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  • Originally posted by carpedm9587 View Post
    If that is what you got from the post, then you might want to look into some reading comprehension courses...
    Yes, because you are the great communicator, and NOBODY here ever gets confused about what you're trying to communicate.
    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


    • Originally posted by carpedm9587 View Post
      Actually - I am hoping against hope that he is shown the door by a landslide in 2020.

      If he's home will be on the market the next day and I will be out of the country by the inauguration.
      Somehow I think that promise is as empty as you saying someone can have the last word.


      • Originally posted by Teallaura View Post
        I disagree. Frankly, Trump reminds me more and more of Reagan - who I only grudgingly admit was a better president than I'd given him credit for being. REALLY grudgingly.
        Reagan? Really?

        Originally posted by Teallaura View Post
        Anyway, I doubt the long term effects you foresee. Most people move on quickly - the effects you are talking about are largely self limiting to the base. In this case, to the far, far left base that many Democrats don't identify with at all.

        Trump isn't the issue - the Democrat Party is in serious trouble. Hating Trump gives them a desperately needed rallying cry - but what do they do when he's gone?

        They've lost their vanguard; the new 'candidates' for the position are eating each other and they have no plan that sells well. Obama ruined the chances of going single payer (thankfully!) and seriously set back healthcare as an issue. People care about it but they saw their costs skyrocket and they aren't keen for the next experiment. Climate change is a mess as a vanguard issue - even if you accept the premise, the US is incapable of stopping it alone. Reality keeps getting in the way and people aren't willing to destroy their own livelihoods to not actually save the planet. They are a joke in foreign policy - made worse by the recent one eighty on war policies that has irritated their moderates no end.

        The Court is showing definite signs of being more constructionist - which is bad news all the way around for Democrats. It is likely to undermine and overturn many of the 'accomplishments' of the Democrats - especially if Trump is re-elected and gets another appointment, both of which have a fair shot of happening. Then what to they run on? Trump's gone - everything they 'accomplished', including Obamacare, is gone - how do you appeal to the middle with that record?

        The rise of the Internet and the decline of the TV monopoly on media is a net benefit to conservatives - a lot of centrists really have no idea what conservatives actually believe and more exposure may very well increase conservative ranks. Millennials are in their 30's - the odds favor most of them becoming more conservative as time progresses - and the chances to be favorably exposed to conservative thought will improve those odds. Not to mention Fox being a ratings champion at the moment - it's milquetoast for conservatives but a safe peek in for centrists and liberals alike.

        Now, I will caveat that I'm not a prophet and I could be wrong. Heck, we could both be wrong and something else entirely develops. But that's part of what makes politics both fascinating and incredibly frustrating.
        Yeah - I think you're probably wrong on most of this, except the court. There is no doubt the court(s) has(have) skewed right, but that is a natural consequence of McConnell seat theft and the 2016 election. What is amazing to me is that McConnell is not even shy about noting that if a SCOTUS seat opens up in 2020, he will see to it that it is filled - completely exposing the lie of his 2016 claims. It's almost as if the Republican politicians have become so confident (or scared of Trump?), they don't even need to obscure the lies they tell anymore.

        What is happening today in the Democratic party is the same thing that happened in 2016 with the sea of Republicans: positioning and differentiating to secure the nomination. Yes, there is a rift in the Democratic party - but it's no better/worse than the rift in the Republican party that made it impossible for them to move on healthcare (or almost anything else) when they had both houses of Congress.

        As best I can tell, Trump is trying for a "Hail Mary" by trying to "tie Democrats to the Squad." I think his political calculus is flawed. That being said, I find the fact that the current gap between Democratic front runners and Trump is within single-digit percentage points more than a little dismaying. It does not say much for the United States I grew up in that Trump is not only president, but that close to half the electorate is cheering almost everything he does: good, bad, and very ugly.

        But you know, I realize I'm tired of Trump - and tired of the political climate. I think I'll go weed a garden and finish the course I'm writing. Then I might go see a movie.
        The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy...returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King

        I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong. Frederick Douglas


        • Originally posted by carpedm9587 View Post
          I'm actually already looking at Australia, Canada, Tanzania, and Belize as possible semi-permanent bases. I'm crossing my fingers none of it will be necessary and this country will come to its senses and put a stop to what is going on. We'll see...
          Yeah I hear Belize is nice.

          Gee, I wonder why the people running for their lives from Guatemala didn't head there instead?


          • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
            No, I am saying that communism always ends up being run by a dictator. Can you name one country that hasn't?
            Because, AFAIK, communism has always arisen from a dictator/totalitarian state. I know of no country where a democracy or representative democracy has freely selected a complete communist model. Do you? As I noted - totalitarianism/dictatorships naturally gravitate to communism fr its messaging. That does not mean communism is only consistent with a totalitarian state. Read Marx.

            Originally posted by Sparko View Post
            You were the one arguing that it is compatible with America's government and democracy.
            I am - and it is - if it is freely selected by the people of America.

            Originally posted by Sparko View Post
            I guess you are wrong. As far as a country democratically selecting communism? I would say the closest I can think of is Venezuela. Once Maduro was elected however, he became a dictator and it is no longer a democracy, but a socialist hell and a defacto communist country as the government owns the farms and production.
            I don't know enough about the history of Venezuela to make an informed response, so I'll leave the last word on this to you until such time as I can educate myself.
            The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy...returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King

            I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong. Frederick Douglas


            • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
              Yeah I hear Belize is nice.

              Gee, I wonder why the people running for their lives from Guatemala didn't head there instead?

              Belize is actually making a business of forming retirement communities to attract U.S. citizens. I have several friends that are doing that. I hope to visit them in the next year and see what it's all about.
              The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy...returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King

              I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong. Frederick Douglas


              • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                Ironically very un-American of him. He sounded more sympathetic to a Communist regime than a democratically elected second term of a guy who, while acting like a spoiled child most of the time, hasn't gotten us into any new wars, hasn't been impeached, and is still hedged by the Constitution's checks and balances. Ya gotta wonder how much someone truly cares about their nation if their willing to split when the politics of the day are ruffling their feathers. The people are the nation, and he's essentially saying that if Trump is reelected, he will no longer identify with the American people and their principles, and is looking for people he can identify with. If there's a proper definition of "unAmerican" it's gotta be that.

                There's plenty of good reason to move to another country. This isn't really one of them. I think assuming Trump wins, it's likely that long term it'll go very badly for Conservatives. I believe people will look back on this presidency as one they'll not want to repeat, and we'll see a dramatic swing to the left the prevents it from ever coming to fruition. That's one of the (many) reasons I'm anti-Trump. The right might get what they want short term, but I think it's going to cost them massively down the road.
                Which is why it is good that he can pack the SCOTUS, and another 4 years probably means at least one more seat (Ginsburg's), and maybe more Federal Judges.


                • Originally posted by carpedm9587 View Post
                  Belize is actually making a business of forming retirement communities to attract U.S. citizens. I have several friends that are doing that. I hope to visit them in the next year and see what it's all about.
                  There are a number of places like that in Central and South America. My CPA has moved to such a community, because he said he can live in what's comparable to a mansion with a yard man* for his social security check alone. All he needed for "proof of income" was his Social Security check. And there's an entire community of expats living there, so it's not like living in a "foreign country".

                  *ok, so he lives there with his wife, not with the yard man
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • Originally posted by carpedm9587 View Post
                    Oh, but it does. BTC.

                    [*]Many of us like a nation where access to voting is not restricted - the right wants to restrict it (in multiple ways)
                    Only to citizens. And live people.

                    [*]Many of us like a nation progressing on a path of equality for all - the right wants to reverse that trend and return to policies that denigrate/demean those they don't approve of.
                    That isn't true. We want everyone to have equal opportunity. NOT give certain groups "extra" equality and advantages.

                    [*]Many of like a nation that values women and their freedom - the right wants to reverse that and subjugate women (again) to the state
                    That's a complete falsehood. I have no idea where you got that from. Or are you considering telling women they can't kill their babies as "subjugating them to the state?"

                    [*]Many of us like a nation that cares for its poor and those less advantaged - the right wants to continue the process of destroying those programs and preventing any others
                    Again, untrue.

                    [*]Many of us like a nation that works with its allies and opposes its foes - Trumpians are undermining allies across the globe and praising strongman dictators
                    You mean COMMUNIST countries? The form of government you have been defending here? Trump is just being a diplomatic businessman, if they do what he wants, he gives them a pat on the back, but if they don't, he will be angry with them. Remember how he was mocking Kim when NK was threatening the USA with missiles? Then when he met with him and got Kim to back down, he is polite and gives him a compliment. That's just politics.


                    • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                      Only to citizens. And live people.
                      Picky picky picky!
                      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                      • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                        I mean, he can do whatever he wants. I don't care. But it's such an utterly childish response routinely trotted out when the guy in office is not the guy I want. It's just silly and over dramatic. But hey, whatever.

                        If I could afford it, I'd move back to Germany. Not a fan of their politics, and they have their own illegal immigration issues, but it's gorgeous, love the history, and the people.

                        Same here! Screw the politics, they have beer! and nonstop parties.


                        • Originally posted by carpedm9587 View Post
                          1) Americans have the right to elect who they wish to elect - this is a representative democracy.
                          2) If Americans re-elect Trump, it will tell me something about my fellow Americans, and I'd prefer to live elsewhere.

                          How, exactly, are these two positions inconsistent?
                          It doesn't seem to stop you from hanging out on theologyweb with us deplorables.


                          • Originally posted by Teallaura View Post
                            I disagree. Frankly, Trump reminds me more and more of Reagan - who I only grudgingly admit was a better president than I'd given him credit for being. REALLY grudgingly.

                            Anyway, I doubt the long term effects you foresee. Most people move on quickly - the effects you are talking about are largely self limiting to the base. In this case, to the far, far left base that many Democrats don't identify with at all.

                            Trump isn't the issue - the Democrat Party is in serious trouble. Hating Trump gives them a desperately needed rallying cry - but what do they do when he's gone?

                            They've lost their vanguard; the new 'candidates' for the position are eating each other and they have no plan that sells well. Obama ruined the chances of going single payer (thankfully!) and seriously set back healthcare as an issue. People care about it but they saw their costs skyrocket and they aren't keen for the next experiment. Climate change is a mess as a vanguard issue - even if you accept the premise, the US is incapable of stopping it alone. Reality keeps getting in the way and people aren't willing to destroy their own livelihoods to not actually save the planet. They are a joke in foreign policy - made worse by the recent one eighty on war policies that has irritated their moderates no end.

                            The Court is showing definite signs of being more constructionist - which is bad news all the way around for Democrats. It is likely to undermine and overturn many of the 'accomplishments' of the Democrats - especially if Trump is re-elected and gets another appointment, both of which have a fair shot of happening. Then what to they run on? Trump's gone - everything they 'accomplished', including Obamacare, is gone - how do you appeal to the middle with that record?

                            The rise of the Internet and the decline of the TV monopoly on media is a net benefit to conservatives - a lot of centrists really have no idea what conservatives actually believe and more exposure may very well increase conservative ranks. Millennials are in their 30's - the odds favor most of them becoming more conservative as time progresses - and the chances to be favorably exposed to conservative thought will improve those odds. Not to mention Fox being a ratings champion at the moment - it's milquetoast for conservatives but a safe peek in for centrists and liberals alike.

                            Now, I will caveat that I'm not a prophet and I could be wrong. Heck, we could both be wrong and something else entirely develops. But that's part of what makes politics both fascinating and incredibly frustrating.
                            Disagree with your disagreement.

                            The Democrat Party will very likely end up using the tactics used by the Trump and Republicans within this period to move one of their own in, and then lock down areas that at one time saw at least some bi-partisanship. The nation is becoming more polarized, not less so.

                            Obama didn't ruin healthcare for most people. Most folks didn't even register the change, or if they did it was a slight inconvenience. Like you, I work in the healthcare industry, and it really didn't impact our business or bottom line much (might have helped actually). If Obama hadn't pushed through his healthcare plan, the two sides would have remained deadlocked forever (as we saw last year, it's not like Republicans have a map they want to commit to anyways). At the very least, Obama primed the well, and showed that change isn't really as frightening as everyone was on about. Most of the world accepts human contributed climate change as a reality and real threat. It'll continue to be a vanguard issue for those who want to better the planet for their posterity, and I think Conservatives in America are finally coming around to the fact that something is happening.

                            The Court is a win today, but I believe that future generations will look back on this time and swing back heavily as a counter-reaction to Trump's administration. Any other Conservative president could have probably gotten away with packing the Court with Conservative judges, but Trump has dumped so much bad will, and I think will go down as one of the most reviled and most immoral presidents that I think future voters will seek petty retribution.

                            The internet is a FAR cry from a net benefit to Conservatives. Fox is a ratings champion because old conservatives have a hard time figuring out the internet outside of Facebook, and Fox TV and talk radio is something dinosaurs can still relate to. Meanwhile, tech savvy college kids, brainwashed by radical neo-Marxist, Postmodern professors, are echoing far left group-think far and wide on the internet. It's a place they're completely comfortable with.

                            If history is any indication, I have strong doubts that Millennials will become more conservative as time progresses, or that if they do, that conservatism will still look very left to anyone over 40.

                            No, I think the days are getting darker, and Trump is part of moving this nation and this world in that direction. I don't think he's the anti-Christ or anything. I don't think he's particularly evil as much as I think he's a scumbag. But I do think that he's going to be a fuse to a powder keg to something worse, just in the opposite direction.

                            In the meantime, us Christians can simply refocus our energies to those within reach in our local hemispheres, and do what Christians have always done. Display our love for God, and our love for our neighbor.


                            • Originally posted by carpedm9587 View Post
                              Because, AFAIK, communism has always arisen from a dictator/totalitarian state. I know of no country where a democracy or representative democracy has freely selected a complete communist model. Do you? As I noted - totalitarianism/dictatorships naturally gravitate to communism fr its messaging. That does not mean communism is only consistent with a totalitarian state. Read Marx.
                              Most communist dictatorships are put in place whole cloth via revolution. They don't become a totalitarian state that somehow chooses communism. It's a package deal.

                              I am - and it is - if it is freely selected by the people of America.

                              I don't know enough about the history of Venezuela to make an informed response, so I'll leave the last word on this to you until such time as I can educate myself.
                              So you have been pontificating all this time out of ignorance? I am not surprised. You suffer from a bad case of Dunning-Kruger syndrome.


                              • Originally posted by Adrift View Post
                                Disagree with your disagreement.

                                The Democrat Party will very likely end up using the tactics used by the Trump and Republicans within this period to move one of their own in, and then lock down areas that at one time saw at least some bi-partisanship. The nation is becoming more polarized, not less so.

                                Obama didn't ruin healthcare for most people. Most folks didn't even register the change, or if they did it was a slight inconvenience. Like you, I work in the healthcare industry, and it really didn't impact our business or bottom line much (might have helped actually). If Obama hadn't pushed through his healthcare plan, the two sides would have remained deadlocked forever (as we saw last year, it's not like Republicans have a map they want to commit to anyways). At the very least, Obama primed the well, and showed that change isn't really as frightening as everyone was on about. Most of the world accepts human contributed climate change as a reality and real threat. It'll continue to be a vanguard issue for those who want to better the planet for their posterity, and I think Conservatives in America are finally coming around to the fact that something is happening.

                                The Court is a win today, but I believe that future generations will look back on this time and swing back heavily as a counter-reaction to Trump's administration. Any other Conservative president could have probably gotten away with packing the Court with Conservative judges, but Trump has dumped so much bad will, and I think will go down as one of the most reviled and most immoral presidents that I think future voters will seek petty retribution.

                                The internet is a FAR cry from a net benefit to Conservatives. Fox is a ratings champion because old conservatives have a hard time figuring out the internet outside of Facebook, and Fox TV and talk radio is something dinosaurs can still relate to. Meanwhile, tech savvy college kids, brainwashed by radical neo-Marxist, Postmodern professors, are echoing far left group-think far and wide on the internet. It's a place they're completely comfortable with.

                                If history is any indication, I have strong doubts that Millennials will become more conservative as time progresses, or that if they do, that conservatism will still look very left to anyone over 40.

                                No, I think the days are getting darker, and Trump is part of moving this nation and this world in that direction. I don't think he's the anti-Christ or anything. I don't think he's particularly evil as much as I think he's a scumbag. But I do think that he's going to be a fuse to a powder keg to something worse, just in the opposite direction.

                                In the meantime, us Christians can simply refocus our energies to those within reach in our local hemispheres, and do what Christians have always done. Display our love for God, and our love for our neighbor.
                                I don't like this. I don't like this at all. Trying to find something, however, with which to disagree.
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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