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by mossrose View Post
          This thread isn't about guns. It's about vans.

          Are they banned yet?
          well since it was a white van, full of white van privilege, I think it should be banned for being racist.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sparko View Post
            They should just shoot to wound!!
            That turns the perpetrator into a victim who can then sue for damages. You're just trying to get your law firm more work!
            Veritas vos Liberabit<>< Learn Greek <>< Look here for an Orthodox Church in America<><Ancient Faith Radio
            I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


            • #21
              Originally posted by Sparko View Post
              They should just shoot to wound!!
              Shoot the gun out of their hands like the Lone Ranger!
              Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
              But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
              Than a fool in the eyes of God

              From "Fools Gold" by Petra


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                Shoot the gun out of their hands like the Lone Ranger!
                They could just tell the criminal that he is not allowed to use a gun because it is against the law. Then he will put it down and surrender.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                  While technically true, the police don't have to take unnecessary risks to take a dangerous criminal into custody. If they think he has a gun, and is trying to use it, they can and should use deadly force to stop him. Not only for their own protection but for the protection of anyone else in the vicinity. You make it sound like it is so easy to make these decisions. They have a split second to make them from usually dozens of feet away, and in usually poor circumstances with a lot of adrenaline flowing on both sides. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback.
                  I'd love to see Starlight in one of the "Hogan's Alley" type "shoot / don't shoot" tactical training exercises.
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mossrose View Post
                    This thread isn't about guns. It's about vans.

                    Are they banned yet?
                    If a van gets converted, does it get a second chance?

                    conversion vans.jpg
                    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                      I'd love to see Starlight in one of the "Hogan's Alley" type "shoot / don't shoot" tactical training exercises.
                      I have a device that plays the game around here somewhere. Unfortunately it doesn't work on any flat screen TV's, as it doesn't reflect the light in the way needed to be detected properly.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Cerebrum123 View Post
                        I have a device that plays the game around here somewhere. Unfortunately it doesn't work on any flat screen TV's, as it doesn't reflect the light in the way needed to be detected properly.
                        SL could play that one perfectly, I'm sure, regardless. After all, he is smarter than anyone else here, and we are lucky to have him.

                        Securely anchored to the Rock amid every storm of trial, testing or tribulation.


                        • #27
                          A van driver accused of killing 10 people in Toronto posted to Facebook minutes before the attack to praise killer Elliot Rodger and refer to the misogynistic "incel" Reddit group.

                          Alek Minassian, 25, was charged on Tuesday with 10 counts of murder and 13 counts of attempted murder.

                          Police say he appeared to intentionally strike pedestrians after mounting a busy pavement in a rental van.

                          He was arrested several blocks away after a tense standoff with police.

                          Mr Minassian's Facebook post, which the social network has confirmed as real, praised Elliott Rodger, a 22 year old from California who killed six people in a shooting rampage through Isla Vista, California in 2014 before turning the gun on himself.

                          It read: "The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!"

                          The term "incel" refers to a now-banned group on the message site Reddit, used by Rodger, where young men discussed their lack of sexual activity and attractiveness to women - often blaming women for the problem.

                          "Chads and Stacys" refers to attractive men and women who are perceived as better than or unavailable to "incels", which is short for "involuntary celibate".

                          - BBC News


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mossrose View Post
                            SL could play that one perfectly, I'm sure, regardless. After all, he is smarter than anyone else here, and we are lucky to have him.

                            Oh, please don't amen me, SL. It just makes you look as ignorant as you are. Because I really just insulted you again. And it's a shame I have to keep explaining that to you.

                            Securely anchored to the Rock amid every storm of trial, testing or tribulation.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by seer View Post
                              Well that says it all, it probably kidnapped some poor unsuspecting Muslim Christian and made it look like he drove into the crowd...
                              Fixed that for you.

                              From the information available at this stage, both the Toronto terrorist and the Waffle House shooter were white Christian right-wingers who had a history of mental issues.
                              "I hate him passionately", he's "a demonic force" - Tucker Carlson, in private, on Donald Trump
                              "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism" - George Orwell
                              "[Capitalism] as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evils. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy" - Albert Einstein


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by firstfloor View Post
                                A van driver accused of killing 10 people in Toronto posted to Facebook minutes before the attack to praise killer Elliot Rodger and refer to the misogynistic "incel" Reddit group.

                                Alek Minassian, 25, was charged on Tuesday with 10 counts of murder and 13 counts of attempted murder.

                                Police say he appeared to intentionally strike pedestrians after mounting a busy pavement in a rental van.

                                He was arrested several blocks away after a tense standoff with police.

                                Mr Minassian's Facebook post, which the social network has confirmed as real, praised Elliott Rodger, a 22 year old from California who killed six people in a shooting rampage through Isla Vista, California in 2014 before turning the gun on himself.

                                It read: "The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!"

                                The term "incel" refers to a now-banned group on the message site Reddit, used by Rodger, where young men discussed their lack of sexual activity and attractiveness to women - often blaming women for the problem.

                                "Chads and Stacys" refers to attractive men and women who are perceived as better than or unavailable to "incels", which is short for "involuntary celibate".

                                - BBC News
                                Why, yes - that sounds like the very DEFINITION of "Christian".
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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