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Pastor Calls for Execution of Gays

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  • Pastor Calls for Execution of Gays

    Then Introduces Ted Cruz... oops...
    Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...

  • #2
    Originally posted by seer View Post
    Then Introduces Ted Cruz... oops...
    That video came out months ago. Two facts became clear once the dust settled. First, the pastor is a wacko, but stated in the longer video that he does NOT believe that homosexuals should be executed in modern times. Secondly, this was at a three day conference where this pastor spoke several times. The video where this wacko introduces Ted Cruz is NOT the same as the snippet where he's talking about homosexuals, as evidenced by the fact that he's wearing different clothes (pay attention to the tie). The video was just edited to make it look like it happened on the same day.

    And just so it's clear, I'm not a Ted Cruz supporter, and am largely apolitical. I just hate it when the media manipulates the truth.


    • #3
      how much of that is actual crazy fundy pastor and how much is creative editing?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Adrift View Post
        That video came out months ago. Two facts became clear once the dust settled. First, the pastor is a wacko, but stated in the longer video that he does NOT believe that homosexuals should be executed in modern times. Secondly, this was at a three day conference where this pastor spoke several times. The video where this wacko introduces Ted Cruz is NOT the same as the snippet where he's talking about homosexuals, as evidenced by the fact that he's wearing different clothes (pay attention to the tie). The video was just edited to make it look like it happened on the same day.

        And just so it's clear, I'm not a Ted Cruz supporter, and am largely apolitical. I just hate it when the media manipulates the truth.
        I agree, but all most people will see is this edited version. Which was played on MSNBC.
        Atheism is the cult of death, the death of hope. The universe is doomed, you are doomed, the only thing that remains is to await your execution...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Adrift View Post
          That video came out months ago. Two facts became clear once the dust settled. First, the pastor is a wacko, but stated in the longer video that he does NOT believe that homosexuals should be executed in modern times. Secondly, this was at a three day conference where this pastor spoke several times. The video where this wacko introduces Ted Cruz is NOT the same as the snippet where he's talking about homosexuals, as evidenced by the fact that he's wearing different clothes (pay attention to the tie). The video was just edited to make it look like it happened on the same day.

          And just so it's clear, I'm not a Ted Cruz supporter, and am largely apolitical. I just hate it when the media manipulates the truth.
          ah. then "creative editing" is the answer. I thought it looked a bit chopped up. Usually when you see these types of dirty-political attacks, by either side, it is a hack job by someone with an agenda and a snipping tool.


          • #6
            And it is a fact that recognizing certain behaviors as deserving death from God's perspective does not (as Adrift pointed out) constitute a call for the execution of folks behaving in such ways.
            Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jedidiah View Post
              And it is a fact that recognizing certain behaviors as deserving death from God's perspective does not (as Adrift pointed out) constitute a call for the execution of folks behaving in such ways.
              according to God, all sin deserves death. That is why Jesus died for our sins. So we would not have to.


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