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So what is this toxic masculinity thing anyhow?

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  • Originally posted by Charles View Post
    Sadly you could provide nothing to show why or how the interpretation was right while I could provide good reason to doubt it.
    Do you actually have a point, or are you trying to NANNY this thread do death?
    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


    • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
      Do you actually have a point, or are you trying to NANNY this thread do death?
      My point, which I have repeated, is that the commentary MM provided says things that are not supported in the Bible. It is a convenient way to escape what the text says. Reread my post and comment on it if you want to discuss it. You would not need those personal attacks if you could just prove me wrong, would you?


      • Originally posted by Charles View Post
        My point, which I have repeated, is that the commentary MM provided says things that are not supported in the Bible.
        That is your opinion. Of course, you have to add your own commentary to get to your point, and you are nowhere near the subject matter expert that MM's source is.

        It is a convenient way to escape what the text says.
        What makes your interpretation any better than what MM offered?

        Reread my post and comment on it if you want to discuss it.
        I reread your uninformed opinion. Now what?

        You would not need those personal attacks if you could just prove me wrong, would you?
        I can respond to posts AND recognize you are an internet .
        The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


        • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
          That is your opinion. Of course, you have to add your own commentary to get to your point, and you are nowhere near the subject matter expert that MM's source is.
          Appeal to authority is not an answer and I still note that you have failed to adress my actual points. Calling my opinion uninformed and calling me a troll is not serious and not a worthy reply. If you cannot adress my actual points and only want to attack my person I will ignore your posts. If you want to discuss my actual points I will reply.


          • Originally posted by Charles View Post
            Appeal to authority is not an answer and I still note that you have failed to adress my actual points. Calling my opinion uninformed and calling me a troll is not serious and not a worthy reply. If you cannot adress my actual points and only want to attack my person I will ignore your posts. If you want to discuss my actual points I will reply.
            WAaaaaaannnnhhhhhhh... the internet is going to ignore my posts! WAAAAAAaaaaaannnnhhhhh.
            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


            • Originally posted by Charles View Post
              The Bible is pretty clear, it says: "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord."
              That is one translation.

              If wives submit to their husbands under certain conditions, under the eye of Christ,
              And where do you get this "under the eye of Christ"? You simply made it up!

              the situation does not compare to the situation in which they submit to Christ.
              And you continue the mumbojumbo....

              In that situation their submission is not under the eye of a higher authority but a direct relation. So you point to two situations that do not compare....
              You start with a scrambled misunderstanding of the scripture, then you're off to the races....
              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


              • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                That is one translation.

                And where do you get this "under the eye of Christ"? You simply made it up!

                And you continue the mumbojumbo....

                You start with a scrambled misunderstanding of the scripture, then you're off to the races....
                Shades of mickiel

                I'm always still in trouble again

                "You're by far the worst poster on TWeb" and "TWeb's biggest liar" --starlight (the guy who says Stalin was a right-winger)
                "Overall I would rate the withdrawal from Afghanistan as by far the best thing Biden's done" --Starlight
                "Of course, human life begins at fertilization that’s not the argument." --Tassman


                • Originally posted by rogue06 View Post
                  Shades of mickiel
                  Kinda sorta, yeah!!!
                  The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                  • Liberals: Waaaaannnnnnh, you guys aren't treating women as equals - you need to be nicer to them!!!
                    Liberals: Waaaaannnnnnh, you guys are treating women too nice - you have to treat them as equals!!!

                    (Hold on, Tassy is about to type something incredibly profound)
                    The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                    • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                      I'm not even remotely surprised at your deceptive mishandling of scripture. That sections goes on to say "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her". This in NO WAY is an "I'M THE BOSS" passage.
                      Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                      Homophobic? Are you trying to set a new low bar for idiocy on Tweb? You don't have to be a homosexual to be a DRAMA QUEEN, you idiot.
                      as characterized by homophobic bigots like you...who are you trying to kid, bigot?

                      I've already answered the questions. That you're too freakin STUPID or stubborn to get it is on you.
                      Nope. You evaded it, as is your custom.
                      Last edited by Tassman; 02-16-2019, 10:25 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                        Allow me to answer a question with a question. Why do you hold to the notion that "young children and babies fare better with their mothers", in an age when they men equal rights and status in virtually every regard to women*?
                        "Young children and babies fare better with their mothers" as a general rule, although there are some bad mothers and men often successfully nurture babies too. But women taking care of their babies is not ALL they do.

                        *yes, I rearranged that last phrase, because - after all - there's no difference whatsoever, right?


                        • Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                          And where do you get this "under the eye of Christ"? You simply made it up!
                          You might want to try with the truth the next time since "under the eye of Christ" is taken directly from the commentary I was commenting on. Look in MM's post where you find the exact quote: "Submissiveness is rendered by the wife to the husband under the eye of Christ, and so is rendered to Christ Himself." So feel free to claim I made it up but it is easy to prove you wrong.

                          It was my point that it was only in the commentary but did not fit the biblical expression. If you think it is "made up" then it seems you agree with my point. However that leaves me wondering why you felt the need to tell me "you are nowhere near the subject matter expert that MM's source is."

                          And finally we may return to my point and my reason why I don't believe the commentary really works:

                          The Bible is pretty clear, it says: "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord." If wives submit to their husbands under certain conditions, under the eye of Christ, the situation does not compare to the situation in which they submit to Christ. In that situation their submission is not under the eye of a higher authority but a direct relation. So you point to two situations that do not compare while the Bible actually "as you do to the Lord". If you submit to the Lord without it being under the eye of a higher authority but submit to your husband under the eye of a higher authority, you are simply not submitting to husband "as you do" to the Lord. Quite simple. So you provide an "interpretation" that is rather a contradiction of what the text says. It is convenient in its ability to find its' way around what the text actually says.

                          I assume you agree since you claim the "under the eye of Christ" statement is made up?
                          Last edited by Charles; 02-17-2019, 02:22 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Tassman View Post
                            "Young children and babies fare better with their mothers" as a general rule, although there are some bad mothers and men often successfully nurture babies too. But women taking care of their babies is not ALL they do.
                            So? Why are women GENERALLY better suited to care for children if women and men are the same?

                            I was obviously wrong when I said.....

                            Originally posted by Cow Poke View Post
                            (Hold on, Tassy is about to type something incredibly profound)
                            Have a Snicker!

                            The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                            • The same passage talks about Christians submitting to each other -- it sounds like you're thinking of BDSM or something rather than common courtesy.

                              as characterized by homophobic bigots like you...who are you trying to kid, bigot?
                              Correct - it's DRAMA QUEENS. I don't know if you're a homosexual or not, and I really don't care - your posts appear to be heavy on the drama and light on the facts.

                              Nope. You evaded it, as is your custom.
                              I answered the question - you can't deal with it, because you're too busy pitching hissies, as is your custom.
                              The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


                              • Originally posted by Charles View Post
                                You might want to try with the truth the next time since "under the eye of Christ" is taken directly from the commentary I was commenting on.
                                Calm yourself, Charles - I made a mistake - I misread, and thought you were attributing that phrase to the text of the Bible.

                                I assume you agree since you claim the "under the eye of Christ" statement is made up?
                                No, it's perfectly suitable for commentary.
                                The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.


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