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How the Affordable Care Act is helping this small business and its employees.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
    Play your hypothetics all you want, Sam -- in the real world, it sucks.

    By the way, relative to your snide anti-Texas remark, the lady who has all the problems signed up in New Hampshire. Her Texas sister drove up there to get her, and bring her back to Texas. The Texas lady is the wife of a medical doctor who is so disgusted with Obamacare, that this has really pushed him over the top. He is from the Dominican Republic, and is seriously thinking about going back there to practice medicine.
    "I wonder about the trees. / Why do we wish to bear / Forever the noise of these / More than another noise / Robert Frost, "The Sound of Trees"


    • #32
      Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
      Just got back from taking my wife to another visit at MD Anderson -- probably shouldn't be typing, cause I'm not really in a very good frame of mind.
      Sorry to hear that. I'll pray for you right now.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Sam View Post
        I think it's a bit of bad form accusing someone of splitting hairs when you yourself are actively engaged in moving goal posts. Your first criticism was that "more people have lost their insurance than have signed up for Obamacare, and I don't see that gap ever closing." Since you used Glenn Kessler as a source above, let's go with what he says:

        expected ratio by 2017 will be flipped: ~70% of enrollees will be "newly insured:"

        Source: Durbin�s claim that 10 million now have health insurance because of Obamacare. Glenn Kessler. The Washington Post. 2014.02.10

        Of course, these percentages may change with time. Avalere, a health consulting firm, estimates that, once the law is fully implemented in 2017, about 68 percent of the people who obtained insurance through the exchanges will be newly insured. But even so, that would suggest at least a third already had insurance. (Update: New York state says that two-thirds of the people who enrolled on its exchange were previously uninsured, in line with the Avalere estimate.)

        © Copyright Original Source


        Which brings us around to the third criticism, that the law (it's been a long time since it was a bill) is intended to provide affordable insurance to the uninsured. Well, that's almost right. The ACA is intended to expand the insurance pool by making insurance affordable to those who previously could not afford it (and were therefore uninsured) but also to make insurance more affordable to the great majority of citizens regardless of their previous insurance status. That means creating the exchanges, which function as a competitive marketplace for insurers to clearly compare their products. That means instituting essential benefits so insurers can't cherry-pick the healthiest individuals and so drive up rates for the majority of enrollees. That means bending the cost-curve of health expenditures so that premiums increase at a slower annual rate (check, check and check). People are still entirely free to avoid being "rolled into" the exchanges. You can eschew the subsidies available on the exchanges and get insurance directly from an insurer. In fact, those whose policies were "cancelled," as noted above by myself and Kessler, probably were put into that situation by default
        I'm not moving the goalposts, Sam. The fact is that over 5-million people and counting have had their plans canceled, and roughly 3-million people have signed up for or been "rolled over" into Obamacare (but haven't necessarily paid their first premium). Even if every single person was previously covered, that still leaves a roughly 2-million person difference, so it's accurate to say that more people have lost their insurance than have signed up for Obamacare. You can split hairs and squint your eyes and massage the numbers all you want, but those are the facts. All of this debunks your lofty claim that "millions of people are getting health insurance thanks to the ACA (tens of millions soon enough)". Crunch the numbers and it turns out that millions of people were already covered and/or qualified for Medicaid before Obamacare was forced through Congress, so it seems disingenuous to give Obamacare credit for their situation

        As for your claim that "tens of millions soon enough" will be basking in the glow of Obama's socialist utopia, it's doubtful that Obamacare will even reach 10-million in the near future seeing how sign-ups have slowed to a crawl far below the White House's optimistic projections, and only around half of those even bother paying their first premium. If Obamacare was a for-profit business venture then it would have gone bankrupt by now.

        Then there's the dismal conversion rate on the exchange websiteForbes.comRobert Laszewski)

        Besides, if Obamacare is so great then why have the Washington elite done everything in their power to effectively exempt themselves from it?
        Last edited by Mountain Man; 02-12-2014, 06:47 AM.
        Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
        But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
        Than a fool in the eyes of God

        From "Fools Gold" by Petra


        • #34
          That's great for your business.. However, some people think that
          There's no good having it. it's just another bill to be paid for.
          Source of article: Cost of preexisting conditions


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