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Why We Don't Believe Leftists...

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  • Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post

    I try, but I dont always find it possible to foresee how people will interpret my words. I thought I was being gracious and accepting your beliefs without standing in judgement of them.

    qufor the same reason many 20th century jews reject their Judaism and decide to follow Christ. Because they believed He was Messiah.

    How do you suppose there came to be a church in Jerusalem and the jews of the day of sufficient influence that they would have put them out of the synagogue? This is reflected quite clearly in the gospel of John. The reason is that 1st century jews rejected their judaism to follow Christ.

    Ones you either don't read or don't likely respect

    Nothing can stop you from concocting a narrative out of whole cloth. But what you don't have is evidence to support it. The history of the church has been recorded by those who lived it. We have writings from the church fathers that date to the 1st century and early 2nd century: clement, polycarp, Ignatius and others, even if we don't have gospel fragments that do. And they quote in their writings texts whose first existing manuscript is later. But they can't quote that which did not yet exist.

    The christian faith began in judea as the fallout from a man crucified by the Romans whose followers believed rose from the dead. And we have a large body of work that is self consistent and documents the history of these 'christians' as they grew out of a small Jewish sect and spread throughout the world.

    indeed. And the story that literature from the time describes is a JEWISH sect that later grew and spread into the surrounding Gentile nations. Your personal incredulity that Jewish people at the time would accept the idea of christ as presented in the gospels has far less authority than those texts spanning that early period. Especially when one considers that Jewish people today ALSO find themselves accepting that same faith some 2000 years after the events that began it.

    I simply don't believe that historically many Jews did reject Judaism to follow Jesus prior to his death. Also, it appears he was rejected because he was a crucified criminal and that is not what they expected of the Messiah. As for present day Jews accepting Jesus, isn't it a negligible minority?

    Not sure what Church you are talking about in Jerusalem but the idea of 'church' was not exactly what we today think of Church. And, of course the disciples returned to Jerusalem because that was to be the place where the Kingdom of God was to be established. Also, do you have a number on the number of Jews by John?

    It is always interesting and important to refer others to the scholars one is reading.


    • Originally posted by thormas View Post

      Ah, sorry I missed that bit of humor.

      However, without getting it into it all again...............much was discovered about trump and there were reasons that Muller felt he could not go further:+} Seems there is still much to discover about him.

      I don't fear any Biden investigation just wanted to point out it failed - nothing found - even at trumps demands to Barr.
      There is an active criminal investigation against the Biden Crime Family.

      But it doesn't matter, it will be buried
      You found nothing against Trump, but there should be a special prosecutor to investigate Biden. Fair is fair.

      I support those in BLM who are reasonable, law abiding and protest peaceful like the Kings and Lewsises of old, I do not support the 'rioters'er the 'marxist.'

      As for a green new deal, Biden won over all Dems will see what he does not AOC.

      I like or use to like many on the Republican side, once they get their courage back - I hope to again but I don't buy that they are the only thing standing between the old and what is believed or feared by some to be the new.
      I have courage.

      I oppose the US relying on foreign energy from the ME.
      I oppose Bidens ban of fracking, I oppose Bidens plan to "phase out" oil.

      I oppose the Obama payment plan with Iran, I oppose Bidens plan to not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

      I can go on and on about Bidens claims of what he will do.

      Like.i said, your green new deal is not about the environment, and BLM is definitely marxist.

      I'm not worried about your claims, I will watch the reality unfold. And will have a hearty laugh when Biden and you are run over with your 'moderate' plans.


      • Originally posted by Maranatha View Post

        There is an active criminal investigation against the Biden Crime Family.

        But it doesn't matter, it will be buried
        You found nothing against Trump, but there should be a special prosecutor to investigate Biden. Fair is fair.

        I have courage.

        I oppose the US relying on foreign energy from the ME.
        I oppose Bidens ban of fracking, I oppose Bidens plan to "phase out" oil.

        I oppose the Obama payment plan with Iran, I oppose Bidens plan to not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

        I can go on and on about Bidens claims of what he will do.

        Like.i said, your green new deal is not about the environment, and BLM is definitely marxist.

        I'm not worried about your claims, I will watch the reality unfold. And will have a hearty laugh when Biden and you are run over with your 'moderate' plans.
        There is no Biden Crime Family:+}

        Re=read Muller.

        I was talking elected officials, but ok.

        Biden has said he is not banning fracking and I like the idea of eventually moving away from oil.

        I agree on Jerusalem and not recognizing for reasons I gave earlier.

        Disagree on climate, you generalize on BLM

        What claims?

        Hey how about that trump: losing at the voter booth, losing in the court, losing with crazy Rudi and now trying to use his power to mess with the elecctrol college. What an American?


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