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So what is this toxic masculinity thing anyhow?

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  • As I said, I remember the discussion well, no "selective quoting and misrepresentation" necessary.


    • Originally posted by Zymologist View Post
      As I said, I remember the discussion well, no "selective quoting and misrepresentation" necessary.
      Actually, there was some selective quoting and misrepresentation when Tassy kept throwing that poor gay man under the bus, falsely accusing him of defending NAMBLA.
      The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


      • Originally posted by JimL View Post
        For the same reason we make it a crime, because children are deemed to be unable to make reasoned choices and can be emotionally harmed. Thats why we have age of consent laws< Sparko.
        I agree Jim. And they can be physically harmed.

        If they are sane and having sex with children or even desiring it, then they are evil. Unless of course you think it is perfectly normal?
        You're a very simple minded fellow there, Sparko. For one thing, sanity has nothing to do with it, and why it is wrong I've already explained. Normal btw, is what we as a people determine to be normal. Sigmund Freud!
        "Why it's wrong" has nothing to do with the motivation behind what people who do it have, Jim. But they either are mentally ill (something is wrong with their brain) to want to do it, or they are just evil people. What other motivation can you come up with?

        My question wasn't what it is that you believe to be wrong, which is the question you answered. My question to you was why do you think a thing (such as pedophilia) is considered to be wrong?
        I agree with your answer Jim.
        I answered, now lets see if you can do the same without the evasion.


        • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
          Yet in my hypothetical NEITHER one had actually acted upon their urges.

          So according to your definition above, the one who has significant distress or impairment about their urges and knows they are wrong and who seeks out a therapist to get help is categorized as having a mental disorder.
          Yet the second guy who has the same urges, but is not distressed by them and actually enjoys fantasizing about having sex with children and PLANS on doing it one day soon, does NOT have a mental disorder.

          Do you see how reprobate and sick your claims are?

          Your claim is complete nonsense. And disgusting.


          • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
            I agree Jim. And they can be physically harmed.

            "Why it's wrong" has nothing to do with the motivation behind what people who do it have, Jim. But they either are mentally ill (something is wrong with their brain) to want to do it, or they are just evil people. What other motivation can you come up with?

            I agree with your answer Jim.
            Good, then you understand that pedophilia has nothing to do with ones sanity, it has to do with the law and the protection of children. Pedophilia could be the act of a perfectly sane person. Although after agreeing with me on this, you then go on to contradict yourself claiming it to be mental illness.


            • Originally posted by JimL View Post
              Good, then you understand that pedophilia has nothing to do with ones sanity, it has to do with the law and the protection of children. Pedophilia could be the act of a perfectly sane person. Although after agreeing with me on this, you then go on to contradict yourself claiming it to be mental illness.
              Says the boy who vigorously defended NAMBLA, and mocked the concept of age of consent.
              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


              • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                Good, then you understand that pedophilia has nothing to do with ones sanity, it has to do with the law and the protection of children. Pedophilia could be the act of a perfectly sane person. Although after agreeing with me on this, you then go on to contradict yourself claiming it to be mental illness.
                The reason pedophilia is wrong has nothing to do with one's sanity, true, but the reason there ARE pedophiles in the world does, Jimmy.

                A normal person doesn't want to have sex with children Jimmy. Do you agree with that?

                Anyone who does is not normal. They are either sane and evil or sick and insane. I can't think of any other motive for having such urges and desires. Can you?


                • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                  The reason pedophilia is wrong has nothing to do with one's sanity, true, but the reason there ARE pedophiles in the world does, Jimmy.

                  A normal person doesn't want to have sex with children Jimmy. Do you agree with that?

                  Anyone who does is not normal. They are either sane and evil or sick and insane. I can't think of any other motive for having such urges and desires. Can you?
                  You are confusing normalcy with sanity, one can be sane and have what we would call abnormal behavior. 'Normal is whatever society says it is.' Sigmund Freud!


                  • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                    You are confusing normalcy with sanity, one can be sane and have what we would call abnormal behavior. 'Normal is whatever society says it is.' Sigmund Freud!
                    A normal, sane person doesn't want to have sex with children Jimmy. Do you agree with that?


                    • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                      Yet, you seem to think that Sparko will be reduced to tears by the drama queen ranting of an anti-Christian bigot who routinely spews forth false allegations?
                      Did I say or imply he would be "reduced to tears"?

                      Tassman, you seem especially unstable today --- need a tissue?
                      You're hysterical today, reverend, get a grip.


                      • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                        Yet in my hypothetical NEITHER one had actually acted upon their urges.
                        But you erroneously claimed that one of them would
                        So according to your definition above, the one who has significant distress or impairment about their urges and knows they are wrong and who seeks out a therapist to get help is categorized as having a mental disorder.
                        Yet the second guy who has the same urges, but is not distressed by them and actually enjoys fantasizing about having sex with children and PLANS on doing it one day soon, does NOT have a mental disorder.
                        See above.

                        Do you see how reprobate and sick your claims are?
                        Your claim is complete nonsense. And disgusting.
                        Having fun?


                        • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                          A normal, sane person doesn't want to have sex with children Jimmy. Do you agree with that?
                          Again, you're equating normalcy with sanity. Sane people do what society deems abnormal all the time. Sane people have sex with children all the time, we call them pedophiles.


                          • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                            But you erroneously claimed that one of them would
                            No Tassman, you clearly said that only behaviors count. Planning is not a behavior, it is thinking. fantasizing, which you already said was normal, and was only a mental disorder if they were distressed about it.

                            So the guy who enjoys his pedophilic urges and fantasies does not have a mental disorder unless he actually does act on them according to you.


                            • Originally posted by JimL View Post
                              Again, you're equating normalcy with sanity. Sane people do what society deems abnormal all the time. Sane people have sex with children all the time, we call them pedophiles.
                              And are they good or bad sane people JimL?


                              • Originally posted by Sparko View Post
                                No Tassman, you clearly said that only behaviors count. Planning is not a behavior, it is thinking. fantasizing, which you already said was normal, and was only a mental disorder if they were distressed about it.
                                So the guy who enjoys his pedophilic urges and fantasies does not have a mental disorder unless he actually does act on them according to you.
                                Last edited by Tassman; 04-20-2019, 12:10 AM.


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