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  • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

    This thread is FULL of your goofy denials and 'explanations' trying to minimize NAMBLA's role at every turn. .
    You mean as opposed to your spin to maximise
    That's quite a bit different than you finally admitting they were "active participants".

    The FACTS are that ILGA and NAMBLA were partners (which you NOW seem to admit) for a DECADE, and NAMBLA was only expelled after outside pressure. That is the record, and those are the facts.
    Nobody has denied that NAMBLA, along with all 400+ members of ILGA (NAMBLA had no special status within ILGA), had been active participants of ILGA. More to the point is your dishonest insinuation that ILGA and NAMBLA had shared values regarding pedophilia, which has never been the case.

    Gregory King of the Human Rights Campaign said that "NAMBLA is not a gay organization ... They are not part of our community and we thoroughly reject their efforts to insinuate that pedophilia is an issue related to gay and lesbian civil rights.

    ... often followed by "end of story". It was obviously NOT "end of story", but only your attempt to make it sound like ILGA was against NAMBLA at every turn. That makes it sound like NAMBLA applied for membership, and ILGA said no. Obviously, that is NOT what happened. That's only your biased spin.
    In fact, you were SO determined to defend ILGA that you even got major facts backwards, like claiming that Rosendall was a member of NAMBLA trying to defend NAMBLA.
    LGA would not be denying anyone's right of self-expression but exercising its own.YOU
    Last edited by Tassman; 12-20-2017, 11:19 PM.


    • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
      You mean as opposed to your spin to maximise
      I presented the whole case, Tassy - all the facts. Most, if not all, from gay/lesbian sources. I jumped to no conclusions. You did that repeatedly, along with a whole bunch of false accusations.

      And, talk about spin --- You even blew it so badly as to indict Rosendall as a supporter of NAMBLA, when I correctly pointed out CLEARLY that he was calling for their ouster. You demanded a link, which I provided, and you doubled down, insisting he was defending NAMBLA, citing a biography that showed nothing of the sort.

      Next thing, you'll even be accusing your buddy JimL of being a NAMBLA defender.

      Oh, WAIT! HE IS!!!!!!

      Boy, oh boy!

      (Jim might need some clarification on what a boy is)
      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


      • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
        You mean as opposed to your spin to maximise
        We already showed you that the IGLA and NAMBLA worked together to try to lower and abolish age of consent laws.


        • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
          I presented the whole case, Tassy - all the facts. Most, if not all, from gay/lesbian sources. I jumped to no conclusions. You did that repeatedly, along with a whole bunch of false accusations.


          • The case that you are an anti-Christian bigot, Tassy, so focused on smearing Christians as homophobes that you screw up and blame Rosendall, a gay, of being a member and defender of NAMBLA, even though I presented evidence to the contrary.

            Isn't that interesting? I'm DEFENDING the guy, and you're accusing him of being a pervert pedophile.

            How do you manage to screw these things up so badly?

            How long have you been a closet homophobe, Tassy?

            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
              The case that you are an anti-Christian bigot, Tassy


              • Oh, BESIDES you being an incredibly incompetent anti-Christian bigot? You really are quite daft, aren't you?

                Instead of your perverted abbreviated "case closed" spin nonsense, I proved that there was, indeed, an association between NAMBLA and ILGA pretty much from Day 1, and that the association was mutual, continual, and did not end until outside pressure was applied. I NEVER did anything as vile as you, like accusing representatives of gay/lesbian organizations of being pervert pedophiles. That's on you!

                You seemed to be insinuating that ILGA and NAMBLA had shared values regarding pedophilia,
                Tassy - only ONE of us has accused a gay of being a NAMBLA member and defender. That would be you, darlin.
                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                  Oh, BESIDES you being an incredibly incompetent anti-Christian bigot? You really are quite daft, aren't you?

                  Instead of your perverted abbreviated "case closed" spin nonsense, I proved that there was, indeed, an association between NAMBLA and ILGA pretty much from Day 1, and that the association was mutual, continual, and did not end until outside pressure was applied. I NEVER did anything as vile as you, like accusing representatives of gay/lesbian organizations of being pervert pedophiles. That's on you!


                  • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                    The case that you are an anti-Christian bigot, Tassy, so focused on smearing Christians as homophobes that you screw up
                    And not only Christians. Not so long since he termed Australian society (holus bolus) to be homophobic. When it came to a (clayton's) referendum, the "yes" vote returned was almost a 2-1 ratio against the "no" vote.
                    1Cor 15:34 Come to your senses as you ought and stop sinning; for I say to your shame, there are some who know not God.
                    Scripture before Tradition:
                    but that won't prevent others from
                    taking it upon themselves to deprive you
                    of the right to call yourself Christian.



                    • Yes, I did. I presented the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Information directly from gay/lesbian websites. Accurate information, no spin.

                      And, unlike you, I got my facts straight. I didn't screw up and accuse a gay man of being a NAMBLA supporter.

                      When you cherry pick only the facts that you want to present, that's called "spin". That's exactly what you've been doing this whole thread, while falsely accusing me of doing just that.

                      You have the integrity of possum poop.
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • Originally posted by tabibito View Post
                        And not only Christians. Not so long since he termed Australian society (holus bolus) to be homophobic. When it came to a (clayton's) referendum, the "yes" vote returned was almost a 2-1 ratio against the "no" vote.
                        I think he is so blatantly anti-Christian that he doesn't even read sources - he just grabs anything he can to try to make his case, and jumps to wild goofy conclusions.

                        And you can always tell when he's got his back against the wall, because he doubles down on the silly emoji's and accusations of dishonesty.

                        The boy simply has no credibility.
                        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                        • Originally posted by tabibito View Post
                          And not only Christians. Not so long since he termed Australian society (holus bolus) to be homophobic. When it came to a (clayton's) referendum, the "yes" vote returned was almost a 2-1 ratio against the "no" vote.
                          I think that's how he tries to justify the hate in his own heart. He's accusing everybody else of his own failings - bigotry, hate, spin, dishonesty......
                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                            Yes, I did. I presented the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Information directly from gay/lesbian websites. Accurate information, no spin.


                            • First of all, it doesn't surprise me that you have to ask what truth is, because the two of you appear to be total strangers.

                              But, lemme guess, you're gonna play the same broken record with your own goofy spin....

                              That NAMBLA, along with all 400+ members of ILGA,
                              Spin noted.

                              had been active participants and associates.
                              Good that you dropped that indefensible "NAMBLA infiltrated ILGA" crap. Wasn't working, was it? (and you forgot that this was for a whole decade, and that NAMBLA actually helped write ILGA's constitution - those are facts)

                              Well, actually, that's been your narrative (denial) for most of this conversation. You gave it your best shot, but finally got overwhelmed by the truth, and had to change your story. Tassy - you got dragged kicking and screaming to the truth!

                              Why do you keep foisting this outright lie? THAT is what's dishonest --- you are just as wrong about this as you were when you jumped to the idiot conclusion that Rosendall was somehow a member of NAMBLA and defending pedophilia. I'm the one who presented proof that he was actually calling for their ouster, and you ignorantly fought back.

                              Tassy, you're so screwed up in the head that, besides throwing Rosendall under the bus, you repeatedly made it sound like gays and lesbians were stupid and incompetent people. Why do you do this to yourself?

                              Nobody is buying your steaming pile of horsie poo, Tassy. Your dishonesty is appalling, but it appears to be who you are. But, please, keep coming back with your lies and spin, and I'll keep exposing them.

                              You make my work incredibly easy.
                              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                              • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

                                Why do you keep foisting this outright lie? THAT is what's dishonest ---


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