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Exploratory Thread: Mercenaries (3.5e)

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  • if i go ranger 6/barbarian 8/fighter 6 ( i have to have atleast 13 int to be able to have have the whirlwind attack.

    also i will not have the greater focus specialisation. (but this is ok). creating a character is ... i thought it is easy.

    Also if my wisdom is 8 (-1), can i still activate the wand?
    Last edited by Pinoy; 03-13-2014, 11:43 PM.


    • Originally posted by Pinoy View Post
      if i go ranger 6/barbarian 8/fighter 6 ( i have to have atleast 13 int to be able to have have the whirlwind attack.

      also i will not have the greater focus specialisation. (but this is ok). creating a character is ... i thought it is easy.
      Creating a level 1 character is easy. Creating a level 20 is complex because there are so many more options.
      Don't call it a comeback. It's a riposte.


      • can i still activate a wand even though my wisdom is 8


        • Heavy Steel Shield +4 aninated with low fortification [49,170gp], is this correct?


          • Your wisdom is not 8, it's 14, because the enhancement bonus from the helmet is not temporary, it's continuous for as long as you are wearing it (which you can all the time). I didn't notice the int requirement for whirlwind attack, you could add a 2-point intelligence enhancement to your helmet for 6,000 gp [Can you add a 1-point enhancement bonus to an ability score? If so, it would only cost 1,500 gp]. As for Greater Weapon Specialization, I had noticed the 12th-level fighter requirement and forgot about it, sorry. You could get Greater Weapon Focus instead, or Power Attack.

            Nakonec pravda vitezi (In the end the truth wins)

            Nobility Among Us and Beyond the Mist are now on sale worldwide, as is my first poetry collection, Selected Verse - Faith and Family and my second, Selected Verse - Heroes and Wonders

            Explore the Cinematic Superverse

            A Hope That Burns


            • Originally posted by Ben Zwycky View Post
              Your wisdom is not 8, it's 14, because the enhancement bonus from the helmet is not temporary, it's continuous for as long as you are wearing it (which you can all the time). I didn't notice the int requirement for whirlwind attack, you could add a 2-point intelligence enhancement to your helmet for 6,000 gp [Can you add a 1-point enhancement bonus to an ability score? If so, it would only cost 1,500 gp]. As for Greater Weapon Specialization, I had noticed the 12th-level fighter requirement and forgot about it, sorry. You could get Greater Weapon Focus instead, or Power Attack.
              If i could have 1 1-point enhancement that would be good for i still extra 3,000gp, otherwise, i have to drop the efficient quiver and just make my bow masterwork instead of magical.


              • can i put fortification in a shield?


                • It specifically says you can


                  But I thought you didn't want to go the fortification route because of your improved uncanny dodge?

                  Nakonec pravda vitezi (In the end the truth wins)

                  Nobility Among Us and Beyond the Mist are now on sale worldwide, as is my first poetry collection, Selected Verse - Faith and Family and my second, Selected Verse - Heroes and Wonders

                  Explore the Cinematic Superverse

                  A Hope That Burns


                  • Originally posted by Ben Zwycky View Post
                    It specifically says you can


                    But I thought you didn't want to go the fortification route because of your improved uncanny dodge?
                    That is why it is only low fortification.

                    I was thinking about this when i put the fortification,

                    A barbarian dedicated to the boar totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.

                    When raging, a 1st-level boar-totem barbarian is treated as having the Diehard feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
                    At 3rd level and higher, a boar-totem barbarian's rage lasts for 2 rounds longer than normal.
                    Beginning at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 1 point higher than the normal value. Thus, at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 2/-, and it rises by 1 point every three levels thereafter.


                    • Originally posted by Ben Zwycky View Post
                      Your wisdom is not 8, it's 14, because the enhancement bonus from the helmet is not temporary, it's continuous for as long as you are wearing it (which you can all the time). I didn't notice the int requirement for whirlwind attack, you could add a 2-point intelligence enhancement to your helmet for 6,000 gp [Can you add a 1-point enhancement bonus to an ability score? If so, it would only cost 1,500 gp]. As for Greater Weapon Specialization, I had noticed the 12th-level fighter requirement and forgot about it, sorry. You could get Greater Weapon Focus instead, or Power Attack.
                      Anyway, can i have a 1-point enhancement bonus to ability?


                      • Originally posted by Pinoy View Post
                        Anyway, can i have a 1-point enhancement bonus to ability?
                        That's up to Carrik.

                        As for the boar totem barbarian, I think you'd be worse off going that route, you lose a lot of abilities just to gain a small extension to rage and 1 extra damage reduction. Diehard isn't a bad feat, but it's much less useful if it will only last during a rage (which you can only use 3 times a day).

                        Nakonec pravda vitezi (In the end the truth wins)

                        Nobility Among Us and Beyond the Mist are now on sale worldwide, as is my first poetry collection, Selected Verse - Faith and Family and my second, Selected Verse - Heroes and Wonders

                        Explore the Cinematic Superverse

                        A Hope That Burns


                        • Originally posted by Ben Zwycky View Post
                          That's up to Carrik.

                          As for the boar totem barbarian, I think you'd be worse off going that route, you lose a lot of abilities just to gain a small extension to rage and 1 extra damage reduction. Diehard isn't a bad feat, but it's much less useful if it will only last during a rage (which you can only use 3 times a day).
                          yep not going there.


                          • what is better route. fighter or barbarian?


                            • Barbarian is better I think, fighter is good for getting a couple of extra feats. Having said that, I think ranger 6/fighter 6/ Barbarian 8 is a very good balance. Either that or go full barbarian 20 for the mighty rage and tireless rage (and the option of moving straight on to an epic barbarian if we level up) or ranger 6 barbarian 14 to get indomitable will.

                              Nakonec pravda vitezi (In the end the truth wins)

                              Nobility Among Us and Beyond the Mist are now on sale worldwide, as is my first poetry collection, Selected Verse - Faith and Family and my second, Selected Verse - Heroes and Wonders

                              Explore the Cinematic Superverse

                              A Hope That Burns


                              • Originally posted by Ben Zwycky View Post
                                Barbarian is better I think, fighter is good for getting a couple of extra feats. Having said that, I think ranger 6/fighter 6/ Barbarian 8 is a very good balance. Either that or go full barbarian 20 for the mighty rage and tireless rage (and the option of moving straight on to an epic barbarian if we level up) or ranger 6 barbarian 14 to get indomitable will.
                                Can i activate the wand if I am only lvl 1 barbarian.


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