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There is no way to Win - the Left Just Enjoys Hating Trump too Much.

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  • Originally posted by MaxVel View Post
    The discussion was about their habit of making personal attacks on those who disagree with them, thus the term is apt to describe their behaviour. Go and read the full context given in Cerebrum's posts, including the links and the threads they're in.

    Oxmixmudd doesn't get to claim innocence when he has made personal attacks on people who simply disagreed with him, and, worse, pre-emptive attacks on people who haven't yet responded to his posts.

    Claiming that he is being bullied by everyone here is a gross exaggeration, and frankly offensive to those who have suffered severe real-world bullying (at least two posters in this thread). Maybe - at a stretch - he could argue that one or two posters have bullied him, but certainly not pretty much everyone, constantly. Thus he fits the term 'cry-bully' - poke and poke at people, and then whine like a * when they tell him he's being offensive.

    * insert offensive term here.

    Urban Dictionary "Cry Bully"

    Seems pretty much spot on to me.
    Charles couldn't care less about personal attacks; if he truly cared, he would call out members of his own political/theological persuasion. Despite many opportunities, I'm still waiting for him to do that.
    Veritas vos Liberabit<>< Learn Greek <>< Look here for an Orthodox Church in America<><Ancient Faith Radio
    I recommend you do not try too hard and ...research as little as possible. Such weighty things give me a headache. - Shunyadragon, Baha'i apologist


    • Originally posted by One Bad Pig View Post
      Charles couldn't care less about personal attacks; if he truly cared, he would call out members of his own political/theological persuasion. Despite many opportunities, I'm still waiting for him to do that.
      Hmm, where's that irony meter when you need it, OBP? Perhaps a mirror would help.


      • Originally posted by JimL View Post
        Hmm, where's that irony meter when you need it, OBP? Perhaps a mirror would help.
        OBP is one of the guys who called me out for treating you like I think you're a dummy. So,

        A) there's no irony whatsoever to him suggesting that Charles won't call out members of his own political/theological persuasion -- OBP's actually done it.
        2) Perhaps you could help prove that he's right - that you're NOT just a dummy being a total ass.

        My guess is that you'll double down on jackassery. Prove me wrong, I double dog dare ya.
        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


        • Originally posted by Cerebrum123 View Post
          Okay, I tried to ignore this, but this extremely distorted version of events is too much for me.

          No, it isn't. An occasional "mean" word directed your way is not bullying. What you are receiving is mild compared to have been dishing out.

          And you act as if minor push back to your hostility is bullying, which it simply is not. It also doesn't change the fact that you are engaging in using different types of bullying tactics. Psychological and emotional manipulation, and also the tactic of making those who disagree with you after you poke them in the eye look like the bullies by crying loudly about it.

          Did you do so privately to him over a private message? Because you did not apologize to him in that thread, you apologized in a different thread, but not in this one. You in fact got worse and worse towards MaxVel in that thread, and accused him, and all of us, as producing "the dynamic that creates suicides".

          Your pattern has been that you attack people, get minor push back that you cry about, apologize(not even always that). Rinse and repeat. I've seen you do this at least twice with different people, which is why I don't expect any real change after your apology in this thread.

          I read the full thread, and the full conversation. No apology from you in it, just a worse and worse response to anyone who disagreed with you. You aren't even reading what happened at all apparently.

          That was a different thread entirely. Actually click the links instead of jumping to conclusions about what they are. I do remember correctly, and went back and reread much of the thread just to be 100% sure. Something you haven't done.

          The "I'm sorry you feel that way" isn't much of an apology either. You also broke that promise in the thread I actually linked to.

          You broke that promise in the thread I linked unless you are talking about a private message that no one else ever saw. However, that does mean you broke the same promise when you made to MaxVel in a different thread.

          You mean like how you and your buddies in Nat. Sci. 301 treat those who don't agree with you? The same kind of treatment that is the reason I don't post there anymore?

          You attacked Teal when she was nothing but polite to you personally in this thread. NorrinRad was kind of harsh, but he made one post. Teal did amen it, but that doesn't mean she agreed with him being harsh. Your response implied that Teal's master was Satan. That is far harsher than anything said to you in this thread. You're the one who attacks below the belt than gets upset when you get a slap in the face in response.

          Never said you can't defend yourself, and didn't imply that either. The whole point of the original fight you had with Teal was that if you start a fight, you shouldn't be surprised when people defend themselves.
          Thanks for pointing out that I had confused two conversations. The first conversation is the one I was remembering. The second is the one you are claiming somehow 'breaks a promise' and implying it nullifies my attempt at apology a few pages back in this thread. In the first conversation, I had misunderstood MaxVel's comments as part of the general attack of the crowd and I unfairly addressed him as if he were part of the general attack. When I realized what had happened I apologized said I would try to avoid that in future. You linked to that apology post previously. That conversation was in JUNE. The second conversation was in JULY and near the end of my capacity to tolerate the continuous pile on of a large number of TWEB regulars. MaxVel's very first post in that conversation came after pages of attacks. And he came in with both barrels blazing in full attack mode.

          My original 'promise' to him involved the unfairness of my response to him in that context - the context of him not warrenting a harsh response. And it should be obvious it applied to serious attempts to engage in civil conversation. He entry into that second thread was no such thing and whatever promise I made regarding conversations in a spirit of goodwill simply would not apply in such a situation.

          Your entire premise is without merit. I've violated no promises made, And there is no valid reason to doubt my sincerity in either case - my apology over carelessly addressing the wrong person, and my most resent apology addressing my part in potentially escalating this particular 'pile on Oxmixmudd' Summer season.

          My question to you is this: What exactly is your endgame? Do you have any intention of allowing me the opportunity to interact with the people on this website in the arena of ideas, or are you so enraged you simply will not allow that to happen?

          Last edited by oxmixmudd; 08-11-2019, 10:10 PM.
          My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. James 2:1

          If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not  bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless James 1:26

          This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19


          • First crybully. Underhanded attack on others, then when they hit back 'teacherrrr!!! he punched me!!! *innocent look*'

            Next persecution mania, 'everyone against me', latest is 'are you trying to stop me from posting, what is endgame of yours????'

            Why so much drama? After Trumpslide 1.0 lots of people left TWeb, in huff but less hysterics. demi moved from disgust to pity, state of yours is just sad now.
            Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.


            • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
              Skip the TV Drama - there's plenty of jackass REAL LIFE drama coming from the liberals in Baltimore, who have run that place for OVER FIFTY YEARS. This has happened on their watch.

              All of this despite 50 years of the so-called war on poverty and Democratic rule in the city. All of this despite the fact that Maryland spends more per student on education in Baltimore City than in any other jurisdiction in the state. All of this despite the fact that the Democratic Party has held a virtual monopoly on elected office in Maryland for decades. The General Assembly is overwhelmingly Democratic. Seven of the eight Congressmen from Maryland are Democrats. Both sitting U.S. Senators are Democrats....

              Have you seen some of the idiot jackass statements coming from the leadership of Baltimore?

              Like the moronic....

              I'm interested to see you spin this jackassery as totally understandable.

              And that's just ONE example of the morons running Baltimore!


              • I think they realize that, they just play ignorant a lot. At least, for their sake, I hope they're only acting.


                • Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
                  Thanks for pointing out that I had confused two conversations. The first conversation is the one I was remembering. The second is the one you are claiming somehow 'breaks a promise' and implying it nullifies my attempt at apology a few pages back in this thread. In the first conversation, I had misunderstood MaxVel's comments as part of the general attack of the crowd and I unfairly addressed him as if he were part of the general attack. When I realized what had happened I apologized said I would try to avoid that in future. You linked to that apology post previously. That conversation was in JUNE. The second conversation was in JULY and near the end of my capacity to tolerate the continuous pile on of a large number of TWEB regulars. MaxVel's very first post in that conversation came after pages of attacks. And he came in with both barrels blazing in full attack mode.
                  No, he didn't come in "full blazing attack mode". Here is his exact post.

                  Originally posted by Maxvel
                  "You at least sometimes initiate the personal attacks. Go back 3 pages on the board and look at your 'Can you still support him?' thread, where you attacked me ("naive") directly, as well as by implication in your general attack on people who don't instantly condemn Trump for everything he is supposed to have said or done.

                  You attacked the integrity of everyone else in this thread, as Teal has pointed out.

                  It's really too rich to see you then complaining about others attacking you. Maybe one day you can see that making blanket negative moral judgments on everyone who doesn't instantly agree with your opinions on Trump gives you no right to then complain about 'personal attacks'. Frankly, you get very little in return. MM and Pixie are the main ones who have lost patience with your style - throw out a general insult, then whine about 'personal attacks'. OBP, Sparko, Seer, CP, Adrift and others are very patient with you.

                  Grow up."
                  My original 'promise' to him involved the unfairness of my response to him in that context - the context of him not warrenting a harsh response. And it should be obvious it applied to serious attempts to engage in civil conversation. He entry into that second thread was no such thing and whatever promise I made regarding conversations in a spirit of goodwill simply would not apply in such a situation.
                  That wasn't what your "original promise" was, it was this.

                  Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
                  Well, i can tell you feel snubbed, and I am sorry about that.

                  But for the life of me what trump said is in my earlier posts and quoted in the articles Iinked to, and articles others linked to, so I could not fathom why you would be demanding a lengthy transcript from me when it was all there before you or a google away.

                  As for my prickly tone, this is a very hostile environment if one is not a Teump supporter,, and sometimes I make the mistake of assuming hostility. I'll be sure the next time you post to me, if you choose to do so, that I am less prickly.

                  It doesn't say he has to agree with you, or be the nicest person in the world. He was actually being objective about the situation. All he did was point out that you acted immature, and that you started the attacks in that thread. Which you did do.

                  The "I'm sorry you feel that way", kind of apology isn't a real apology anyway. It is a way to shift blame away from yourself, and onto the person you attacked.

                  Oh, and this is a debate board, when you make a claim the onus is on you to back it up. MaxVel understood this, which is why he asked you to back up your assertions about what Trump said.

                  Saying that you are currently acting immature can be done in a spirit of good will, and was done so by MaxVel. The very post I'm responding to now paints him as some kind of monster for stating that fact.
                  When you twist things so far from the truth, and people can just go and see it for themselves it makes you look immature, intellectually challenged, or worse, a liar. I know this sounds harsh, but sometimes the truth is harsh. You can either learn from it, or just stubbornly cling to a bad attitude. If you do the former, great, if the latter don't be surprised when people don't treat you with respect.

                  Your entire premise is without merit. I've violated no promises made, And there is no valid reason to doubt my sincerity in either case - my apology over carelessly addressing the wrong person, and my most resent apology addressing my part in potentially escalating this particular 'pile on Oxmixmudd' Summer season.
                  You attack anybody who disagrees with you in the slightest, even after issuing apologies for doing just that. You've done it to me, and you've done it to MaxVel. Every time you've done it you end up acting worse later on. Why should I expect anything different this time? I have plenty of reasons to doubt your sincerity on this apology, and given the wording of your own post my premise was not faulty. Given your own actions MaxVel was being polite, even if he said some stuff you didn't want to hear. His post did not warrant the kinds of attacks you subsequently launched on him and everyone else who disagreed with you and your previous actions on this forum.

                  My question to you is this: What exactly is your endgame? Do you have any intention of allowing me the opportunity to interact with the people on this website in the arena of ideas, or are you so enraged you simply will not allow that to happen?

                  I only want you to stop dishonestly misrepresenting my friends and I. You immediately take disagreement on any issue regarding Trump and paint those as disagreeing with you as unchristian. You did that to me when I disagreed only with your assertion that he was the "worst president ever". You did this in spite of the fact that I said I dislike Trump and disagree with many of his actions. If you want people to dislike Trump, then you are sabotaging your own efforts.

                  Right now you are acting like what you claim to dislike in other posts. You're using personal attacks, bullying, and emotional manipulation to try and turn people to hate Trump. These are the very things you say you hate about Trump. I keep hearing you weren't like this before, that you were a really good, and really intelligent person. I want to see the person I've heard so much about, and right now I don't see that. I know you seem to think I'm "completely full of hate", but just think for a second. If that is really what I am, why would I want that?


                  • Originally posted by oxmixmudd View Post
                    My question to you is this: What exactly is your endgame? Do you have any intention of allowing me the opportunity to interact with the people on this website in the arena of ideas, or are you so enraged you simply will not allow that to happen?
                    Jim, in a lot of ways I very much identify with how you feel you're being treated here, and I've said as much in a PM to you last year where I encouraged you not to let the forum get you down. I hate the tone and spirit of many of the posts here. I think the hatefulness, calling people stupid, dumb-ass, etc. (pretty much anything that isn't outright banned), the changing of user's names in replies (which I think ought to be banned outright), the use of digs, sarcasm, cynicism, and nastiness framed as "riposte," all of that is well beneath the Christian standard. It's contrary to how we ought to act, and how we're commanded to act especially to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. And if anyone knows what it feels like to be ganged up on this forum it's gotta be me. I spent years debating Christians on this forum about how to treat others, especially fellow members of the Body. I had massive knock down, drag out arguments with folks all over the forum, but especially in places like Christianity 201 and Tektonics. There were some debates where it was me versus what seemed like half the forum (and the forum had a lot of regular members at the time). I wasn't just name called, and awarded numerous "screwballs," but people got up close and personal. JP Holding, for instance, used my past in a cult as a launching platform for debasing me, and at one point even created a comic illustration based on my real likeness (my avatar at the time was my real face when I was sporting a mohawk), and I think the nickname I was given at the time was something like sir adaft, or something. Very few people ever came to my defense, or debated at my side, and those that did usually endured the same cruelty. A number of people on the forum that had some real pull, and that I got along with very well, mostly turned a blind eye to the treatment I was receiving, even if in private message they seemed to support me. It was really very discouraging. There was just enough good in the forum that made returning worthwhile, but I can honestly say that I had never encountered anything like this among Christians before this forum, and I'm so happy to see that, especially since the forum's turnover, a lot of that insanity has dissipated over the years. And over time, I've come to the realization that the people here who are comfortable with insult rhetoric are simply not going to change, no matter how solid the arguments against it are. So, all I was doing was wasting time.

                    But you know what I hated worse than my treatment on the forum? I hated when all of that insanity would rub off on me, and make me mean. Had me fighting fire with fire. Had me acting childish, snide, and cynical. I hated when I let this forum get to me, and I allowed myself to become the thing I was so against.

                    I love your passion, Jim, and like you I'm troubled by the Christian support for someone as morally compromised as President Trump. I think in the end that it will have major negative ramifications on evangelism, on politics, and further increase the divide between us and the rest of society. But, man, some times you make it hard to root for you. Your passion can often come across as emotionalism, and there does seem to be a strategy in many of your posts of attack, and then surprise and defensiveness when there's a counter-attack. You let this forum get to you, and it's not healthy for you man. It's very obviously getting to you on a very personal level. You need to step back once in awhile, and look at what you're going to post before you do so. And like me, you have to eventually learn that some people here are not going to change. That no matter how strong your arguments sound in your head, some people are just going to ignore them. I know you're the type who does not quit, who does not give up easily. I mean, this should be obvious to anyone who's ever seen you debate back in the day in NatSci (heck, there were times when I just had to give up mostly friendly debates with you simply because I just didn't have equal amounts of zeal on the subject). But my advice to you, for your own mental health, is to maybe take a break from this place. Maybe reassess your approach, or maybe come to the conclusion that there are better places to spend your time.

                    I love you man, and I'm not saying any of the above to reproach you, or to make you feel bad, but I'm concerned for you, and I don't want to see you burned out, and sounds like you're coming awfully close to that.
                    Last edited by Adrift; 08-12-2019, 09:41 AM.


                    • Saying something extremely stupid and "clarifying it" later doesn't make it OK. And she didn't admit she was wrong - she blamed the media - the next Monday.

                      In a news conference Monday night, she faulted the media, saying, "It is very unfortunate that members of your industry decided to mischaracterize my words and try to use it as a way to say that we were inciting violence."

                      As is typical with liberals, she said what she was actually thinking - it blew up in her face BIGTIME, and she had to walk it back. She totally BUMBLED the situation, typical of liberal 'leadership'.

                      And what were her words?

                      "I've made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech," Rawlings-Blake said Saturday as Baltimore roiled following the funeral of Freddie Gray, the black man who died in police custody April 19.

                      "It's a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well, and we work very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate."

                      The remarks about giving space to "those who wished to destroy" generated swift, strong criticism amid more than two dozen arrests, at least 15 police officers injured, and looting and arson in the city.

                      "Incompetent beyond belief," was one of the responses on Twitter. "The mayor of Baltimore should be charged immediately for inciting a riot," was another.

                      FIFTY YEARS of Democrat control has produced this "suffering great hardship", and Rawlings-Blake was part of that massive failure.
                      Last edited by Cow Poke; 08-12-2019, 09:48 AM.
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • It seems that Republicans love to throw dirt at black politicians. Nothing new there.


                        • Originally posted by firstfloor View Post
                          It seems that Republicans love to throw dirt at black politicians. Nothing new there.
                          It's not that they're black - it's that they're FAILED LIBERALS, you racist!
                          The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                          • Originally posted by dirtfloor View Post
                            It seems that Republicans love to throw dirt at black politicians. Nothing new there.
                            Is it possible for liberals to look past a person's skin color?
                            Some may call me foolish, and some may call me odd
                            But I'd rather be a fool in the eyes of man
                            Than a fool in the eyes of God

                            From "Fools Gold" by Petra


                            • Originally posted by Mountain Man View Post
                              Is it possible for liberals to look past a person's skin color?
                              I don't think I ever mentioned that she was black. Just that she was totally incompetent. Maybe, to these racist liberals, that equates with black?
                              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                              • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                                I don't think I ever mentioned that she was black. Just that she was totally incompetent. Maybe, to these racist liberals, that equates with black?


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