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The weather for 2016

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  • #46
    And, while i'm catching up on things, some questions for Jorge and any others on the paranoid end of the spectrum, i've got a few questions:

    How did the current conspiracy manage to get Arrhenius to predict fossil-fuel driven climate warming a century ago?

    Do you not believe that the greenhouse effect exists? That CO2 is not a greenhouse gas (i.e., is transparent to visible but absorbs UV)? That humans are emitting excess CO2? Or, to put it another way, where's the big scientific flaw here?
    "Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from trolling."


    • #47
      Originally posted by TheLurch View Post
      As far as the original topic of this thread goes, 2016 is looking like a scorcher:
      Good reference!!


      • #48
        Originally posted by Roy View Post
        Chicken castrati and clucking...

        Paid that $150 yet, welcher?
        I see that you're still falling-down drunk.

        Check into rehab ... call me after you've sobered-up.



        • #49
          Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
          Jorge - so have I. And the same timeframe. In all likelihood some of the same books. It's all a bunch of paranoid bunk designed to feed on basic human fears.

          And you, of course, miss the part where I agree with you that those proposing the prosecution of AGW denial are idiots and give some credence to your fears. And that to do so would be a fundamental violation of 1st amendment rights.

          Interesting. You and I have also undoubtedly read many of the same books regarding Evolution and - behold! - we've also come to exactly the opposite conclusion. I'm guessing it has to do with the water where you live.

          Well, you hold on to your conclusion and I'll keep mine - thank you very much! Here's one for you to munch on in the meantime: In the mid-1990's I began to seriously predict that "a cashless system was the ultimate goal and it would come simultaneously in Europe and the U.S."

          That was then. What about now? Well, just recently (within the past few weeks) Big Wigs in Europe have proposed eliminating their most-circulated largest denomination note - the 500 euro note. Almost on the same day of that announcement, Master Criminal Larry Summers proposed eliminating the US$100 note and later the US$50 note. Needless to say, their proposals were touted as "for the good of the nations". The negative interest rates that have become fashionable over the last few years are all a part of their agenda.

          Should they achieve that (and I believe they will but not in that fashion), the next move is but a small baby step - eliminate ALL cash.

          I'll back up my stance with a solid prediction: before 2020 there will be a very strong push towards the elimination of hard currency (again, negative interest rates are a part of this). That push will succeed immediately upon (1) a national or global economic collapse and/or, (2) a global crisis (be it natural or man-made such as political (war) or economic).

          You won't have long to wait to prove me right or wrong. Finally, there is ample evidence that all of this has been in the works for decades. Many have recognized it and spoken about it.

          Conclusion: your research into this matter is as poor and myopic as your research into Evolution.

          Last edited by Jorge; 03-14-2016, 04:38 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by TheLurch View Post
            And, while i'm catching up on things, some questions for Jorge and any others on the paranoid end of the spectrum, i've got a few questions:

            How did the current conspiracy manage to get Arrhenius to predict fossil-fuel driven climate warming a century ago?

            Do you not believe that the greenhouse effect exists? That CO2 is not a greenhouse gas (i.e., is transparent to visible but absorbs UV)? That humans are emitting excess CO2? Or, to put it another way, where's the big scientific flaw here?
            Just as you people do with the Evolution controversy, you do the same here, namely, you create a Straw Man the size of Montana and turn it into your opponent's views. Yeah, kind'a easy to win that battle.

            I'll answer your questions: anyone with basic knowledge knows that certain gases capture/retain energy more than others (the mechanism of how that happens is not important). Thus, there is no "scientific flaw" in that (and that's the Straw Man that you people create).

            What you fail to grasp ---- even though it is repeatedly and loudly yelled at you ---- is that the effects of greenhouse emissions may be second- or third-term effects in an event largely dominated by the FIRST term - that first term being solar output and cycles.

            One thing is abundantly clear (to me): certain criminals are using this "crisis" to promote ulterior agendas that limit or eliminate altogether human/property rights and also to further extract the hard-earned wealth of working people. What better excuse than "Don't you want to protect the environment for yourself and for your children?" "By the way, if you don't we'll put you in prison and, of course, we're a privileged class so we're immune from all that."

            On that last point - have you ever thought about the sheer hypocrisy of those people? Take Al Gore, as an example. Have you ever calculated the size of HIS carbon footprint? In my entire life I will not have one-tenth the carbon footprint that Gore generates in a single year. The same goes for any and all of those criminals. But be sure to do as they say, not as they do.

            Sorry, I ain't buying ... I'm too smart to fall for their global con.



            • #51
              I absolutely do not agree that the unusually warm winter is a result of man made global warming. While we are in the US in fact enjoying an early and rainy spring I can't help but decidedly believe in the strong possibility that its part of a more natural weather cycle. Of course I grew up in an area known for extremely erratic weather so extremes are really nothing new and what CAN and does happen every so many years just is not abnormal for me. I've seen hundred year blizzards hundred year floods and 85 degrees in January in the same place (not in the same year) and witnessed snow in April or 90 degrees to start off May. To me this is literally part of life, and I suspect with the ocean currents being unusually strong, it is affecting the "typical norms". Now Could it be that the lst 100 years have added a .5 degree rise? sure I would not rule that out, but neither would I, understanding the mechanisms that influence weather and temperature that exist apart from human influence find it difficult to believe that its little more than a few current shifts in the right direction.
              A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
              George Bernard Shaw


              • #52
                Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
                I did not put this at the level of a crime. I consider it blatant dishonesty on the part of leadership in Congress.
                Isn't this thread about charging corporations criminally (or just civilly?)


                • #53
                  Originally posted by klaus54 View Post
                  Isn't this thread about charging corporations criminally (or just civilly?)


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by shunyadragon View Post
                    Mea culpa.

                    I was thinking of post #21 and some other thread I can't recall now about possibly charging Exxon/Mobil with a crime.

                    {Eta: This is kinda what I was thinking of.}
                    Last edited by klaus54; 03-14-2016, 08:40 PM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Catholicity View Post
                      I absolutely do not agree that the unusually warm winter is a result of man made global warming. While we are in the US in fact enjoying an early and rainy spring I can't help but decidedly believe in the strong possibility that its part of a more natural weather cycle. Of course I grew up in an area known for extremely erratic weather so extremes are really nothing new and what CAN and does happen every so many years just is not abnormal for me. I've seen hundred year blizzards hundred year floods and 85 degrees in January in the same place (not in the same year) and witnessed snow in April or 90 degrees to start off May. To me this is literally part of life, and I suspect with the ocean currents being unusually strong, it is affecting the "typical norms". Now Could it be that the lst 100 years have added a .5 degree rise? sure I would not rule that out, but neither would I, understanding the mechanisms that influence weather and temperature that exist apart from human influence find it difficult to believe that its little more than a few current shifts in the right direction.
                      This rather short sighted as to what the current weather of 2015-2016 in these threads mean in the context of the over all trend since the industrial revolution. The recent warming trend in 2014/2015/2016 is directly related to the El Nino La Nina cycle. In recent history the El Nino La Nina cycle has become more intense and as a result the average temperatures during the El Nino years are significantly higher in North/SouthAmerica and Europe. The El Nino does not have a global effect. The global warming increase measured is world wide, and the trend extends back to the Industrial Revolution. Based on the long term expected weather cycle trends based on natural climate cycles we should be in a cooling trend, but we are not.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Jorge View Post
                        JWhat you fail to grasp ---- even though it is repeatedly and loudly yelled at you ---- is that the effects of greenhouse emissions may be second- or third-term effects in an event largely dominated by the FIRST term - that first term being solar output and cycles.
                        Then i assume you can explain how, if solar output has been dropping for decades, the temperatures have continued to increase.
                        "Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from trolling."


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Catholicity View Post
                          I absolutely do not agree that the unusually warm winter is a result of man made global warming. While we are in the US in fact enjoying an early and rainy spring I can't help but decidedly believe in the strong possibility that its part of a more natural weather cycle.
                          "Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from trolling."


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Jorge View Post
                            Interesting. You and I have also undoubtedly read many of the same books regarding Evolution and - behold! - we've also come to exactly the opposite conclusion. I'm guessing it has to do with the water where you live.

                            Well, you hold on to your conclusion and I'll keep mine - thank you very much! Here's one for you to munch on in the meantime: In the mid-1990's I began to seriously predict that "a cashless system was the ultimate goal and it would come simultaneously in Europe and the U.S."
                            A cashless society is a logical end to the continued expansion of the use of electronic devices to facilitate banking transactions. The "One world government/AntiChrist/Mark of the beast" crowd see this as 'signs of the end times'. It's all part of the general 'The anti-Christ is just around the corner' mindset. Been there, done that. Lots of evil in the world past present and future. When the end comes, only the Father knows. In the mean-time, we concentrate on following Christ, not sitting around trying to figure out if the latest incarnation of evil in the world is 'the anti-christ'.

                            That was then. What about now? Well, just recently (within the past few weeks) Big Wigs in Europe have proposed eliminating their most-circulated largest denomination note - the 500 euro note. Almost on the same day of that announcement, Master Criminal Larry Summers proposed eliminating the US$100 note and later the US$50 note. Needless to say, their proposals were touted as "for the good of the nations". The negative interest rates that have become fashionable over the last few years are all a part of their agenda.

                            Should they achieve that (and I believe they will but not in that fashion), the next move is but a small baby step - eliminate ALL cash.
                            And this is a big deal because ... (because you think next comes the 'mark of the beast')

                            I'll back up my stance with a solid prediction: before 2020 there will be a very strong push towards the elimination of hard currency (again, negative interest rates are a part of this). That push will succeed immediately upon (1) a national or global economic collapse and/or, (2) a global crisis (be it natural or man-made such as political (war) or economic).

                            You won't have long to wait to prove me right or wrong. Finally, there is ample evidence that all of this has been in the works for decades. Many have recognized it and spoken about it.

                            Conclusion: your research into this matter is as poor and myopic as your research into Evolution.

                            I don't disagree cash may well disappear in the near future. I have no idea. It's just so much printed paper anyway - it only means something in the minds of those that use it. It is the paranoid 'end of the world' mindset that sees it as significant as it relates to 'end times' eschatology.

                            Don't get me wrong Jorge. I believe in the Second Coming, I look to it, expecting it. But not so much the whole 'Pre trib Rapture, Cashless society == mark of the beast Shtick" you apparently sign on to. You do realize that one of the big problems in China was that many of the pre-communist revolution missionaries taught this whole thing, and when the communists came rolling in killing every Christian in sight many lost faith because they weren't 'raptured' out of there.

                            Just concentrate of BEING a Christian in a fallen world Jorge. Then no matter what happens, you'll be the kind of person you need to be.

                            Like I said before: are you, a Christian - assuming the economy collapses and the whole world goes whole hog after the 'anti-christ' - going to hole up in your bomb shelter and shoot anyone that tries to get some of your food? I sure hope you see how that just doesn't quite line up with "turn the other cheek" and the many other teachings of Christ.

                            My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

                            If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

                            This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
                              A cashless society is a logical end to the continued expansion of the use of electronic devices to facilitate banking transactions. The "One world government/AntiChrist/Mark of the beast" crowd see this as 'signs of the end times'. It's all part of the general 'The anti-Christ is just around the corner' mindset. Been there, done that. Lots of evil in the world past present and future. When the end comes, only the Father knows. In the mean-time, we concentrate on following Christ, not sitting around trying to figure out if the latest incarnation of evil in the world is 'the anti-christ'.

                              And this is a big deal because ... (because you think next comes the 'mark of the beast')

                              I don't disagree cash may well disappear in the near future. I have no idea. It's just so much printed paper anyway - it only means something in the minds of those that use it. It is the paranoid 'end of the world' mindset that sees it as significant as it relates to 'end times' eschatology.

                              Don't get me wrong Jorge. I believe in the Second Coming, I look to it, expecting it. But not so much the whole 'Pre trib Rapture, Cashless society == mark of the beast Shtick" you apparently sign on to. You do realize that one of the big problems in China was that many of the pre-communist revolution missionaries taught this whole thing, and when the communists came rolling in killing every Christian in sight many lost faith because they weren't 'raptured' out of there.

                              Just concentrate of BEING a Christian in a fallen world Jorge. Then no matter what happens, you'll be the kind of person you need to be.

                              Like I said before: are you, a Christian - assuming the economy collapses and the whole world goes whole hog after the 'anti-christ' - going to hole up in your bomb shelter and shoot anyone that tries to get some of your food? I sure hope you see how that just doesn't quite line up with "turn the other cheek" and the many other teachings of Christ.

                              WOW!!! You continue to surprise me on just how lost you are, O-Mudd.

                              The term "sheeple" was invented with folks like you in mind.



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Jorge View Post
                                WOW!!! You continue to surprise me on just how lost you are, O-Mudd.

                                The term "sheeple" was invented with folks like you in mind.

                                I'm 'lost' because I don't buy into 'the end of the world is around the corner, go buy lots of guns and food and prepare for the "MARK OF THE BEAST"'?

                                And why don't you answer the question Jorge?

                                Originally posted by oxmixmudd
                                Like I said before: are you, a Christian - assuming the economy collapses and the whole world goes whole hog after the 'anti-christ' - going to hole up in your bomb shelter and shoot anyone that tries to get some of your food? I sure hope you see how that just doesn't quite line up with "turn the other cheek" and the many other teachings of Christ.

                                BTW: just because I don't buy into the whole "look out here comes the anti-Christ' deal, that doesn't mean some major catastrophe isn't around the corner. ISIS, North Korea with Nukes, Putin on the warpath, China building military bases on man-made islands in the South China Sea. It's all a bit scary to be sure. It's just that this whole deal Jorge has bought into has been around in this form since the '70's, and every year they tell you why within 5 to 10 years years the anti-Christ is going to be upon us. Sooner or later they will be right just because "Wars and rumors of wars" will continue till Christ returns. But the stuff Jorge has bought into is just fear-mongering paranoia.
                                Last edited by oxmixmudd; 04-08-2016, 07:56 AM.
                                My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

                                If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

                                This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


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