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�Alarming� Study Claiming Global Warming Heating Up Oceans Based on Math Error

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  • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
    Your argument is "Lookie at all the scientists who believe it is true! That means it must be true!"
    Whereas the correct argument is "lookie at all the scientists who have concluded it's true - why do you think you're smarter than all of them?"
    "Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from trolling."


    • Originally posted by TheLurch View Post
      Whereas the correct argument is "lookie at all the scientists who have concluded it's true - why do you think you're smarter than all of them?"
      No the correct argument is Look at the evidence that caused the scientists to believe it is true so you will believe it too. Them believing has nothing to do with causing it to be true or false. They could all be wrong. It has happened before.


      • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
        No the correct argument is Look at the evidence that caused the scientists to believe it is true so you will believe it too. Them believing has nothing to do with causing it to be true or false. They could all be wrong. It has happened before.
        In a hypothetical world where people would look at all the evidence with an open mind, i'd agree. But we live in a real world where people have access to all the evidence, don't look at it, and loudly proclaim things that are simply false. Which is the world where my question is appropriate.
        "Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from trolling."


        • Originally posted by TheLurch View Post
          In a hypothetical world where people would look at all the evidence with an open mind, i'd agree. But we live in a real world where people have access to all the evidence, don't look at it, and loudly proclaim things that are simply false. Which is the world where my question is appropriate.
          I am living in the world where Tassman is arguing I should believe in Global Warming simply because "97% of climate scientists" do.


          • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
            No the correct argument is Look at the evidence that caused the scientists to believe it is true so you will believe it too. Them believing has nothing to do with causing it to be true or false. They could all be wrong. It has happened before.
            Fine,look at the objective verifiable evidence that the scientist use to present their conclusion, and demonstrate that the evidence is flawed,which you have failed to do.

            This thread is classic in misrepresenting the evidence for Global Warming. Science over time has demonstrating correcting errors and misinterpretation of all scientific disciplines research including those involved with Global Warming.


            • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
              I am living in the world where Tassman is arguing I should believe in Global Warming simply because "97% of climate scientists" do.
              Pretty sure that wasn't the original topic of the discussion, and people like me who are bored with the back and forth are free to take things in different directions.
              "Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from trolling."


              • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                I am living in the world where Tassman is arguing I should believe in Global Warming simply because "97% of climate scientists" do.
                That was never my position and the fact you need resort to such Trumpian-level distortion of the facts is indicative of your unsustainably weak argument.


                • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                  That was never my position and the fact you need resort to such Trumpian-level distortion of the facts is indicative of your unsustainably weak argument.
                  The only one being Trumpian is you, who just keep repeating the same lie despite me actually posting quotes of you doing exactly what I said. How does it feel to be just like Trump?


                  • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                    No the correct argument is Look at the evidence that caused the scientists to believe it is true so you will believe it too. Them believing has nothing to do with causing it to be true or false. They could all be wrong. It has happened before.
                    . . . happened before? You need to clarify this. What has happened before is the knowledge of science evolved and self corrected by peer review, new evidence and research.


                    • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                      The only one being Trumpian is you, who just keep repeating the same lie despite me actually posting quotes of you doing exactly what I said. How does it feel to be just like Trump?
                      This is an outrageous misrepresentation. Nowhere have I argued that the only reason to believe in global warming is because the majority of scientists accept the evidence of global warming. The scientists present the evidence, to which I have repeatedly linked, and you have at no point argued why the evidence may be incorrect other than your fatuous, anti-science mantra: "scientists sometimes get it wrong". You know, like all the requisite scientific knowledge to get a man to the moon etc...or are you referring to Evolution?.

                      STILL waiting for you to explain why you are so skeptical of global warming given that if true, as is probable, the consequences for the planet and our families will be disastrous? Why are you so unconcerned?


                      • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                        I am living in the world where Tassman is arguing I should believe in Global Warming simply because "97% of climate scientists" do.
                        I've followed this thread since the beginning and no one anywhere has made the bogus argument you are claiming. You're a fine one to complain about the Trumpian big lie when you're the only one engaged in the practice.


                        • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                          This is an outrageous misrepresentation. Nowhere have I argued that the only reason to believe in global warming is because the majority of scientists accept the evidence of global warming. The scientists present the evidence, to which I have repeatedly linked, and you have at no point argued why the evidence may be incorrect other than your fatuous, anti-science mantra: "scientists sometimes get it wrong". You know, like all the requisite scientific knowledge to get a man to the moon etc...or are you referring to Evolution?.

                          STILL waiting for you to explain why you are so skeptical of global warming given that if true, as is probable, the consequences for the planet and our families will be disastrous? Why are you so unconcerned?
                          I noticed your subtle addition of "the only reason" to the argument in order to try to wiggle out of your previous statements.

                          I never said "only" - I was merely arguing against your repeated claims that the "consensus" was reason enough to believe in global warming. And as long as you keep trying to repeat the lie that you didn't make that argument or that you supplemented your argument with links to studies, I will continue to repeat your own words against you:

                          Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                          So, what about the ninety-seven percent of climate scientists, who agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide, which have issued public statements endorsing this position.
                          Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                          97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree


                          • Originally posted by HMS_Beagle View Post
                            I've followed this thread since the beginning and no one anywhere has made the bogus argument you are claiming. You're a fine one to complain about the Trumpian big lie when you're the only one engaged in the practice.
                            see above.


                            • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                              see above.
                              I did. Still no one ever made the silly strawman argument you keep claiming. Why you keep repeating your lie is the real mystery.
                              Moderated By: Littlejoe

                              Accusations of lying must be substantiated in the post where the accusation is made (as Sparko did in the above post). This is made clear in our Campus Decorum.

                              ***If you wish to take issue with this notice DO NOT do so in this thread.***
                              Contact the forum moderator or an administrator in Private Message or email instead. If you feel you must publicly complain or whine, please take it to the Padded Room unless told otherwise.


                              We consider a lie to be a poster knowingly and willfully making a statement they know to be untrue. If you call someone a liar you need to substantiate it. In order to substantiate an accusation of lying, it must be shown that the poster in question is stating something they know to be untrue. Opinions or facts that are in dispute should never be referred to as lies. Someone's faith or beliefs should also never be referred to as lying. We will not allow repeated accusations of lying. We will moderate any tossing out the term "liar" - and similar charges - when it is used in place of a response or as a mere insult to denigrate the other person, as judged by the moderators. We will also not allow repeated posts calling someone a liar, accusing them of lying, or claiming their post is a lie. If you wish to challenge the truth of someone's statement, then do so ONLY ONCE in the thread, and substantiate your claim IN THE SAME POST. Further discussion of the matter will only be allowed in the Padded Room.

                              Last edited by Littlejoe; 01-16-2019, 04:52 PM.


                              • Originally posted by HMS_Beagle View Post
                                I did. Still no one ever made the silly strawman argument you keep claiming. Why you keep repeating your lie is the real mystery.
                                It's a fairly standard Evangelical attempt to discredit scientific methodology, as was the OP.

                                As you note, I have never claimed that mere "consensus" was reason enough to believe in global warming...although it is a strong reinforcement of the available evidence.


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