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The Holy Orthodox Bible, 4th Kingdoms

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  • The Holy Orthodox Bible, 4th Kingdoms

  • #2
    4 Kingdoms (LXX)

    Chapter 2

    And it came to pass, when the Lord was going to take Elijah with a whirlwind as if into heaven, that Elijah and Elisha went from Galgala. 2 And Elijah said to Elisha, Do stay here, for * the Lord has sent me to Bethel. And Elisha said, As the Lord lives and thy soul lives, I will not leave thee! So they came to Bethel. 3 And the sons of the prophets who were in Bethel came to Elisha, and said to him, Did thou know, that the Lord this day is taking thy master from above thy head? And he said, Yes, I know it; be silent. 4 And Elijah said to Elisha, Do stay here, for the Lord has sent me to Jericho. And he said, As the Lord lives and thy soul lives, I will not leave thee! And they came to Jericho. 5 And the sons of the prophets who were in Jericho drew near to Elisha, and said to him, Did thou know that the Lord this day is taking thy master from above thy head? And he said, And truly I know it; be silent. 6 And Elijah said to him, Do stay here, for the Lord has sent me as far as the Jordan. And Elisha said, As the Lord lives and thy soul lives, I will not leave thee! And they both went on. 7 And fifty men of the sons of the prophets also stood opposite afar off, and both stood by the Jordan. 8 And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and struck the water, and the water was divided on this side and on that side, and they both crossed over on * dry ground. 9 And it came to pass, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, Ask what I may do for thee before I am taken from thee. And Elisha said, May a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. 10 And Elijah said, Thou have asked a hard thing; if thou sees me as I am being taken up from thee, then it will be so to thee; and if not, it will not be so. 11 And it came to pass, as they walked, that they were walking and talking, and, behold, a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and it separated between them both, and Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind as if into heaven. 12 And Elisha saw this, and cried out, Father, Father! Chariot of Israel, and its horseman! And he saw him no longer, and he took hold of his garments, and tore them into two pieces. 13 And he took up the mantle of Elijah, which had fallen from him, and fell upon Elisha, and Elisha went back, and stood on the bank of the Jordan; 14 and he took the mantle of Elijah, which fell from off him, and struck the water, and it did not part, and he said, Where is the God of Elijah, even He? And he struck the waters, and they were divided here and there, and Elisha went over. 15 And the sons of the prophets who were in Jericho on the opposite side saw him, and said, The spirit of Elijah rests upon Elisha. And they came to meet him, and did obeisance to him to the ground. 16 And they said to him, Behold now, there are with thy servants fifty men, sons of power; as they go, do let them seek thy master; it may be that the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up, and threw him into the Jordan, or on one of the mountains, or on one of the hills. And Elisha said, Ye shall not send. 17 And they urged him until he was ashamed, and he said, Send. And they sent fifty men, and they searched for three days, but did not find him. 18 And they returned to him, and he had remained in Jericho, and Elisha said, Did I not say to you, Do not go? 19 And the men of the city said to Elisha, Behold, the site of the city is good, as our lord sees, but the waters are bad, and the land barren of children. 20 And Elisha said, Bring me a new bowl, and put salt there. And they took one, and brought it to him. 21 And Elisha went out to the spring of the waters, and threw salt therein, and said, Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters; no longer shall there be death nor a deprivation of children from there. 22 And the waters have been healed until this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke. 23 And he went up from there to Bethel, and as he was going up by the way, little children also came out of the city, and made fun of him, and said to him, Go up, baldhead! Go up! 24 And he turned aside after them, and saw them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And, behold, two bears came out of the forest, and they tore open forty-two children of them. 25 And he went on from there to Mount Carmel, and from there returned to Samaria.

    * Codex Vaticanus reads: “God”.


    • #3
      I added a notation to Chapter 2, verse 11 of 4th Kingdoms (LXX) for the phrase: "as if into heaven."

      The notation reads as follows: * According to St. Athanasius the Great the Prophet Elijah never ascend into Heaven, but only ascended “as if” or “as it were” (ὡς) into heaven. Only Jesus Christ ever ascended into Heaven. - St. Athanasius' B Homily on the Ascension, Patrologia Graeca, page 28.1091-1100.

      You can read more about this here:

      Mr. John Sanidopoulos was kind enough to give me the full cite reference of where to find St. Athanasius' B Homily commenting on this specific scriptural reference in the Septuagint (LXX).

      Take care



      • #4
        4 Kingdoms (LXX)

        Chapter 3

        And Joram the son of Achaab began to reign in Israel in the eighteenth year of Josaphat the King of Judah, and he reigned twelve years. 2 And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord, only not as his father, nor as his mother, and he removed the pillars of Baal which his father had made. 3 Only he adhered to the sin of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin; he did not departed from it. 4 And Mosa the King of Moab was a sheep breeder, and he would return to the King of Israel at the beginning of the year and deliver to him one hundred thousand lambs, and with the wool of one hundred thousand rams. 5 And it came to pass, after the death of Achaab that the King of Moab rebelled against the King of Israel. 6 And King Joram went forth in that day out of Samaria, and appraised Israel. 7 And he went and sent to Josaphat the King of Judah, saying, The King of Moab has rebelled against me; will thou go with me against Moab to battle? And he said, I will go up; thou art as I, I am as thou; as my people are thy people, as my horses are thy horses. 8 And he said, By which way should I go up? And he said, The way of the wilderness of Edom. 9 And the King of Israel went forth, and the King of Judah, and the King of Edom, and they journey around in a circle for seven days, and there was no water for the camp, or of for the animals that were at their feet. 10 And the King of Israel said, O, for the Lord has called the three kings passing by, to give them into the hand of Moab. 11 And Josaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the Lord that we may enquire of the Lord by him? And one of the servants of the King of Israel answered and said, Elisha is here the son of Saphat, who poured water on the hands of Elijah. 12 And Josaphat said, He has the word of the Lord. And the King of Israel, and Josaphat the King of Judah, and the King of Edom, went down to him. 13 And Elisha said to the King of Israel, What have I to do with thee? Go to the prophets of thy father, * and the prophets of thy mother. And the King of Israel said to him, No, for the Lord has called the three kings to deliver them into the hands of Moab. 14 And Elisha said, As the Lord of hosts before whom I stand lives, unless I regarded the face of Josaphat the King of Judah, I would not have looked on thee, nor seen thee. 15 But now bring me a harpist. And it came to pass, as the harpist was playing, that the hand of the Lord came upon him. 16 And he said, Thus saith the Lord, Make the channel of this torrent full of troughs. 17 For thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain, yet this channel shall be filled with water, and ye, and your possessions, and your cattle shall drink. 18 And this is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord, and I will deliver Moab into your hand. 19 And ye shall strike every strong city, and ye shall cut down every good tree, and ye shall stop all springs of water, and spoil every good portion of land with stones. 20 And it came to pass in the morning, when the sacrifice was offered up, that, behold! Waters came from the way of Edom, and the land was filled with water.
        21 And all Moab heard that the * three kings had come up to fight against them, and they cried out, from everyone that was wearing a belt, and they said, Ho! And they stood at the border. 22 And they rose early in the morning, and the sun rose upon the waters, and Moab saw the waters on the opposite side red as blood. 23 And they said, This is the blood of the broadsword, and the kings have fought, and each man has struck his neighbor, now then to the spoils, Moab! 24 And they entered into the camp of Israel, and Israel arose and struck down Moab, and they fled from before them, and they went in and struck Moab as they went. 25 And they razed the cities, and threw every man his stone on every good portion of land and filled it, and they stopped every well, and cut down every good tree, until they left only the stones of the wall cast down, and the slingers encompassed the land, and attacked it. 26 And the King of Moab saw that the battle prevailed against him, and he took with him seven hundred men that drew the broadsword to break through to the King of Edom, but they could not. 27 And he took his firstborn son who would have reigned in his stead and offered him up as a whole burnt offering on the walls. And great remorse came upon Israel, and they departed from him, and returned to their land.

        * Codex Vaticanus omits the phrase: “and the prophets of thy mother”.

        * Codex Vaticanus omits: “three”.


        • #5
          4 Kingdoms (LXX)

          Chapter 4

          And one of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha, saying, Thy servant, my husband, has died, and thou knew that he was a servant that feared the Lord, and the creditor came to take my two sons for himself as slaves. 2 And Elisha said, What shall I do for thee? Tell me, what thou have in the house. And she said, Thy servant has nothing in the house, except oil with which I anoint myself. 3 And he said to her, Go, borrow for thyself vessels outside from all thy neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. 4 And thou shall go in and shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and thou shall pour forth into these vessels, and set aside that which has been filled. 5 And she departed from him, and shut the door upon herself and upon her sons, as they were bringing the vessels near to her, and she kept pouring in oil until the vessels were filled. 6 And she said to her sons, Bring me another vessel. And they said to her, There is no longer a vessel. And the oil stopped. 7 And she came and told the man of God, and Elisha said, Go, and sell the oil, and thou shall pay thy debts, and thou and thy sons shall live by the remaining oil. 8 And a day came, when Elisha passed through to Souman, and a prominent woman was there, and she obliged him to eat bread. And it came to pass that whenever he passed through the city, that he would turn aside there to eat. 9 And the woman said to her husband, See now, I knew that this man was a holy man of God, who comes over regularly to us. 10 Let us now make for him an upper chamber, a small place, and put there for him a bed, and a table, and a chair, and a lamp-stand, and it shall be, when he comes in to us, that he shall turn aside there. 11 And a day came, and he went in there, and turned aside to the upper chamber, and lay there. 12 And he said to Giezi, his servant, Call me this Somanite woman. And he called her, and she stood before him. 13 And he said to him, Say now to her, Behold, thou astonished us with all this enthusiasm; what must be done for thee? Is there a word on your behalf thou wish me to make to the king, or to the commander of the army? And she said, I live in the midst of my people. 14 And he said * to Giezi, What must be done for her? And Giezi, his servant, said, Indeed, she has no son, and her husband is old. 15 And he called her, and she stood by the door. 16 And Elisha said to her, At this season, when the time is ripe, thou will be embracing a son. And she said, No, my lord, do not lie to thy servant. 17 And the woman conceived, and bore a son at this season, when the time is ripe, as Elisha said to her. 18 And the child grew, and it came to pass, when he went out to his father to the reapers, 19 that he said to his father, My head, my head! And his father said to his servant, Carry him to his mother. 20 And he carried him to his mother, and he lay upon her knees till noon, and he died. 21 And she carried him up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and she closed the door upon him, and went out. 22 And she called her husband, and said, Send now for me one of the young men, and one of the donkeys, and I shall go quickly to the man of God, and return. 23 And he said, Why art thou going to him today? It is neither new moon, nor the Sabbath. And she said, * All is well. 24 And she saddled the donkey, and said to her servant, Be quick, proceed, spare not on my account to ride, unless I shall tell thee. Go, and thou shall proceed, and come to the man of God at Mount Carmel. 25 And she rode and came to the man of God at the mountain. And it came to pass, when Elisha saw her coming that he said to Giezi his servant, See now, that Somanite woman comes. 26 Now run to meet her, and thou shall say, * Is it well with thee? Is it well with thy husband? Is it well with the child? And she said, All is well. 27 And she came to Elisha at the mountain, and laid hold of his feet. And Giezi drew near to push her away. And Elisha said, Leave her alone, for her soul is much grieved in her, and the Lord has hidden it from me, and has not told it me. 28 And she said, Did I ask for a son from my lord? For did I not say, Do not deal deceitfully with me? 29 And Elisha said to Giezi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thy hand, and go, if thou meet a man, thou shall not bless him, and if a man blesses thee thou shall not answer him, and thou shall lay my staff on the child’s face. 30 And the mother of the child said, As the Lord lives and as thy soul lives, I will not abandon thee. And Elisha arose, and went after her. 31 And Giezi went on ahead of her, and laid the staff on the child’s face, but there was neither voice nor any hearing. So he returned to meet him, and told him, saying, The child did not awake. 32 And Elisha went into the house, and, behold, the child was lying dead upon his bed. 33 And Elisha went into the house, and shut the door upon the two of them and prayed to the Lord. 34 And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth and his eyes upon his eyes and his hands upon his hands, and bent over him, and the flesh of the child grew warm. 35 And he went back, and walked up and down in the house, and he went up, and bent over the child seven times, and the child opened his eyes. 36 And Elisha cried out to Giezi, and said, Call this Somanite woman. So he called her, and she came in to him. And Elisha said, Take thy son. 37 And the woman went in, and fell at his feet, and did obeisance on the ground, and she took her son and went out. 38 And Elisha returned to Galgala, and a famine was in the land, and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him. And Elisha said to his servant, Put on the large pot, and boil some stew for the sons of the prophets. 39 And he went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a vine in the field, and gathered from it wild gourds, his garment full, and he threw them into the caldron of stew, for they did not know they were harmful. 40 And he poured it out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, when they were eating of the stew, that lo, they cried out, and said, There is death in the pot, O man of God. And they could not eat. 41 And he said, Bring some flour, and throw it into the pot. And Elisha said to Giezi, the servant, Pour out for the people, and let them eat. And there was no longer any harmful thing there in the pot. 42 And a man passed through from Baithsarisa, and brought to the man of God twenty barley loaves and cakes of fruit, of the first fruits. And he said, Give it to the people, and let them eat. 43 And his servant said, Why should I set this before a hundred men? And he said, Give it to the people, and let them eat, for thus saith the Lord, They shall eat and leave some behind. 44 And they ate and left some behind, according to the word of the Lord.

          * Codex Vaticanus omits: “to Giezi”.

          * Literally: “Peace”.

          * Literally: “Does thou have peace? Does thy husband have peace? Does the child have peace, and she said, Peace”.


          • #6
            4 Kingdoms (LXX)

            Chapter 5

            Now Naiman, the commander of the army of Syria, was a great man before his master, and highly respected, because by him the Lord granted deliverance to Syria. And although the man was mighty in strength, he was a leper. 2 And the Syrians went forth in small bands, and took captive from the land of Israel a little girl, and she became a servant to Naiman’s wife. 3 And she said to her mistress, O that my lord was in the presence of the prophet of God in Samaria! Then he would cure him from his leprosy. 4 And she went in and told her lord, and said, Thus and thus said the girl from the land of Israel. 5 And the King of Syria said to Naiman, Come here, enter, and I will send out a scroll to the King of Israel. And he went, and took in his hand ten talents of silver, and six thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes of robe. 6 And he brought the scroll to the King of Israel, saying, Now then, as soon as this scroll shall reach thee, behold, I have sent to thee my servant Naiman, and thou shall recover him from his leprosy. 7 And it came to pass, when the King of Israel read the scroll, that he tore his garments, and said, Am I God, to kill and to restore life, that this man sends to me to cure a man from his leprosy? Indeed, know and see that this man is setting me up for an excuse. 8 And it came to pass, as Elisha * heard that the King of Israel had torn his garments, that he sent to the King of Israel, saying, Why has thou torn thy garments? Indeed, let Naiman come to me, and let him know that there is a prophet in Israel. 9 So Naiman came in horse and chariot, and stood at the door of the house of Elisha. 10 And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, Go and wash seven times in the Jordan, and thy flesh shall return to thee, and thou shall be cleansed. 11 And Naiman became angry, and departed, and said, Behold, I said, He will by all means come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of his God, and lay his hand upon the place, and cure the leper. 12 Are not * Abana and * Pharphar, rivers of Damascus, better than * all the waters of Israel? May I not go and wash in them, and be cleansed? And he turned and went away in a rage. 13 And his servants came near and said to him, The prophet spoke a great word to thee, shall thou not perform it? Yet he has but said to thee, Wash, and be cleansed. 14 So Naiman went down, and immersed himself seven times in Jordan, according to the word of Elisha, and his flesh returned to him like the flesh of a small child, and he was cleansed. 15 And he and all his camp returned to Elisha, and he came and stood before him, and said, Behold, truly I know that there is no God in all the earth, save only in Israel, and now receive a blessing from thy servant. 16 And Elisha said, As the Lord lives, before Whom I stand, I will receive none. And he urged him to take it, but he refused. 17 And Naiman said, Well then, if not, let there be given to thy servant a load of a pair of mules, and thou shall give me of the red earth, for henceforth thy servant will not offer whole burnt offering and sacrifice to other gods, but only to the Lord. 18 And the Lord will have mercy on thy servant when my master goes into the house of Remman to worship there, and he shall rest on my arm, and I shall bow down in the house of Remman, when he bows down in the house of Remman, and then the Lord will have mercy on thy servant in this matter. 19 And Elisha said to Naiman, Go in peace. And he departed from him a short distance of land. 20 And Giezi, the servant of Elisha said, Behold, my Lord has spared this Syrian Naiman, by not accepting from his hand what he brought. As the Lord lives, I will surely run after him, and get something from him. 21 So Giezi ran after Naiman. And Naiman saw him running after him, and turned around from his chariot to meet him *. And he said, * All is well. 22 My master has sent me, saying, Behold, now, there came to me two young men from Mount Ephraim of the sons of the prophets; do give them a talent of silver, and two changes of robes. 23 And * he said, Take two talents of silver. And he took * two talents of silver in two bags, and two changes of robes, and put them upon two of his servants, and they carried them before him. 24 And they came to the * secret place, and he took these things from their hands, and stored them up in the house, and he dismissed the men. 25 And he went in and stood before his master, and Elisha said to him, From where do thou come, Giezi? And Giezi said, Thy servant has not gone here or there. And Elisha said to him, Did not my heart go with thee, when the man turned around from his chariot to meet thee? Even now thou have received silver, even now thou have received clothing, and olive yards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and male servants and female servants. 27 And leprosy of Naiman shall cling to thee and to thy seed forever. And he went out from his presence leprous, like snow.

            * Codex Alexandrinus adds: “the man of God”.

            * Codex Alexandrinus reads: “Naivana”.

            * Codex Vaticanus reads: “Apharpha”.

            * Codex Alexandrinus reads: “Pharphara”.

            * Codex Basiliano Vaticanus adds: “and the Jordan and…”

            * Codex Alexandrinus reads: “and said, Is all well?

            * Literally: “Peace.”

            * Codex Vaticanus reads: “Naiman”.

            * Literally: “darkness.”


            • #7
              4th Kingdoms (LXX)

              Chapter 6

              And the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, Behold now, the place wherein we live before thee is too narrow for us. 2 Do let us go to the Jordan, and take from there every man a beam, and make for ourselves a habitation there. And he said, Go! And one of them said Please come with thy servants. And he said, I will go. 4 And he went with them, and they came to the Jordan, and began to cut down trees. 5 And behold, one was cutting down a beam, and the * axe head fell into the water, and he cried out, O Master! And it was hidden! 6 And the man of God said, Where did it fall? And he showed him the place. And he broke off a stick, and threw it in there, and the iron instrument floated to the surface. 7 And he said, Raise it up for thyself. And he stretched out his hand, and took it. 8 And the King of Syria was at war with Israel, and he consulted with his servants, saying, I will encamp at this certain concealed place. 9 And Elisha sent to the King of Israel, saying, Take heed that thou pass not by this place, because Syria is hidden there. 10 And the King of Israel sent to the place which Elisha told him. And he stayed away from it not once or twice. 11 And the soul of the King of Syria was very much disturbed concerning this matter, and he called his servants, and said to them, Will ye not tell me who betrays me to the King of Israel? 12 And one of his servants said, Nay, my Lord, O King, for Elisha the prophet that is in Israel tells the King of Israel all the words that thou may say in thy bedchamber. 13 And he said, Go, see where this man is, and after I send for him I will seize him. And they sent word to him, saying, Behold, he is in Dothaim. 14 And he sent there horse and chariot and a heavy force, and they came by night, and surrounded the city. 15 And the servant of Elisha rose up early and went out, and, behold, an army was all around the city with horse and chariot. And the servant said to him, O master! What shall we do? 16 And Elisha said, Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, O Lord, open now the eyes of the servant, and let him see. And the Lord opened his eyes, and he saw, and, behold, the mountain was full of horses, and there was a chariot of fire all around Elisha. 18 And they came down against him, and * he prayed to the Lord, and said, Do strike down this nation with blindness. And he struck them down with blindness according to the word of Elisha. 19 And Elisha said to them, This is not the city, and this is not the way; follow me, and I will lead you to the man whom ye seek. And he led them to Samaria. 20 And it came to pass, as they entered into Samaria, that Elisha said, O Lord do open their eyes, and let them see. And the Lord opened their eyes, and they saw, and, behold, they were in the middle of Samaria. 21 And the King of Israel said to Elisha, when he saw them, Father, shall I strike them down? 22 And he said, Thou shall not strike them down, if thou did not take them captive with thy sword and with thy bow, would you strike them down? Set food and water before them, and let them eat and drink, and depart to their master. 23 And he set before them a great serving, and they ate and drank, and he dismissed them, and they departed to their master. And the armed men of Syria no longer proceeded to come into the land of Israel. 24 And it came to pass after this that the son of Ader, the King of Syria, gathered all his camp, and went up, and besieged Samaria. 25 And there was a great famine in Samaria, and, behold, they besieged it, until a donkey’s head was valued at fifty shekels of silver, and the fourth part of a kab of dove’s dung was five shekels of silver. 26 And the * king was passing by on the wall, and a woman cried to him, saying, Save, O lord, my king. 27 And he said to her, Nay! May the Lord save thee. How can I save thee? Surely not from the threshing floor or from the wine press? 28 And the king said to her, What is the matter with thee? And the woman said to him, This woman said to me, Give up thy son, and we will eat him today, and we will also eat my son tomorrow. 29 So we boiled my son, and ate him, and I said to her on the second day, Give up thy son, and let us eat him. But she has hidden her son. 30 And it came to pass, when the King of Israel heard the words of the woman that he tore his garments; and he passed by on the wall, and the people saw sackcloth underneath upon his flesh. 31 And he said, God do so to me and more also, if the head of Elisha shall stand firm upon him this day. 32 And Elisha was sitting in his house, and the elders were sitting with him. And * he sent a man before his face. Before the messenger came to him, he also said to the elders, Do ye see that this son of a murderer has sent someone to take off my head? See, as soon as the messenger shall have come, shut the door, and detain him at the door. Is not the sound of his master’s feet behind him? 33 While he was yet speaking with them, behold, a messenger came down to him and said, Behold, this evil is from the Lord! Why should I wait for the Lord any longer?

              * Literally: “iron” or “iron instrument”.

              * Codex Alexandrinus reads: “Elisha”.

              * Codex Vaticanus reads: “King of Israel”.

              * i.e. “the King”.


              • #8
                Last edited by Panayioti; 03-13-2015, 05:10 PM.


                • #9
                  4th Kingdoms (LXX)

                  Chapter 8

                  And Elisha spoke to the woman, whose son he had kindled back to life, saying, Arise, and go, thou and thy household, and travel wherever thou may travel, for the Lord has called for a famine upon the land. And indeed it came upon the land for seven years. 2 And the woman arose, and did according to the word of Elisha, both she and her household, and they traveled in the land of the * Philistines seven years. 3 And it came to pass after the expiration of the seven years, that the woman returned out of the land of the * Philistines to the city, and she came to cry out to the king for her house and for her lands. 4 And the king spoke to Giezi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, saying, Do tell me all the great things which Elisha has done. 5 And it came to pass, as he was telling the king how he had kindled to life the dead son, behold, the woman whose son Elisha kindled to life was crying out to the king for her house and for her lands. And Giezi said, O lord king, this is the woman, and this is her son, whom Elisha kindled to life. 6 And the king asked the woman, and she told him. And the king appointed her one eunuch, saying, Return all that was hers, and all the fruits of the field from the day that she left the land until now. 7 And Elisha went to Damascus, and the son of Ader, the King of Syria, was ill, and they brought him word, saying, The man of God has come here. 8 And the king said to Azael, Take in thy hand a present, and go to meet the man of God, and enquire of the Lord by him, saying, Shall I recover from this my illness? 9 And Azael went to meet him, and he took a present in his hand, and all the good things of Damascus, forty camels’ load, and came and stood before him, and said to Elisha, Thy son the son of Ader, the King of Syria, has sent me to thee to enquire, saying, Shall I recover from this my illness? 10 And Elisha said, Go, say, By life thou shall live, but the Lord showed me that by death thou shall die. 11 And he stood before his face, and fixed his glare on him until he was ashamed, and the man of God wept. 12 And Azael said, Why does my lord weep? And he said, Because I know all the evil that thou will do to the sons of Israel; thou will send up their fortresses in fire, and thou will kill their choice men by the broadsword, and thou will dash their infants against the ground, and their women with child thou will tear apart. 13 And Azael said, Who is thy servant, a dead dog, that he shall do this thing? And Elisha said, The Lord has shown me thee reigning over Syria. 14 And he departed from Elisha, and went in to his master, and he said to him, What did Elisha say to thee? And he said, He said to me, By life thou shall live. 15 And it came to pass on the next day that he took a bed-cover, and dipped it in the water, and put it on his face, and he died. And Azael reigned in his stead. 16 In the fifth year of Joram, the son of Achaab, the King of Israel, and while Josephat was King of Judah, Joram, the son of Josephat, the King of Judah, became king. 17 He was a son of thirty-two years when he became king, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem. 18 And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, as did the house of Achaab, for the daughter of Achaab was his wife, and he did that which was evil before the Lord. 19 But the Lord did not want to destroy Judah, for David his servant’s sake, since he had said he would give a lamp to him and to his sons * perpetually. 20 In his days Edom rebelled from under the hand of Judah, and they enthroned a king over themselves. 21 And Joram went up to Sior, and all the chariots that were with him, and it came to pass when he arose, that he struck Edom who had encompassed him, and the captains of the chariots, and the people fled to their tents. 22 And Edom rebelled from under the hand of Judah until this day. Then Lobena rebelled at that time. 23 And the rest of the acts of Joram, and all that he did, behold, are not these written in the book of the Chronicles of the Days of the Kings of Judah? 24 And Joram slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father and Ochozias his son reigned in his stead.
                  25 In the twelfth year of Joram, the son of Achaab, the King of Israel, Ochozias, the son of Joram became king. 26 Ochozias was a son of twenty-two years when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Gotholia, the daughter of Ambri, the King of Israel. 27 And he walked in the way of the house of Achaab, and did that which was evil before the Lord, as did the house of Achaab. 28 And he went with Joram, the son of Achaab, into battle against Azael, the King of the * Philistines, at Remmoth Galaad, and the Syrians struck Joram. 29 And King Joram returned to be healed in Jezrael of the wounds with which they struck him at Remmoth, when he fought with Azael, the King of Syria. And Ochozias, the son of Joram, went down to see Joram, the son of Achaab, in Jezrael, because he was ill.

                  * This word is used in the Septuagint as a distinct reference to “Philistines”, but is literally translated as “foreigners”, or “those of another people or tribe”.

                  * This word is used in the Septuagint as a distinct reference to “Philistines”, but is literally translated as “foreigners”, or “those of another people or tribe”.

                  * Literally: “all the days”.

                  * This word is used in the Septuagint as a distinct reference to “Philistines”, but is literally translated as “foreigners”, or “those of another people or tribe”.


                  • #10
                    4th Kingdoms (LXX)

                    Chapter 9

                    And Elisha the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets, and said to him, Gird up thy loins, and take this flask of oil in thy hand, and go to Remmoth Galaad. 2 And thou shall enter there, and shall see there Jou the son of Josaphat the son of Namessi, and shall go in and make him rise up from among his brothers, and shall lead him into the chamber in the chamber. 3 And thou shall take the flask of oil, and pour it on his head, and say, Thus saith the Lord, I have anointed thee as king over Israel. And thou shall open the door, and flee, and not linger. 4 And the young man, the prophet, went to Remmoth Galaad. 5 And he went in, and, behold, the captains of the army were sitting, and he said, I have a message for thee, O captain. And Jou said, To which of us all? And he said, To thee, O captain. 6 And he arose, and went into the house, and he poured the oil upon his head and said to him, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I have anointed thee to be king over the people of the Lord, even over Israel. 7 And thou shall utterly destroy the house of Achaab, thy master, from before Me, and shall avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, from the hand of Jezebel, 8 and from the hand of the whole house of Achaab, and thou shall utterly destroy from the house of Achaab every male, both bond and left behind in Israel. 9 And I will make the house of Achaab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, and like the house of Baasa the son of Achia. 10 And the dogs shall devour Jezebel in the portion of Jezrael, and there shall be no one to bury her. And he opened the door, and fled. 11 And Jou went forth to the servants of his master, and they said to him, Is there peace? Why is it that this madman entered in to see thee? And he said to them, Ye know the man, and his babble. 12 And they said, That is not true! Tell us now! And Jou said to them, Thus and thus he spoke to me, saying, Thus saith the Lord, I have anointed thee as king over Israel. 13 And when they heard this, they hurried, and took every man his garment, and put it under him on the top of the steps, and trumpeted with a horn, and said, Jou has become king. 14 So Jou the son of Josaphat the son of Namessi conspired against Joram, and Joram was defending Remmoth Galaad, he and all Israel, from before Azael, the King of Syria. 15 And King Joram had returned to be healed in Jezrael of the wounds which the Syrians had struck him, when he fought with Azael, the King of Syria. And Jou said, If your * heart is with me, let no one go out of the city by stealing away to go and report in Jezrael. 16 And Jou rode and advanced, and went down to Jezrael, because Joram, the King of Israel, was being healed in Jezrael from wounds of the arrows with which the Aramin had shot him in Rammath in the battle with Azael, the King of Syria, for he was powerful and a man of strength, and Ochozias, the King of Judah, went down to see Joram. 17 And there went up a watchman on the tower of Jezrael, and saw the cloud of dust of Jou as he approached and he said, I see a cloud of dust. And Joram said, Take a horseman, and send him before them, and let him say, Is it peace? 18 And there went a horseman to meet them, and said, Thus says the king, Is it peace? And Jou said, What have thou to do with peace? Turn in and follow behind me. And the watchman reported, saying, The messenger came to them, but has not returned. 19 And he sent a second horseman, and he came to him, and said, Thus says the king, Is it Peace? And Jou said, What have thou to do with peace? Turn in and follow behind me. 20 And the watchman reported, saying, He came to them, but has not returned. And he that was bringing was bringing Jou, the son of Namessi, in a furious haste. 21 And Joram said, Make ready. And one made ready the chariot. And Joram, the King of Israel went forth, and Ochozias, the King of Judah, each man in his chariot, and they went to meet Jou, and found him in the portion of Nabouthai the Jezraelite. 22 And it came to pass when Joram saw Jou, that he said, Is it peace, Jou? And Jou said, What peace? The adulterous acts of thy mother Jezebel, and her sorceries are still many. 23 And Joram turned his hands to fled, and said to Ochozias, Treachery, Ochozias! 24 And Jou filled his hand with his bow and struck Joram between his arms, and the arrow came out through his heart, and he bent upon his knees. 25 And Jou said to Badekar his * chief aide, Throw him into the portion of ground belonging to Nabouthai the Jezraelite, for I and thou remember, riding as we were on chariots after Achaab his father, that the Lord took up this burden against him, saying, 26 Surely, I have seen yesterday the blood of Nabouthai, and the blood of his sons, saith the Lord, and I will repay him in this portion, saith the Lord. And now, do lift him up and throw him in the portion, according to the word of the Lord. 27 And Ochozias, the King of Judah saw, and fled by the way of Baithaggan. And Jou pursued after him, and said, And him as well! And he struck him in the chariot at the going up of Gai, which is Jeblaam. And he fled to Megiddo, and died there. 28 And his servants put him on a chariot, and brought him to Jerusalem, and they buried him in his tomb in the city of David. 29 And in the eleventh year of Joram, the King of Israel, Ochozias became king over Judah. 30 And Jou came to Jezrael, and Jezabel heard of it, and painted her eyes, and adorned her head, and looked through the window. 31 And Jou entered into the city, and she said, Is it peace, Zambri, the murderer of his master? 32 And he lifted up his face toward the window, and saw her, and said, Who art thou? Come down with me! And two eunuchs looked down towards him. 33 And he said, Toss her down. And they tossed her down, and some of her blood was splattered on the wall, and on the horses, and they trampled on her. 34 And Jou went in and ate and drank, and said, Look now, after this cursed woman, and bury her, for she is a king’s daughter. 35 And they went to bury her, but they found nothing of her but the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands. 36 And they returned and told him. And he said, It is the word of the Lord, which He spoke by the hand of Elijah the Thesbite, saying, In the portion of Jezrael shall the dogs devour the flesh of Jezebel. 37 And the carcass of Jezebel shall be like dung on the face of the field in the portion of Jezrael, so that they shall not say, This is Jezebel.

                    * The Greek word “τριστάτης” means a principal lord, the third man to the king, which the king would confide in (i.e. rested upon). This was considered an honorable post in ancient middle-eastern monarchies.


                    • #11
                      4th Kingdoms (LXX)

                      Chapter 10

                      And Achaab had seventy sons in Samaria. And Jou wrote a scroll, and sent it into Samaria, to the rulers of Samaria, and to the elders, and to the guardians of the sons of Achaab, saying. 2 And now, as soon as this scroll comes to you, whereas there are with you the sons of your master and with you are also the chariots and the horses, and strong cities, and the weapons, 3 and you shall look out for the best and upright among your master’s sons and you shall set him on the throne of his father, and fight for the house of your master. 4 And they feared greatly, and said, Behold, two kings did not stand before him, and how shall we stand? 5 So they that were over the house, and they that were over the city, and the elders and the guardians, sent to Jou, saying, We also are thy servants, and whatever thou shall say to us we will do. We will not make a man king; we will do that which is good in thine eyes. 6 And * Jou wrote them a second scroll, saying, If ye are for me, and hearken to my voice, take the heads of the men your master’s sons, and bring them to me at this time tomorrow in Jezrael. And the sons of the king were seventy men. These great men of the city brought them up. 7 And it came to pass, when the scroll came to them, that they took the king’s sons, and killed them, all seventy men, and they put their heads in baskets, and sent them to him at Jezrael. 8 And a messenger came and told him, saying, They have brought the heads of the king’s sons. And he said, Lay them in two heaps by the entrance of the gate until morning. 9 And the morning came, and he went forth, and stood in the gateway of the city, and said to all the people, Ye are righteous. Behold I am, I conspired against my master, and killed him, but who struck down all these? 10 Know then that there shall not fall to the ground anything from the word of the Lord, which the Lord spoke over the house of Achaab, for the Lord has performed all that He spoke of by the hand of his servant Elijah. 11 And Jou struck down all who were left in the house of Achaab in Jezrael, and all his great men, and his acquaintance, and his priests, so as not to leave him any remnant. 12 And he arose and went to Samaria, and he was in Baithakad of the shepherds, on the way. 13 And Jou found the brothers of Ochozias, the King of Judah, and said, Who are ye? And they said, We are the brothers of Ochozias, and we have come down for the peace of the sons of the king, and the sons of the queen. 14 And he said, Take them alive. And they killed them at Baithakad, forty-two men; he left not a man of them. 15 And he went from there and found Jonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him, and he blessed him. And Jou said to him, Is thy heart right with my heart, as my heart is with thy heart? And Jonadab said, It is. And Jou said, So if it is then, give me thy hand. And he gave him his hand, and he brought him up to him on the chariot. 16 And he said to him, Come with me, and see me while I am zealous for the Lord Sabbaoth. And he sat him down in his chariot. 17 And he entered into Samaria, and struck down all who were left to Achaab in Samaria, until he had utterly destroyed them, according to the word of the Lord, which He spoke to Elijah. 18 And Jou gathered all the people, and said to them, Achaab was subject to Baal a little, and truly Jou will be subject to him much. 19 Now then, all ye prophets of Baal call all his servants and his priests to me; let not a man be overlooked, for I have a great sacrifice to offer to Baal; every one who is not inspected shall die. But Jou acted with deception in order to destroy the servants of Baal. 20 And Jou said, Sanctify a solemn festival to Baal, and they made a proclamation. 21 And Jou sent throughout all Israel, saying, Now then let all Baal’s servants, and all his priests, and all his prophets come, let none be lacking; for I am making a great sacrifice; whoever remains shall not live. So all the servants of Baal came, and all his priests, and all his prophets; not a man was left behind who did not come. And they entered into the house of Baal, and the house of Baal was filled * completely. 22 And Jou said to the man who was over the house of the wardrobe, Bring forth garments for all the servants of Baal. And the keeper of the robes brought them out for them. 23 And Jou and Jonadab, the son of Rechab, entered into the house of Baal, and said to the servants of Baal, Search, and see whether there are among you any of the servants of the Lord, or only the servants of Baal, by themselves. 24 And he went in to offer sacrifices and whole burnt offerings. And Jou set for himself eighty men outside, and said, Every man who shall escape of the men whom I bring into your hand, the life of him that spares him shall go for his life. 25 And it came to pass, when he had finished offering the whole burnt offering, that Jou said to the runners and to the * officers, Go ye in and strike them down; let not a man of them escape. So they struck them down with the edge of the broadsword, and the runners and the * officers threw them out, and went to the city of the house of Baal. 26 And they brought out the pillar of Baal, and burned it. 27 And they tore down the pillars of Baal, and tore down the house of Baal, and arranged it into latrines to this day. 28 So Jou abolished Baal from Israel. 29 Nevertheless Jou did not departed from following the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin; these were the golden heifers in Baithel and in Dan. 30 And the Lord said to Jou, Because of all thy deeds wherein thou have acted well in doing that which was right in My eyes, according to all things which thou have done to the house of Achaab as they were in My heart, thy sons to the fourth generation shall sit upon the throne of Israel. 31 But Jou took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart, he did not departed from following the sins of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin. 32 In those days the Lord began to cut off parts of Israel. And Azael struck them down within every boundary of Israel, 33 from the Jordan to the * east, all the land of Galaad, of Gaddi and that of Ruben, and of Manasses, from Aroer, which is by the bank of the torrent river of Arnon, and Galaad and Basan. 34 And the rest of the acts of Jou, and all that he did, and all his might, and the collusions in which he colluded, are not these things written in the book of the Chronicles of the Days of the Kings of Israel? 35 And Jou slept with his fathers, and they buried him in Samaria, and Joachas his son reigned in his stead. 36 And the days which Jou reigned over Israel were twenty-eight years in Samaria.

                      * Codex Vaticanus reads: “he”.

                      * Literally: “mouth to mouth”.

                      * The Greek word “τριστάτης” means a principal lord, the third man to the king, which the king would confide in (i.e. rested upon). This was considered an honorable post in ancient middle-eastern monarchies.

                      * The Greek word “τριστάτης” means a principal lord, the third man to the king, which the king would confide in (i.e. rested upon). This was considered an honorable post in ancient middle-eastern monarchies.

                      * Literally: “rising of the sun”.


                      • #12
                        4th Kingdoms (LXX)

                        Chapter 11

                        And Gotholia, the mother of Ochozias, saw that her son was dead, she then destroyed the entire royal family. 2 And Josabee, the daughter of King Joram, sister of Ochozias, took Joas, the son of her brother, and stole him from among the king’s sons who were being put to death, she hid him and his nurse in the bedchamber, and she hid him from the face of Gotholia, and he was not put to death. 3 And he remained with her hidden in the house of the Lord for six years, and Gotholia reigned over the land. 4 And in the seventh year Jodae the priest sent and took the officers of hundreds, Chorri and Rasim, and brought them to him into the house of the Lord, and made a covenant of the Lord with them, and made them swear before the Lord, and Jodae showed them the king’s son. 5 And charged them, saying, This is the thing which ye shall do. 6 Let one-third of you go in on the Sabbath, and ye shall keep watch of the king’s house in the gateway, and one-third in the gate of the roads, and one-third at the gate behind the runners, and ye shall guard the watch of the house. 7 And there shall be two bands of soldiers among you, even every one that goes out on the Sabbath, and they shall keep the guard of the Lord’s house before the king. 8 And ye must surround the king all around, every man with his weapon in his hand. And he who enters into the ranks shall die. And * he shall be with the king in his going out and in his coming in. 9 And the officers of hundreds did all things that the wise Jodae commanded, and each man took his men who were going in on the Sabbath with those who were going out on the Sabbath, and went in to Jodae the priest. 10 And the priest gave to the officers of hundreds and to those third in rank the serrated lances that were those of King David that were in the house of the Lord. 11 And the runners stood, each man with his weapon in his hand, from the right shoulder of the house to the left shoulder of the house, by the altar and the house, close to the king all around. 12 And he brought forth the king’s son, and put upon him the crown and gave him the testimony, and he made him king, and anointed him, and they clapped their hands, and said, Long live the king! 13 And Gotholia heard the sound of the people running, and she went in to the house of the Lord to join the people. 14 And she looked, and, behold, the king stood near the pillar according to the judgment, and the singers and the trumpets by the king and all the people of the land rejoicing and blowing trumpets. And Gotholia tore her clothes, and cried, * Conspiracy, conspiracy. 15 And Jodae the priest commanded the officers of hundreds who were over the army, and said to them, Bring her forth outside to the ranks of soldiers, and he who goes in behind her shall die by death by the sword. For the priest said, Let her not however be killed in the house of the Lord. 16 And they laid hands on her, and she went in by the way of the horses’ entrance of the king’s house, and she was executed there. 17 And Jodae made a covenant between the Lord and between the king and between the people, that they should be the Lord’s people, also between the king and between the people. 18 And all the people of the land went into the house of Baal, and tore it down, and completely broke in pieces his altars and his images, and they killed Mathan, the priest of Baal, before the face of the altars. And the priest appointed overseers for the house of the Lord. 19 And he took the officers of hundreds, both Chorri and the Rasim, and all the people of the land, and they brought down the king out of the house of the Lord, and he went in by the way of the gate of the runners of the king’s house, and seated him there on the throne of the kings. 20 And all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was quiet, and they killed Gotholia with the broadsword in the house of the king.

                        * i.e. “Jodae”.

                        * Or “Treason, treason.”


                        • #13
                          4th Kingdoms (LXX)

                          Chapter 12

                          Joas was a son of seven years in age when he began to reign. 2 Joas began to reign in the seventh year of Jou, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Abia of Bersabee. 3 And Joas did that which was right in the sight of the Lord all the days that Jodae the priest taught him. 4 Yet, some of the high places were not removed, and the people were still sacrificing there, and making incense offerings on the high places. 5 And Joas said to the priests, As for all the money of the holy things that is brought into the house of the Lord, the money of valuation, as each man brings the money of valuation, all money, whatever arises in any man’s heart to bring into the house of the Lord, 6 let the priests take for themselves, a man from their sale, and they shall repair the breaches of the house in all places wherever a breach shall be found. 7 And it came to pass in the twenty-third year of King Joas that the priests had not repaired the breaches of the house. 8 And King Joas called Jodae the priest, and the other priests, and said to them, Why have ye not repaired the breaches of the house? Now then take no more money from your sales, for ye shall give it to repair the breaches of the house. 9 And the priests agreed to take no more money of the people, and not to repair the breaches of the house. 10 And Jodae the priest took a chest, and bored a hole in the lid of it, and set it beside the altar in the house of a man belonging to the house of the Lord, and the priests who guard the threshold gave all the money that was found in the house of the Lord. 11 And it came to pass, when they saw that there was much money in the chest that the king’s scribe and the high priest went up, and they tied it up and counted the money that was found in the house of the Lord. 12 And they gave the money that had been collected into the hands of those who performing the work, the overseers of the house of the Lord, and they paid it out to the carpenters and to the builders who were working in the house of the Lord. 13 And to the masons, and to the stonecutters, to purchase wood and quarried stone to repair the breaches of the house of the Lord, for all that was paid on the house to repair it. 14 Only there were not to be made for the house of the Lord silver doors, nails, bowls, and trumpets, any vessel of gold or vessel of silver, from the money that was brought into the house of the Lord, 15 for they were to give it to the workmen, and they repaired the house of the Lord with it. 16 They further took no account of the men into whose hands they gave the money to give to the workmen, for they dealt honestly. 17 Money for a sin offering, and money for a trespass offering, whatever was brought into the house of the Lord, belonged to the priests. 18 Then went up Azael, the King of Syria, and fought against Geth, and captured it. And Azael set his face to go up against Jerusalem. 19 And Joas, the King of Judah collected all the holy things which Josaphat, and Joram, Ochozias, his fathers, and kings of Judah had consecrated, and his own holy things and all the gold that was found in the treasures of the Lord’s house and of the king’s house, and he sent these to Azael, the King of Syria, and he * withdrew from Jerusalem. 20 And the rest of the acts of Joas, and all that he did, behold, are these not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Days of the Kings of Judah? 21 And his servants rose up and made a conspiracy, and struck down Joas in the house of Mallo that is in * Gaala. 22 And Jezirchar the son of Jemouath, and Jezebouth, Somer’s son, his servants, struck him down, and he died. And they buried him with his fathers in the city of David and Amessias his son reigned in his stead.

                          * Literally: “went up”.

                          * Codex Vaticanus reads: “Gaalla”.


                          • #14
                            4th Kingdoms (LXX)

                            Chapter 13

                            In the year, the twenty-third year of Joas, the son of Ochozias, the King of Judah, began Joachaz, the son of Jou, to reign in Samaria, and he reigned for seventeen years. 2 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, and went after the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin; he did not depart from them. 3 And the Lord grew angry with rage with Israel, and delivered them into the hand of Azael the King of Syria, and into the hand of the son of Ader the son of Azael, * for many years. 4 And Joachaz came in before the face of the Lord, and the Lord hearkened to him, for he saw the affliction of Israel, because the King of Syria afflicted them. 5 And the Lord gave deliverance to Israel, and they escaped from under the hand of Syria, and the sons of Israel sat in their tents as * heretofore. 6 Only they did not depart from the sins of the house of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin; they walked in them, and moreover the grove still stood in Samaria. 7 Whereas there was not left any people to Joachaz, except fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand infantry, for the King of Syria had destroyed them, and they made them as dust for trampling. 8 And the rest of the acts of Joachaz, and all that he did, and his mighty acts are not these things written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Days of the Kings of Israel? 9 And Joachaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him * in Samaria, and Joas his son reigned in his stead.

                            * Literally: “All the days”.

                            *Literally: “as yesterday and the day before”.

                            * Codex Alexandrinus adds: “with his fathers”.
                            I don't know why, but Ch.13 versus 1 through 9 were a little tough for me. Maybe I'm tired, maybe it was just difficult. Ok, it's not Esaias difficult or 1st Kingdoms difficult, but it through off my flow.

                            I think I translated these versus at least four times and I still don't like it, but I just had to stop. My obsession with being literally was just mucking things up so I just opted to put them in footnotes and I still don't like the translations in the footnotes. Arrgh! Anyway enjoy.



                            • #15
                              4th Kingdoms (LXX)

                              Chapter 13

                              In the year, the twenty-third year of Joas, the son of Ochozias, the King of Judah, began Joachaz, the son of Jou, to reign in Samaria, and he reigned for seventeen years. 2 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, and went after the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin; he did not depart from them. 3 And the Lord grew angry with rage with Israel, and delivered them into the hand of Azael the King of Syria, and into the hand of the son of Ader the son of Azael, * for many years. 4 And Joachaz came in before the face of the Lord, and the Lord hearkened to him, for he saw the affliction of Israel, because the King of Syria afflicted them. 5 And the Lord gave deliverance to Israel, and they escaped from under the hand of Syria, and the sons of Israel sat in their tents as * heretofore. 6 Only they did not depart from the sins of the house of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin; they walked in them, and moreover the grove still stood in Samaria. 7 Whereas there was not left any people to Joachaz, except fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten thousand infantry, for the King of Syria had destroyed them, and they made them as dust for trampling. 8 And the rest of the acts of Joachaz, and all that he did, and his mighty acts are not these things written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Days of the Kings of Israel? 9 And Joachaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him * in Samaria, and Joas his son reigned in his stead. 10 In the year, the thirty-seventh year of Joas the King of Judah, Joas the son of Joachaz began to reign over Israel in Samaria sixteen years. 11 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord; he did not depart from all the sin of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, he walked in them. 12 And the rest of the acts of Joas, and all that he did, and his mighty acts which he exercised together with Amessias the King of Judah, are not these written in the Books of the Chronicles of the Days of the Kings of Israel? 13 And Joas slept with his fathers, and Jeroboam sat * upon his throne, and he was buried in Samaria with the Kings of Israel. 14 And Elisha had become sick with his sickness by which he died. And Joas, the King of Israel went down to him, and wept over his face, and said, My father, my father, The chariot of Israel, and its horseman! 15 And Elisha said to him, Take a bow and arrows. And he took to himself a bow and arrows. 16 And he said to the king, Put thy hand on the bow. And Joas put his hand upon it. And Elisha laid his hands upon the king’s hands. 17 And he said, Open the window eastward, and he opened it. And Elisha said, Shoot, and he shot. And Elisha said, The arrow of the Lord’s deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance in Syria! And thou shall strike down Syria in Aphek until thou have consumed them. 18 And Elisha said to him, Take bows, and he took them. And he said to the King of Israel, Strike the ground, and the king struck three times, and stopped. 19 And the man of God was grieved at him, and said, If thou had struck five times or six times, then thou would have struck Syria until thou had consumed them, but now thou shall strike down Syria only three times. 20 And Elisha died, and they buried him. And raiding parties of Moabites came in the land, at the beginning of the year. 21 And it came to pass as they were burying a man that behold, they saw a raiding party, and they threw the man in the grave of Elisha, and as soon as he touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood up on his feet. 22 And Azael greatly afflicted Israel all the days of Joachaz. 23 But the Lord had mercy and compassion upon them, and had respect to them, because of His covenant with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Lord did not want to destroy them, and did not banish them from His face. 24 And Azael, the King of Syria, died, and Joas the son of Joachaz reigned, and took the cities out of the hand of the son of Ader the son of Azael, which he had taken out of the hand of Joachaz his father in the war. Three times did Joas strike him, and he recovered the cities of Israel.

                              * Literally: “All the days”.

                              *Literally: “as yesterday and the day before”.

                              * Codex Alexandrinus adds: “with his fathers”.

                              * Codex Vaticanus reads: “with his fathers and in Samaria with the brethren of Israel”; Alfred Rahfls’ Septuaginta reads: “upon his throne in Samaria with the sons of Israel”.


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