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The Use and Abuse of the Bible in the Immigration Debate

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  • Originally posted by Sam View Post

    Yes, qualified applicants still have to travel to the border but can more easily obtain transportation, at least in places, that doesn't involve dangerous routes. The long-term post-pilot goal should of course be similar to USCIS' refugee transportation, where qualified applicants are transported to a PoE and have to pay back the cost of transportation after entry.

    The point of the program would not be to eliminate asylum seeking migrants who are at the border entirely but to reduce the number, with the understanding that a significant number of asylum seekers would not make the journey knowing ahead of time that they won't pass initial screenings. That might ultimately prove to not be the case but it's an entirely reasonable and justified belief.

    My point is that while the app is useful and provides a means for someone to apply in their home country, it has been in effect since 2020 and has done nothing to stem the flow of migrants traveling to the border and crossing illegally. In fact the numbers have grown larger and larger over the last few years. Unless used in conjunction with some way to block off the border except for POEs, the app is not useful in doing anything other than expediting the entry for those who use it. So I don't see the app as a solution to the problem at the border at all. Not by itself anyway.


    • Originally posted by Juvenal View Post

      There's another step needed.

      On the top of the page, the counter is incremented.


      Click the incremented counter to get all selected posts to populate.

      Well shoot. I never saw that button before.


      Stupid interface design though. It should put the button at the bottom where the editor is.


      • Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post

        Me? ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ go look in the mirror CP if you are hunting for someone routinely making false accusations. And I'm not the one that started this latest series of personal tit for tats, though it does appear rather clear i will have to the one that ends it.
        Yes, you. You started it here like you've done in many other threads. You started calling others hateful, and when he asked for you to back up your false claims you doubled down on them. You can't end fights well when you are constantly picking them.

        Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post

        This thread is trying to paper over the scriptural requirements I just listed. And some are claiming the only justification for kindness grace and mercy towards aloens in our labd is found under OT law - which is malarky. How this secular country operates its borders may very well be independent of those requirements, but OUR response to those that get here, however they get here, is dictated by the actual teachings of Christ, nor some contrived justification from scripture (of all things) to gen up hatred and hostility to those same people.
        Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

        Who is doing that? Name a name, and show an actual quote.
        That post got no direct answer, but this one got more false accusations hurled at CP.

        Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

        Churches I have pastored have sponsored individuals from Central and South America in a totally legal way (37 as of this month), helping them to get their proper documents. I am 100% positive we have not helped to admit drug runners, sex traffickers, criminals, human traffickers, gang members, terrorists.

        Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post

        That is good. But it does not excuse or the fact your posts HERE on immigration are alway in support of those policies and people that are based on or that deliver nothing but disdain and hatred for those that cross here illegally. Clearly on this and so many issues, you know little or nothing of actual compassion and empathy and are simply following legalistic rules that you think are somehow required of you if you are going to follow Jesus.

        What you seem unable to comprehend is that legalistically following rules is what put those folks in Jesus parable into the category of 'goats'. It was only those that looked out with true compassions and reached out to those in need or in pain simply because they were in need that received the title 'sheep' - out of a compassion that stirs from a changed heart and not some obligation to a 'law'

        Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post

        Jim, this is what you do when you get on one of your hate rants --- you were responding to MM, not me. ​​​​​​​​​​​

        Take a deep breath, slow your roll, and dial down the anger a tad.
        All of these accusations stem from the fact that CP wants to make sure that we don't help wolves in sheep's clothing. That isn't hateful, it just disagrees with your politics.


        • Didn't even really need to check that this guy is coming out of the Southern Baptist Convention. Young ought to be a little more worried about the quality of his own soul than his about the quality of immigrants.

          Source: Houston SBC pastor Ed Young calls migrants 'garbage' in Sunday sermon. Eric Killelea. Chron. 2024.02.27

          Second Baptist Church pastor Ed Young is once again fearmongering while he promotes an anti-immigrant message to his nearly 18,000 Houston congregants. In a ranting sermon Sunday morning, the longtime pastor of the megachurch—with six campuses across the city—demonized migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, referring to them "undesirables, "garbage" and "raff," and adding that the U.S. is "lost through foolishness."

          As Young stood on a stage among Texas flags and other memorabilia, he noted the parable of the lost sheep in the Gospel of Luke, in which Jesus rejoiced over the finding of a repentant sinner. Young then cited "The New Colossus," the poem cast on the base of the Statue of Liberty.

          "Central America, South America, now countries in Asia, China, India, Russia, Iran, Iraq—just pick a number—they have sent not those who are huddled masses longing to be free," said Young, lead pastor of the Southern Baptist Convention-affiliated church since 1978. "They have emptied their jails and their prisons, they've taken they're gangs and they have gone across the border and now we have 8-to-10 million of them scattered across the United States of America." Young called this information "absolutely factual" but did not provide any evidence.

          "What happened?" Young continued as congregants applauded. "Fools were foolish. And now we really do not have a country. Unless there is a border, you do not have a country. That is where we are. And we have been led by fools," who he claims have set up a "massive" welfare state in the U.S.

          "I don't know, and I say this with a tear in my eye, if there's any way to recover outside of going and taking these people back home and I can tell you the homeland will not want to take them back because they have eliminated all the undesirables ...." Young said. "Now, what could happen is when a country eliminates all the elements of evil, we might want to move there because we will not be able to stand under all the garbage and raff in which we're now inviting to come into our shores. And they're already here."

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          "I wonder about the trees. / Why do we wish to bear / Forever the noise of these / More than another noise / Robert Frost, "The Sound of Trees"


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