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Florida School Shooting

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  • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
    Huh? I'm perfectly fine with improving our ability to find spree killers before they go on killing sprees.
    Now that you stand before judge jury and executioner, sure.

    Yes it would be, and no you haven't.
    Nuh uh

    That might have sounded better in your head than it does in print. I have no idea what you're going on about.
    What I said makes perfect sense. It may be wrong (it's not) or outlandish but it's not nonsensical. So your accusation that it doesn't make sense is suspicious, and something you might throw out when caught like a deer in the headlights.

    That's essentially the same thing, especially when you add that "ending massacres would remove a topic of debate from your repertoire" because I "like to argue", which obviously implies that I want massacres to continue so that I have something to argue about. Don't blame me because you don't think through the stupid things you post.
    No, you are simply escalating an accusation of apathy to an accusation of malice so you can cry and act like a victim.

    I don't want to disarm an entire population so that they'll be at the mercy of an existential threat. Why in the world would I want that? I want to disarm the population so that we can finally put an end to gun violence in America.
    Same thing.

    Hmm. I don't remember doing that. Show me where you've seen me do that.
    No. I'm not spending half an hour trolling through your posts just because you have sudden amnesia syndrome.

    Your accusation is absurd. It doesn't make a lick of sense.
    No, it makes perfect sense. Even if my accusation was wrong/outlandish, the fact that you insist on going with such a poor defense like "it doesn't make sense" when it makes perfect sense is damning in and of itself.
    "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

    There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


    • Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
      Now that you stand before judge jury and executioner, sure.
      What? I have no idea what that means.

      Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
      What I said makes perfect sense. It may be wrong (it's not) or outlandish but it's not nonsensical. So your accusation that it doesn't make sense is suspicious, and something you might throw out when caught like a deer in the headlights.
      Are you drunk posting or something? What are you talking about? Yes, it doesn't make sense for someone to desire school shootings so they can have something to argue about on a theology forum. It's an absolutely ludicrous accusation.

      Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
      No, you are simply escalating an accusation of apathy to an accusation of malice so you can cry and act like a victim.
      Yeah, I'm thinking you're probably drunk, or trolling, or both. Again, I can't parse whatever you're attempting to say here. I'm escalating an accusation of apathy? What is that even?

      Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
      Same thing.
      It's clearly not.

      Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
      No. I'm not spending half an hour trolling through your posts just because you have sudden amnesia syndrome.
      No, you won't post links because I called you out on a lie.

      Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
      No, it makes perfect sense. Even if my accusation was wrong/outlandish, the fact that you insist on going with such a poor defense like "it doesn't make sense" when it makes perfect sense is damning in and of itself.
      Yeah, see above.


      • btw i just noticed something else about adrift. I was wondering what pathology he suffers from because he doesn't strike me as being a straight up sociopath like starlight:

        Originally posted by Me
        And objectively you don't because you want to disarm an entire population and leave them at the mercy of what they consider an existential threat, an obviously difficult and time consuming task (if it's successful at all).
        I don't want to disarm an entire population so that they'll be at the mercy of an existential threat. Why in the world would I want that? I want to disarm the population so that we can finally put an end to gun violence in America.
        My statement, which was originally about the futility of Adrift's "solution" is rewritten in Adrift's head to be all about him. Adrift thinks that he doesn't want people to be at the mercy of an existential threat, therefore any argument based on people not wanting to be at the mercy of an existential threat is incomprehensible to him. After all, it's not what Adrift wants. So he fails to see the futility of trying to end massacres by pursuing this path. He intuitively expects the world to rearrange itself to his whims and sees nothing wrong or absurd about this thought pattern. In fact you are crazy if you suggest there's something wrong with it. So this would be an alternate thesis to explain his motivation, if you think the idea of him arguing for the joy of it "doesn't make sense".

        This thought pattern is very common among atheists, who simply can't stop bringing their atheism into arguments about internal consistency of the bible.

        I've also noticed this kind of low level narcissism is very common in ultraprogressives and other kinds of sjws (a species related to the new atheist). When they're screaming at you about their lived experience and how it's supposed to trump everything (including evidence and reason) it's because they have no sense of anything other than themselves. They are socially stunted in some serious ways compared to normal people.
        "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

        There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


        • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
          Dang so many things done wrong about this tragedy. So many missed opportunities to have prevented it, or to have stopped Cruz.

          Instead of protesting for gun control, why aren't these people protesting the incompetence of the school, the mental health industry, the FBI and the police?
          Cos they watch Fake News.
          Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.


          • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
            Are you drunk posting or something? What are you talking about? Yes, it doesn't make sense for someone to desire school shootings so they can have something to argue about on a theology forum. It's an absolutely ludicrous accusation.
            That's not what I said (not that I'm not used to you destroying my posts beyond recognition when you answer them, gotta make up for that huge IQ gap somehow), but even if it had been what I said it would still make perfect sense. Whether it's a ludicrous accusation or not is another matter entirely.

            I'm escalating an accusation of apathy? What is that even?
            I originally said you are apathetic. You pretended I actually said you want massacres to happen. What is so hard to understand about what I said?

            No, you won't post links because I called you out on a lie.
            Accusations of lying need to be substantiated.

            and fyi i don't drink or do drugs
            "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

            There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


            • Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
              btw i just noticed something else about adrift. I was wondering what pathology he suffers from because he doesn't strike me as being a straight up sociopath like starlight:

              My statement, which was originally about the futility of Adrift's "solution" is rewritten in Adrift's head to be all about him. Adrift thinks that he doesn't want people to be at the mercy of an existential threat, therefore any argument based on people not wanting to be at the mercy of an existential threat is incomprehensible to him. After all, it's not what Adrift wants. So he fails to see the futility of trying to end massacres by pursuing this path. He intuitively expects the world to rearrange itself to his whims and sees nothing wrong or absurd about this thought pattern. In fact you are crazy if you suggest there's something wrong with it. So this would be an alternate thesis to explain his motivation, if you think the idea of him arguing for the joy of it "doesn't make sense".

              This thought pattern is very common among atheists, who simply can't stop bringing their atheism into arguments about internal consistency of the bible.

              I've also noticed this kind of low level narcissism is very common in ultraprogressives and other kinds of sjws (a species related to the new atheist). When they're screaming at you about their lived experience and how it's supposed to trump everything (including evidence and reason) it's because they have no sense of anything other than themselves. They are socially stunted in some serious ways compared to normal people.
              You've lost it dude. I didn't make this about me, you made it about me, " don't because you want to disarm an entire population and leave them at the mercy of what they consider an existential threat". That accusation is false. I don't want to disarm an entire population and leave them at the mercy of what they consider a threat. Why would I want that? That's not even close to the reason why I want to see the population disarmed.


              • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                You've lost it dude. I didn't make this about me, you made it about me, " don't because you want to disarm an entire population and leave them at the mercy of what they consider an existential threat". That accusation is false. I don't want to disarm an entire population and leave them at the mercy of what they consider a threat. Why would I want that? That's not even close to the reason why I want to see the population disarmed.
                The fact that you still don't understand what I'm saying just proves my point. It's not about what you want, it's about what THEY think will result from your idiotic policy, and the resistance they will put up, making your attempts at enacting that policy a Sisyphean task at best. You are unable to put yourself into the shoes of other people, understand the depth of the differences between the two of you, and comprehend the futility of your actions as a result. Because you are socially stunted at best and a full blown narcissist at worst.
                "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

                There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


                • Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                  That's not what I said (not that I'm not used to you destroying my posts beyond recognition when you answer them, gotta make up for that huge IQ gap somehow), but even if it had been what I said it would still make perfect sense. Whether it's a ludicrous accusation or not is another matter entirely.
                  If you genuinely think the difference between our IQs is that great, why are you bothering engaging with me? And yes, it is what you said as I pointed out in post #570. No it doesn't make sense. People don't desire school shootings so they can have something to argue about on theology forums. That's goofy talk.

                  Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                  I originally said you are apathetic. You pretended I actually said you want massacres to happen. What is so hard to understand about what I said?
                  No, you didn't say I was apathetic. You said that I like to argue, and that ending school massacres would remove a debate topic from my repertoire. It was a brainless thing to say, and you've been tripping all over yourself to downplay how stupid it sounds.

                  Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                  Accusations of lying need to be substantiated.
                  As far as I can tell, the mods have sort of lightened up on that rule, but how am I supposed to substantiate a false accusation you've made of me that you won't and can't back up? How can I prove I've never posted something that I've never posted?

                  Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                  and fyi i don't drink or do drugs
                  It's hard to tell when all you're doing is posting nonsense and lies.


                  • Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                    The fact that you still don't understand what I'm saying just proves my point. It's not about what you want, it's about what THEY think will result from your idiotic policy, and the resistance they will put up, making your attempts at enacting that policy a Sisyphean task at best. You are unable to put yourself into the shoes of other people, understand the depth of the differences between the two of you, and comprehend the futility of your actions as a result. Because you are socially stunted at best and a full blown narcissist at worst.
                    This is ridiculous. Of course I can empathize with people who don't want their guns taken away. And of course I understand that they think it will result in some sort of catastrophe. I think they're wrong, but I understand the fear. But that has nothing to do with with your accusation. What you literally posted was " want to disarm an entire population and leave them at the mercy of what they consider an existential threat". I don't want that. That's not at all even close to what I want. That you're not able to articulate what you really mean is not my issue. It's yours.


                    • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                      If you genuinely think the difference between our IQs is that great, why are you bothering engaging with me?
                      It's an excuse to procrastinate on my homework.

                      And yes, it is what you said as I pointed out in post #570. No it doesn't make sense. People don't desire school shootings so they can have something to argue about on theology forums. That's goofy talk.
                      Normal people, sure.

                      No, you didn't say I was apathetic. You said that I like to argue, and that ending school massacres would remove a debate topic from my repertoire.
                      They are the same thing, unless you go out of your way to make the latter mean more than it did.

                      It was a brainless thing to say, and you've been tripping all over yourself to downplay how stupid it sounds.
                      I haven't been tripping at all, if I wanted to accuse you of wanting a massacre I'd do it in a heartbeat with a smile on my face. It doesn't make much of a difference to my thesis, but it is an excuse for you to wail like a banshee and grandstand.

                      As far as I can tell, the mods have sort of lightened up on that rule, but how am I supposed to substantiate a false accusation you've made of me that you won't and can't back up? How can I prove I've never posted something that I've never posted?

                      It's hard to tell when all you're doing is posting nonsense and lies.
                      Maybe don't make the accusation then? There are so many things wrong with you that I have absolutely no need to make something up. Usually I scroll right past your posts, and it's obviously a habit I shouldn't break very often because talking to you is like talking to a tree stump.
                      "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

                      There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


                      • Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                        I've also noticed this kind of low level narcissism is very common in ultraprogressives and other kinds of sjws (a species related to the new atheist). When they're screaming at you about their lived experience and how it's supposed to trump everything (including evidence and reason) it's because they have no sense of anything other than themselves. They are socially stunted in some serious ways compared to normal people.
                        This was studied

                        These people have big trouble with empathy, understanding why conservatives have views they have.
                        Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.


                        • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                          This is ridiculous. Of course I can empathize with people who don't want their guns taken away. And of course I understand that they think it will result in some sort of catastrophe. I think they're wrong, but I understand the fear. But that has nothing to do with with your accusation. What you literally posted was " want to disarm an entire population and leave them at the mercy of what they consider an existential threat". I don't want that. That's not at all even close to what I want. That you're not able to articulate what you really mean is not my issue. It's yours.
                          Yes, you do want that. You just don't think it's an existential threat. It's why I said "what they consider", but like with the "waah you claim i wanna massacre people" BS you'll do anything to try to cast yourself as a victim. I think you're a dunce and a goof, which I guess really bothers your narcissistic ego so you rewrite everything in a way that makes you look like I'm accusing you of something more badass like wanting to massacre entire schools so you can debate about it afterwards. Funny stuff.
                          "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

                          There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


                          • Originally posted by demi-conservative View Post
                            This was studied

                            These people have big trouble with empathy, understanding why conservatives have views they have.
                            adrift has enough conservative views that I wouldn't usually extrapolate liberal pathologies onto him by default. although in this case it's probably a match
                            "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

                            There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


                            • Originally posted by KingsGambit View Post
                              DE posted that several pages back. I was surprised nobody else picked up on it; this is a game changer.
                              A game changer in the sense that it tells us the obvious: That a probably-not-particularly-well-paid and probably-not-particularly-well-trained security guard is unlikely to want to put his own life in danger by running in and getting shot?
                              "I hate him passionately", he's "a demonic force" - Tucker Carlson, in private, on Donald Trump
                              "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism" - George Orwell
                              "[Capitalism] as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evils. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy" - Albert Einstein


                              • Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                                They are the same thing, unless you go out of your way to make the latter mean more than it did.
                                They're not the same thing.

                                Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                                I haven't been tripping at all, if I wanted to accuse you of wanting a massacre I'd do it in a heartbeat with a smile on my face. It doesn't make much of a difference to my thesis, but it is an excuse for you to wail like a banshee and grandstand.
                                Yes you have been. You rashly went from accusing me of wanting massacres for my "debate repertoire" to pretending that what you really meant was that I'm apathetic about the issue. It's textbook downplaying. I got you pegged and you know it.

                                Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                                Maybe don't make the accusation then? There are so many things wrong with you that I have absolutely no need to make something up.
                                Nah, I'm not going to sit back and allow some to tell lies about me.

                                Originally posted by Darth Executor View Post
                                Usually I scroll right past your posts, and it's obviously a habit I shouldn't break very often because talking to you is like talking to a tree stump.
                                I'm like talking to a tree stump, but you'll debate me on the subject for four hours. Ok.


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