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Who will be the Democrat's candidate come November?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ronson View Post

    If I was a bigwig Democratic strategist, I'd tell Kamala to "Wait until 2028 to run again. This 2024 election is a shambles and Democrats need a shoe-in at this stage to retain the White House, and Kamala isn't it. For the good of the party, refuse nomination."

    I happen to really believe they're just puppets with puppet masters, and so I don't think it would be that hard to turn her popularity around, since I believe everything is already manufactured more than it's random (though this situation has definitely made me second guess that). What would happen on the day Biden dropped out, is that the attention of the handlers would immediately focus on Harris. They'd give her scripts to read and memorize. When she's told specifically what to say in public and how to answer questions that are thrown at her in specific ways, she'll likely be completely different than she's been. At the same time, the MSM will suddenly and collectively lavish her with undue praise and admiration. Being that the vast majority of folks are probably highly susceptible to that type of media brainwashing and mind control, her poll numbers will likely start to shoot up.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Diogenes View Post
      I would just tell her to wait and then 25th Biden.
      Wouldn't the 25th be determined by some people who are still supporting Biden? His staff and department heads?


      • #18
        Originally posted by seanD View Post

        I happen to really believe they're just puppets with puppet masters, and so I don't think it would be that hard to turn her popularity around, since I believe everything is already manufactured more than it's random (though this situation has definitely made me second guess that). What would happen on the day Biden dropped out, is that the attention of the handlers would immediately focus on Harris. They'd give her scripts to read and memorize. When she's told specifically what to say in public and how to answer questions that are thrown at her in specific ways, she'll likely be completely different than she's been. At the same time, the MSM will suddenly and collectively lavish her with undue praise and admiration. Being that the vast majority of folks are probably highly susceptible to that type of media brainwashing and mind control, her poll numbers will likely start to shoot up.
        If Michelle refuses to throw her name in the ring, then that's a possibility. It would be a much harder climb to sell Kamala after her cackling cluelessness of the past few years, though. She's only had one shining moment that I can recall, and that's when she called Biden out as a racist during the 2020 primaries. She's been awful ever since - and most of that has been recorded for Republicans to trot out.

        Michelle has some baggage as well, like saying she's never been proud to be an American. But good campaigners can spin that as "She meant she has been disappointed in all the past presidents, not the USA as a country."


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ronson View Post

          If Michelle refuses to throw her name in the ring, then that's a possibility. It would be a much harder climb to sell Kamala after her cackling cluelessness of the past few years, though. She's only had one shining moment that I can recall, and that's when she called Biden out as a racist during the 2020 primaries. She's been awful ever since - and most of that has been recorded for Republicans to trot out.

          Michelle has some baggage as well, like saying she's never been proud to be an American. But good campaigners can spin that as "She meant she has been disappointed in all the past presidents, not the USA as a country."
          Watch her speech in Germany days before the Russian invasion. She did pretty stellar when she was doing the bidding of the globalist to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. You can tell that that was a speech prepared her because she sounded completely different. As long as she has scripts, she's a whole lot better than Joe. Being that they were dead-set to keep running a braindead corpse, I don't see why it's unfathomable to believe this would be a problem for them.


          • #20
            Originally posted by seanD View Post

            Watch her speech in Germany days before the Russian invasion. She did pretty stellar when she was doing the bidding of the globalist to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine. You can tell that that was a speech prepared her because she sounded completely different. As long as she has scripts, she's a whole lot better than Joe. Being that they were dead-set to keep running a braindead corpse, I don't see why it's unfathomable to believe this would be a problem for them.
            I'll have to find a link


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ronson View Post

              I'll have to find a link
              There's always the possibility they offer her the deal of a lifetime to voluntarily step down. But even in that scenario, I still don't think that it would quell indignation from the political party that bases their politics on the color of one's skin and one's sex, unless they can talk Michelle into it. Other than her, I don't see another woman of color that can fit the bill.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Ronson View Post

                At this stage, he's sure to lose. So, they have to do something - even if it means disarray.

                I still think the D heavyweights will convince Michelle to run. They'll tell her that if she doesn't run that they'll be doomed, that she is their only hope. Barack will need to twist Biden's arm and get him to drop out, then Michelle can pick up his delegates.

                Once done, she will not debate (she doesn't have a grasp of the issues or various policies) and Barack will run the show from behind the curtain. A "wink-wink-nod-nod" administration and everyone will know that Barack is in charge.
                The delegates are committed. They need old Joe to accept the nomination at the convention but then announce he's stepping aside. And then they need Harris to step aside. That is the only way they can access the money in the war chest old Joe has accumulated, which is huge.

                The problem with this solution is manifold. Here are the two most obvious...

                First, you just disenfranchised millions of Democrat voters who picked old Joe and turned it over to a cabal of party bosses to make the decision. Hard to claim to be defending democracy at that point.

                Second, you end up with an open convention no matter how much they try to control it -- and the radical left will insist on taking charge. There will likely be more fireworks than at the 1968 Convention (coincidentally also held in Chicago).

                I'm always still in trouble again

                "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
                "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
                "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


                • #23
                  Ok, so they could 25A Brandon and make Kamala POTUS, but Brandon would still be the official nominee...

                  So they would still need to convince Jill to have him step down. Then who gets his money?
                  Geislerminian Antinomian Kenotic Charispneumaticostal Gender Mutualist-Egalitarian.

                  Beige Federalist.

                  Nationalist Christian.

                  "Everybody is somebody's heretic."

                  Social Justice is usually the opposite of actual justice.

                  Proud member of the this space left blank community.

                  Would-be Grand Vizier of the Padishah Maxi-Super-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-MAGA King Trumpius Rex.

                  Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

                  Justice for Matthew Perna!

                  Arrest Ray Epps and his Fed bosses!


                  • #24
                    One thing is certain, the Democrats have a mess on their hands.
                    Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                    But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                    Than a fool in the eyes of God

                    From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by NorrinRadd View Post
                      Ok, so they could 25A Brandon and make Kamala POTUS, but Brandon would still be the official nominee...

                      So they would still need to convince Jill to have him step down. Then who gets his money?
                      Kamala is on the ticket with old Joe, so she can take possession of the campaign's massive war chest. But there is NO desire to have her as POTUS among Democrats. Did you see her interview after the debate? Didn't even crack a smile much less cackle incessantly -- as if even she is scared that she might become president. And "Dr." Jill still hates her for calling old Joe racist during the 2000 debate so she would never allow old Joe step down and let her be president.

                      I wonder if she agrees to stay on as VP but with a new candidate at the head of the ticket would that allow them access to the money.

                      I'm always still in trouble again

                      "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
                      "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
                      "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ronson View Post

                        At this stage, he's sure to lose. So, they have to do something - even if it means disarray.

                        I still think the D heavyweights will convince Michelle to run. They'll tell her that if she doesn't run that they'll be doomed, that she is their only hope. Barack will need to twist Biden's arm and get him to drop out, then Michelle can pick up his delegates.

                        Once done, she will not debate (she doesn't have a grasp of the issues or various policies) and Barack will run the show from behind the curtain. A "wink-wink-nod-nod" administration and everyone will know that Barack is in charge.
                        Only one thing scares them more than OMB and that is the threat of losing control of the party. That is a real risk if the start choosing a replacement.

                        I'm always still in trouble again

                        "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
                        "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
                        "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
                          Kamala is on the ticket with old Joe, so she can take possession of the campaign's massive war chest. But there is NO desire to have her as POTUS among Democrats. Did you see her interview after the debate? Didn't even crack a smile much less cackle incessantly -- as if even she is scared that she might become president. And "Dr." Jill still hates her for calling old Joe racist during the 2000 debate so she would never allow old Joe step down and let her be president.

                          I wonder if she agrees to stay on as VP but with a new candidate at the head of the ticket would that allow them access to the money.
                          That's actually the reason I never suspected Harris would be picked as VP because of how Jill said she felt slighted about her husband being publicly exposed as a racist. So what I can't square with that argument is that if Jill is calling the shots (which at this point she at least has a whole lot of sway on Biden's decisions), why she would have allowed them to pick her as VP in the first place? That doesn't make much sense to me. There was at least two or three women of color that were in the VP race besides Harris. She also bought nothing of benefit to his campaign but extra baggage.


                          • #28
                            Biden family encourages Joe to stick it out.


                            So if the Democrats want him gone, they're going to have to resort to extreme measures.
                            Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                            But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                            Than a fool in the eyes of God

                            From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                              Biden family encourages Joe to stick it out.


                              So if the Democrats want him gone, they're going to have to resort to extreme measures.
                              It looks like a rift in the regime. All doesn't seem well in the deep state.

                              I wonder how much Hunter is influencing that in fear he won't get a pardon.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
                                Simple question. Pretty self-explanatory.
                                Where's the option for 'don't know'? Your results will be invalid.
                                Jorge: Functional Complex Information is INFORMATION that is complex and functional.

                                MM: First of all, the Bible is a fixed document.
                                MM on covid-19: We're talking about an illness with a better than 99.9% rate of survival.

                                seer: I believe that so called 'compassion' [for starving Palestinian kids] maybe a cover for anti Semitism, ...


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