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Russian interference with the 2016 election

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  • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
    It's very simple: Cohen can't be in two places at once. We have proof that he was one place (Los Angles) which means that it is physically and logically impossible for him to be in another place (Prague).

    And Tass keeps posting that McClatchy link, but he apparently missed this bombshell admission just 7-paragraphs below the headline: "The disclosure still left a puzzle: The sources did not say whether Cohen took a commercial flight or private jet to Europe, and gave no explanation as to why no record of such a trip has surfaced."

    In simpler language, there is no record of Cohen making a trip to Prague.
    And "there is no record" is not the same as "Cohen did not take a trip to Prague." Also, 2 months is not equal to 1 week, so there is no requirement for Cohen to be in two places at one time if he was in Prague at a time within those two months OTHER than the stated week.

    Finally - so far the claim that he WAS in Prague has not been substantiated (as far as I know), so no one can say he WAS there. Likewise, no one can say he WASN'T. All that can be said, based on the available evidence, is 1) he wasn't there that week, and 2) the claim that he was there during those two months has not been shown to be true.
    The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy...returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King

    I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong. Frederick Douglas


    • And now a Mueller rep is out there tamping down this story and saying don't believe everything you see in the mainstream media.

      Source: Robert Mueller Office Warns �Many Stories About our Investigation Have Been Inaccurate��

      © Copyright Original Source

      Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
      But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
      Than a fool in the eyes of God

      From "Fools Gold" by Petra


      • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
        That's because the Steele dossier is as phony as a $3 bill.
        Oh really! You know this for sure how exactly?


        • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
          "Anonymous sources" ... yeah, OK.
          Are you able to name the fallacy yourself, MM?


          • Smearing Robert Mueller

            When baseless, false accusations are necessary for a defense, the defense is in trouble.


            • Originally posted by Charles View Post
              Are you able to name the fallacy yourself, MM?
              Asking about another poster's abilities is a personal attack.

              Not in this thread, please.

              If you feel MM has committed a fallacy, name it, and though not strictly necessary, it would be good if you also supported the description.


              • Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
                Have you considered posting actual evidence in your posts, rather than merely allegations with links?
                This particular accusation, like others you've made recently, is both baseless and contrafactual. I won't again spend time linking posts that contradict it, but as many are in this thread, you are encouraged to find them yourself.

                As to the accusation itself, you've already got a thread for this. Take it there.

                It's contradicted by this:

                Those of us not breathlessly following every sordid detail are blissfully unaware of what the alleged 'largest known hole in the Steele dossier" is, let alone how this ostensibly fills it.
                The Steele dossier begins with a memo, dated two months before Manafort's resignation, in which Manafort was named as the principle coordinator of information exchanges with Peskov, chief Kremlin spokesman and manager and proprietor of the FSB's so-called Clinton dossier, which was later revealed to include hacked DNC emails.

                After Manafort's departure under the cloud of allegations of financial improprieties related to his work for the Russian puppets in Ukraine, Cohen is named as the replacement coordinator, and in particular, as a participant in a clandestine Prague meeting further set up with a cover story. Included in the itinerary for that meeting were efforts to provide financial and logistical support for a group of Romanian hackers.

                Where it would be difficult to distance the Trump campaign from Manafort's coordination, it would be impossible to do so with Cohen. Conversely, the defense that Cohen was not in Prague during the summer of 2016 casts serious doubts on a linchpin of the Steele dossier.

                That's a significant hole, and the most significant in my analysis, as shared above.

                Independent evidence of a Prague visit, this time with details on how he arrived in Prague, would fill that hole.

                As above, Cohen continues to strenuously deny the visit.

                As MM has shared, albeit via the Moonie Times, none of this has been officially corroborated by the Mueller team, and in fact a spokesperson seems to have weighed in urging caution on all of these anonymous reports, especially those that cannot be independently corroborated by another paper's journalists.

                The Steele dossier consists of 17 two-page memos, by my count. It takes less than half an hour to read, though perhaps longer if one tries to do so while holding one's breath, which is neither necessary nor recommended.


                • Originally posted by lao tzu View Post
                  The Steele dossier begins with a memo, dated two months before Manafort's resignation, in which Manafort was named as the principle coordinator of information exchanges with Peskov, chief Kremlin spokesman and manager and proprietor of the FSB's so-called Clinton dossier, which was later revealed to include hacked DNC emails.

                  After Manafort's departure under the cloud of allegations of financial improprieties related to his work for the Russian puppets in Ukraine, Cohen is named as the replacement coordinator, and in particular, as a participant in a clandestine Prague meeting further set up with a cover story. Included in the itinerary for that meeting were efforts to provide financial and logistical support for a group of Romanian hackers.

                  Where it would be difficult to distance the Trump campaign from Manafort's coordination, it would be impossible to do so with Cohen. Conversely, the defense that Cohen was not in Prague during the summer of 2016 casts serious doubts on a linchpin of the Steele dossier.

                  That's a significant hole, and the most significant in my analysis, as shared above.

                  Independent evidence of a Prague visit, this time with details on how he arrived in Prague, would fill that hole.

                  As above, Cohen continues to strenuously deny the visit.

                  As MM has shared, albeit via the Moonie Times, none of this has been officially corroborated by the Mueller team, and in fact a spokesperson seems to have weighed in urging caution on all of these anonymous reports, especially those that cannot be independently corroborated by another paper's journalists.

                  The Steele dossier consists of 17 two-page memos, by my count. It takes less than half an hour to read, though perhaps longer if one tries to do so while holding one's breath, which is neither necessary nor recommended.
                  Thank you.
                  Veritas vos Liberabit<>< Learn Greek <>< Look here for an Orthodox Church in America<><Ancient Faith Radio
                  I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


                  • Originally posted by lao tzu View Post
                    Asking about another poster's abilities is a personal attack.

                    Not in this thread, please.

                    If you feel MM has committed a fallacy, name it, and though not strictly necessary, it would be good if you also supported the description.
                    It is not a personal attack, I am sure MM knows the answer. It is my way of saying he knows better than this. It seems you loose a part of your own civility in your aim to ensure it.

                    If this is a personal attack, then what goes for you calling MM's source Moonie Times? And your claim that others in this thread make baseless and contrafactual statements? Should I say not in this thread, please?


                    • Originally posted by Charles View Post
                      It is not a personal attack, I am sure MM knows the answer.
                      I'll let you find your own way to the door.


                      • Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
                        Thank you.
                        There's a real quandary for a non-partisan in this. If the president's team was cooperating with a hostile foreign power in 2016, I want him nailed to the wall for it. But if we go after the president on this, the focus comes off the continuing interference by the hostile foreign power.

                        Given that dilemma, I'd rather he was found innocent.


                        • Risensteim says that Trump is not a target of any part of Mueller's investigation.

                          Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                          But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                          Than a fool in the eyes of God

                          From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                          • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                            Risensteim says that Trump is not a target of any part of Mueller's investigation.



                            • Originally posted by lao tzu View Post
                              I'll let you find your own way to the door.
                              Yep. And from the putside I note the obvious hypocracy and that you did not answer my points about stuff you said yourself that could be seen as insulting. But of course you can ask people to leave, if you have not got an answer.


                              • The fact that Trump isn't a target already is significant.
                                Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                                But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                                Than a fool in the eyes of God

                                From "Fools Gold" by Petra


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