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Do you defend Trump's infidelity?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by lao tzu View Post
    Stonewalling and obfuscation on what?

    Her plan to kill Stevens?

    I'm always still in trouble again

    "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
    "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
    "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


    • #77
      Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
      I guess I live a sheltered life - I never heard this proposed as a "plan to kill Stevens".
      He's taking a far out extreme claim and trying to broadbrush everyone with it.

      I'm always still in trouble again

      "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
      "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
      "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


      • #78
        Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
        The one "yes" vote is from Whag. Probably either a joke or attempt to disrupt the poll.
        Originally posted by NorrinRadd View Post

        My finger twitched as I was trying to use the touchpad, so I'm not sure how I voted! I *intended* to vote "No," I do not "condone" his infidelity.

        But I don't think infidelities that occurred prior to his election are relevant to his Presidency. Any that might occur while in office may or may not be relevant on a case by case basis. (For instance, having hookers come in and pee on each other in the Oval Office, or worse, the power imbalance inherent in even "consensual" sex with, say, a young White House intern would be problematic at best.)

        I also suspect he'd engage in shady business practices, which does not thrill me. I think his pal Cohen is a sleazy weasel, and the fact that Trump was delighted to have such a guy as his "fixer" has now come back to sink its teeth firmly into his hindparts.
        I think you might have missed this.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Cerebrum123 View Post
          I think you might have missed this.
          I was talking about Whag, not NorrinRadd.
          "I am not angered that the Moral Majority boys campaign against abortion. I am angry when the same men who say, "Save OUR children" bellow "Build more and bigger bombers." That's right! Blast the children in other nations into eternity, or limbless misery as they lay crippled from "OUR" bombers! This does not jell." - Leonard Ravenhill


          • #80
            Originally posted by Zymologist View Post
            Please vote. Feel free to explain your vote, if necessary.
            Why would anyone defend Trumps infidelity, unless by defence of infidelity you mean voting for, supporting, and defending his presidency regardless of his obvious all around ugly character of unabated adultry, perversion, lying, theivery, tax fraud or in other words his complete lack of ethics.


            • #81
              Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
              I was talking about Whag, not NorrinRadd.
              I know that, NorrinRadd is saying he accidentally voted yes on the poll.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Cerebrum123 View Post
                I know that, NorrinRadd is saying he accidentally voted yes on the poll.
                He said he wasn't sure how he voted. However, he apparently didn't vote yes because the record of votes states that only Whag voted yes
                "I am not angered that the Moral Majority boys campaign against abortion. I am angry when the same men who say, "Save OUR children" bellow "Build more and bigger bombers." That's right! Blast the children in other nations into eternity, or limbless misery as they lay crippled from "OUR" bombers! This does not jell." - Leonard Ravenhill


                • #83
                  Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
                  He's taking a far out extreme claim and trying to broadbrush everyone with it.
                  And pretty much basing the rest of his "reasoning" on it.
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
                    He said he wasn't sure how he voted. However, he apparently didn't vote yes because the record of votes states that only Whag voted yes
                    It doesn't let me see who voted, and no such option is on my page. I guess you're able to see who voted for what since this is one of your areas?


                    • #85
                      Everyone should be able to see who voted and how. It's an open poll.

                      Brum, click on the little number beside each option?

                      Securely anchored to the Rock amid every storm of trial, testing or tribulation.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by mossrose View Post
                        Everyone should be able to see who voted and how. It's an open poll.

                        Brum, click on the little number beside each option?
                        Now I see it.

                        Even with magnification it doesn't look much different from the other text on the screen. Maybe a color that contrasts better, or something would make it a little more obvious.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Cerebrum123 View Post
                          Now I see it.

                          Even with magnification it doesn't look much different from the other text on the screen. Maybe a color that contrasts better, or something would make it a little more obvious.

                          Securely anchored to the Rock amid every storm of trial, testing or tribulation.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by lao tzu View Post
                            Stonewalling and obfuscation on what?

                            Her plan to kill Stevens?

                            Feel free to be first handing out an alternative to that. No idea what she's covering up, but sure she must be, doesn't cut it.

                            Credit where it's due. What tied her to Benghazi were the endless half-baked right wing media conspiracies, composed for an audience so forgiving of any attempt to nail her on something illicit, illegal, immoral, or fattening, they never bothered to detail exactly what it was supposed to be they were going to hang her for.

                            They actually accused her of issuing a stand-down order. As if she'd have a reason for that.

                            Other than the obvious, her plan to kill Stevens.

                            There's not a lot of other places to go on this.

                            The hatred was so intense on Hillary, it squeezed out all critical thought. It was just say Benghazi and nod. You know, I read the preacher calling her "evil." No troubling for explanation, because who cares about because, or basic civility, or granting even the most basic benefit of the doubt, that she was doing a tough job as best she could, and sometimes bad things happen.

                            Like the embassy attacks actually carried out by al Qaeda under Bill. Or the other 9/11 under W.

                            It's disingenuous to blame Hillary for the endless nature of the hearings after it became clear they were being drawn out for political purposes. The Gowdy hearings had no other objective than to drop her poll numbers, and finishing early would get in the way of that. It's not like they uncovered anything the seven previous investigations hadn't uncovered.

                            Could security measures have been better managed. Sure. As we knew from the other seven investigations. They could have had a more secure, and fire resistant, safe room, for one. But local security arrangements were on Stevens, which was as it should have been, because he had the best view of the local situation, being on the ground, and certainly a better view than anyone at Foggy Bottom.

                            In the normal course of events, security at our embassies and diplomatic compounds is the responsibility of the host country. Post-Gaddafi, that wasn't an option, so he arranged security with the local militias, which was as close as anyone could get to a host government.

                            The only thing Clinton could have done to prevent Steven's death in Benghazi was to forbid Stevens from going there. Ultimately, you have to trust your people and support their decisions.

                            The present administration's antics notwithstanding.

                            You were wondering how I'd bring this back to Trump's infidelity, weren't you.
                            I'm wondering what in the world this has to do with my post, actually. The stonewalling/obfuscation have to do with the purported reason for the attack. I'm gobsmacked how you could possibly miss that.

                            The collapse of Libya into anarchy is all on Obama, aided and abetted by HRC. The "Arab Spring" has been a disaster all around.
                            Veritas vos Liberabit<>< Learn Greek <>< Look here for an Orthodox Church in America<><Ancient Faith Radio
                            I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


                            • #89
                              so far not one liberal has voted no. I think they are afraid to vote.


                              • #90
                                Where's the option for 'Why should I care when liberals only care about morals when Conservatives transgress'?
                                ...>>> Witty remark or snarky quote of another poster goes here <<<...


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